S2 Chapter 30: A Champions Legacy!!
*The First battle had ended with a draw and Lane Valhalla was staring directly at Aiga with his Flare lit ablaze*
Lane: So Aiga Akaba, you really think you'll be able to defend that title for long? Your reign as the World Champion ends today!
Aiga: Try all you like but i will never ever lose to somebody like you.
*Athena watched from the crowd and stared down at Lane with worry and disappointment, she could feel his darkness from all the way in the crowd*
Athena: Lane...
Aiga: No matter what you say or do, i'll be the one who comes out on top here! I'll defend my title from you if it's the last thing i do!
Referee: Second Battle!!
*Aiga switches his bey into balance mode which featured no Sword or Shield and Dimension' was on the middle height in attack mode*
Lane: So he's going with no Sword or Shield, interesting..
Referee: Ready Set!!
3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!
*Both beys land in the stadium and Lucifer made a beeline for the center and Achilles comes swooping in for the blow*
Aiga: Alright Achilles! Show them what we're made of!!
*Achilles charges in and begins to deliver a frenzy of devastating attacks on Lucifer as it pinned it to the center of the stadium*
Lane: So you're going to try and burst Lucifer with speed are you? It's no use!!
*Lucifer tries to counter but Achilles wouldn't let it escape and knocked right back into the center*
Lane: W-What the-?! My attack didn't work!
Aiga: Full speed ahead Achilles! Send it flying with all you've got!!
*Achilles used its swords and sent Lucifer flying into the air with a fierce upper attack*
Lane: You're only fanning the flames to my fire, prepare yourself to be destroyed!!
*Lucifer was now on the move and it races onto the 2nd Level and Achilles dives from the 3rd one and falls right towards Lucifer*
Lane: Wait what?!
Aiga: Infinite Dive!!
*Achilles lands directly on top of Lucifer and knocked it high into the air with full force*
Lane: An aerial attack huh? Well you're not the only one who can deal an attack like that!
*Lucifer began to fall back down as its flare glowed to life and it lands directly on top of Achilles with full strength but Achilles had other plans*
Aiga: Do it, Infinite Attack!!
*Using its swords, Achilles sends Lucifer flying out of the stadium with a fierce attack*
Lane: Tch..!
Referee: Infinite Achilles, Over Finish! Aiga Akaba is awarded 1 point!
*The crowd burst into loud cheering and screaming and Lane looked down towards his fallen bey with pure hatred*
Lane: How... how did he manage to knock out Lucifer with an attack like that?!
*Aiga looked back over towards Lane and simply just stared at him as he began to remember what Athena had told him before the match*
Athena: Lucifer will definitely be aiming to break Achilles once again, i think i might have a way to avoid that.
Aiga: Really what is it?
Athena: Lucifer has no barrier anymore so its attack power has gone way up but it can also defend too. Not knowing what Lucifer will do first, it will probably be best to fight either on the defensive or go with no Sword or Shield.
Aiga: Why no Sword or Shield?
Athena: Because, Achilles is super fast without them and that can chip away its stamina and leave it vulnerable to a swift attack. Lucifer has incredible recoil when it attacks so it'll probably damage itself for the most part regardless of what mode you go with.
Aiga: Alright then, i'll see where that'll take me!
---Flashback Ends---
Aiga: Looks like going with Balance Mode was a smart idea but now i don't know what Lane is going to do now, i should probably go back into Infinite Shield.
*Aiga switched back into Infinite Shield and set his Dimension' Driver into Low Balance Mode! Aiga stared back up at Lane who started to laugh*
Aiga: What's so funny?
Lane: You really believe that Athena of all people provided you a good strategy to defeat me?! I knew based of how you were battling in both of those battles that she had a bit of input of in your plans.
Aiga: You can leave her out of this, she isn't apart of this battle!
Lane: Oh of course, but just know i won't be falling for any of your strategies again.
Referee: Third Battle!!
*Both bladers take their positions and Lane stared directly at him as his Flare began to glow with a evil light*
Lane: I'll knock out Achilles in this next battle and then next i'll destroy it just like i did Adeona!!
Referee: Ready Set!!
3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!
*Both beys land in the stadium once again and Achilles claimed the center as it went on the defensive*
Aiga: Alright, you know what to do! Infinite Guard!!
*Achilles defenses were put up and Lucifer comes charging in for the blow! Lucifers uses its spikes to try and break through the shields*
Aiga: Attacks like those won't work on us!!
Lane: Is that so?! Try again!!
*Lucifer races back in and begins to unleash a fierce onslaught of attacks on Achilles as it kept hammering at the shields*
Aiga: Achilles hold on tight!!
*Achilles was being hammered with vicious blows and it was starting lose momentum and fast!*
Lane: Now tear it apart! True Emperor Disaster!!
*Lucifer breaks through Achilles' defenses and knocks it into the air and slams against the stadium floor and burst*
Aiga: N-No way!!
Referee: Emperor Lucifer, Burst Finish! Lane Valhalla earns 2 points, the score is now 2-1!
*The crowd erupted into cheers once again as Aiga stared down at Achilles who had been burst from Lucifers overwhelming strength. Athena looks in horror at Lane who was starting to glow even brighter with his Flare*
Lane: How's that, Aiga Akaba!?
*Aiga just stared up at Lane as he picked up Achilles' pieces and put them back together*
Aiga: He managed to break through my defenses so now i have no choice but to use my last resort..
*Aiga looks over towards the crowd and looked where Athena was*
Aiga: For her sake, i'm going to finish this match my way!
*Aiga began to change his bey into Infinite Sword and he set Dimension' into Tall Attack Mode, he wasn't holding anything back this time*
Lane: Infinite Sword huh..? Looks like he's aiming to finish this here, well it's no use!!
Referee: Fourth Battle!!
*Both bladers take their positions and Aiga stared down Lane with fierce determination, his turquoise eyes glowing brightly as a golden streak of energy emerged from his iris*
Aiga: I'm going to end this!
Referee: Ready Set!!!
3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!
*Both beys land in the stadium once again and both beys rush for the center*
Lane: Beat the crap out of him, Lucifer!!
Aiga: We won't let you! Full power Achilles, show them what we've got!!
*Both beys collide with incredible force and bolts of purple and red electricity emits from the clash! Both bladers yell out as their auras began to burn with a raging intensity*
Aiga: We'll show you what it means to be the best in the world!!
*Achilles knocks Lucifer away and it was now on the move and Achilles chases after it and delivers another brutal attack*
Lane: That's it, give us even more! Attacks like those won't even satisfy Lucifer even a bit!!
Aiga: We're not going to satisfy you at all!!
*Lucifer and Achilles were locked in a fierce clash and both of them get sent flying back once*
Lane: After it Lucifer!!
*Lucifer speeds up and it slams into Achilles with full force and began to start pushing it back*
Lane: Break it!!
Aiga: Oh no you don't!!
*Achilles escapes as it climbs the slope of the stadium and it hits the rim of the stadium and starts to speed up greatly*
Aiga: We're gonna end this with a burst!!
*Achilles lets go of the rim as Lucifer speeds up too and both of them collide so hard that the stadium erupts with a ball of energy*
Lane: Lucifer!!
*Lucifer glows with its dark flare as it tilts on its Drift Driver and began to accelerate even more and races towards Achilles with full speed*
Aiga: Achilles!!
*Both beys collide and rings of wind shoot out of the stadium and both get sent flying once again! Achilles lands on the edge of the stadium as well as Lucifer and both of them were locked in a fierce head to head clash*
Aiga: I won't let you destroy me, not again!!
Lane: Just give up already, there's no possible you can win!!
*Achilles and Lucifer clash with full force and Aigas hair began to glow with a burning orange color and his eyes began to glow with a red light*
Achilles: Aiga, let's go!!
Aiga: Yeah! LET'S GOOOO!!!!
*Achilles blasts straight through Lucifer and sent it flying and it burst from the attack. Lane looked in shock as the pieces of his bey flew in front of his face*
Lane: What just... happened..!
Referee: Infinite Achilles, Burst Finish!! Aiga Akaba wins with a score of 3-2 and remains the champion!!
*The crowd burst into loud cheers and confetti shoots out of the ground! Aiga ties his hair back again and he looks toward the crowd where Athena sat and he smiles*
Athena: He did it.. he really did it!
*Lane picked up the pieces of his bey and walked out, unamused and Aiga watches him go*
---A Little While Later---
*Athena was alone in the Cruise Ship training rooms and she watched as her Adeona raced around the stadium with its newfound power*
Athena: Lane may have lost today but there is still that new Lucifer evolution he's planning.. i feel like even though Aiga won, this isn't the end.. Lane is gonna come back even stronger than ever..
*Adeona lost all of its momentum and it stopped spinning in the stadium, Athena retrieved her bey and she noticed Aiga coming in*
Athena: Aiga!
Aiga: Well, what did you think of the battle?
Athena: It was amazing! You defended your title of champion and thats all that matters!
Aiga: Agreed.
Athena: You agree also?
Aiga: Yeah, i'm not sure how i would feel if Lane took the title.
Athena: Lane would do so many terrible things under the title of champion and there is a Lucifer evolution right around the corner.
Aiga: Oh yeah, i forgot about that.. we should really start training in the event that we have to fight it.
Athena: Yeah, let's go!
*Both of them walk up to the stadium and their training regimen was on*
*Lane Valhalla had returned to his abandoned factory with his head hung low and the moment he entered, he looked up and saw Ashtem and a few Snake Pit technicians standing in the room, the same capsule where he made Emperor Lucifer was also in there.*
Lane: What..?! What is this?
Ashtem: Well, i saw the battle that you had with Aiga today and you lost and quite frankly, i'm very disappointed in your performance today. If i'm going to be honest, i already knew you were going to lose so i brought the Project: Shadow Capsule here and got it set up to be used.
Lane: Why?
Ashtem: I had also noticed that you have not used the Devils Mark in any of your matches so far.
Lane: I only use it when i need to, i didn't need it against Athena or Aiga both!
Ashtem: Maybe not against Athena but you definitely needed it against Aiga, you lost badly to him! If you had used the Devils Mark in that fight then things might have been different!
Lane: I had things under my control, Aiga taking me by surprise with a surge of power is not on me!
Ashtem: And yet you call yourself the "Jet-Black Sun"!? Your flare was weak in that battle!!
Lane: weak? WEAK?!!
Ashtem: Before you take hopefully your final dose of Project: Shadow, you are going to destroy your own bey.
*Lane stared at Ashtem shocked at what he wanted him to do.*
Lane: Destroy.. Lucifer..?
Ashtem: You're going to make a new bey anyway and besides, that bey is worthless now.
Lane: Worthless..?!
Ashtem: A bey that has lost no longer has any value, Emperor Lucifer is worthless. But i'll give you some time to think about it, for once i'll cut you some slack and you don't have to take the Project: Shadow dose again but i better start seeing results from you or else its into the capsule you go.
*Ashtem and his technicians walk out of the factory and they leave for the day, Lane looks down at his new Lucifer which was glowing brightly*
Lane: Lucifer... i think it's time now, the time we evolve.
*Lane walked over to the work bench and 1 fragment of every bey he had ever destroyed rested on the table and they all started to glow with their respective color*
Lane: Valkyrie, Spriggan, Achilles, Longinus, Fafnir, Diabolos, Ragnaruk, Hyperion, Helios and lastly.. Adeona! Every last one of you have the honor of being apart of my new glorious creation.
*Lane smiled wickedly as the process to making a new Lucifer was now beginning*
*Athena sat down at the Sparking Arena training center and she cleaned off her gear.*
Athena: Adeona, Aigas battle today with Lane was absolutely incredible and it really just made me respect Aiga even more.. i'm curious to see what kind of bey Lane ends up making.
*Adeona shines and Athena just smiles*
Athena: Yeah, either way we are going to win for sure.
---That Evening---
*Athena walked back onto the Cruise Ship and she headed into one of the training rooms and saw Free De La Hoya standing at one of the stadiums*
Athena: Free..!
*Free looked up from his training and turned towards her*
Free: Oh its you again, what is it now!
Athena: Well i want to be ready for the next time Lane strikes so i thought maybe you could help me.
Free: Lane huh? Alright then, i'll help you out.
Athena: Sweet!!
*Both bladers get set up and Free simply just stares at her*
Free: Valt says you have completely changed for the better since the Snake Pit... i believe him but you are going to have to prove that to me yourself.
Athena: And i will, i won't let you down!
*Free nods and a small smile goes across his face*
Free: Alright then, let's do this!
3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!
*Both beys land in the stadium and Fafnir took the center as it spun pretty slowly*
Athena: So he's gonna play the "absorbing my spin" game and maybe even go for a slo-mo burst.. With Adeona apart of the Spark-Drive System, a Slo-Mo Burst is next to impossible!
Free: Now bring it on, show me what you can do.
Athena: You got it! Adeona, get in there!!
*Adeona slams into Fafnir with full speed as it absorbed a bit of its power and started getting faster*
Athena: Once more! Attack even more!!
*Adeona began to fire a fierce volley of strikes and Fafnir was getting faster and faster*
Free: Looks like this is over..
*Adeona hits the rim of the stadium and it accelerates even more*
Free: 3... 2... 1...
*Adeona slams into Fafnir as its lock quickly moves forward but it strikes the burst stopper that was deployed upon launch*
Free: What? it didn't burst?
Athena: Sovereign Adeona is apart of the Spark-Drive System. on a strong shoot, Adeona deploys a burst stopper and it can prevent bursts.
Free: Prevent bursts you say?
Athena: And that isn't all my Adeona can do!
*The Barrage' Driver activated and it shrunk down to its rubber plate and it speeds up greatly*
Free: It's so fast.. no matter, Fafnir!
*Fafnir climbed the slope of the stadium and it collides head on with Adeona and get sent flying back from the clash*
Athena: Adeona!! Sovereign Symphony!!
Free: Fafnir! Mirage Claw!!
*Both beys collide and the stadium was filled with a purple and yellow light as both beys clash and disengage from the blow*
Free: End this Fafnir!!
*Fafnir retakes the center as Adeona races around the slope of the stadium as it began to glow with its Flare*
Athena: Adeona!!
Athena: Alright now, let's shine!!
*Athenas Flare swirled around her and sparkles began to glow and shine around her Flare, Free looked on in surprise at the overwhelming light that was coming off of her*
Free: Looks like you were right about yourself after all..
*Adeona comes charging in for the attack as its rubber blades glowed*
Athena: Once more, Sovereign Symphony!!
*Adeona uses its rubber blades to knock Fafnir away and it hits the wall and bursts from the impact, Free watches in shock as Fafnirs parts fell to the floor with a clang*
Athena: Alright, we did it!!
*Free simply smiles as he picked up his bey and started to leave*
Athena: Hey Free, thanks for battling with me!
Free: Maybe she isn't so bad after all...
---Meanwhile, Back At Lanes Factory---
*Lane was now starting the evolution process as he placed his bey and the broken fragments of other beys into a crucible and lowered it into a pool of lava, he could feel the heat of the lava matching the heat of his Flare from where he stood*
Lane: Lucifer.. soon we'll be stronger than anyone, and we'll show the world our true power!
*Lane smiles has his eyes began to glow with a purple energy and the crucible that held Lucifer was fully submerged into the lava pit, and the process to evolving Lucifer had finally begun*
Next Chapter: Full Powered Mastery! A Battle On A Stormy Night!!
Wanting to have a solo 1 on 1 with Athena, Aiga takes Athena to an undisclosed location for a battle but weren't prepared for the possibility of stormy weather.
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