S2 Chapter 2: The Black Dragons Perfect Circle! Panic Bahamut!!

*Both Adeona and Bahamut land in the stadium with loud thuds, Bahamut takes the center as Adeona races around the stadium at top speed*

Boa: Alright, show me what you're capable of!

*Adeona comes in for the attack, its blades glowing*

Athena: Now, Guardian Strike!!

*Adeona deals a major attack that sends Bahamut reeling back, however the only thing it did was cause its lock to advance forward some but even Boa knew that wasn't going to work on his Bahamut. It claimed the center once more pretty much unaffected*

Athena: Wait, it withstood it?! Tch.. Keep going!!

*Adeona continued its onslaught as Bahamuts lock moved even more, and this time something different happened*

Boa: Transform! Panic Guard!!

*The moment Bahamuts lock moved again, 2 emerald green blades extend from the Panic blade and it made Bahamut more circular and increased its defenses*

Athena: Wait it got rounder?!

Boa: Don't tell me that's all you've got!

*Athena looked at Boa surprised as his aura began glow around him, a fierce look overcame his face as the avatar of Bahamut loomed over him*

Athena: We won't let it end here, we're just getting warmed up!!

*Adeona races forward and it gets on the upper deck and lands in one of the speed cradles to gain speed*

Athena: Alright, here we go!! Go, Adeona!!

*Adeona gains so much speed as it looked like it was about to break the sound barrier*

Athena: Now get in there!! Guardian Strike!!!

*Boas' eyes flashed as his aura glowed to life*

Boa: It's time! Panic Bahamut!!

*Adeona clashes into Bahamut hard but using the ring on its Guard driver, it manages to escape and race around the stadium to prepare for a counter attack*

Athena: Wait what?!

Boa: End this, Panic Crush!!

*Bahamut redirects itself back towards the center, clashes with Adeona with incredible force and burst it with little to no effort at all. Athena gasps in shock as the pieces of Adeona flew in front of her face*

Athena: No way.. that's incredible!

Boa: So it's over..

*After a little bit, Boa finally began to explain more of the Snake Pit and his past experience with Lane Valhalla and the mysteries of Project: Shadow*

Boa: I had been going back to the Snake Pit for some time now to get information about what they're doing, as i was searching.. i came across Lane Valhalla and Project: Shadow..

Athena: What happened?

Boa: I found out a lot more about Project: Shadow, apparently it bonds the Blader and Bey to a dangerous level and affects the Bladers genetics with a mark that corrupts their body and mind which explains the Devils Mark on Lanes shoulder..

Athena: How is it activated?

Boa: It opens up when it responds to the bladers deepest darkest desires, however from my research it can evolve to a deadly level.. it could possibly be fatal if it gets to its highest point.

Athena: I see, but you said you knew Lane, what relations do you have with him.

*Boa looked away as he looked down at Bahamut which glowed a purple aura*

Boa: Before i left the Snake Pit recently i had a battle with Lane and it didn't go well.

*Boa reached into his back pocket and he pulled out his old bey, Arc Bahamut which had now been split in half! Athena looked at the dismantled bey in shock as she knew Lane was the one was who destroyed it*

Athena: Lane did it, didn't he..?

*Boa nods as he puts the pieces back in his pocket as he picked up his Panic Bahamut*

Boa: He did, and i hate to tell you this but.. he isn't doing good.

Athena: What do you mean "He isn't doing good"?

Boa: He is a lot more insane and deranged than he was when you faced him a month ago, i'm sorry but he is too far gone to be brought back..

Athena: You're wrong!! He can still be brought back, i know it!

*Boa looked at her in surprise but closed his eyes and sighed*

Boa: If only you knew, he's not the same person you knew before.. i even overheard that they are containing him in an asylum like room within the Snake Pit unless they need him, it's that bad.

Athena: What the hell have they done to him?!

Boa: He was already a monster but now, Ashtem has pretty much turned him into a weapon.. but the Snake Pit was already known for weaponizing its bladers anyway.

Athena: There must be some way to bring him back, do you have any ideas.

Boa: The Lane you knew before in your childhood is buried within all that darkness and is locked by the Devils Mark which again is the final result of the Project, getting him back will not be easy without gaining his respect.

Athena: What must i do?

Boa: Well strength and power is the only thing the Snake Pit recognizes and respects, Lane has sucked up the ideologies of that hell so beating him in a one-on-one is probably the only way.

Athena: Well i tried that one month ago and it didn't work, is there any other options?

Boa: Well unless you have any options, it's the only way. and besides, you've defeated him before so what's stopping you now?

Athena: Well if he got stronger like you say he did, then i don't think i'm ready to face him again any time soon.

*Boa nodded, he began to turn to walk away*

Boa: I admire your dedication and confidence, i wish i had that back then.

*Boa left the arena and Athena was all alone, Athena picked up the pieces of her bey as a familiar legend entered the arena: it was Aiga*

Athena: Aiga!

Aiga: How's it going?

Athena: It's going well, i'm done training for the day so what do you want to do?

Aiga: I actually wanted to show you to my house, i don't think you've ever been but it'll be nice as it'll be a different experience compared to the city.

Athena: Alright, then let's go.

*Athena and Aiga walked through the forest and after about 20-25 minutes of walking, both of them reach Aigas home*

Athena: So this is your home..

Aiga: Yep, i have the greatest family ever.

*Athena notices a statue in the front yard, it was the statue of Achilles*

Athena: Is that..?

Aiga: The legendary Achilles, he's a greek hero who won the trojan war. He's amazing isn't he?

*Athena stared in awe at the statue, almost mesmerized by it. Aiga began to bring her into his home*

---In the darkest reaches of Mexico, the Snake Pits spire pokes through the top of the forest---

*Lane Valhalla walks into the main room and Ashtem stood in front of the Project: Shadow capsule*

Lane: You wanted to see me?

Ashtem: Why yes, We have modified Project: Shadow to a greater degree so now, it'll be able to manufacture beys.

*Lane looked at the capsule in awe, he looked down at his Lucifer The End as memories of his battle with Athena came rushing back.*

Lane: You want me to get in there again?

Ashtem: That is for you to decide, only you can control your fate.

*Lane looked at the capsule and thought for a moment, memory flashes of Athena ran through his head as he shook them away! He walks up to the capsule and gets in*

Lane: Activate this thing, now!

*Two technicians come over and get him set up and closed the capsule*

Ashtem: Set the thing to maximum power, he's ready..

*The capsule turned on as it began to glow and whir loudly as bolts of electricity run over the poles supporting the capsule. Lane closed his eyes as the project began to run its course*

---Later that night in Japan, Athena and Aiga stare up at the stars together, they sat right next to the Achilles statue---

Aiga: The stars are beautiful aren't they?

Athena: Yeah it's REALLY beautiful.

Aiga: Yeah, Japan has the best night sky.

*Athena looked up at the towering Achilles statue*

Athena: So what's the point of the Achilles statue?

Aiga: Achilles is one of my biggest idols in the entire world, it stands here as a symbol of my success and all my accomplishments but of course, I can't take all the credit.. I wouldn't have made it as far as I did without the guidance of Achilles and the help of my friends. In fact, you ought to meet them.

Athena: You mean the Legends aren't the only friends you have?

Aiga: No, I'm talking about the ones who helped me out with my journey. You already know of Valt, Ranjiro and Shu but I don't think you've met Fubuki or Suoh yet?

Athena: You mean Fubuki Sumie and Suoh Goshuin?! The legendary members of Beigoma Academy?!

Aiga: That's them. I also heard you met Tokonatsu as well.

Athena: Yeah, I met him a few weeks before the Legend League.

*Aiga smiled and looked down at his bey: Infinite Achilles.*

Athena: You thinking about something?

Aiga: It's nothing, I promise.

*Aiga smiled and got to his feet, Athena began to go*

Aiga: You know, you can stay here for the night If you want to. I can take you back to town tomorrow.

Athena: Really, are you sure?

Aiga: I mean, where else are you going to sleep?

*Athena nodded and went inside and went to bed*

---The Next Day, Aiga had taken Athena back to town and to the Sparking Arena to train---

Athena: I really enjoyed last night, I had fun spending time with you again.

Aiga: yeah, it's great to have you back.

*they walk into the training center of the arena and Shu and Boa were already there*

Athena: S-Shu?!..


Next Chapter: Spriggan Returns!!

Shu is challenged by Boa once again as Athena and Aiga watch. Meanwhile at the Snake Pit, The second Project: Shadow dose on Lane takes a turn as his mind began to wander on other things..

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