Story 14: Unnamed Title (Female Reader)

{A/N: I take no credit for the photos/images that you are about to see, and all credit goes to there respected creators/artist. Also story and concept are entitled to change. Also shout out Fr1edWe1rd0 for the idea.} 

Summery: Y/n Scarlatina was your typical friendly faunus that acted more of a big sister to most of the Union Academy students and staff. After being born she was just an ordinary faunus with no Quirk, Semblance or Powers to speak of. However what she lacked in powers she made up for it in her IQ. Fallowing her Grandfather Jack's footsteps. At the young age 5 she had already started building her own inventions despite looking so young. Jack even noticed that she had potential and started teaching her in the ways of making inventions, mixing chemicals, and so on. He even bought her books that seemed to advance for her age, but she still understood them with great ease. 

After her younger sister, Velvet was born the two grow even closer. Even after Velvet had enrolled in to U.A. she started introducing her older sister to her friends. She even meet Demon's thanks to Sirzechs Lucifer, who is one of the founding headmasters of U.A. Going even out of his way to introduce her to the other two headmaster's of U.A. Ozpin and Nezu. The three of them wanted her to join them at U.A, but she respectfully decline their offer, do to the fact that she was already working with her Grandfather making inventions to help people across the world.

During an expedition to the Emerald Forest, with her Grandfather. Y/n being left to explore the forest she came across a strange dark purple crystal, that was roughly around 10 inches. After sharing her findings with her Grandfather, the two sat out to make experiments with it. After having the higher-ups approve of the experiments they started doing the first test run.

During the test run everything way normal, and all seem good. But just as everything was about to finish an earthquake shock the lad, and made the experiment unstable. As the experiment started to lose control, it caused a large explosion that took not only the lab, Jack, and Y/n, but it also took several innocent bystanders.

Despite the fact that the crystal was lost, all of the staff that worked in the lab had lost their lives in the ensuing explosion. It was only after waking up in the hospital that it was revealed that one person had Survived, Y/n. Jack had shielded her from the blast at the last possible moment, but at the cost of his life.

Despite having had lost the people that worked with her, she still tried her best to live up to Jack's dream of trying to help the people around her. After finally being released from the hospital several of her friends and family came to try and help her move on from her grief. And so she did.

3 Week Time Skip

Three weeks after the explosion, a mysterious figure calling themselves, Theta started making its move, with no regard as to why. But one thing was clear from them, they wanted nothing but trouble.


Name: (Y/n) Scarlatina
Hair Color: Long, brown hair tied to a high ponytail
Eye Color:
• (E/c) [Before]
• Black eyes with Red pupils [After]
Appearance: She mostly uses glasses or contact lenses to hide the color of her eyes.

Race: Rabbit Faunus
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 172 cm [5'8"]
Weight: 58 kg
Title: Genius IQ.3,000
• Will Scarlatina [Father]
• Meg Scarlatina [Mother]
• Jack Scarlatina [Grandfather]
• Velvet Scarlatina [Younger Sister]

Likes: Union Academy, Using her intelligence and inventions for good, Her sister/family, Helping others, Sweets, Cooking, Reading books about scientific research, and Learning new things.

Dislikes: Violence, Her friends and family getting hurt, People that are all bronze and no brains, Grimm's, Faunus haters.

Weapon: Cross Code

• Cross Code: A pistol that she made to only work for her. When in use the pistol can change from elemental dust like: ice, fire, lightning and etc. It also has a safety mechanism that when some else other then Y/n uses it, it locks itself preventing them from using it. As for the reload or ammo that it fires, well to put it in simpler terms "infinite ammo".

Semblance: None. She might not have a semblance, but she makes up for it with her vast knowledge, scientific research and creations.

Other Abilities:

• Night vision: Thanks to her faunus traits she is bale to see fine in the night.

• Excellent Hearing: She is able to hear from far away.

Interested in all things unknown: Living in a world filled with Demon's, Grimm, Villains and Heroes, she has made it her life's work to learn as mush about the unknown.

IQ 300!?: She has a seemingly unending encyclopedic of knowledge all in her head. She is even well versed in chemistry, physics, engineering, geology, biology, mathematics and so much more. She even went to do an IQ test just to see what she would get out of it, but in the end it left people more speechless as she got a perfect score. She even did it several more times just to make sure that it wasn't some joke, and lo and behold, she got a perfect score. 

BIO: Velvet's older sister, and a scientist that works near Union Academy.


Name: Theta

Race: [Unknown]
Gender: [Unknown]
Title: [Unknown]

BIO: A mysterious figure that appeared three weeks after the explosion occurred. It is unclear who the person is, or what they want, but they seem to be hunting for something.

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