Epilogue- First Anniversary

Over the next few months things were up and down. Kristen was having a hard time adjusting to Stevie being the new Mrs Buckingham, but she seemed to be the only one as their children were dealing with everything with such ease. Kristen avoided calls from Stevie at times when she would invite her over for dinner. She was still hurt by the affair and Lindsey ultimately going back to Stevie permanently. Though she had been angry and filed, she didn't believe that she and Lindsey would really divorce. Lindsey moved on and though Kristen tried to date around, she really had no interest.

Jenna came over often as well, with and without Carol Ann. Surprisingly, they all became great friends: There were parties and nights out, but on the flip side, there were also nights in, candle lit dinners or movies watched in their pajamas. Lindsey's children were all welcome and came to spend time with both he and Stevie regularly. Even Jenna's boyfriend would come over to work with Lindsey in the home studio to swim laps in the pool.

Stevie enjoyed having a family life like this, better late than never, she thought. She would make huge, elaborate Sunday brunches and invite everyone ever. There were drinks and comfortable, animated conversation. Lindsey loved seeing this side of her again and it felt just like old times. Their love grew exponentially and their passionate never extinguished. When they were alone, Lindsey enjoyed this time a lot. They would exchange massages, kiss, cuddle in bed or on the sofa downstairs in the living room. Days were easy with her and he could openly be affectionate with her any time he desired, which he loved most of all.

As time passed, everyone seemed to relax and be more natural around the couple. They soon saw that nothing really changed, they were still the same people. They had their own interests and activities and though they enjoyed being close, they weren't attached at the hip. Kristen finally came around recently as well, now dating a man Stevie had set her up with. He wasn't a musician, but a producer and he was absolutely perfect for her. She seemed to be enjoying discovering someone new. The kids liked him too so it seemed like a win for everyone. She wasn't so uptight at social events and she glowed Wong happiness. Lindsey was glad to see her happy with someone, though he couldn't help the pang of jealousy he felt when she was hanging all over him, laughing at all of his dumb jokes. That is something he would have to work on.


Jenna would be there in 15 minutes to pick Stevie up for a last minute shopping trip. She had yet to find a dress for their anniversary party. She was looking for something white and opted not to have Margi make her something. She was kicking herself right now. She applied a simple makeup look, spritzed herself with perfume and fluffed her hair before heading downstairs. Jenna was early, sitting in the living room with her dad, talking excitedly about something she couldn't make out.

"You're here!" Stevie exclaimed, hugging the woman.

"I am."

"Go on, tell her" Lindsey urged, rubbing his hands together.

"Oh no, are you two scheming?" Stevie asked and they laughed.

"No, he proposed!"

"Oh that's wonderful! Congratulations!" She hugged Jenna again, dying to see the ring. It was quirky and non-traditional, perfectly suiting the couple. "Is he still going by Beau?"

Lindsey chuckled. "He's decided to use his real name"

"Which is?"

"Charles" Jenna said.

"That's a perfectly fine name. I don't know why he didn't use it to begin with." Lindsey said and Stevie agreed, nodding. "Anyway, I know you ladies have things to do so don't let me stand in your way. I will be in the studio. Call me if you need me, but I'm sure you won't."

"Oh, is someone feeling left out?" Stevie stroked his face lovingly. "I will make it up to you later, precious"

"And that's enough" Jenna said, taking Stevie's other hand in her own. The older blonde giggled, kissing her husband goodbye and going out to Jenna's car.

"Rental?" Stevie asked.

"No, it's new. I bought it. Thought we would need something larger."

"Mmm" Stevie said, giving Jenna a knowing look.

"God, you're just like dad!" Jenna said, backing out of the driveway.

"Is there anything else you need to tell us?"

"Not yet, no."

Stevie smiled to herself and Jenna turned up the radio in an attempt to avoid conversation, amusing her even more. They stopped at several shops, seeing many viable options but couldn't decide. They decided to break for lunch, then go back with fresh eyes a little later. Stevie watched Jenna carefully and the younger woman could feel her eyes on her.

"So how have you been?" Stevie asked, making casual conversation.

"Good. Obviously, the engagement is one of the most exciting things going on in my world right now."

"Understandably." Stevie took a sip of her coffee, still looking at Jenna.

"Okay, I'll spill" Jenna said, "But you can tell anyone until after your party. I haven't even told my mom."

"I swear."

"Not even dad."

"I promise. I will let you say it."

"It's true. I'm pregnant and we're really excited." Jenna told her and Stevie's eyes welled up with tears.

"I'm so happy for you. I feel like I've watched you grow up even though I have only known you for a short time. You're in love, getting married and having a baby. Oh, your father is going to be thrilled!"

Jenna takes her hands across the table. "And you'll be just as important as my mom and dad. You'll be a grandma too."

"Don't send me over the edge" Stevie said, laughing. "I never thought...I didn't have children of my own..."

"I'm your stepdaughter. You're so close to me, I love you and you will have such a big role in my child's life."

"I love you too. Thank you." Jenna stroked the back of Stevie's hand. "Now I just have to keep my mouth shut."

The women laugh, wiping tears. "I've shared it for the first time and it feels so good to say it to someone, especially you. I know you'd be so happy and so supportive. I feel like I want to tell the world now."

"Tell everyone at dinner tomorrow night."

"I couldn't, it's your day."

"No, please. I would be so happy to share the celebration with you. Plus, it will keep me from blabbing."

Jenna laughs again. "As long as you're sure."

"I am. I can't wait to see Lindsey's reaction."

"I can't either"

They pay their bill and head back to the shop, bringing home the dresses they had chosen. When they walk inside the house, it's quiet. Lindsey is obviously home but must still be in the studio.

"Can you be here at about five or six tomorrow? I would love for your help setting up."

"It's my pleasure. Charles can come too, right?"

"Of course! He's family."

Jenna smiled, hugging her stepmother one last time. "Tell daddy I said good night?"

"Will do. Goodnight, honey. See you tomorrow"

"See you" Jenna left again and Stevie removed her shoes, padding toward his studio, beaming with joy over her secret knowledge. She knocked on the door and was let in by Lindsey who still sat at his mixer with headphones on. He looked up at her and took them off, placing them down on the board.

"Hey" he said. "Successful shopping?"

"Yes, very successful." Stevie said, nodding. She had a certain sparkle in her eye and Lindsey smirked.


"Nothing. Just came to see how you were doing. You're not going to be in here all night, are you? I wanted to spend some time with my very sexy husband."

"I think I can arrange that." he said, motioning for her to sit in his lap. He kissed her tenderly on the lips, looking into her eyes. "How's Jenna?"

"She's fabulous." Stevie said, still positively glowing.

It was quiet a moment as he studied her, making her slightly uncomfortable. "Charles came by briefly and told me this afternoon, you don't have to hold it in."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know full well what I'm talking about, Mrs. Buckingham." He nipped at her neck, kissing the soft flesh there afterward.

"Are you excited?"

"About you or about..."

"You know, the baby."

"I'm very excited. We're going to be grandparents! That kind of news could make a man feel old but you, my dear, keep me young."

"How's that?" she rasped, pressing a passionate kiss to his lips, her tongue begging for entrance. He grants it, a hand gripping her long blonde hair. He strokes her face with the back of his other hand, letting it travel down her back, finally landing on her hip. "Will you take me to bed?"

"I thought you'd never ask" he allowed her to get up, careful not to break their kiss, barely making it out of the studio at all. He half-picked her up, pressing her to the wall to kiss and caress her as they moved room to room, up the stairs and into their bedroom. The door slammed shut behind them, both undressing each other roughly. Sloppy kisses were pressed to cheeks, necks and chests, the heat rising in the room as if it were on fire. She backed up into the bed and he lay her down carefully, descending upon her with hungry eyes.


Lindsey smiled into the morning sun, turning over to look at the time. It was still early, pulling his exhausted wife into his arms. He stroked her hair back from her face, trying to unmatte it gently. He saw soft bite marks he had left just beneath her left breast and brushed his fingers over it. She stirred, mumbling incoherent things, then turned over. Her bum was now pressed to his front and she felt his hardening member against her. She was waking up but kept her eyes closed, loving the closeness of their bodies. He wrapped his arms around her once more, kissing her bare shoulder and the curve of her neck as they lay in silence for a few moments.

"I love you." He whispered. "Happy anniversary"

"Happy anniversary" she whispered back and he chuckled.

"I thought you were asleep."

"I was for the most part" Her voice was still soft which told him she hadn't been up very long at all. He kissed her shoulder again, pulling her into him. "I love you. I can't believe it's been an entire year"

"I love you too. Neither can I. It's unbelievable."

"This evening we will get to celebrate with all of our friends and family. I think this day will be just as special as our wedding day."

"I think so too." They lay together for a while longer before getting up to shower and dress. They dressed casually at first, going out for brunch before party prep.

"Jen's coming to help me set up." Stevie told him as she brushed her hair in the mirror.

"I asked Charles to come help too so we should be done in no time."

"And of course Karen will be here to keep the kids in line"

Lindsey chuckled. "It's strange. I feel like I've watched Jenna grow up even though I've known her for a short time."

"I feel the same way, that's what I told her yesterday."

"Now she's getting married and she's going to be a mom." Lindsey became a little emotional and Stevie hugged. "I have never felt so lucky in my life as I do right now." She gave him a kiss, wiping the tear from his cheek. "I cannot wait to see you with that baby."

"I can't wait either. I hope she knows we are going to spoil her child rotten"

He laughed. "For some reason, I think she has an idea"


Everything was in order and guests were arriving quickly. Drinks were being passed around and stories were being told. Jenna and Charles were together all night, happy, smiling and laughing. Lindsey watched them, feeling pride swell within him. Carol arrived shortly after her daughter and Kristen entered with her three children and her boyfriend almost directly after that. There bandmates were in attendance, Karen cut loose and there were endless amounts of people coming through to congratulate Stevie and Lindsey on their first year.

"Never thought you'd make it, Buck" Mick said, slapping Lindsey on the back. "I'm proud of you"

"Thanks, man. After all these years, I finally got the girl." he said, watching Stevie in her long white layered chiffon dress and her high tan suede boots through the crowd as she mingled.

The night began to quiet down and Stevie had talked Jenna into making her announcement after her toast. Stevie tapped her glass, music was muted and she squeezed Lindsey's hand lovingly.

"Lindsey and I have had such a long, arduous journey. We were kind of high school sweethearts though we didn't get together until 1970."

"It was 1968." Lindsey said and she smirked.

"Yeah, well apparently we remember things differently. That's not unusual." She said and there was a smattering of laughter. "Anyway, we made a beautiful record together and even though it flopped...horribly...we persevered. Mick found us by way of a little song called Frozen Love and he liked my beautiful husband's work so much he asked him to join. He said yes, on the condition that he could bring little ole me and I think Mick reluctantly agreed. However, I think I proved myself and I wasn't just some girlfriend." Lindsey motioned for her to speed it up and she giggled. "Okay so fast forward many years, many fights and lots of tears. Even through all of this, Lindsey says he knew this would happen, that we would end up here but I wasn't so optimistic. It seemed impossible that our love would survive. In all of these years of being apart and together, apart and together, we gained three daughters and a son- thank you Carol and Kristen and we've gained experience and we are learning to work on problems together. Without Jenna, I don't think any of this would have happened. She set us up to force us into really talking and to stop running away like we always did when times got tough and we made it. We were engaged shortly after and we had a beautiful wedding...we finally got our happy ending. I love you, Lindsey. Happy anniversary!" The guests toast, and Lid set kisses his wife causing lots of cheering, just like at their wedding a year prior.

"Happy anniversary, baby. Did you know it's the paper anniversary? That's what they say the gift is for the first year so I did something kind of...strange."

"When don't you?" she asked and he laughed.

"Fair enough, but I kept all of the drafts of my vows for our wedding and I contacted the designer of those paper flowers from our wedding to create a piece for the music room." Out of nowhere, Lindsey had a shadow box of carefully crafted paper flowers and she saw his handwriting on the petals of each one. There were noticeable scribbles or changes that he had made and she burst into tears. He kissed her, letting her look a little more. She could see her name and the word 'love' written as well and she looked up at home with watery eyes.

"This is such a thoughtful gift. You never cease to amaze me. Thank you."

The shadow box was taken away, most likely going up to their music room to be mounted later, and he embraced her. "I love you. I love you so much."

"I love you too." He kissed her once more, wiping her tears away and she smiled up at him.

"Daddy, I have an announcement too." Jenna said, her voice so soft and meek. He turned around, knowing what it would be. He nodded for her to continue and Stevie smiled at the young couple.

"Go ahead, sweet girl." Stevie urged, seeing she was so nervous. She wiped another tear that had escaped, watching Carol move closer to her daughter to ease her worries.

"Charles and I are expecting our first baby." Jenna said and Carol Ann immediately hugged her so tightly. She was overcome with joy, as was Kristen and everyone else in attendance. The cheers were even louder for this announcement than for the kiss between Stevie and Lindsey and Kristen elbowed him.

"Looks like you've been overshadowed." she says playfully.

"What else is new?"

"Congratulations." Kristen said and her eyes showed just how genuinely happy she was for him.

"Thank you" he said, hugging her.

"You're welcome. You're going to be an amazing grand-dad."

"Do you think so?"

"I know so. You've been a wonderful father to our kids, never once making them feel left out of neglected through all of this. You cared for me and loved me for many years, I have no doubt you will be just as good in your new role."

"Thanks." He embraced her again, going to Stevie who was in tears again as she chatted with Carol Ann, the women hugging each other and talking about becoming grandmothers, Carol even suggesting they share the title.

Lindsey beamed, feeling all of the love in the room and breathed a sigh of satisfaction. He had made it, they had made it and life was beautiful.

The End

A/N: thank you for all of the votes, comments and support for this story. I loved writing it and though I'm sad to see it's over, I'm excited to write more and share even more stories with you all.

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