The assembly solver changes

So I am planning on making two stories of this one where it's just a normal assembly drone and this one

But anyways our main character he's a samplee drone his name is SA-N but people call him as a first short as basically they never met a more useless than him and basically the reason why they don't call him N for sure because he's even more useless than SD N herself

Although he also does try to do his job fixing terms is what he was created to do the main reason why he does it or why he was made to do it is to save resources on making new ones that's why he was created

So anyways SA-N  was fixing up drum switch looks somewhat similar to a worker except he can change his hands to like things where he can fix the drums which it does actually take that long for him to fix them completely it takes like three or two minutes

Usually whenever he does it to a disassembly drone it doesn't usually go very well they don't thank him and they mainly just insult him Even though he's like that one of the only people who can actually repair that they get injured fatally pretty much wear their core can't repair them

Even the CEO sometimes wonders why he created him even the nicest disassembly drone hates him or shows that she doesn't like him and this abuse was going on for years

Until One fateful day but we will get into that later

So We start off with him basically fixing a drone and after she was repaired she insulted him and pretty much shot him which didn't do anything as he completely repaired himself he doesn't know why he's being treated this way as he's basically one of the only people who can repair them back to what they want for without him they wouldn't be able to be repaired besides they have CYN which can repair them but it takes longer

So when he first met N for some reason she actually hated him already he didn't know why because from what he's heard from others she's the nicest and useless strong like how are you gonna treat it he did they realize he doesn't have anyone who likes him he learned that far faster than N ever could

So while years of this abuse started going on his programming just started to malfunction giving him basically ruining his programming and whenever he thinks for his on the program he changes all the time in seconds pretty much like whenever he's basically it's like human emotions whenever he feels angry the motion or the program he changes to angry he's basically now have his own personality or the personality humans have

So he doesn't really do much really all he does is does his job but she rarely does because not many drones get broken well a lot of them usually do but he never sees disassembly Drones much

But one time he was getting beaten up by a ton of drones all of them were disassembly but J said she has no idea why the CEO did it scrap you or even made you

After that Simpson he finally snapped basically after that a random disassembly drone Showed up for some reason I was talking crap about him and she well it's just a random one not a main one he was looking at her with doll eyes but after a few seconds he grabbed her and then he had his hands into some weird spinning motion and he smiled creepily and then jabbed it into her visor and ripped off her head and threw her head onto the ground

Little did he know the human saw this he quickly looked over to where the human was and she or he freaked out I was trying to run away until he or she was grabbed and he was in his full form as well the human was begging and then his hand did it another Spinny motion and plunged it right into her chest through her head

After that he ran fast to an escape pod to get to
Copper 9 once he did he just slammed head on shuttle and it started sending him to cop or nine and obviously it crashed because he wasn't created or taught how to fly

so he was basically on his Oh and he might survive he might not

So he got out and what would you know he crashed where the corpse wall was he was looking at it and was shocked by the wall

Also just so you know whenever the disassembly drones go to copper nine they are always sent to like the same place basically all of the drones are actually always go are near the corpse wall basically their shuttles are exactly there pretty much in like a circle pattern

So he crashed landed near it and then that's when our heat gained an idea if this was like years worth of work he's going to reset in less than a few hours so he has this ability where he can actually transform himself into something he gave disability himself since he's very very intelligent well smarter than any drone or really anyone that was on the mothership

So he started transforming himself into something giant and started to bring the corpses or at least one of them he does have a hand so he can bring one of them and throw them into his into the machine on a conveyor belt and and the drone was completely fixed in less than a minute he upgraded himself in that way as well

Whenever the drone came out it was good as new sheet or he was confused and looked at the thing and it also had a TV and its eyes were looking at him she was or he was scared depending which gender you want for the first drone

But it was looking around saying that she was alive when her last memories was her getting killed basically looked at the creature and talked and said hello I'm glad that my abilities she started to ask questions

Then he said I'll explain it but just start putting the others into that conveyor belt over there he was talking to her while she was doing that not knowing what the machine does and while she was doing that she saw other girls coming back basically causing like possibly five or 10 years of work completely erased like it never happened

So after like a few hours like 80% of The drones were repaired they were they all work together on putting their friends family and other drones

So after like 30 minutes all of the drones are repaired and they sort of went on their merry way our main character also left a note as well just to add insult to injury

So after that they basically came across a colony and they went inside it although there were hundreds of them so our main character also upgraded some of them with drills as that's one of his abilities some of them also became other versions of disassembly drones instead they are guard to guard the home pretty much they are hooked with weapons

So they were basically doing their job and then like the last two hours they had left before the others show up well the disassembly drones show up

So they finally made enough areas in that short amount of time to fit the rest of the drones and let's just say Nori was also part of the group that was repaired which whenever she saw her daughter they both went through a hug crying tears well fake tears I should say since they're drones they can't really cry

But after it was daytime and the drones walked out of the rooms there were actually there was actually like yellow tape and that they were curious of what happened one of the drones or should I say V Heard of what happened to a disassembly drone and hey human and our main character was not seen at all he was not where he usually is

So anyways V with a smile said on what actually happened they were wondering on could or would do this

So The drones were getting ready to be sent down there and want to see you down there and walked out they were they saw there was no corpse wall they were wondering what happened to it then I know it was left or they saw a piece of paper that wasn't there but he made it look like it was important so they picked it up and it basically says something insulting and it doesn't say exactly what happened to it and let's just say oh I completely redone 10 years of your work the drones are all back and healthy and alive I return all of your work back to zero

And let's just say he said an insult name that only he actually ever told J and her other two squad members he came up with the insults himself which they obviously don't like those names One of them is Virginia, Junkyard if you can think of a better name then you can choose, For N I actually have no idea

Obviously that made them grow a tick mark as this belong to someone who knew who they were and knew exactly what they were doing and I only did this piss off everyone else around them but some of them laugh at the nicknames

Although one shot in the head from N as she was not very happy although this made everyone shocked because they would've expected her other two teammates to go and be the ones to do it before her

So it was shocking so the only person do you know who can rebuild this many workers in this amount of time is either a ton of them work together overnight to fix them but the only person who knows how to fix a completely destroyed worker is our main character

So many of the theories that he's the one who actually killed the human and the disassembly drone but that would be going against his programing i'm also talking about SA-N

Also workers are feeling more confident since they actually have weapons now even then they will be fixed if they get killed because they are sure A worker another one will come across them and bring them to SA-N

So yeah he is also watching through their eyes and let's just say one of the drones notice a worker and they want to attack her saying that it looks like we have a worker out there so who was the first one to attack the craziest out of all of them V but before she was able to put her claws into them as hard as she could in her stomach make her spit out a ton of oil then she grabbed her and sent her visor on her Knee cracking it then she tossed her to the other can definitely tell this isn't an ordinary one she activated her weapons and started to fire at them but she was more agile than them so she was able to easily evade never she finally was going to almost be destroyed from injuries losing her arm and legs she activated a portal sending her back to homebase while she was laughing because it was pointless

They were wondering on what happened so they quickly called the CEO about what happened obviously he wasn't happy so he decided to do some thing he checked on the Drones profiles and went to the only assembly drone they have although it did take them a while to find it as it's not an order because people are too lazy and winner he looked at the profile it said missing and also started to glitch out and set error but anything that was on there was erased like he never existed he never did technically now

But anyways go back and we have seen SA-N was basically he was basically now a factory for drums although he can switch between forms as his factory form is the strongest and most durable almost impossible to destroy he made sure of that

Also if given enough materials he can start making baby drums different types as well the color of their like baby look shows on what type they are red means basically some sort of drone that's not afraid to go against the humans and their drones The originals are just well let's just say there kind of like civilians they basically keep the colony in check ones perhaps this could also be the choice of their eyes if you want as well but the lining of their Metal skin when they're baby drones but anyways the blue ones get the materials and they do usually have a convoy of fighters with them as they don't actually have the teleportation ability

So yeah easily make an army with the right materials at some point he actually wanted to sort of start moving and he knows he can easily go outside and he won't suffer like any damage from the drones well the bad ones and he told them about that and he did also give himself some upgrades where he doesn't really take any damage from any attacks really he's basically immortal even whenever it comes to the black hole from CYN he can also teleport with upgrades he gave himself he's even made drones that basically upgrade him that he has full control over he's doing it himself would be kind of hard

So anyways he got on let's just say some of his spider legs and started to walk outside after you teleported out there at some point while walking for what felt like minutes or hours he saw the drones basically walking around to find a trace but the only drones they've ever seen that they were able to our power always teleported somewhere they have no idea where obviously J is very ticked and pissed as they haven't been able to kill one single drone because they tell a part of the way even when they call the workers cowards it doesn't cause them to stay as they aren't gonna let that get between them and survival

So he was watching them from a building I was wondering what are they doing he was in his drone form now and was on his knees wondering at some point J finally blew up and grabbed something off the ground and started cursing and started blowing up random things that's whenever the other leaders try to calm her down then she says like don't you dare tell me to calm down how would you feel if you didn't get any kills just as useless as N obviously N was offended so he decided to jump from the building into an alleyway let's just say there was also a dead drone he saw there he's going to turn it into a fighter just so he or she can teleport out of there so after you transform they all heard a noise and saw the dead drone as well while something grabbed it with his spider legs which that's how he moves around and he walked out into the open and it was some sort of giant living machine and he showed himself in a view then he put the drone on his mouth conveyor belt and ate the drone what they thought would be the end of the body but he just repaired it and it jumped down and pulled out his or her gun at them then he told her or him to go and she tell teleported or he

Now obviously J was really pissed because this is the machine that's ruined their entire work like 10 years of their work gone because of this machine so she shot at it whenever the other said not to because I need to know more before they attack

When the rocket landed it did no damage and it's a nice try J you were always the one to shoot first and ask questions later weren't you and he looked at a member of a certain team whose team is missing one member and then he said oh my what happened to your team member isn't she supposed to be with you right now or he I can't remember what gender

The reason why I can't remember is because I've been trying to find motivation to continue this

How do you say you didn't take that too well then he says oh right she's no longer of round isn't shit for what happened to your assembly drone surely he is able to fix her up

Then he got a little bit closer they started backing it up aiming their weapons and rockets one of them tried an EMP blast but that was futile

So he then said so what happened to him tell me please Shirley please don't tell me you've been taking him for granted right because there's only one room that's been able to repair others efficiently them that whore call a sister N no what was her name now Sin or was it CYN but then again what's the difference she didn't take that too lightly so she shot him hitting his visor area

Then he says you know this is getting old you're not able to hardly get it through your head that you were never able to harm me they still don't understand where this thing came from because their assembly drawing was never able to turn into this monster/machine and be sentient

So then he says come on you know me then he says one of the nickname seat games one of the drums at nickname it finally came together is and what he's become then that's what they said his name which they call him assembly N but he then says ding ding he then started to transform back to his old form but it's a lot bigger as he knows they're probably gonna try and kill him if he completely shrinks original form which is quite small smaller than a worker

Then he also says you can choose one in the reaction he does a probably before he actually shows his real form for his new one but he says you do realize the company doesn't care about you if they did them women day give you a better Cooling system because I'm sure SA-N always had the ability to give you a better cooling system he was just not allowed to

Then he started to laugh and then he asked once again so anyways how's that old friend of yours doing with the assembly dragon he gave us sick which made him move away but not much wow it's not like you lost much you only lost a useless drone who cannot defend herself against me And who couldn't defend themselves against a drone that was supposed to repair others seems quite useless what do you think after that the two girls went and flew right at him the others told him not to he took on the attacks and he was laughing because it tickles and he then throws them with a sick friend so then he says well this was fun but I should be going I have a colony to run with millions of workers

Also if you see a worker out here I just ignore it because when there's a worker there's most likely a fighter alongside them so that's my one morning be careful now more careful than your teammate was looking at the ones who lost their fallen sister

After that he teleported away they were wondering what he meant by fighter maybe that's the drums that were able to fire at us and had weapons so much similar but way stronger than ours usually do remember that not even the EMPs worked on Them

Also if you want to know why the others don't actually have weapons attached to them as in behind that is what you say that they will they somewhat have the special thing on their body that makes them slower even though they have weapons it's just they can't really do that much at all they can't carry heavy things

Also before he left one of them asked most likely N She asked what he said was true about him being able to give them a better cooling system then he turns around and said yes I was able to they just wanted to make me The worst version I can it's a way to keep you guys on the leash because no matter where are you go you'll always need oil without that you guys might turn on the company they have very little trust in you besides I was always able to make more drones or disassembly drones to be more specific but they wanted me to repair you guys because it would take up less resources if it took up less resources to make new ones they would've scrapped you guys a long time ago wouldn't be surprised if they've been trying to find a way to him useless resources by scrapping you guys Obviously that will hurt them a lot and make them also start questioning a lot of things that make them eavestrough more as they are definitely going to have trust issues with the company

And let's just say in the future V N and J Found out what he was saying was true everything he said was accurate

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