It's a love story, baby just say yes (Chapter 8 : Now we are even, 24 and 27)

"We never go out of style."Style

Rain lay with his head on Pete's lap, shuffling through the pages of a magazine, while Pete was doing some work on his iPad. Tharn and Type were away, busy visiting relatives in Korea, before they got into the major task of preparing for Rain's wedding. Which is why he had happily moved lock, stock and barrel into Phayu's house. His excuse was simple. "I have to anyways live here. Might as well do it sooner than later," he had said, shrugging nonchalantly, making everyone laugh. Once he had gained confidence in his relationship, he had come back to his old self, the bright and sunny boy they all remembered. His sparkle was back, and so was his sass, and everyone was thrilled. Suddenly Pete looked down and ruffled Rain's hair. Rain looked upside down at him. "Yes Papa?" he asked, scrunching his nose. "How is your book going?" Pete asked. "Moving Papa. Moving at the rate of sloth," Rain said, sighing.

Pete laughed, making Rain laugh as well. "You can do it na lu! You are creative, and talented. Plus you and Dao have all these brilliant ideas pouring in. I am sure you will be fine," Pete said. "Seriously Papa. Thank God for Dao. Otherwise it would have been like floating in the sea without a life jacket," Rain said, sighing dramatically. The sound of laughter from the doorway made both Pete and Rain look up. Phayu stood there, quirking a brow, grinning at his mate and Papa. "How are you my sloth?" he asked. "Phiiiii! Go away!" Rain whined, turning his face away and hiding it under Pete's jacket. "Ven!" Pete said, his tone a clear reprimand, but the smile gave it away. Phayu shook his head and laughed again as he made his way to the couch.

"Hey Pumpkin, are you feeling better?" he asked, kneeling beside him. Rain had gotten up that morning with an upset tummy, which is why he had cancelled his plans with Dao, opting instead to laze around with Phayu's Papa. "I am okay Phi," Rain said, turning back to his mate. "Are you sure Pumpkin? Pa Type called me asking if you were fine, since you were not picking up your phone," Phayu asked, gently stroking Rain's soft hair. "Oh! Where is my phone?" Rain sat up, hurriedly looking around. "It's here Pumpkin," Phayu said, handing it over. "You left it upstairs when you came to sit with Papa." Pete smiled at the pout Rain gave, then immediately grew concerned. "What happened to you Rainy?" he asked, solicitously. "I don't know Pa. Just woke feeling so weird. But I am okay now, I promise!" Rain said. "That's good lu. Now call up your Papa before he comes rushing back thinking you died on us," Pete said, laughing. "That's a good point," Rain said, immediately dialling his Pa's number.

"Hey baby! Are you okay? You were not picking up the phone and Ven said you were not feeling all that well. Is all fine?" Type's concerned questions came hurtling through the moment the number connected. Rain could hear amused chuckles from his mate and Pa Pete and from his Dad, who was clearly not too worried about his only son. "I am fine Papa! I promise. I left my phone upstairs, and I am not fatally ill, just woke up with a slight tummy upset. Dao and I were at this café until late and we ended up eating there. It was a questionable meal at best, so yeah," Rain said. "Are you sure na lu? Do you want us to come back?" Type asked. "No, no! Please. I promise I am fine. Just finish your work as early as possible and come back soon. And please give Seonsaengnim my regards," Rain said. "She is still too terrified of you for the chewing out you gave all of us six years back. But I will do that!" Type said, laughing a bit. "Hmph! As if you all didn't deserve it! But I digress. I am fine Pa. Much better now. In fact, I am going to text Dao and see if we can continue working on the book, okay? I will talk to you later!" Rain said. "Okay baby. You rest also. Don't overdo things," Type said. They said goodbye to each other and then cut the call.

Two weeks later, Dao finally put down his pen and looked at Rain, full of giddy delight. "We did it , right?" he whispered. Rain nodded excitedly. "Shall we send it?" he asked. Dao looked at him the back at the iPad he had been drawing on. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and hit enter. They both stared at the screen as it uploaded. "100%! Sent! Oh my God Rain!" Dao whisper shouted. "We did it!" Rain said, in the same tone. "Let's see what P'May says," Dao said, as both of them intently stared at the screen. Half an hour later, both of them nearly fell out of their seats when the mail from their editor popped up. "Your draft has been approved for publishing." It had just one line, but that line meant the world to them. They looked at each other. "Do we tell everyone yet?" Dao asked. "No! Not yet! Let us get it in hand, please?" Rain asked. Dao nodded, understanding where Rain was coming from.

Both of them, when they had sent their drafts to various publishing houses, had done it without the help of the Theerpanayakul families. They had ensured they picked the smaller, more obscure companies, and not once told anyone which they were going to choose. They had shrouded their entire project in secrecy, not even mentioning the theme of their book. Even their mates had no clue. All that they knew was that Dao and Rain were writing a book. They had categorically refused help from every single member of the family; had even threatened disownment if anyone tried to help them out. And the family had listened quietly, afraid of facing the wrath of the two Omegas.

Exactly a month later, Rain and Dao stared at the hard work of almost one year. Both of them stroked the cover of the beautiful book that they had written. Rain had written the story and Dao had done the illustrations. They had followed the idea of a Manhwa, but this one was written exclusively for children, a picture book with the story of two wolves. At first, Rain had nearly not written it, but Dao had said that it would be a fun thing to do. "How do we tell everyone about it?" Dao asked. "Actually? I have the perfect plan," Rain said, looking at Dao with stars in his eyes.

"Why has Rain called of us together?" Tharn asked, looking around. Everyone was in Vegas and Pete's house, where Rain and Dao had said that they had a surprise for the whole family. "And where are they? After asking us to come?" Khun asked, looking around. "We are here," Rain said in a sing-song voice. He was carrying a fairly large gift wrapped box as he almost skipped into the room, Dao following sedately behind, holding a box of his own. "What's with all this secrecy lu?" Type asked. "Well, we are here to tell you all something very exciting," Dao said, putting his box down while Rain walked further in and placed the box in Phayu's hands. "You should open it Phi," he said, smirking quietly. "Should I be afraid?" Phayu asked, not very convinced with that look on his mate's face. "C'mon Phi! Don't be such a scaredy cat. You are a Moon Alpha. Grow some!" Rain said, slumping down on the couch and crossing his legs.

Phayu shook his head and kept the box on the table and took off the lid. Right on top was a large envelope. He took it out and shook it. "Phi, it's an envelope, not a bomb," Rain said, raising a brow at how careful Phayu was being. Everyone laughed, but looked towards Phayu with bated breath. The Alpha opened it and pulled out a small, slim keychain made of metal, with a QR code printed into it. "What is this? It looks so cool!" Pete asked, as he stepped forward. By this time, Sky, Aew, Team, Fourth and Atom had stepped up behind Rain with expectant looks towards everyone else. They were joined by Teh, Kleun, Gemini and Kong, twins who were surprisingly mates to the twins in their family. "Why don't you guys scan the code and see what comes up?" Sky asked, a wicked smile on his face. Phayu immediately did that, as did the others. His face burst out into the biggest smile. "Is that an affirmative reply to my question?" he asked, joy dripping from his tone.

One year before:

"What are you thinking Phi Chaai?" Pai asked, looking very sceptically at Phayu as he scrolled through Google looking at ways to propose. "Isn't it obvious," Phayu asked distractedly, not even sparing his brothers a look as they breathed over his shoulder. "Phi Chaai, are you fricking serious? You are planning a proposal by looking at Google? You and Rain are true mates, blessed by the Moon Goddesses. Do you really think this is an appropriate way?" Fah asked. "What do you mean?" Phayu asked, frowning. "What we mean is that you need to do something special, my dear brother! You can't take ideas off the internet!" Pai said, shaking his head, as if he considered Phayu's a world class idiot. "So? Like something elaborate, with flowers and all that?" Phayu asked, his frown deepening. Fah facepalmed. "Phi Chaai! Think of Rain. Do you think he will like all this stuff?" he asked. Phayu considered deeply before shaking his head. "So what will Rain like?" Pai asked. "Something simple, for sure," Phayu said. "Then plan something simple Yu. Don't go overboard with your mate. Take his tastes and feelings into consideration, okay?" Fah said.

Two days later, Phayu had, with the help of his 2 brothers, his Papa and Rain's Papa, planned a small, sweet but intimate picnic dinner by the river. He was super excited about the whole thing, and he hoped beyond hope that Rain would agree to his proposal. He had found the perfect ring and it was burning a hole in his pocket. Now all he needed was to find a way to get Rain to say yes. He looked up when Rain came skipping up the stairs from the garden where he had been chatting with the others. "Phi, you okay? You look distracted," Rain said, when Phayu didn't immediately open his arms for him. "I am okay Pumpkin. Why do you ask?" Phayu asked. "You didn't hug me as soon as you saw me," Rain said, pouting cutely, making Phayu melt. "Well, that's because I was admiring how cute my Pumpkin was looking," Phayu said, smiling. "Hmpf! Don't lie Phi!" Rain said, scrunching his nose. "It is true! And now let's go," Phayu said. "Go where Phi?" Rain asked. "It's a surprise for my lil Pumpkin. Shall we go?" Phayu asked, smiling when Rain nodded.

Rain was thrilled to see the setting of the picnic and squealed over the food. "Papa has made all my favourite things!" he said excitedly. "How do you know Papa made?" Phayu asked, curious. "Because he knows what I like and the way I like it!" Rain said. Phayu smiled. His Pumpkin was sure of his place in the life of every member of Phayu's family, and for some reason, that thrilled him. He knew that Rain was literally the most loved and no one, including his younger brothers, resist Rain's cute charm. "Then let's eat whatever you like Pumpkin!" he said, and sat next to his mate. They talked as they ate, and Phayu peeled shrimps for Rain, something he had done all his life. Suddenly Rain sighed, and Phayu looked up at him. "What happened baby?" he asked. "It feels so good Phi, so relaxed, and so surreal! Rain said. "What?" Phayu asked, hearing that slightly wistful tone in Rain's voice. "Can you imagine Phi? What if I had not come to know what had happened when you were 18? What if I had turned away in anger from you?" Rain asked. Phayu shuddered at the thought.

"No Pumpkin! I can't imagine, and I don't want to imagine. It's too scary. 3 years of torture was enough!" he said, his heart trembling at the thought. Rain kept his hand on Phayu's pulling him back from the chilling past. "Phi, forget it, okay? We have moved past all that. Now it's time for us to think of better things, alright?" Rain said. Phayu nodded. "Of course Pumpkin! I need to talk to you in any case," he said. "Of course Phi! I am ready!" Rain said, standing up and then plonking himself down on Phayu's lap, squirming until he was comfortably settled. "What do you think you are doing Pumpkin?" Phayu gritted out. "Are you angry Phi?" Rain asked, looking up at Phayu with the most innocent expression he could muster. But Phayu was not fooled a bit. "You are a menace Pumpkin!" he said shaking his head. "What did you want to tell me Phi?" Rain asked, trying to make Phayu talk. The Alpha immediately straightened his back.

"Rain, we were just kids when we met, but something about you, from that very first day, made me feel like we were meant for each other. You have always been my biggest strength and my biggest weakness. I know you said you don't want to think about it, but staying away from you all those years, it was the most horrible experience in my life. I felt like I was this rudderless boat that had no meaning in life until you found your way back to me. Suddenly, the world was filled with light so bright that I couldn't even begin to imagine. Rain, baby, my pumpkin, Phi loves you so, so much. Will you marry me?" he asked, looking down at the love of his life. Rain was looking up at him as well with tears pooled in his eyes. "Phi, I so desperately want to say yes, but no, I can't marry you. At least, not right now," he said. Phayu could feel his heart shatter. "Why? Haven't you forgiven me yet?" he asked, voice trembling in pain.

Rain immediately cupped Phayu's cheeks. "No Phi! Never! Of course I have forgiven you. Actually, there was nothing to forgive. I love you as much, if not more, than you love me. but Phi, you have done so much in your life, achieved so much. Over that, you are going to take on the responsibility of the family soon as well. I don't feel inferior, but I definitely want to do something on my own, prove myself.. to myself. I want to feel good about myself. So I will tell you what. Dao and I are designing and writing a book; I mean, he is designing and I am writing. The day the book get released publicly, officially without any help from the Theerpanayakul family, that day, I will say yes to you. Is that okay?" he asked, his tone a bit worried. Phayu nodded, reluctance clear on his face. "Okay Pumpkin. I agree," he said, knowing that there was no way he would be able to change Rain's mind.

Present day

"Is it ready?" Phayu asked, his eyes shining with happiness. Rain gestured to the box and Phayu picked up the next envelope and opened it, all excited. He took out the cutest book, the cover standing out. He looked thrilled to see the names on the book. "This is so cool! I am loving it! Best book ever!!" Tharn said, excitement surging through him. Everyone crowded around the book to take a first look. Phayu took it back and stroked the cover, looking at Rain. "So, does that mean this is a yes?" he asked again. Rain stepped forward. "Before that, there are more things in the box. Why don't you take a look?" he said. Phayu took out a box and shook it. Something rattled inside and everyone stopped admiring the book that Dao had handed out from the box he had been carrying.

Phayu took off the cover of the box and stared at it, utter shock spreading over his face. He slumped down on the couch, his eyes wide. "Rain?" he whispered, looking at his mate. "Go on Phi," Rain said. "What is it Ven? You are making us all so curious!" Vegas said. Phayu looked back down, his heart filling in utmost joy as he lifted the tiny onesie that Rain had placed there, with the words 'MY DADA IS AN ALPHA. He hugged it close to him with one hand and took out the pregnancy test and turned it towards the others. Everyone gasped as Phayu picked up the final thing, a simple black craft paper with the words 'YES' written in beautiful ornate lettering. He looked at his mate who was surrounded by the whole family, but Rain was also looking at him with absolute love in his eyes.

"Does that mean we get a double celebration?" Chay asked, sounding excited. "Yes! The new generation of the Theerpanayakul family must be welcomed with lots of fanfare!" Khun said. "What should we do?" Pete asked, almost wringing his hands in agony, trying to figure out what to do. "First, we should let Phayu and Rain get some privacy, so that they can celebrate this special occasion. We can talk about this later," Leo said. "Leo is right. Let them go. This is their moment. Let them have it for themselves," Kinn said, tugging Porche out, as they were followed by the others, who all glanced at Phayu and Rain before they left.

"Phi? Are you not going to say anything?" Rain asked, standing in front of Phayu. Phayu simply shook his head, feeling overwhelmed at the barrage of emotions that ricocheted inside him. It was like there was a deluge of memories inside him, from the time he first met Rain at age 6, to how he had helped Rain study so that he wouldn't go far away to another school, to how he missed Rain when he was away, to how devastated he had been when Rain stayed away, to how broken he had felt when he had not been allowed to claim his mate, to how his heart and soul sang when Rain accepted him without question, to how Rain had stood up for him, until now, as he held the onesie closer to his heart. He felt more than saw Rain come closer and enfold him in a hug, and that's when Phayu finally broke. He sobbed like a baby in his mate's arms, unable to believe that his world, his life, his entire existence had finally just tilted right back where it belonged.

Rain was shocked. He had thought that giving a surprise to Phayu would be something he would enjoy. He had however, never expected that the Alpha would break down this way. From the time he had met Phayu, the older had been the source of his strength, his happiness in everything in life. He had felt broken when he had thought Phayu would never be his, and had joyously celebrated when he had found out the truth. His world was a beautiful place because Phayu was in it. And now? Now that he was pregnant, he wanted nothing more than to enjoy his entire life with his Alpha. But before that, he needed to find out what was happening here, why his mate was so distressed. "Phi? What is the matter? Can you tell me what is happening?" he asked.

Phayu sat back and wiped his eyes. "Phi? Talk to me na?" Rain said. "I just love you so much. You being here feels like a dream come true," Phayu said. Rain giggled, the sweet sound making Phayu smile through his tears. "Silly Phi!" Rain said, cupping Phayu's face once again. Then he turned serious. "Phi, this is not a dream, I assure you. It's our time now, and I promised you, that I will answer once our book comes out. So I did," Rain said, smiling. Phayu nodded. "Pumpkin, we are going to be parents soon," he said, sure that he was looking like he was crazed with happiness. He could feel the grin splitting his face. "Well, yes, we are. Is that when you will stop calling me 'Pumpkin'?" Rain asked quizzically. Phayu shook his head. "That is never going to happen," he said. Rain sighed. "Okay, let's call everyone back and start getting this show on the road!" he said.

Three months later

Phayu watched with the broadest smile as his Pumpkin walked towards him. Dressed in a gorgeous blue suit, that matched the colours of Phayu's eyes perfectly, helooked dapper and every inch the True Omega he was. There was the tiniest little bump, and Phayu's eyes filled with tears once again when he remembered how he had run his hands over it, just so he could feel his babies. He was himself dressed in a pearl-grey suit that matched Rain's eyes, and with the look he was receiving from his mate, he knew that it would be a wild ride tonight. He was ready for that. The ceremony went off without a hitch and soon, it was time to throw the bouquet. Rain stood with his back to the audience, and holding it, pretended to throw it back multiple times, getting booed at, every time he stopped himself. Suddenly, he stepped off the stage, much to everyone's surprise, and walked up to Saifah, handing it to him. Saifah looked clueless until Rain gently turned him around, just to see Chai down on his knee, a ring box in his hands. Saifah gasped and immediately agreed when Chai popped the question. Everyone cheered and the party started in earnest. Later that night, Rain stood in the circle of Phayu's arms. "It is a good day today Phi. So many joys, so much happened, it feels sonice," he said. Phayu just hummed, swaying his husband from side to side. "Phi, you know what?" Rain asked. He felt Phayu shake his head. "I feel like I am the heroine of some novel, who found her lover after many years. So weird na? It's not like we even have that kind of style," Rain said, laughing. "Hey! Why not? Of course we have style! Stories like those are the backbone of the romantic world," Phayu said, sounding affronted. Rain laughed. "True Phi. That means, we will never go out of style, right?" he asked. "Never Pumpkin!" Phayu said, his words a vow to not only Rain, but also their unborn babies. He would protect them with every fibre of his being. And the moon's light shone upon them, sealing the oath! 

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