II - Beneath the Lies 1/6
Phayu looked at his phone. There were at least fifteen missed calls from Saifah, something unheard of. Fah knew he was in court that day, so why the sudden influx? But he knew it would have never happened unless it wasn't extremely urgent. So he called his brother back immediately. "Thank fuck Yu! Thank God you called. I need your help!" Fah said, sounding extremely agitated. "What is the matter Fah? Are you okay? You knew I was in court..," Phayu trailed off when Fah interrupted him. "Yu! You need to help Rain! Please!" he said. "Rain? Who is Rain?" Phayu asked, surprised. Was Fah dating someone? And why did he not know about them? "He is someone important to me Yu! And he was just arrested!" Fah said, sounding as if he was going to cry any moment. "Fah, I think you should come into the office and explain to me what is going on, alright?" Phayu said. "I will be there in ten," Fah said, before hanging up the phone.
True to his word, Fah strode into Phayu's office almost to the minute. "You need to help Rain Phi Chaai," he said, the moment he saw his brother. Phayu was one of the top criminal lawyers in Thailand and several people came to him from far away provinces for help. He had a jam packed calendar that did not allow for any time at all. But this was his brother. "Fah, who is this guy? And how do you know him? Is he your faen?" Phayu asked. Fah shook his head. "Rain is a customer in our shop," he said. "And how are you so sure that he is innocent?" Phayu asked, a little concerned about how adamant his brother was about this boy. "Look Yu, you have never mistrusted my judgement. Why start now? I don't want to tell you much and prejudice you. Go and listen to his side of the story. I know he didn't do this," Fah said. "Okay," Phayu said, deciding on the spot that he would set this boy straight that he could not take advantage of people in any way and then leave him to his own devices. After all, the courts would appoint a lawyer for him in any case. Fah smiled at him, relieved.
Phayu looked up when Rain was brought into the meeting room and he was struck dumb. The boy was.. beautiful! There was no other word for it. Even the hideous prison clothes that he wore could not distract from his sharp jawline, his aquiline nose, his slanted eyes and his most gorgeous feature, his pouty lips. The boy was stunning and Phayu breath hitched once before he evened it out. He would say his piece and leave. He didn't need to take on this headache over and above anything else. Rain waiied politely before sitting down. "Hello Rain. My name is Phayu. I am Saifah's brother," Phayu said. Rain didn't utter a word. Suddenly, Phayu was unable to say what he had actually planned to. "Saifah thinks you are innocent. So he asked me to represent you," he ended up saying instead.
Rain looked up at once, swiftly, and then looked back down, but not before Phayu saw the grey eyes clouded with pain and fear. Something shifted inside him. "I don't need a lawyer Khun. Please thank him on my behalf," Rain said, getting up and turning around to leave. "Rain, let me help you? Please?" Phayu said, surprised at the need to help this boy coursing through his whole body. Rain turned back, his eyes meeting Phayu's. "You don't even know why I am here. Why would you help me?" he asked. "My brother believes that you are innocent. And I have complete faith on my brother's judgement. And as for helping you, why don't you tell me why you are here and what exactly happened? So that I can decide for myself?" Phayu said. "I killed my parents Khun. Is that enough knowledge?" Rain said sarcastically, before walking away, as Phayu sat there, shocked beyond his wits!
"He refused to talk to me. Just said he killed his parents and left. Fah, why don't you tell me what exactly happened? How do you know this guy?" Phayu asked, curiosity about the case and about the boy warring inside him. "I met Rain about four years ago, on the day he turned 18. He had come in with his father and a slightly old BMW, one that belonged to his mom, which they wanted to update for him. He had just gotten into college, in the faculty of medicine, the first of his family to do so, according to his dad, who was bursting from the seams talking about him. They clearly shared an amazing bond. He was an eternal sunshine and rainbow boy, his smiles would spread joy as soon as he was in your periphery. The next few years passed quickly, and I came to know that Rain was an only son, and it was second marriage for both his parents. His father was a Korean businessman who had moved to Thailand after the death of his first wife. He had two daughters from that marriage, who continued to live in Korea, much older, in college or something when he moved. Rain's mom was Thai, a divorcee, also having two daughters, again pretty grown up. One was even married when Rain was born I believe," Fah said.
"Rain told you all this?" Phayu asked, surprised. Fah shook his head. "His father did. The man really loved his family. But Rain was very literally the apple of their eyes. He was pretty much a surprise baby for both of them, and even though they were older than they were supposed to be, she went ahead with it. So when Rain was 18, they were well in their 60s. Then for some reason, the daughters who were in Korea came to Thailand, saying they wanted to settle here to be closer to their father. And the Thai girls also moved back home. Apparently the one who was married, got divorced and wanted to be with her mom. Rain said all this with a smile, but his eyes had lost that brightness that I was used to seeing. He smile also dropped away, and he started looking gaunt. That made me feel weird, but I obviously didn't say anything. I couldn't, right? But things seemed to even out a while ago. And then today morning, I heard this on the TV. I saw him being dragged out of his house in those shackles. He didn't deserve that Yu! He has his whole life ahead of him. And he didn't kill them. I am sure of that. He loved them too much for that. I have seen it with my own eyes! He did not do this Yu," Fah said, his voice breaking in the end.
Phayu sat silent. "Fah, I do believe you. But if the boy doesn't want my help, then you know there is nothing I can do," he said. Fah nodded sadly, then suddenly brightened. "Can I meet him? I will try and convince him. Please?" he asked. "Ideally, I can only help you get in if I am his lawyer on record. But let me see what I can do. Although it's a heinous crime, he is a first time offender. Let me pull some strings," Phayu said. Fah jumped up and hugged his brother. "Thank you na!" he said, as he pulled back. "You seem a lot into him. Are you in love with him?" Phayu asked. Fah snorted. "Are you serious? No way in hell. I love him, but as a Nong Chaai. I have always been the younger brother, so having him was like really cool. And those days, you were so busy. I missed having someone to talk to. He was fun to be around," he said, looking sad.
Two days later, he sat outside the meeting area, where prisoners would be brought in. He would not be able to talk to Rain directly or be able to hug him, but at least he could try and convince him to appoint Phayu as his lawyer. That would be good enough for now. Saifah drew in a deep breath when he saw Rain being seated in front of him. The boy had already been thin, but now he looked positively gaunt in the three days that he had been here. Rain waiied. "Phi, if you are here to convince me to use your brother as my lawyer, I think it's a bad idea," he said, before Saifah could get a word in edgewise. "And why is that Rain?" Saifah asked. "I remember you telling me how famous he is, how great he is at his job. Defending someone like me is only going to hurt his career," Rain said, his voice cracking. "And what do you mean by 'someone like you'?" Fah asked, his voice stern. "A murderer Phi!" Rain whispered, his heartbreak clear. "Rainy, did you kill them?" Fah asked simply. "No! No Phi! I would never! They meant everything!" Rain said, his voice cracking with the tears he was holding inside. "Then let Phayu help you. Let people know that you are innocent. Please na Rainy?" Fah asked. Rain nodded, too tired to argue any further.
Phayu had been distracted the whole day, staring at his phone, waiting for any kind of update from Saifah. He was desperately hoping that Rain would agree. He snatched up his phone when it rang, not even bothering to check the number. "Finally!" he breathed. "You were expecting me to call?" This was not Fah. He looked at the number. It was his best friend and fellow lawyer. But while Phayu had taken up criminal law, Pai had gone corporate, his charming face hiding a shark like façade that stood him in good stead. At the beginning of their Uni life, Phayu and Pai had tried to date. One disastrous effort later, they decided it was not worth it and had become the closest of friends. They valued each other too much to ever let the other go by trying anything stupid. "I was expecting another call, so I didn't check the caller id," Phayu said. "I would have said I will call later, but this is urgent Yu," Pai said, his usual playful demeanour completely absent. "What is it?" Phayu asked, also immediately serious.
"So you have met my Sky right? He has a friend..," Pai trailed off when Phayu growled. "Are you seriously setting me up with someone right now?" he asked. "Yu! I am not. Please, just listen," Pai said. Phayu acquiesced with a hum. "His best friend from Uni has been arrested on murder charges. And my Sky is out of his mind with worry. Says that the boy is incapable of something like this. Please Yu, you have to save him. He is my Sky's lifeline and my boy hasn't slept since the news broke. We even went and visited him in prison, but he just doesn't say anything," Pai said. Phayu pinched the bridge of his nose. "What is his name? Why is he in?" he asked, fed up of everything. Suddenly quitting his job seemed like a wonderful option. "His name is Rain. He is accused of..." "Murdering his parents," Phayu finished the sentence for him.
"How do you know?" Pai asked, sounding puzzled. "Because Saifah is visiting him currently, trying to convince him to let me be his lawyer on record. That was the call I was waiting for. In the meantime, I would suggest that you and Sky come down to my office. We can have a discussion on what to do," Phayu said. "I will come right away. Also, what if he doesn't agree?" Pai asked. "The court will appoint a Public Defender for him. I know many of them personally, so I can ask one of them to help us out. We will see what we can do best, okay?" Phayu asked. "Okay, I will pick up Sky and be there right away," Pai said, hanging up immediately after.
Twenty minutes later, Pai and Sky entered the lobby of Phayu's offices, and saw Saifah standing near the elevator bank looking at his watch. "Fah!" Pai called out.The man in question turned around, his worried look breaking a bit to smile at his closest friend. Even though Fah had done Mechanical Engineering, since he and Phayu were twins, they had hardly found the need to have friends outside of the two of them. But as they went to different faculties, they did end up having a small group of friends they became close to. Phayu had found Pai and Anda, and eventually her girlfriend Natsu. And Fah had Aek and Tho, another set of fraternal twins, and the gang had been extremely close knit. Even now, they hardly ever did anything without the other. Among them, only Natsu and Anda, who were together, and Pai and Fah were taken. The rest of them were happily single. Pai and Fah hugged. "Hi Sky," Fah said, sounding tired. Sky waiied."You don't look so good P'Saifah," he said. "I am super worried about a Nong I know Sky," Fah said. "Actually Fah, Sky and I are here for Rain too," Pai said. Both Sky and Fah looked at Pai, then at each other in surprise. before anyone could say anything, the elevator dinged. "Let's discuss this in Yu's office,"Pai said, and everyone nodded.
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