Chapter 10: Fallen Memories
Now that liquids are in my system, I'll continue.
I woke up before anyone the next morning. I decided to take a shower while Flarem slept. The water was nice. It rejuvenated me to get on with my life. This was the second day of nothingness. It grew... tiring.
I dried off, then went within my garments. When I walked into the other room, Flarem was starting to awaken. The women around him were getting up with him. My women had already clothed and left by the time I left the shower. Four of his women were prepping to leave, while the other two stayed next to him.
"We should move on with our day, Flarem."
"Yeah. Okay. I'm going to need you ladies to leave."
The other two stopped fondling his body while kissing his face and neck and got dressed. They seemed upset to leave. I sort of felt bad for them. There didn't seem to be much to do in this place, other than getting drunk and having sex.
"Well, you got involved yesterday."
"I blame the alcohol," Flarem firmly stated, refusing to look me in the eye.
"That was all you."
Flarem blushed.
"Well... You pushed me into this. I call peer pressure."
"You've not listened to me before."
"So... I was curious! You can't judge me for that."
"Well, I guess not. That's how everyone finds out about this stuff. I'm just surprised you let that many women have you... Hehe," I mocked, causing Flarem to turn pinker. He looked up to me, smirking.
"Well, they all wanted me. I guess they don't like older men."
"I'm not older. I'M TWENTY-FIVE!"
"That's old compared to my complexion."
"STOP BEING COCKY! YOU DIDN'T EVEN WANT THIS TO HAPPEN!" I shouted, my voice deeper than usual. Little bastard.
"Well, it happened. I don't regret my decision, either. Well, maybe the amount of beer I had."
"Did you even have a reason for disliking this stuff in the first place"
"I disliked the fact Meralf liked it... I also feel like I have bad memories involving sex, I just don't remember."
"Well, I doubt the life of a male hooker is good," I suggested, causing him to agree.
"Oh yeah. I forgot about that. That must be why my feelings were like that. This isn't that bad if I choose to do it, though."
"Yeah. I can't have you doing this too often, though. You need to be cool minded. This might lead you to the path to be Meralf. I don't want that to happen."
"Okay. I won't do this too often. I feel less tense, however. I guess this was a success."
"It might be a success now, but you might digress from our plan," I told, worried he'd continue acting this way.
"Speaking of the plan, are you and Meralf going to take out this town today?"
"I'm not sure. Are you okay with him using your body?"
"I think so," Flarem responded.
"You have to be absolutely sure. Do you want to do anything before that?
"I'm sure. I have no desires currently. I just want our adventure to end, as that would mean my revenge will be over."
"Are you vengeful? You seem to accept your life and how it's been so far. You hate people, but you can accept."
"I may accept my life and how it's gone, but I can't accept leaving what I hate here. I accept myself, not them," Flarem firmly spoke, looking enraged. Not toward me, but humankind.
"Fine. Try to summon something... I guess we should get this done."
"I'll summon Nequam."
Flarem began to summon. A drip of blood fell from his eye but immediately went back in. He fell to the ground and started shaking. Blood came from his mouth and onto the floor. Blood began to stream from his eyes and meld with the rest. I shook him while yelling his name. He didn't respond. Flarem was covered in his own blood.
I felt his skin. It was still warm. I sighed and grabbed a rag. I began to wash his face and strip him of his clothes. I grabbed his body and put him in the bath. I ignored the blood on the floor, as we would destroy this place soon. I turned the shower on and wiped the blood from him. Peeling open one of his eyes, I realized he was turning into Meralf. I signed once more, as he was okay.
I dried him off and placed him on the bed. I went off to clean his blood-soaked clothes. After cleaning, I hung them to dry.
Meralf wasn't awake yet. He had abnormal breathing patterns so I worried. He was hyperventilating. I felt his forehead, and it was hotter than normal. I grabbed another cloth, covered it in cold water, and put it atop Meralf's head. He seemed to mellow out a little. I allowed him to rest and decided to sleep myself.
I awoke to Meralf above me. I stumbled back, as blood had fallen from his eyes again after I had left. It also covered his mouth, to his chin. I got up and looked at him. He seemed all right, though he looked like a horror story victim...
"I'm sorry. I didn't tell you about this."
"What is this? You've bled a lot. Should you be standing?" I rattled, nervous for his health.
"I'm awake now. That means it's over."
"What is it, though?"
"When I'm out of magic completely, that happens. Usually, Flarem would have some of my magic left in him, and when it was almost gone, he would switch to me. I was almost out already when I slept, so when Flarem took over, he used up the last of our magic. Those symptoms were caused so my body could recover some magic," Meralf explained, tapping his foot like crazy while he spoke. He seemed impatient.
"That doesn't happen to me too, does it?"
"If you completely run out. You probably instinctually leave some left over. Flarem, however, can't create more, so he used the rest of it."
"Are you going to wash up?"
"Yeah. Flarem's blood is all over my face. You can tell because it's red. When switching, he was mainly in control."
"Will he remember it?" I asked, wondering for Flarem's sake.
"Most likely."
Meralf went to the sink and wiped up his face. He walked back over to me and sat on the bed where blood didn't call home already.
"Hey, Meralf. If Flarem remembers past happenings that correlate, why couldn't he remember past experience with sex while he was having it."
"He might not find the past experience useful."
"Really? He seemed like he wanted to know. Shouldn't the memories have come to him? That's how he explained them working. It seems that this rule only works for specific times," I spoke, looking at Meralf with suspicion. He didn't look me in the eyes, his grin large. He wears the grin whenever he doesn't want to show his real emotions, I've realized.
"Do you need to tell me something?"
"Fine. I hope you'll understand. He has main control, so I could only roughly influence him. We fell into depression while living as a prostitute. We had a lot of hard times.
When we began living in the house, we started saving money. We bought lots of books about the world and learned a lot. Our depression grew as time went on, though.
Knowing we were two entities, though we were similar at the time, I decided to help him. I knew one of us would have to remember everything. I wiped his memories of the past and left his basics.
He began to get bullied, and he didn't know why. He forgot about his prostitute days. He started hating people, as they never seemed to help him. They seemed to have better lives. He spent his money on books on demon summoning. He found food from the garbage, adding to his outcast status.
He did keep some of his habits, such as working out and going to the tavern. He forgot why he did those things but continued to do them. He tried beer once while he was there, so I took over to get him past the limit. He felt so bad the next day, he didn't want to do it again. I let him keep that memory to stay away from the tavern.
I allowed him to continue working out, as I wanted our body to look good. I wiped his memory of doing it every time but allowed him to remember while he was there. It kept him away from fighting at most times while keeping his body in shape.
I didn't want him to fall into depression, but he still seemed empty. I felt it was better than his past conditions, so I let him stay without all of his memories. I did, however, allow him to keep all memories there forth. He would be filled with anger like me if I hadn't done something. I won't take away any more memories," Meralf elaborated, his face showing mixed feeling as he spoke.
"You stole his memories? You are an ass."
"I didn't want his depression to continue. He doesn't act it, but he is happy hanging out with you. He was also thrilled last night..."
"Would Flarem be Flarem if he remembered?"
"Probably not. It might be similar to having multiple of me."
"I'm not happy with this, but I can understand. I'll leave him how he is. If you take any more of his memories, I will find a way to take you out of Flarem," I declared, sighing. I was annoyed, but there wasn't really anything I could do. It seemed that he worried for his well-being anyways.
"That is likely. You could if you wanted. As I said, I'm not taking any more of his memories."
"Fine. I'll trust you. Are you almost charged up? We need to take out this town. I want Flarem back."
"I wish you were nicer to me. We were getting along," Meralf complained, his grin shrinking but still remaining.
"Yes, but you've made him forget his early life. It's messed up. As he wants, I ask that you ask permission before using his body."
"I thought you were okay with me using it? I'll accept those terms, however."
"Good. Are we taking over now?"
"Not quite. I'm going to need an hour at least until my strength is back up."
We waited for an hour as he needed, then left the inn.
"We should start at the tavern. It probably has the most people, as it's nighttime. Remember, we're trying to keep these people under our control. We need an army to take on the capitol."
"Yes, I remember. Flarem said that originally. I'll use higher powered vampires and zombies. They'll all be under my control. The best part is, they will continue to be under my control while I'm gone. Well, Flarem's control."
"Sounds good. I'll control people to do my bidding, as usual."
We went to the tavern. The people were having a blast, as usual for this boring town. I controlled the whole tavern, then let go of my illusion. I saw my wings in the corner of my eyes, feathers molting off. Black blood fell from Meralf's eyes. It hit the floor, and an army of undead was spawned. Half zombies, half vampires. There were about ten of each species.
"You can take all of these men. I simply controlled them to stay. I don't need them to attack, as only your men can make a bigger army."
Meralf gave a nod in agreement. The zombies bit the flesh of the people, while the vampires sucked the warm blood from their veins. The newly transformed people began to leave the tavern, changing many others.
"Want to stay in the tavern?" I asked.
"No. I want a part in the action. A few deaths won't do much. We will still have an army. Besides, I need flesh. I haven't had it in so long. I'm strongly craving it."
"Fine. I want to kill some, anyways. Getting alcohol and women won't satisfy me forever."
"Nor, me."
We left the tavern, wide smirks outstretched along our faces. The people were in a panic. Zombies and vampires roamed the streets.
"Let's check the alleyways. Some might have hidden there," I put in, knowing where people hide from experience.
"That seems likely."
We searched the alleyways, stumbling upon two young children.
"Let's keep looking. I don't like harming children," I added, looking at the scared faces the children held. It made my stomach churn.
"It feels... wrong. It's like taking their futures away. These adults haven't done much with their lives, but the children haven't decided."
"They'll end the same. Does it really matter?" Meralf callously questioned, looking bored with me.
"Why don't we take them with us? We can turn them into demons. Then they will sort of have a fut-"
Before I could finish speaking, he twisted the neck of one of the children, a little girl with ribbons in her brown hair. Her neck snapped, and her body went limp. Her feet dangled in the air. The boy beside Meralf fell backward, screaming and blocking his green eyes. He had brown hair, similar to the girl. They appeared to be twins, even wearing matching blue clothes.
"Want the boy, Nocri?"
"No. Don't kill him too," I begged, trying to avoid another death. The boy was weeping, and I had bad flashes of the past. I started frowning, feeling some water build up in my eyes. I kept myself from crying, though hard.
"No? You don't want him?"
Meralf stomped on the boy's chest, crushing his ribs. The boy was barely alive, Meralf ripped the meat from his arm, and began to eat it. The boy wanted to scream but was too weak.
"Just kill him. He's suffering. I hate watching children suffer."
"You're no fun sometimes. Are you a demon? Your species is supposed to be eviler than mine. Why is it I'm the only one enjoying myself?" Meralf mocked, making me want to crush his head with rocks.
"I enjoy killing as much as the next guy, but not children. I'll even make children kill their families, or use them to make people hesitate when killing me. I refuse to let one die in front of me. I suggest you stop."
"Why don't I heal him, then do it again?"
"Stop. This is too much."
I took my dagger and drove it into the boy's heart. I stared at my blood covered hands for a while, shuttering.
"I thought you couldn't kill a child."
I scowled at him. He got the idea and went on with his own business. He tried the girl's flesh but seemed dissatisfied. He tore the leg from the boy and carried it with him as we walked away. I looked at him in disgust every so often. He shrugged and yanked the flesh from the bones. It slid down his throat. Blood covered the edges of his face. He ate the leg as if it was a drumstick.
"Can you finish up already? I'm sick of seeing you suck on the bone."
"Fine. Whatever."
He chucked the leg to the side of the street. He left the blood on his face. Out of nowhere, a worried look hit his face.
"We have trouble. Suddenly, a group of my creatures died. They're to the west. Not far from here."
"It's probably just a townsman fighting back. They'll die soon," I suggested, wanting to avoid killing. I had enough for the day.
"No. It happened all at once. We need to get there."
"Okay. Let's go."
We ran to the spot of the killings. A pile of zombies was at the feet of two people. As we got closer, I recognized them. It was the two adventurers from before. Upon seeing us, the braided man's eyes turned white. He wasn't blind, it was his eye color. Wings appeared from behind him. Two white wings. The child adventurer beside him did the same.
"We thought demons were the cause of the destruction in nearby cities, but we weren't fully sure. Our guess has been proven," The angel stated, extremely cocky.
"Whatever, angel. Are you going to fight or not? I can't fight children. I'll allow you to handle that, Meralf."
"Yeah," Meralf yelled back, grinning.
The child tensed, while the angel looked down on me.
"Pathetic. A demon can't destroy me, even if they're my opposite species."
"Would you like to see?" I replied, acting confidently. I tried not to think back to the act Meralf did, as I couldn't waver if I wished to win.
"Try it. I'll send you begging the gods for forgiveness."
"My god won't allow me to associate with the rest, so I think not."
I took my dagger out while trying to control him.
"That won't work. You can't manipulate my actions that easily."
"I'll control you."
I ran up, swinging my dagger at him. He pulled out his sword from his back and blocked my attack. I aimed for his eye but blocked again. I decided to go for a weird spot. I fell to the ground and shoved my dagger in his foot. I left the dagger in his foot, as it slowly would drive him mad. He tried to aim for my heart while I was on the ground, so I dodged, causing him to stab into my thigh. I held his arms and blade into my flesh, trying to stall for my dagger. Blood squirted out, covering my pants and both of our hands. He tried to shake the dagger off his foot, but I used my mouth to knock it back in. He knocked out three of my teeth while kicking, but they grew back to my relief.
I saw him start to twitch. He let go of his blade, held his head, and began to scream. The screaming abruptly ended, and laughter came from his spasming body. I yanked the sword from my thigh, and I threw it at him. It hit his leg, and he fell on his knees. I went over, and took the blade from his foot, as it was starting to leave him without any sanity. His partner looked at him, hesitating long enough for Meralf to kick him to the ground. He stomped on the child angel's chest, knocking the air out of his lungs. He laid on the ground, barely able to move.
"Can I control you now?"
Foam came from the angel's mouth. I made the command "receive my memories, to go with your own." He started screaming. His wings began to molt, black feathers moving in place. A mixture of white and black feathers made up his wings.
While we were focused on the braided angel, the child began to glow a white light. The light began healing his wounds. He flew to his partner, and cut his wings off with his sword. The wings crashed to the ground, and he began to whisper a sealing spell. The word "seal" was burned magically on the angel's back. His wings stopped healing, and the child left.
"What do we do with this?"
"I guess you can eat him if you want. I'm not sure if angel works, but it could be interesting," I said, as the angel was healing. It seemed like a solid way of removing him for good.
"Eating angel won't help me, but I'm going to anyway. Should we worry about that child that left?"
"He will probably bring more angels to attack us. We should be more careful. Is the city taken over?"
"Yes. My creatures have gotten them all. We now have a few hundred soldiers," Meralf gloated. He seemed to want my approval. I was angry at him, but I tried not to think about it.
Meralf went up to the still breathing angel, tearing flesh from his stomach. He ate a good bit of the angel, before calling it a day. He was soaked in blood. It was in his hair and on his arms, face, clothes, and lower stomach. I sighed and cleaned my dagger on the clothes of one of the deceased.
We went out of town, army following. We traveled into a big clearing of a forest and set up camp. I created an illusion so people would think the clearing was actually a large hill.
"I'm going to send my creatures back. The new ones will follow Flarem's command."
After retuning to Flarem state, I told him Meralf would respect his decisions, and showed him the army. He noticed the lack of energy he had but somehow didn't notice the blood covering him. He fell asleep within a few minutes of being himself. I fell asleep too, then you came in the morning, asking me to tell the story. There you have it. I'm going to sleep more. Bye.
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