Chapter 40
Dominic is pissed to high hell. I stayed home yesterday, the pain from the "lesson" my father gave was too much. I didn't go to school or work, but even though I texted him I wasn't well he was still pissed when I wasn't there. He's been giving me terrifying looks all day, and I'm scared for what's waiting for me after school or at lunch.
He doesn't walk me to my classes, but he expects me to walk to all of his and be there when he gets out. He's made it incredibly clear to me that he's not happy with me, when lunch rolls around he sends me to the table his friends use while he gets food, whereas normally I'm expected to stay by his side.
Zach and Andy stop talking when I sit down. I hate that I can't hide how much pain I'm in.
"Are you alright?" Zach glances behind me before lowering his head to talk to me, "You look miserable."
I've become too afraid to talk to his friends, so I just nod and look behind me. Dominic is still in line, chatting with another student that I recognize from English class.
"Are you sure? Is..." He stops and sighs, looking really concerned, "Is there something going on with Dominic."
I try to look at him but I can't. Desperation takes over and I'm about to open my mouth to ask for help, but it gets cut off when Dominic sits next to me and puts his arm over my shoulders.
Zach sits back and I look down, it's clear we're both hoping he didn't notice us talking.
He's silent a few moments, his friends just staring at him, "So what's up?" He asks, finally breaking the silence, "Any plans this weekend?"
Tony chuckles, breaking the tension, "We can go bowling, haven't done that since I was like eight."
"Yeah because you suck at it," Andy snaps, making everyone laugh.
Zach keeps watching me, "Are you going Rhea?"
Everyone stares at me, I glance up to Dominic who just stares back with a blank expression.
"I, uh, I can't this weekend. I have work and babysitting and homework, you know?" I try to give a warm smile, assure them I'm ok, but no one looks convinced.
"Well, we'll miss you," Dominic gives me a squeeze, not painful, more reassuring. I did good, I let out a sigh of relief as they all keep talking.
Dominic pushes a small salad to me and I quietly eat. He's been deciding what and how much I eat lately, and he expects me to eat whatever he gives. That's one lesson I only needed once.
I'm still hungry when I'm done but I don't say anything. When the bell rings, I walk Dominic to his class and rush to the locker rooms to get changed before I'm marked tardy.
Dodgeball days suck, especially for me. It makes me anxious. Who thought it was a good idea to invent a sport that's all about hitting each other with a big rubber ball? Today it's even scarier with my bruises.
I tell Coach Martian that I can't play today, I tell him I have bad cramps from my period hoping it'll make him uncomfortable and keep him from pushing. It does to a degree but he puts me on ball duty, after each round I get to run around and put the balls on the line in the middle of the court. It's better than feeling Jordan stare at me in science.
Science class is going to really suck today if he listened to that message I left him the other day. The thought of facing him after that feels like a million people laughing at me in my head. Maybe he won't be there today, or worse, maybe he will and we'll have group assignments. I need to stop thinking about it. I have a half hour before I need to cross that bridge and I'm going to savor it. The more I move the more my sides and stomach hurt. It reaches a point where I don't really feel like I can move and I have to hobble back to the locker room to hide in a stall and change, and I'm still late to science.
Jordan is staring at me the moment I walk in the door, realization flashes over his eyes as I struggle to my desk. We're watching a documentary today, thank god. The dark classroom feels colder than normal, maybe it's just the pain but I can't stop shivering.
As painful as it is, I jump when something warm touches my back. Glancing behind me I see Jordan is wrapping his jacket around me.
"Are you ok?" He whispers, I pretend I don't hear him as I shove the jacket back, "Rhea you're shivering like you're in a block of ice. Please take the jacket."
I push away again, feeling the tears run and fear consume me, "Please stop, you'll get me in trouble."
"Mrs. Grant won't care, please just take it."
I jump up, the jacket falling off my shoulders as I do. Everyone stares at me, I panic, glancing at Jordan before I rush out of the room. I hear Mrs. Grant calling out to me but I don't stop as I rush to the bathroom and collapse to the floor in one of the stalls. I start bawling, so much that the pain from my bruises makes me sick and I throw up. I can't go back to class, I can't right now. I go stiff when I hear the bathroom door open, I don't hear any footsteps or any talking before the door closes again.
I don't move, not until I'm sure I'm alone. Poking my head out of the stall I see my backpack, I grab it and pull myself back into the safety of the locked little stall. A piece of paper sits on top of my folders, it looks like tonight's homework worksheet on the documentary we watched. In the corner is a note, in handwriting I'd become greatly familiar with these past few months.
"I'm sorry, for everything."
I hold the paper close, I don't think I'll do the assignment, I don't think I'd be able to bring myself to erase his note. I sit there holding the paper until the bell rings, moving as fast as I can to get to Dominic's history class.
I get there just as he's walking out the door, I fight to not huff and puff and appear out of breath.
He doesn't say anything as he wraps his arm around my shoulders as we walk out to the parking lot. I walk him to his car and watch him leave before I'm able to get in mine.
I'm sitting in my truck, trying to bring myself to start it and go to work, even though I know Dominic could come in at any point. Maybe today will be decent, and I'm sure Mr. Marsh wants to make sure I'm ok.
I arrive at the hardware store and instantly feel dread. Dominic's car is already here. Bracing myself for whatever fresh hell is waiting, I walk into the store.
"Hey kid, feeling better today?" Mr. Marsh gives me a sympathetic smile as I walk to the counter.
"Yeah, a little," I don't say anything more as I see Dominic round one of the shelves of products and come into view.
"Be glad she has to call you when she's sick, I was getting worried when I didn't hear from her yesterday," He tries to charm Mr. Marsh who clearly isn't buying it.
I smile at them both while I pull out my English assignment, "I'm sorry to have worried you," I try my best to sound calm.
He shrugs and goes back to looking around the store. I'm nose deep in my English when the bell over the door jingles, drawing everyone's attention.
Jordan stands in the door looking just as stunned as the rest of us. He glances over at me with a sad smile.
"Sorry, I thought you had Friday's off, I didn't expect to see you," He shifts uncomfortably.
"She has Saturday off now, spends it with me and my family. If you're looking to get something maybe come back tomorrow," Dominic comes to the register to stand with me, but it's clear it's because he feels territorial.
"Shut up kid," Mr. Marsh snaps, "Let the girl speak for herself and leave my customers alone," He looks at Jordan, not anymore pleased to see him than the rest of us, "What do you need kid?"
"Drill bits, dad broke his last night," He follows as Mr. Marsh walks with him to the far back corner of the store, I watch only for a moment as they compare brands.
I divert my eyes quickly to avoid angering Dominic further. He probably thinks Jordan being here is my fault.
It takes a long while before Jordan comes to the front with a small plastic container. He gives Dominic a dark glare as he drops the bits in front of me.
I ring it up while they try to stare each other down. No words are spoken until after I hand him the bag.
"Thank you," He glances at me only a moment.
"You have your parts, you paid. Not a customer anymore so how about you go and leave my girlfriend alone," Dominic spits at Jordan as he speaks.
"Girlfriend". The word leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I'm not his girlfriend, I'm his prisoner, his silent arm candy. I was Jordan's girlfriend, this was nothing like that.
Jordan gives a defeated sigh and leaves, giving an understanding nod to Mr. Marsh before he disappears.
Dominic starts rambling about how rude Jordan was and it takes all my will power to not laugh. I tune him out as I look to Mr. Marsh who is watching me with sad eyes.
The shift is otherwise quiet. One or two other people come in before close. Clocking out brings welcome relief because going home, I at least know what I can do to help prevent a beating.
I walk Dominic to his car, he gives me his signature twisted grin as he climbs in.
"Tomorrow we'll have some fun," He chuckles as he gives me a wink.
His words twist my stomach, but his parents are usually home during the day on Saturday so I try not to think much of it.
My drive home is quiet, painfully so. I want to cry but I physically can't. It's like I've run out of tears and gone completely numb.
Dad is passed out with a whiskey bottle at his feet when I get home. I find some food in the kitchen, although there isn't much left at this point, and whip something together to leave in his office.
My room is cold, the heater must have gone out. I add that to my mental list of things I need to take care of.
With a shower and some pjs, I climb into bed with my science worksheet, reading that little note over and over again until I fall asleep.
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