Chapter 28
The bell above the door grabs my attention, I look up from my notes to see Jordan.
"Hey, I wasn't expecting you to stop by today," I close my notebook with a smile.
"Yeah, my dad wanted me to bring you something, I thought it created a good built in excuse to come see you, maybe drive you to the Stom house later," He leans on the counter, a devious look in his eyes, "And to say I really enjoyed last night."
I feel the blood rush to my cheeks, "Which part?"
He takes my hand, "Well I could talk about what we did last night, but I'd have to say, you being my date to Winter Formal is far more exciting."
"It's still two weeks away, I don't see why you're already thinking about it. Now, you said your dad sent you?"
"Oh right," He digs into his back pocket and pulls out a long velvet box, "This is his idea of an apology."
I open the box to see a long string of round, light blue stones, "What is it?" I chuckle.
"A bracelet," He takes it out of the box and wraps it around my wrist, it's cold and light, "They're opals."
"It's beautiful, really," I stare at it on my wrist, it's not a perfect fit, I don't know if that's normal.
"I doubt my dad even gave it a glance, I've seen him buy my mom jewelry," He rolls his eyes.
"What do you mean?" I start packing up my stuff, realizing it's almost time to go. The bracelet slides down to rest at the bottom of my hand.
"He walks into a jewelry store, Tiffany's or Jared's, and asks for a variety of pieces. Rejects anything under $400 and tells them to pick one of what's left."
Hearing that makes the bracelet feels like a lead weight on my wrist, "Oh my god... How much? That's insane!"
He takes a second before he cringes, "I'm sorry, I know the money thing is hard for you. I don't get how he can so easily spend that much on anything without looking at it. It frustrates me to high hell, I can only imagine how you feel."
I cover the bracelet. I debate taking it off. Slowly I start putting stuff away again, including the box for the bracelet.
"Is it ok if I drive you tonight?" He leans in closer, his voice a light whisper, "Pick you up? Maybe take you home?"
"Jordan I can't just leave my truck here all night," I say, rounding the counter to stand with him. I let my hand run up his arm.
"I just want to make sure you're ok, I worry about leaving you there alone."
"How about you take me there then back here? How's that?"
He nods. I go to clock out, saying a quick goodbye to Mr. Marsh as I walk out with Jordan by my side.
"Just... Promise me if something happens, you'll call me? I'll be there in a heartbeat."
"I'll be ok, don't worry about me," I take his free hand while he drives.
"I always worry about you. It breaks my heart seeing you upset."
I know how upset he gets. I see it written on his face anytime anything bad happens, whether it be my dad, or Dominic, or even my own low self esteem. He always tries to find ways to make it better. Last night at his house he showed me his secret stash of Disney movies from when he was a kid, when he saw how excited it made me we watched as many as we could before he took me home.
"If you want, if the money bugs you, I can return the bracelet. My dad isn't one of those guys that would notice you never wear it, he barely looked at it."
I glance at my wrist, "It's ok, as misguided as he may be, it's a very nice gift, and even if insincere it is his apology which I would like to accept. Thank you though, for trying to make me comfortable."
"Of course," He smiles as we pull into the Stom driveway, "I love you."
"I love you too, I'll call you when I'm done."
"Ok, have a good time," He caresses my cheek before leaning in for a small kiss.
I drift away from his touch and climb out of the car. I leave most all my stuff with him since he'll be picking me up in a few hours. With a deep breath, I prepare myself to see Dominic and march up to the house. I knock the door and wait.
I'm greeted by a older women, older than Rosie or Mrs. Stom. She smiles warmly.
"Welcome, are you the babysitter?" I nod, still stunned by this woman, "The councilman and his wife are expecting you, they're inside the study. It's down the hall, second door on the right."
She steps aside to let me in, I follow her directions after a courteous nod. I find Mr. and Mrs. Stom exactly where I was told I would. I knock gently on the door to get the attention.
"Ah!" Mrs. Stom rises from her seat to come hug me, "Right on time. Incredibly punctual, isn't she dear? Hello Rhea, Emily is so exciting to have you here again. She's waiting in her room, you know the drill, same as last time. We'll be back at ten."
She pulls away and puts on her coat. Her and her husband shuffle from the room, quickly leaving nothing but faint, excited laughter in their place.
I quickly go find Emily, who jumps up and races towards me.
"You're back!" She starts jumping, "Can we watch a movie tonight, or play a board game? Dominic says I'm really good at Clue!"
I give her a big smile, "Of course we can watch a movie and play Clue, why don't you pick the movie and get the game. I'll set up in the living room."
She nods before running off. I start walking out back into their living room when I realize how quiet it is. I don't hear anything but Emily rummaging in her room.
"Em, don't forget you have to clean everything up before bed!" I call out.
She's soon next to me, a movie in one hand and her board game in the other, "I promise I'll clean up."
"Is Dominic going to play too?" I ask subtly.
"No, he went out with his friends," She pouts, "I thought he'd be here."
"Well just think of it as a girls night, how about that?"
She instantly perks up, taking off in a fit of giggles. I follow her and help her set everything up. The night is slow and calm, we play a few rounds of Clue before she starts getting tired. By seven, her and I are cleaning up and putting away everything in her room. She quickly goes and brushes her teeth before climbing into her bed to be tucked in.
"If your brother is home before I leave I'll make sure he comes to say goodnight," I whisper as I help her dog onto the bed.
"Promise?" She whines, holding out her pinky.
I wrap mine around hers and wiggle them, "Promise."
She curls up under her covers and waves at me before I leave. I wave back before walking out and closing the door quietly.
I go to sit in the living room, pulling out my phone to text Jordan.
"I'm done. Parents will be home by ten, I'll see you then."
He's quick to reply, "I'll bring you some food when I pick you up. Do they want you tomorrow?"
"Not sure."
I put my phone down and wait, I flip through one of the magazines they have laying out, not surprised to see it filled with fancy, expensive clothes and furniture. The time moves sluggishly, so I occupy myself by walking around. I find the kitchen and another bathroom besides Emily's thank god. I keep checking the time, watching it get closer and closer to ten.
When ten finally does come around, I hear a car pull into the driveway. I look out to see a luxurious Jaguar pull up. Emily's parents step out, Mrs. Stom has clearly had a few glasses of wine.
"Rhea sweetie!" She beams when she comes in, "How was Emily? Is she asleep?"
"She was wonderful, we played some games and watched a movie. I told her you guys would go say goodnight when you got home, I also said Dominic would too so when he gets home..."
"Of course," The councilman puts his hand on my shoulder, giving it a hard squeeze, he pulls some money out of his pocket, "Are you free tomorrow?"
"Yes sir, same time?"
He nods as I take the money. I watch headlights shine through the window as they start heading towards Emily's room.
"Goodnight Mr. and Mrs. Stom. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Goodnight Rhea!"
I bounce outside, happy to see Jordan's car. I'm even happier to see the McDonald's waiting for me on my seat.
"How did it go?" He asks, holding the food so I can sit.
"Fun and Dominic free. Thank you for food, a huge burger sounds amazing right now."
"And a Sprite?" He holds up the cup with a smile.
I let out a dramatic gasp as I take the cup, "I love you."
"I love you too, let's get you back to your truck," We drive back through town and to the store. My food was gone before we were even halfway there.
"Thank you Jordan," I smile as I unbuckle my seatbelt, "I'll call you when I get home."
"Maybe I'll stop by before you babysit tomorrow. If that's ok..."
"Of course," I tilt my head as I stall getting out.
He pulls me into a deep kiss, one I wish could go on forever. He hesitates to pull away, "Let me know if you need anything."
"All I need is you."
He smiles as I let out a yawn, "Go home, get some sleep babe. I love you."
"I love you too."
I climb from the car, my stuff in hand. With one last wave goodbye, I hop in my truck and start heading home. I count my blessings and hope dad's asleep as I pull up to the house fifteen minutes later.
It's quiet inside, so I carefully make my way to my room. I collapse onto my bed, ready to doze off.
I remind myself I have to actually get ready for bed, dragging myself to the bathroom to clean up. I call Jordan as I take off my makeup.
"Everything ok?" He asks as soon as he picks up.
"Yep, I'm home, dad is quiet and I'm getting ready for bed."
"Good, get some sleep, I'm here if you need anything."
My brain starts speaking before I can stop it, "I would like you. I'd happily go to bed and fall asleep with you. You're so warm and cuddly, and you smell so nice."
He starts laughing, "Sleep, temptress. I'll see you tomorrow."
I moan disappointedly, "Ok."
I start waddling back to bed, happy to crawl under the covers. I let out a satisfied groan.
"Goodnight Rhea," He whispers through the phone.
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