Chapter 26

"They'll love you," Jordan reassures me for the third time as we pack up our backpacks.

Today is Friday. In three hours I'm having dinner with his parents. All day, I've been sure I've developed an ulcer.

My dress is in his car, along with a cheap, simple pair of black heels I found for ten bucks. I have makeup in my bag, and a pain in my stomach.

Jordan and I are hanging out at the library until it's time to get ready, he's going to help me with my math assignment and I'm going to help him with his history essay revision.

His hand is wrapped around mine as we make it out to the parking lot. I feel a tug when he stops walking and I don't.

"Hey," I grab his arm, "You alright?"

He turns to me, not really looking at me as he hands me his keys, "Yeah, yeah I'm ok. Just give me a minute, I'll meet you at the car."

"Umm," I take his keys and just stand there, "Ok..."

I watch him walk off towards the front of the school, but lose him in the sea of students. I make my way to his car, seeing my dress and his clothes carefully laid out in the back seat. I unlock the car and sit in the passenger seat, turning on the radio while I wait.

I sit there reading the assigned chapters for Frankenstein, bored out of my skull waiting. When he comes back he looks pissed to high hell.

"What happened? Are you ok?" I ask, closing the book.

"I'm fine, just... A little wound. Give me a minute and I'll be fine."

I take his word on it and shut my mouth. He drives fast, gripping the wheel instead of tapping on it. We get to the library in half the normal time.

"Go on in," He says, staring straight ahead, "I'll be in soon. I need to cool down."

"What happened?"

He shakes his head, "I'll tell you later, I just... Need the night."

I nod, slowly getting out of the car. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and head for the library entrance. Glancing back, Jordan hasn't moved at all, he's just staring at nothing, looking ready to explode. I see his hand still on the steering wheel, it's bloody.

I put my head down and rush into the library. I find a seat quickly before dropping our stuff and rushing to the bathroom. I hide in a stall and try to think. My stomach growls at me desperately. Stress keeps adding on today and I didn't eat lunch, I can't tell if the pain I have is hunger or something else.

I groan as I press my head to the wall. It always worries me when Jordan gets into fights, it makes me uncomfortable, he's gotten better about it but he still slips up.

After the pain in my stomach is gone, I get up and make my way out of the bathroom. I'm surprised that Jordan hasn't come in yet. I sit at the table and wait, reading the same line of Frankenstein over and over again, trying to at least look like I'm working.

Half an hour passes before he finally shows up, sitting down with a huff.

"Everything alright?" I ask quietly, not looking up from the book.

"Yeah, I'm good now. What chapter are you on?"

"I don't even know, I don't like this book... It freaks me out," I shove it away.

"You still nervous?"

I nod, "My stomach hurts."

"Food will help, you should have eaten lunch. You'll like the restaurant, it's really nice, they have live music and everything, and the food is incredible!"

"Yes because nothing calms my nerves more than thinking about tonight."

He sighs, pulling me into a hug, "We could bail, go to my house while they're at the restaurant. Order pizza, watch a movie and I'll tell them you were sick."

"Yeah and then I'm the flakey girlfriend. I just want tonight to be over. My dad was in one of his moods this morning and I doubt he'll be better when I get back. I have to survive your parents and then him. Tonight won't be easy in any way."

"Don't think about it, ok? Just think of dinner as a date night for us, pretend my parents are no part of it," He kisses the top of my head, "Let's get to work."

We work on his essay first, I sit on his lap while revising his essay on his laptop while going over our teacher's notes. We power through the English chapters, the Spanish practice test, the science study guide, and the math homework. We don't finish everything, Jordan wanted me to leave a few math problems unsolved to try on my own. I look up at the clock, seeing we only have an hour until dinner.

"We should get ready," He says, standing up, "I'll get our clothes, you pack up here?"

I nod and start putting away all the pencils and papers in their respective backpacks. I'm super gentle with his laptop. I see him being just as gentle with my dress on his way in.

"How long will you be?" He asks, placing the dress in my arms.

"Twenty, maybe thirty minutes tops," I cringe, "I'll try to be quick."

We head into the bathrooms, nervousness evident on both our faces. I slip out of my clothes and into the dress, once again admiring how it looks on me. Once it, my tights, and my heels are on, I navigate how to walk without tripping. I rest in front of the mirror, redoing my foundation and putting nicer makeup on; eyeshadow, blush, and lipstick, all of which have been chosen to match the dress.

I meet Jordan in front of the bathrooms. He looks so handsome in his dress clothes, his black pants are a perfect fit and his jacket stays unbuttoned.

"Shall we?" He offers me his arm, I gladly accept it, his warmth brings me comfort.

The drive is slow and quiet. Almost forty minutes from the library to the restaurant. Pulling up, I don't feel much better.

The restaurant is huge, it looks like an old colonial home with fountains in front of it. It towers over me, almost like a bully, laughing at me.

Jordan stays close by me as we let the valet take his car and we walk inside. He does all the talking before the hostess guides us to a table where two people are already sitting.

"Jordan dear," A slim woman stands to hug Jordan, her face shape similar to his, and her smile just as sweet. She gives him a quick peck on the cheek before looking to me, "You must be Rhea. I'm Celia Mars, Jordan's mother, it's a great pleasure to meet you."

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Mrs. Mars," I smile and nod my head gently.

Mrs. Mars nudges the man next to her, who then stands with his hand outstretched, "Sebastian Mars, I'm very happy to meet you young lady. Jordan has told us much about you these past few days," He glances to Jordan, "She's prettier than you said, son. A truly beautiful being, might I say."

"Thank you sir, I'm very glad to be here," I take his hand, surprised by how hard he squeezes.

"Please sit," He gestures to the seats, "My wife and I have taken the liberty of ordering the first course. I hope a Caesar salad is alright, Rhea."

"Of course sir," Jordan pulls out my chair for me, I give him a quick smile.

I take a moment to look around the restaurant. Large windows surround the room, and large chandeliers dangle from the ceiling. Most everything is white or grey, making it seem light and airy even when completely packed.

"So, Rhea," Mrs. Mars smiles at me, "Tell us about yourself. We understand you work at the hardware store in town, that must be interesting."

"Oh, it's just a small job. The shop mostly handles online bulk orders for small contractors and home improvement types. It's a quiet job, and I've grown close to the man who hired me."

"Andrew Marsh if I remember right," Mr. Mars interjects, I nod, "I once tried to buy his shop, he wouldn't budge. Stubborn man."

"He loves the store, it's his whole life," I point out, hoping not to sound rude. Mr. Mars waves his hand dismissively.

"It's nice that you enjoy your job. I certainly hope it doesn't interfere with your studies, Jordan told us you're helping him with history."

"Yes. I guess it all worked out, seeing as Jordan has helped me raise my math grade. Your son is very bright," I smile at Jordan as he starts blushing.

A waiter stops by, dropping off the first course. Mrs. Mars has the same as me, while the boys have some sort of stew. I glance at the menu, not understanding any of it as its mostly in French. Jordan's hand wraps around mine under the table, drawing my attention to his reassuring eyes.

"What's your family like?" Mrs. Mars keeps talking, her husband just sits back listening, like I'm some deal he's debating if he wants to take.

"Well, my dad is a graphic designer, freelance. It's always been his passion. My grandparents are all out of state and honestly aren't very good about staying in touch," I try to laugh it off.

"What about your mother?" She asks, Jordan's hand tightens around mine.

I force a small smile, "She died, about eight years ago."

That gets his father's attention, causing him to straighten up and lean forward.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry," Mrs. Mars covers her mouth in shock, "Had I known I never would have brought it up. I'm so sorry for your loss."

"Thank you," I smile, "It was a long time ago."

"What did she do?" I'm stunned when Mr. Mars speaks.

"She was a singer, she would perform in places much like this," I tell him, quickly looking away. I see the small stage with a large piano, no one is currently performing but I swear I can hear my mom singing, I used to go to her gigs with her.

We all make small talk for a little while before placing our orders. Jordan discretely helps me find something I'd like, and I order the rainbow trout filet while he orders a simple sirloin steak. His parents order the same thing, beef tenderloin with truffle sauce. His father is quick to dismiss the waiter.

I laugh when Mrs. Mars makes jokes, trying not to sound too loud and disruptive around her husband. He sits quietly, and it unsettles me. He barely says a word until dessert.

Mrs. Mars talks to Jordan as he pokes his cheesecake, I listen intently to their little debates about school and stuff at home.

"Got into another fight I see," His father's voice silences all of us.

"Dad, not here, not now," Jordan puts his now bruising hand under the table.

"You know, he went a week with barely anything. Two fights instead of ten. Then he told us about you and I thought 'maybe he's turning around'! No such luck I see. I hope my son's misconduct doesn't have any negative effects on you, Rhea dear."

His father's tone is condescending. I can see anger on Jordan's face. I'm quick to react.

"Jordan is a good person, yes he fights but he fights defending others. And his recent lack of fighting has nothing to do with me, it has to do with the fact that no one is giving him much of a reason anymore. Like it or not, sir, his fighting has improved students lives."

He scoffs. I turn back to the raspberry soufflé in front of me. Jordan was right when he told me it was amazing, his mother got the hazelnut and it looks just as good. I see her trying to hide a smile.

"Rhea," His father draws my attention once again, "You said your mother was a singer?"

"Sebastian," Mrs. Mars interrupts, but she is quickly disregarded.

"Jordan tells us you yourself have quite the voice. Perhaps you would like to sing for us, I would be very happy to hear you."

His smile looks like a mask, hiding his true intentions. I look to Jordan, suddenly incredibly nervous.


"I'm sure we can arrange for you to sing a song with the pianist, I know the manager, I have no doubt he would oblige."

"Dad, knock it off!" Jordan starts to raise his voice.

"I don't understand why you're getting upset son. You were the one praising her voice just yesterday, I just want to hear for myself."

"Dad you can't just spring that on people!"

They start arguing, quietly so as not to disturb anyone. I only catch snipets of why they say.

"I don't see the big deal, I just want to hear her sing."

"You're out of line, back off before you make her uncomfortable."

I feel my chest get tight, I start shaking and my breathing gets quicker as they argue more and more. Feeling ready to be sick, I get up from the table and quickly push past waiters and patrons to the back of the restaurant where the bathroom is.

"Rhea!" Mrs. Mars calls out gently.

"Now look what you did," I hear Jordan say before his voice starts to fade in the crowd.

I hear him call my name as I hurry to hide, "Rhea!"

I close the door, and his voice fades away.

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