Chapter 22

Mr. Marsh let's me change in the back room. I don't want to wear baggy, worn clothes when babysitting the councilman's daughter. I can hear him and Jordan talking as I get dressed. My hands shake and my forehead is sweating.

I could walk away with $200 tonight, and at least another $200 every week. That could make a huge difference for my family.

My throat feels so dry as I step back out into the room. The guys don't seem to notice until I get closer.

"Do you want me to drive you?" Jordan throws his arm around my shoulder, "You look nice."

"Thank you," I take his hand in mine, "I can drive myself tonight. Maybe I'll meet you when I'm done at the Stom's house."

"I'd like that," He leans in to kiss my cheek, "Also, before I forget... My parents are looking forward to Friday. They're thinking of making reservations at a restaurant in the city. My mom is really excited."

"Oh, a restaurant? Like in public? I thought it was going to be at your house," I start squirming next to him.

"Are you alright?"

"Meeting your parents is a lot of pressure and putting me in a public place with a bunch of other rich people?... I'll stick out like a sore thumb!"

Mr. Marsh starts waving his hands, "What's going on?"

Jordan shrugs, "She's meeting my parents over dinner on Friday. She's nervous that they won't like her," He looks back to me, "You'll be fine, if you draw a lot of attention it'll be because you're so beautiful, not because you don't belong."

"What if they think I'm dating you because of your money?"

"They won't, and if they do, I promise I'll set them straight."

"Kid, if they don't like you then there's something wrong with them, not you," Mr. Marsh says while looking at the clock, "It's five thirty kiddo, you better get going. I'll see you tomorrow."

I nod and clock out, hanging my apron as Jordan walks me out. I wipe my hands on my jeans before I climb into my truck.

"You'll do great," Jordan reassures me as he closes my door, "Have fun, alright? I'll swing by and check on your dad, make sure he has something to eat."

"Thank you, you don't have to," I whine as I put my key in the ignition.

"I know, but I want to. I want to help you out whenever I can. Call me when you're done, alright? Maybe we'll get something for dinner."

I smile and blow him a kiss, "I'll talk to you later. I love you!"

"I love you too," He waves goodbye as I pull out of my spot and head down the road.

I pull out one of the CD's Jordan bought me and pop it into my player. One was Bon Jovi but I'm not really feeling that today, so I listen to the Pink album instead.

The music is amazing, and it helps calm my nerves a bit as I get closer to the house. Halfway through the CD I'm pulling up in their driveway with five minutes to spare.

I expect the councilman or his wife to answer the door when I knock. I'm stunned to find Dominic in front of me in their place.

"Hey," He smiles wide, taking my hand and pulling me in the door, "Come in! I'll tell my parents you're here."

"I didn't expect to see you," I say as I pull my hand back.

"I had made plans, but one of my buddies got super sick so we all decided to cancel. Don't worry, I'll just stay in my room, I might head out at some point."

With that he leaves me standing by the door. I look back down at my hand, oddly I feel tainted. Of all the things to make me feel tainted it's an odd classmate taking my hand.

I hear small feet run down the hall. I glance over to see a set of shiny, blonde pigtails, and deep brown eyes hiding behind a stuffed pony.

"Hello," I call out quietly, the girl just stares at me, "You must be Emily."

She nods, before bursting out in giggles and taking off down the hall. I brush it off as her being shy and turn to face her parents as they enter the room. They're both well dressed and smiling.

"Rhea," Mrs. Stom extends her arms and pulls me into a hug, "It's great seeing you again!"

"Likewise Mrs. Stom," I hesitantly accept her embrace.

"Please honey, call me Elaine. Emily has done her homework, she's eaten," She glances down the hall and calls out with a chuckle, "In theory she's taken her bath! Regardless, her bedtime is eight, she can watch a movie if she'd like but nothing that isn't rated G, and she's a sweet talker and will try to convince you it's ok. She's an angel really, just a little... Shy and curious."

"Thank you for this opportunity," I say again as they walk out the door.

The councilman smiles at me, "Our numbers are on the fridge, call us if you need anything. We'll be back by nine. Have a good night girls!"

"You too, enjoy your date night," I wave as the door closes behind them.

With a sigh of relief, I make my way down the hall in search of Emily. Door after door and I can't find her. Frustration kicks in as I open the last door down the hall. Inside I find a pink and white bedroom.

I see Emily sitting on the floor, on a pink fur rug.

"Hi Emily, your parents just left. It looks like it's just you and me for the next few hours," I sit in front of her and smile, "I'm Rhea."

She stares for a moment, with a sweet smile. She tilts her head and looks me up and down.

"What kind of name is Rhea?" She asks, it doesn't sound like she's mocking me or teasing me. It sounds genuine.

"Oh, umm, it's Greek... My mom loved Greek mythology and wanted to name me after the mother of the Gods, it means comfort."

"What's Greek mythology?" She slowly scoots closer.

"Well, a long time ago in Greece, actually some people today still believe that there are multiple gods, and each God is in charge of something. Like Zeus, King of the gods, God of Thunder. Or Poseidon, God of the sea. In that time if someone like a fisherman needed better luck fishing, he would pray to Poseidon."

"That's cool," She says as she looks back down at her teddy bear, "Do you like Barbie?"

I chuckle, "I haven't played with a Barbie in years, but it was always my favorite."

Her smile spreads as she crawls over to a large white chest at the end of her bed. She pulls out three dolls and brings them over to me.

"You can be Heather!" She beams, "She's my favorite, I like her red hair."

"Me too, I have a friend with red hair like this, it's a very pretty color."

She giggles and starts playing, I follow along, occasionally sneaking in a joke to make her laugh. An hour goes by and Emily slowly starts winding down. She starts yawning and rubbing her eyes.

At 7:45 I help her put away her toys and brush her teeth. I watch her climb in her large bed, and as if on cue a small, fluffy dog with a bell on its collar comes trotting in the room.

"Waffles!" She calls out with a smile as the dog jumps on her bed. I try not to laugh at her naming her dog Waffles.

I start tucking her and the dog in when she surprises me with a question.

"Do you like my brother?"

"What?" I chuckle.

"I saw you in the entryway, do you like my brother?"

I sit on her toy box and think for a second, "I don't dislike your brother. He seems nice and he got me this job."

"He likes you," She says quietly, "He talks about you a lot but complains that he can't ask you out. Why won't you go out with him?"

"I'm already dating someone I really like, and I don't really know Dominic all that well."

"He knows you. He mentions you and your work and classes a lot. He gets mad sometimes though, he says someone called Jordan is dumb and in his way. Who's Jordan?"

I freeze, I glance at the door, suddenly concerned he might be out there. Emily stares at me, waiting for an answer.

"No one sweetie," I eventually say as I get up, not taking my eyes off the door until I go to pat her head, "Get some sleep, I'll make sure your parents come in and give you a kiss when they get home. Alright?"

"Ok... Will you come back next week, Rhea?"

"You bet kiddo, sweet dreams," I turn off her lamp and leave, closing the door quietly behind me.

I don't really know where to go, so I make my way back down the hall and into the living room, the only other room I'm familiar with. I take a seat on one of the chairs and let out a deep sigh. I'm trying to process what Emily told me.

"He says someone called Jordan is dumb and in his way." Her voice rings in my head.

In his way? In his way of what?

I hear footsteps coming and I quickly rise to my feet. I'm for once not caught off guard by Dominic's entry.

"How were things with Em?" He asks as he struts into the room, sitting on the couch.

"Fine, she's a sweet girl."

He pats the spot next to him before draping his arm over the back of the couch, "Come sit with me."

It's not a question, he has this cocky look on his face. I take a step back, "No, thank you, I'm happy to stand."

"You need to let loose every now and again. Take a minute, sit and relax. You're always so uptight. Come on, just come sit with me."

"I said no, thank you, Dominic."

He stands, his cockiness gone but I can't tell what exactly replaces it. He takes a few steps closer to me, slowly.

"I said..." His voice is low, almost a whisper, "Come sit with me."

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