Chapter 15

"Call me when you're done? I'll come get you," Jordan pets my hair as I stare at the large, tan colored house.

"I'm nervous," I pull my index finger so hard the knuckle pops, "What if they don't like me?"

"They're just people, and they'd be crazy not to like you. Worse comes to worse you don't get the job, ok?"

"Yes because being rejected by a major city council member, someone who might run for mayor, is totally normal and not terrifying," I roll my eyes.

It almost six, I need to get out of the car. If I don't get out soon then I'll have pulled some of my mom's nicer clothes and her curling iron for nothing. I smooth the pencil skirt nervously.

"You'll do great," His lips meet my cheek, leaving a warm, phantom sensation behind.

Hesitantly I climb out of the car and watch Jordan slowly drive away. There's no turning back now, and that only scares me more. With a shaking hand, I knock on the door.

I plaster a smile on my face as the door starts to open, I fight to keep it there when I see Dominic's face appear.

"Hey, there you are, I was starting to worry you couldn't find the place," He glances behind me, "Jordan drive you?"

I nod, "My car has a dead battery, he's kind of being my driver for the next few days."

He shrugs and steps aside to let me in, "Odd, he didn't stay to support his girlfriend."

I take a deep breath, "He didn't want to intrude so he's going and overseeing my car being towed."

Dominic's smile doesn't fade as I walk through the door, "My parents are in the living room, it's just down that hall," He points to my right, "They're waiting for you, they are both very excited to meet you!"

I feel the sweat forming on my forehead, my only hope is that my makeup is hiding it. I brush my hair back over my shoulders, the light waves I put in are proving to have a mind of their own. After I straighten up and take a few deep breaths, I try to confidently strut into the living room where I find the two adults waiting for me.

"Hello dear," The woman stands and comes to shake my hand, "I'm Elaine Stom, you must be Rhea. We're so pleased to see you!"

I shake her hand back, "Likewise ma'am, thank you for this opportunity," I look over to the man who was seated next to her. Now he's standing and staring at me, "Pleased to meet you Councilman Stom," I reach out my hand and wait for the few moments it takes him to accept the offer.

"The pleasure is mine," His voice is surprisingly deep and booming, he looks much like Dominic with his wide jaw, straight nose, and amber eyes. I think I expected them to sound similar as well, "We've heard much about you. Please," He gestures to the couch behind me, "Have a seat."

I do as I'm told, folding my hands delicately in my lap, Mrs. Stom lifts a fine China teapot, "Would you like a cup dear? It's chamomile."

"Yes please," I smile at her as she pours, "Thank you."

She nods as she hands me the fragile cup, the smell soothes me a little and the warmth feels good on my throat as I drink.

"Dominic tells us you currently are working part time at Fixer Hardware, are you sure you have the time to take this on?" The councilman asks me.

"Yes, I've discussed it with everyone important in my life. My father supports it, and my boss does as well and is willing to accommodate by rearranging my work schedule."

"Well we understand you also have a boyfriend, I wouldn't want to interfere with your personal life or have it interfere with your focus here," He leans forward and waves his hand around for emphasis.

I'm a little caught off guard, but try to keep my cool, "I did discuss it with him as well and he has no problems with it at this time. I have no intention of letting anything interfere with my focus while working. If he decides later he's not ok with this then he and I will have to address it but I will not be bringing my personal life to work with me."

He smiles at me, "What about your school life? Grades? Behavior? Friends?"

"I'm not the greatest student but I get by. Most of my classes are staying in the B's, my only problem area is math and I'm working on it. I should still be able to help with any homework your daughter may have. I've never gotten in trouble at school, no detentions or calls to home, as for friends..." I don't really know what to say, so I say the first thing in my head, "My best friend moved a few years ago and I stay in touch, but my main focuses have been school, family, and work."

Mrs. Stom adjusts in her seat, gracefully placing her chin on her fist, "And what is your home life like?"

"My mother..." I feel my smile fade as I look down, "She was a singer, she passed when I was 11, ovarian cancer. It's just me and my dad, who's a freelance graphic designer."

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry for your loss," She reaches across to me even though she can't reach me, "It must be hard losing your mother so young."

I nod, "I have enough memories. It doesn't usually feel like she's really gone. It is hard sometimes, but we get by."

She nods with a gentle smile, her husband interjects, "Do you have any previous experience with children? Any CPR training?"

"No, I don't usually spend time around younger children aside from those who come through the store. As for CPR, I have no training but I am willing to get some as that is a valid concern for you to have."

We bounce back and forth like this for an hour, they ask me about how I would handle certain situations such as if Emily were upset I didn't let her watch TV after dinner or if Emily broke something and got cut on glass. We go over Emily's evening schedule and talk about what times they would want me. Eventually we get to the topic of money.

"We would be willing to offer $200 a night, some weeks it may be Saturday and Sunday and sometimes it might just be one night," The councilman explains. I'm busy picking my jaw up off the floor.

"Are you alright with that pay amount?" His wife tilts her head at me as she sips her tea.

"Of course, that's a very generous amount!" I chuckle lightly.

"We want to be as compensating as we can as whoever we choose will be giving up a possible two nights a week."

I nod as the councilman stares at me, "Do you have any questions for us, Rhea?"

I take a sip of the tea, surprised by his question, "Oh... Well, um, my only concern is commitment. If you were to offer me this job, would I be able to request a trial period? I want to test the waters in a way, see if Emily likes me, if we get along, if I like the work."

He nods, "Of course! How about this, this Sunday, Mrs. Stom and I will be going out for dinner. Be here by six o'clock and see how the night goes. If it doesn't work out, no harm no foul."

"Wait, are you saying--" I look at them both as I place the cup on the table in between us, "Are you saying I've got the job?"

He shrugs, "If you want it, it's yours. You seem to be a well rounded girl, smart, sensible, and Dominic speaks highly of you. We'll see you Sunday at six?"

"Yes! Of course," I giggle, "Thank you so much, this is very exciting!"

They both smile at me as we all rise. We shake hands one last time as the walk me to the door. With a final goodbye they disappear into the large house. I pull out my phone, giving a quick glance to make sure no one is eavesdropping.

Jordan picks up almost immediately, "Hey! You're truck is in the shop, should be ready in a couple days. How was the interview?"

"I got the job! They want me this Sunday for a trial run, they're giving me $200 a night!"

"Wow that's amazing! I knew you could do it, I'm proud of you Rhea. Give me ten minutes and I'll be there to pick you up. I made sure your dad ate dinner, he's having a rough time tonight, took forever to get him to touch the food. So far he's kept it down so that's a good sign," I hear his car door in the background, "Why don't we go out and eat to celebrate?"

"I'd like that, I miss you. Thank you for helping to push me to do this, and being so supportive."

"Don't thank me, I want this for you. I want you happy and I know this could help. Are we still on for this Saturday?"

"Definitely, I'm really excited. A night with you and then a night of something new. Things are really looking good."

"Hopefully it'll stay that way. I'll see you when I get there, alright?"

"Ok," I glance behind me again and lower my voice, "I love you."

"I love you too, Rhea, see you soon," With that he hangs up and I put my phone away.

I hear footsteps nearby, I look to find Dominic coming into the room.

"Congrats!" He calls out with a smile, "I knew they'd love you! Emily will be so ecstatic. Is Jordan coming to get you or do you want a ride?"

"Jordan will be here soon. Thank you for setting this up, Dominic," I keep my head down.

"I was really hoping they'd pick you, maybe it'll give us a chance to hang out sometime?" He reaches for my arm but I carefully pull away.

"I don't want to bring my personal life into this, I don't want to jeopardize this," I let out a sigh.

"Oh, yeah, I totally get that," He chuckles but it doesn't sound real, "But maybe before and after you watch Em, we can chat, you know just be casual. I wouldn't want to ruin this for you but I would love to get to know you."

I'm unsure what to do so I scrunch up my nose, "Maybe, we'll see what happens," I see headlights shine through the front windows, "That's my ride, I'll probably see you at school. Bye."

I hustle out of the house to see Jordan's car. Relief floods me as I make my way over and into the passenger seat.

"There's my brilliant girlfriend!" He pulls me into a kiss, "My brilliant girlfriend who deserves to be spoiled with a wonderful dinner for her wonderful interview!"

I laugh as my hand runs down my arm, "You're the best, Jordan. I hope you know that," I look back at the house, "Come on, let's go before it gets too late."

He nods before putting the car in drive and taking us back down the road. We talk about the weekend, and what we'll do on our date. He gives me options for dinner tonight, mostly high end places, but I insist on Jack-in-the-Box. I insist on eating in the car, clear night, curly fries, and the starry night sky. He has no objections.

I smile most of the night. He tells me jokes and constantly kisses me and pulls me close. The only thing that could make things better is my dad staying sober but I barely even think about that as Jordan and lay on the hood of his car, laughing and counting stars.

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