End one


(Y/n) opened her eyes and felt a hand squeeze hers.
She looked beside her, it was Luxembourg.
He was burned and bandaged up like she was.
The two held hands as they lay next to each other.
The doctor came in and looked at the two.
"Youou two are up now. That is wonderful.", the doctor smiled, "the paramedics found you two laying side by side, holding hands."

The doctor told them that everyone was healing like they were, and that the ones who attacked were captured or killed.
He allowed them to get some visitors, Kim and America were the ones to visit.
"Hey.", Kim said with a small smile, "are you okay?"
"I'm burned, but I've been worse.", (y/n) answered.
"So, you and (y/n)?", America asked Luxembourg.
"Are engaged.", The male responded.

The visit was over soon and the two Americans left.
(Y/n) climbed into the bed with Luxembourg, she was not going to let anything get between her and the brunet male anymore.
The silver haired female cuddled him and felt him kiss her head, the two spent the rest of their hospital stay in the bed like that.

A month passed and they had the wedding all set up, Denmark was going to give her away to Luxembourg.
Sealand was the ring bearer, Kim was the maid of honor, Norway was the man of honor.

(Y/n) was waiting in her dressing room, she was pacing around in a worried manner.
Belgium was with her as was Kimberly, "settle down Chick. Everything will be fine."
"I want to Kim.", the silver haired female replied, "but I keep having a nagging feeling."
Belgium smiled her odd smile, "My little brother will take care of you, don't worry."
"Thanks. But I am still stressed.", the Scandinavian sighed.
"It's normal to feel that way. But you need to smile, this is supposed to be the happiest day of your life.", the Belgian said and hugged her sister-in-law to be.
The silver haired female hugged back, "tak Belgium."

The three heard the Music begin, Belgium and Kim helped (y/n) get the finishing touches on.
"Now go out there and marry your man!", Kim cheered and ran out.
Belgium followed and wen to her post.
(Y/n) stepped out of the room and was face to face with Denmark, the blond Dane looked like he was surprised and about to cry.
"You look so beautiful lillesøster.", the Dane said and wiped his eyes.
The silver haired Scandinavian smiled up at him, "you look handsome as well."
She took his arm and walked down the Isle with him, the Dane was bursting with pride.

Luxembourg and the guests turned to see her walk in that white dress, the luxembourgish man was about to cry from sheer joy.
(Y/n) stood next to Luxembourg and smiled, he looked handsome in his tuxedo.
The priest cleared his throat and began, he said what he was supposed to then.
"Does anyone object to this union? Speak now or forever hold your peace."
There was no objections.
"Do you Luxembourg, take (y/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do."

"Do you (y/n), take Luxembourg to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do.", the silver haired female smiled.
"You may kiss the bride.", the priest said and Luxembourg gave his new wife a kiss.
After all the celebrations were over with, Luxembourg took (y/n) on the honeymoon.
It was a small but beautiful location.
The two were never without the other the whole time.

A few months later, it was peaceful and (y/n) continued to work with Luxembourg.
Luxembourg however noticed changes in his wife, she was gaining weight.
Her breast size was growing, she was getting sore and sick.
"I think you need to see a doctor.", the Man said to his wife.
(Y/n) whined, "but I don't need a doctor."
"You have been getting sick, I worry for you.", the luxembourgish man replied and took her hand, "please."
"I've already been.", the silver haired female pouted, "and it's nothing. Just a growth."

"Do you need the growth removed?", Luxembourg asked with concern.
"That would be murder.", (y/n) replied, "besides you put it in me."
She put her finger on his nose to emphasize the 'you'.
Luxembourg stopped working.
He looked at her face, then her belly.
"You are-", he started.
"Yes.", the silver haired female smiled.
The brunet haired male pulled her into his lap and snuggled her, "I have been dreaming of this moment for so long."
(Y/n) smiled, her husband placed a hand on her belly and rubbed it.
He gave her a long and passionate kiss, "have you told anyone else?"
"Nej.", (y/n) said, "I wanted to tell you first."
"I'm glad you did.", Luxembourg smiled, "but we should tell our families too."


A day later, Norway found an invitation to a dinner party from his sister and luxembourg.
The Norwegian man showed it to his brothers.
"We're going.", Denmark said, "we have to go."
"Of course we're going.", Finland responded.
Iceland sat quietly, "when?"
"Tomorrow.", The Norwegian responded, "wear something nice."


Luxembourg and (y/n) waited for their guests to arrive, both had on nice outfits.
(Y/n) wore a dress that did not hug her curves like she usually wore, mostly for the baby's health.
Pelutze lay next to the woman as she rubbed his head, the chubby dog enjoyed the attention.

The doorbell rang and Luxembourg went to get it.
"Little brother! Hello!", Belgium chimed as Netherlands held basket of gifts.
The luxembourgish man let his sister in after saying hello.
The blonde Belgian went right to her sister in law to talk.
(Y/n) and Belgium spoke for a while, their giggles got the attention of Netherlands and Luxembourg.
The tall blond male walked over to the silver haired female and placed his pet rabbit next to her, "here."

The Scandinavian female petted both the rabbit and Pelutze.
"You really love animals.", Belgium noticed.
"Ja. They are so cute.", (y/n) replied.
The brown dog nosed the female's tummy then the rabbit on her lap, the rabbit did not move.
Just wiggled its little nose.
The two females continued to talk as the males talked.

The doorbell rang again and Netherlands answered, it was the Nordics.
"Hei!", Finland chirped happily.
Netherlands let them in and luxembourg led everyone to the dining room.
Finland brought Hana, She and Pelutze started to play.
Netherlands' rabbit stayed with (y/n) as it was comfortable in her lap.

The guests talked before luxembourg got their attention.
"Thank you for all coming. We have an announcement.", the brunet man said and looked to his wife.
(Y/n) smiled, "I'm pregnant."
Denmark dropped his spoon.
A unified gasp was heard.
Belgium squealed, "congratulations! Do you know what it is yet?"
"No. It's far too early.", the silver haired female replied and had her hand over the spot her baby was.
Dinner was good, everyone was happy.
Finland gave (y/n) a box of baby items, so she could be ready.
The Netherlands smiled a bit and leaned over to his brother, "Congratulations."
"Thank you.", luxembourg smiled back.
The celebration was cut when everyone had to go home.


Months later, everyone was at the hospital.
(Y/n) had gone into labor and they were waiting.
The Nurse came out with a smile, "congratulations, you have a daughter."
Luxembourg held onto Denmark for support, the Dane fainted and both fell.
The brunet male got up and washed his hands before Going to see his wife and daughter.

The silver haired female was holding her daughter against her chest, the baby girl had her eyes opened and looking up at her mother.
The gentle violet blue eyes and soft blond hair stood out, luxembourg sat next to his wife and looked at his daughter.
"She's beautiful. Like her mother.", the man smiled and kissed his wife.
"I think she looks more like her father.", (y/n) smiled back, "do you want to hold her?"

Luxembourg took the baby girl from his wife and cradled her, the little eyes peered up at him.
A small yawn came from the baby.
The Male could not help but to smile, he was holding a life he made.
His daughter, "I love her."
(Y/n) smiled and closed her eyes, the nurse came back and took the daughter away for tests.
The baby came back to be given to her mother.

After a few days, (y/n) and her baby were allowed to go home.
Luxembourg had set up the cradle in their room, he had everything ready with help from his siblings and Finland.
The silver haired female was taking care of their daughter, feeding her.
The brunet man could not help but to watch his loving wife be a loving mother, it was beautiful.
She finished feeding the baby and rocked her to sleep.
"Sleep well (d/n)", she smiled and placed her in the crib.

Luxembourg smiled and gave his wife a pat on the back, "how are you feeling?"
"Tired. Being a caretaker and buffet can be exhausting.", (y/n) replied, "but, I like it. It is fulfilling."
"Want to try to give her a sibling?", he asked and leaned his head on his wife's.
"Yes.", the silver haired female replied, "when I can. I need to heal first."
The brunet male smiled and sat his wife down, "I'll be back after I do my work. Just rest while you can."


(D/n) grew into a cute little girl.
She was following her mother, "mommy! Why is your tummy round?"
(Y/n) turned and kneeled down to her daughter, "because, you are getting a little brother or sister."
The little blonde girl's face lit up, "I'm going to be a big sister?!"
"Ja.", the silver haired female smiled, "will you help me when the baby comes?"
(D/n) nodded and bounced, "I'm going to be a big sister!"

Luxembourg chuckled and patted his daughter's head, "You'll be a great big sister. Now get ready for school."
The little girl got ready for school and (y/n) walked her to the school, "have a good day dear."
"I will mama!", the little girl said back and waved as she ran inside.
The silver haired woman smiled and walked back home where her husband was waiting for her.

When (y/n) went to pick up her daughter that afternoon, she found the little girl's hair was in a different style and had some sparkly clips in it.
"Honey, who did your hair?", the silver haired woman asked her daughter.
"Poofin uncle!", (d/n) giggled.
The Scandinavian female sighed and took her daughter home, she needed to talk to Iceland when she had the opportunity.
The next day was the same, her daughter came home with her hair up.

(Y/n) took (d/n) to school again and went home as always.
(D/n) ran inside and to her classroom, the little girl sat where she always did.
She listened to her teacher and did her work until it was time to play outside.
The little girl ran outside, hoping to see the man with the puffin again.
But he was not there this time.
She walked along the playground and looked at the flowers, the little girl heard talking.

(D/n) looked and saw two men sitting next to the playground, both were talking.
She walked up to them, the taller one had similar facial features as her mother.
Both stopped talking and looked behind them at the child.
The tall one's eyes looked at the little girl as his grin widened, "Hallo."
"Hallo.", the little girl smiled, "your teeth are pointy! Like mama's!"
The tall man looked at his angry companion and fully turned to the girl, "is your mother's name (y/n) be any chance?"

The little girl nodded, "Ja! And my papa is luxembourg!"
The angry man looked angrier, he then sighed and motioned the little girl to come closer.
She did and the small red clad man picked her up, he set her on his lap and pulled a cross necklace from his pocket.
The tall man let out what seemed to be a giggle, "My name is Bernard, this is Thurston. We are your uncles."
(D/n) smiled up at the Brunet man, "you know my mama?"
"Joo. I was... am... I love her.", Thurston said.

The Finn stopped talking and hugged the little girl, he could not hate her.
This was (y/n)'s, she loved this child.
So he would too.
Thurston put the delicate looking cross on (d/n), "I made this for your mother, but You can have it now."
Bernard had started to braid the little girl's hair and put a few flowers in it.
When he was done it was time for (d/n) to go back inside.

The little girl ran inside.
Bernard looked to his brother, "you are crying."
"I lost her. But I will accept it, and be an uncle for her children.", the Finn said, "even if she doesn't want me to. I'll protect her and her children from a distance."
The Swede patted thurston's back, "You'll be great."


"Mama!", (d/n) hugged her mother.
The silver haired female smiled and hugged her daughter, "ready to go home?"
"Ja!", the little girl giggled.
(Y/n) saw the pendant on her daughter and her blood went cold, "where did you get that?"
"My uncle gave it to me!", the little girl smiled, "they were nice. I like them!"

Thurston watched from a distance as (y/n) walked home with her daughter, back to luxembourg.
He sighed and went home, he could not do anything anymore.
She no longer belonged to him.
She was Luxembourg's.

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