End four

Numbed pain.
Wrapped wounds.
Soft mattress.
Some sort of cover.

(Y/n) opened her eyes and looked down to see the a cape with some type of cross logo covering her, a pale hand held hers.
The grip was kind and warm.
A head of silvery-white hair was laying next to her, the scarred torso shone in the overhead lights.
She pulled her hand out from under his and placed it on the soft hair.
She heard soft and happy whines from the man.

The man raised his head as he woke up, his red eyes met her red-violet ones.
The albino Prussian smiled kindly at her, "hallo."
"What, where?", the female asked and he placed his hand over her mouth.
"My home. Germany, I found you injured and brought you back.", the man said a little embarrassed, "I'm sorry."
"Luxembourg?", the female asked, "my fiancé?"
"I did not see him.", Gilen replied and held her hand again.

The silver haired female started to cry, Gilen climbed next to her and hugged her like she did to him when he felt bad.
The Prussian held onto her as she cried, he saw that his brother poked his head in to see what was going on.
The albino man motioned for the German to be quiet, the blond man had a mischievous grin as he closed the door on them.
Glen knew he locked them in together, probably would not let them out until something happens.

After (y/n) tired herself out from her crying and injuries, gilet checked the door.
It was locked as expected.
"Lutz, open the door.", the Prussian said.
the German man on the other side laughed, "Nein, not until I hear some action."
"I von't do that.", the albino responded, "jou are not supposed to force anyone to do vhat zhey don't vant."
"We'll then get some idea of what kou can do. Maybe I'll let jou out.", the German laughed and left to nap.

Gilen had no idea about what he should do, his brother was a perverted minded individual.
The Prussian felt tired from the battle he fought to get the female to safety.
The man held had hand over his patched up wound on his stomach, he needed to rest.
(Y/n) looked so comfy as she slept, Gilen decided to rest beside her.
So he could protect her more.

Lutz came back to check on the two, he was more keen on letting his brother have the woman than Luciano.
The German opened the door and found Gilen cuddled to her, hugging her close to her body for comfort and probably protection.
The silver haired female snuggled into the albino man's arms.
The blond German took a picture and grinned to himself, he was saving this cute picture to tease his Brother with.


(Y/n) followed Gilen around like a young child for the three years she lived with him, the woman held onto his shirt when he was doing something until he asked her to help him.
The Albino man had gotten closer to the female, she had gotten closer to him as well.
She waited for him to get ready before following him, the red-violet eyed woman cooked meals for the two brothers and cleaned the house.
Lutz respected her space and went to work on time when (y/n) and Gilen woke him up.
The German was glad that she was there to take care of them.

Gilen found himself in her arms evert time he got depressed or scared, the warmth of the female soothed his fears.
The two went out to the town one day, hand in hand.
Some punks came and harassed the two, for everything from their albinism to harassing (y/n) to ditch Gilen.
The female did not take kindly to the harassment and kicked the leader in the groin, she slammed her parasol into the others before opening it up again.
The punks persisted and tried to physically assult the pair, only to find that they were outmatched by two albinos.
The female had not even blinked when she snapped one punk's arm, the hooligans were afraid soon after all being beaten bloody by the parasol.

That was not the first time she defended Gilen, she scared off some women who were trying to seduce the shy Prussian.
Gilen was grateful that she had the boldness to stand up to the people who gave them a hard time.
The Prussian soon became scared that she may one day leave him because he was not strong like she was, he soon clung to her like she clung close to him.
The Scandinavian female asked him about it and he told her, the female was a little surprised.
"Are jou mad? I'm sorry, I..", Gilen get upset and (y/n) hugged him.
"I love you Gilen.", the female said, "I found that I love you and don't want to be without you. Please marry me."
The albino Prussian teared up from happiness and agreed, the two held onto each other in a loving embrace.

The two got married soon after.
Lutz of course attended the event and whistled when his sister in law to be walked out to stand with Gilen.
The wedding was crashed however.
(Y/n)'s brothers had found her from security camera feeds and tracked her there.
Thurston was about to speak when she beat him to it.
"How DARE YOU!", the Scandinavian roared at the males, "I WILL NOT LET YOU RUIN THIS FOR ME!"

Egil and look found their magic was neutralized by her, she had surpassed them.
They had no choice but to attack, the men came at her from all sides.
Only for them to be knocked back, "I have had enough of you ruining everything I love. Not now. NOT EVER AGAIN"
the huge energy Shockwave from her rage cut the 2p Nordics apart, the female straightened herself up and turned back to Gilen.
"I'm ready now.", the female chirped happily.
Gilen was silent by shock.
Lutz could not keep his mouth shut, "hot damn."

The priest shook and continued, he had seen a fury he did not want to feel.
(Y/n) looked like she was an innocent child, even after tearing apart her brothers.
The priest skipped the parts that the female seemed to be annoyed at and went to the end.
"Just kiss and please don't hurt me."
Gilen took that opportunity to kiss the woman he loved, she kissed right back.
Lutz took pictures and drove the two home, "I'm Just going to have a nap vhile jou two get more acquainted."

The German did as he promised and went right to his room, Gilen took her back to his and sheepishly played with the dress.
"Are we going to...?"
"Ja.", (y/n) replied, "but who is going to be dominant?"
The albino man hugged onto his wife, "vhy don't ve just do it for our love?"
The silver haired Scandinavian nodded and kissed the Prussian while getting closer to him.
"For love"


(Y/n) was napping on one of the couches about a year after her marriage to Gilen, she had a blanket over her while she napped.
Lutz groaned when he heard a knock at the door, he went to answer it.
"Vho zhe hell is- oh boss.", the Man said and stood in the way of letting his boss see the woman.
"Where-a the hell have-a you and your-a worthless fretello been?!", the Italian growled.
"Luci, some zhings have come up und-"
"Save it!", the Italian pushed past his subordinate.

"I'll-a find him myself!", the man hissed and walked past couch that (y/n) was on.
The Italian stopped and back-peddled to look down, a smirk creeped across his face.
"I-a will forgive you-a. If you let-a me take her-a home.", Luciano chuckled.
He reached down to touch the female as she opened her eyes, the Italian had his eyes on the German.
Lutz winced, "I don't zhink zhat is a good idea luci."
(Y/n) grabbed his hand in a bone crushing grip and the breaking on his forearm and metacarpals was heard, "don't touch me Italian fuckboy."

Luciano bit back a scream as the female glared at him with a deadly look, "leave."
She let go of his hand and settled back down.
"I tried to warn jou.", the German spoke, "she's married to Gilen."
Luciano hissed in pain, and jealousy.
Gilen had appeared out of the kitchen and seemed a bit intimidated by his employer, he still put on a steely glare.
The Prussian walked to his wife and kneeled down with the warmed cloth, "liebe, I have the warm pad for your back."

(Y/n)'s face instantly softened when she saw her husband, she sat up and the blanket dropped off of her.
She looked to be six months pregnant, with Gilen's baby.
Luciano glared and walked off, "I'll see-a you in my-a office tomorrow Lutz!"
The German sighed, "more vork. Great."
The silver haired female giggled, "I could make that go away."
"No killing my boss", Lutz said with a play scolding tone and wagged his finger at her.
She only stuck her tongue out and lay back down for Gilen to put his head on her belly, he liked to feel the movement of his child. Or children.
(Y/n) looked inside herself and told him they had twins.

Lutz was as excited as Gilen, he was going to have little children to play with.
He liked kids as much as his 1p and was a big enough goof to have a kid go from crying to laughing in a matter of minutes.
So the prospect of having a niece or nephew, or both, was exciting.
He also liked to feel the babies move in his sister-in-law's belly, sometimes having a little kick to the cheek to make him smile.
"I'm going to be wrapped around zheir fingers before zhey are even born.", the German laughed.
Gilen found it funny and laughed as well, (y/n) only smiled.


Lutz was away and Gilen was freaking out.
(Y/n) was in labor, the babies wanted out.
The Prussian was basically crying as his wife calmly delivered the babies herself, a boy and a girl.
Both albino.
The albino woman calmly cleaned everything up as her husband fainted from panic, she was happy that they had children.
She cleaned the babies up and checked their health with her magic.

Both had snowy white hair and Ruby eyes, perfect albinos.
The silver haired female sat down and gave them their little clothes after she was done cleaning, "hello my darlings. Your far was silly when you scared him today."
The tiny babies hung onto their mother's warmth, she felt sleepy and fell asleep while cradling her infants.

Lutz had gotten home, accompanied by his coworkers and boss.
"I'm home", the German called out.
"Is it arways this quiet?", kuro asked.
"Nein. Zhere must be something wrong.", the German panicked and ran to search for his family.
Luciano calmly walked and looked for any signs of life.
Kuro Walked to the bedrooms to look for anyone, Flavio checked in the living room.
The Japanese male looked in a room and motioned for them to come over, "there are a pair of strangers here."

The German was ready to fight, kuro pushed the weapon down.
"But they are harmress."
Lutz looked in with the others, Flavio quietly squealed.
"Zhe twins vere born.", the blond German breathed out, "vhere is mein bruder?"
Luciano pointed to the Prussian passed out in the corner, "oh."
Gilen was woken up by smelling salts that Flavio had for some reason.

The Prussian kneeled by his wife and babies.
(Y/n) had woken up and was holding her children proudly, Gilen was on the verge of tears.
"I'm so happy.", the Prussian sniffed and kissed his wife.
Luciano put his hands up, "I'm-a leaving."
The Italian left with his brother, kuro followed after giving the family a honorable bow.
Lutz dropped to the ground and sighed, "vell, ve have our whole lives ahead of us with Zhese kinder."
"Ja.", Gilen nodded.
They noticed that they each had a beer in their hand, (y/n) gave them a nod.
Lutz cracked his open and raised it in the air, "to zhe kinder."
"Ja.", Gilen said and tapped his bottle against his brother's.
Both males drank their beers before being pushed out gently by (y/n)'s magic.

"Well, looks like ve aren't zhe only ones who need a drink.", Lutz snickered, "congratulations Vati."
Gilen smiled, "danke. Bruder."

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