chapter twenty seven
A week passed in the Italian mansion, (y/n) had been Making coffee runs and modeling clothes for the Italian brothers.
Gilen had been tired looking after working with (y/n) around the house, the female would try to make the Prussian feel better by helping him and decreasing the workload.
She had not been able to go outside all week, only allowed to walk the halls of the home.
The silver haired female stayed away from Luciano's henchmen, she did not like how either looked at her.
She was called to Luciano's office, the Italian was as smug as usual when she was around.
"We're going out today. Remember what I said?", The Italian got up and practicality strutted over to the female.
He snaked a arm around her waist, "You're my wife."
(Y/n) looked down from the male's face, he took his arm off of her.
"Now get ready, we're meeting another mafia boss.", Luciano said and walked back to his desk, "Be polite. Don't hurt anyone."
The silver haired Scandinavian walked out while the Italian watched.
The German man popped out of his room and followed her like he usually did, "Frau. Frau. Fräulein!"
"What?!", (y/n) snapped at the German.
"Hey, I vas just going to give Jou advice.", Lutz put his hands up, "Ve're going to see Xiao, he's a pervert."
"Like you?", the Scandinavian asked and the German laughed.
"Ja, like me. And he'll try to touch Jou.", Blond man said, "So stay next to Luciano."
(Y/n) sighed, she was still terrified of Luciano and Flavio.
She could not speak to the males like she could to Gilen or Lutz.
The silver haired female ran into Gilen, the Prussian had a Cloak on.
"Hallo (y/n).", the soft-spoken Prussian smiled.
"Hei Gilen.", (y/n) responded and walked with the albino man.
Gilen looked around then wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "we're all going, except Flavio."
"Thank you Gilen.", the female said and hugged the male.
The Prussian hugged back.
The silver haired female walked to the room she shared with Gilen and got changed into a dress that Flavio made for her.
Gilen was waiting outside while Lutz was talking to him, from what bit of conversation she heard Luciano was a bit jealous of Gilen.
Lutz saw (y/n) and whistled, "put zhis ring on. Jou have to maintain the cover."
the female was handed a gold wedding band in her size, it was carved beautifully.
"I would rather be pretend married to Gilen, that match up is more believable.", the silver haired Scandinavian said in a huff.
"Don't let Luci hear Jou say zhat.", Lutz said.
Gilen rubbed his shoulder, "jou look nice. I vouldn't mind being pretend married to jou either."
The German male punched his brother's arm, "ve should go."
The three walked to the front door where Luciano was standing, he was in his brigade uniform.
"Come here molgie.", The Italian said as the grin crawled onto his face.
The silver haired female was pulled to him by her wrist and his hand rested onto her hip, "behave."
She started drawing comparisons between Luciano and Thurston, Thurston was not this bad.
Sure he was bad but not like this, he did not just want her as a toy or a pretty face.
The Italian mob boss led the female and the group to the awaiting car, he began to explain things and how to act.
"Xiao wants to-a meet to discuss trade and-a territories. He-a may try to-a touch you.", Luciano did not seem concerned by this, "keep-a close by-a me when this occurs."
Lutz gave (y/n) the 'I told ya so' look, she rolled her eyes.
"And you-a will have to-a share a hotel room with-a me when we-a get there.", the Italian said with a bit too much enthusiasm and his hand was on (y/n)'s back, "Mia moglie."
"Please remove your hand.", (y/n) said quietly.
Luciano laughed then gripped tighter, "I tell you what-a to do. Don't try to-a give me orders."
The silver haired female felt her side bruise, this man's grip was pretty strong.
The ride ended when they got to the hotel and got the keys to their reserved rooms, Luciano had reserved a honeymoon suite as a taunt to (y/n).
The staff either did not notice or did not care that the female was showing signs of being held aginst her will, Luciano took her to their suite as the others went to their room.
It was a lovely room but had only one bed, the bath was large enough to fit two people but that was never going to happen.
Luciano pushed (y/n) in, "Don't try to-a escape. Don't-a say anything to-a anyone. Don't try-a to harm me. Or I will-a punish you, I-a already know that-a you do not have-a your magic and you are-a weaker for that."
The female looked down angrily.
"And do not say-a anything rude or-a disrespectful to-a me.", the Italian finished his rant and walked to the bathroom to straighten up.
(Y/n) played with her stave she changed into a bracelet, the shining jewels sparkled in the light.
She was terrified at the thought of being in the same room with the Italian overnight, she was even more terrified of whatever he was thinking of as punishment.
Luciano looked back out at the female after he fixed his hair and clothes, she was playing with the bracelet that seemed to appear out of nowhere.
He never expected that she was going to be so obedient, it was kind of boring.
He wanted a bit of fight from her, an excuse to tease and taunt her more.
He would probably try to provoke her that night.
She probably will misbehave when Xiao tries to touch her or misinterprets something.
The Italian looked forward to it.
Maybe he should tease her now? Or not, it was almost time to go.
Gilen lay on his back and stared at the ceiling, "I hope Luciano does not try to seduce her."
Lutz looked up from his phone, "vhy say zhat?"
"She has a boyfriend.", The Prussian replied, "she told me."
"Vho is her boyfriend? Ve could sell that information to her brothers.", The German snickered before a pillow was thrown at him, "I vas kidding!"
Kuro waked out from the bathroom, he took a quick shower.
"What are you two tarking about?", the Japanese man asked.
"(Y/n)'s boyfriend.", Lutz answered.
"She has a boyfriend?", Kuro asked, "Ruciano won't rike that."
"Ja. Gilen, who is it?", the German turned to his brother.
The Prussian shrugged, "she never said a name."
"Verdammit.", Lutz swore, "vell at least ve know zhis information. Who vill be the one to tell Luci?"
"Not me.", Kuro said and got his uniform on, "I'd rather watch (y/n), that ass is amazing."
Lutz laughed as Gilen got upset, "keep jour eyes off of her ass!"
(Y/n) froze when she felt her hair be touched, Luciano was playing with it.
"Time to go la mia bellissima moglie.", the Italian said and pulled the female up.
He took her out of the room and down to the lobby, he held her close to him with his arm snaked around her waist.
Gilen and the others soon joined them and they made their way to where Xiao spends most of his time, an opium den.
The Scandinavian female felt uncomfortable when she saw the Chinese man, even more so when she saw who was also with him.
The Russian and his goons.
The Red headed Estonian had his gaze on the female, he noticed that she was being held against her will and did not enjoy that it was not him keeping her like that.
The Chinese man squealed when he saw her.
He looked at her, the ring, Luciano, her chest, then her belly.
He let out an audible gasp and hugged her hips with his face nuzzled against her belly, "Nǐ hǎo."
Luciano chuckled a bit, Kuro rolled his eyes, Gilen was uncomfortable, Lutz laughed.
Edman was angry, not that Xiao cared.
"No Xiao she's not.", The Italian said and the Chinese man pouted.
"Gāisǐ de"
The obviously drug addicted man went back to his couch, "I wanted to be a godfather."
"You'd be a shitty godfather.", Lutz said.
(Y/n) was quiet, she had to keep herself from hitting Xiao after he touched her rear.
Luciano pulled the female closer so she had to put her hands onto his chest, an action that made her uncomfortable.
The men talked, all of them including the Russian.
Mostly about things going on and rumours.
(Y/n) pushed away from Luciano, the Italian looked a bit pleased for a split second.
The silver haired female saw Edman watching her, he was almost burning a hole through her clothes.
The female stood a bit away from Luciano, she could feel the Estonian coming up behind her.
"You look lovely mu kallis.", he whispered and tried to touch (y/n)'s back.
She slapped his hand away.
Gilen noticed this, he stepped closer and the Estonian gave him a glare to stay back.
"You don't look happy. I surmise you aren't even married to him.", The red headed Estonian continued, "come with me, I can get you out of this."
(Y/n) was afraid of what might happen if she did follow Edman, from both Edman and Luciano.
"Nej.", the female said and continued to look ahead.
The men continued to talk.
(Y/n) began to feel dizzy from the amount of smoke in the air, the female coughed a bit and gripped onto the nearest person for support.
Luciano felt her grip onto his jacket, he looked behind him and saw the girl look pretty sick.
The Italian patted her head.
"I-a will think about-a your offer.", the magenta eyed Italian said, "Addio."
The male took the female and left with his henchmen.
The Italian held onto the female as she steadied herself, "You-a don't have a tolerance against his-a drug's smoke."
(Y/n) nodded.
Kuro huffed, "Ret's go eat."
"Ja I am starving, Zhen ve can nap.", Lutz added much to Luciano's displeasure.
Luciano and the group searched for a good place to eat, something up to Luciano's standard.
The Italian did not find such a place in the area he was in, he had to settle for a simpler restraunt.
He got a place to sit down and looked at the menu with the others, (y/n) shifted around uncomfortably in her seat.
She saw a male who looked like Xiao looking at her with big eyes, he looked familiar.
He went back into the kitchen.
Luciano and the others ordered what they wanted and waited, (y/n) kept watching the kitchen to see other familiar faces peek out at her then scurry back in.
One male with large eyebrows looked disgusted before he disappeared.
"Are the-a workers bothering you?", Luciano asked.
"N-nej.", (y/n) replied with a stutter.
A little bit later the food came out.
It was what everyone wanted, except (y/n).
She got a few things she did not ask for. Like some steamed buns and soybeans.
When asked what this was about the waiter replied with, "The head chef said to."
the silver haired female just shrugged and partook of the meal presented to her.
The table received the classic fortune cookie when they finished, along with a little basket of steamed peach buns.
Kuro took one of the peach buns while Lutz cracked open the fortune cookies, Gilen shifted around as he saw people staring at them.
Luciano sighed, he did not enjoy little theatrics like these.
He took notice when the female opened the one that was placed in front of her, the female read over the letters on the slip of paper.
"Vhat does it say?", Lutz asked.
"Have hope.", the female read the paper.
"That's-a nice, completely crapola though.", Luciano said.
"It's late. We shourd get back.", Kuro spoke and got up.
"Si.", the Italian said and got up, "come mia Moglie."
(Y/n) held onto the paper and got up after picking up a bun as well, the sweet bun was delicious.
The small group went back to the hotel and to theirs respective rooms.
Luciano got ready for bed while (y/n) turned her back, she was not going to look at him.
She could hear him moving around and ignored him as he tried to get her attention.
"Your turn to-a get ready for bed.", Luciano said and lightly pushed the female.
(Y/n) went into the bathroom to change, she locked the door so that Luciano would not peek.
The silver haired female walked out of the bathroom to see the Italian already under the sheets with a bare chest, he was more muscular than one would guess.
He looked smug as he patted the pillow next to him, (y/n) took an extra blanket and lay on the sofa in front of the TV.
That did not sit well with Luciano as he dragged her to the bed.
"I could-a punish you for-a what you did.", the Italian said and dropped the female on the cushy bed, "but I-a will let it slide for now."
The Scandinavian female kept a good distance from the Italian, she even made a pillow wall between them.
Luciano sighed and went to sleep.
Crying and panic filled mumbles woke the Italian an hour later, he looked over the pillow wall.
(Y/n) had kicked the covers off of her and was curled up in the fetal position, she was sleep talking.
The things he heard where incoherent yet the tone was serious, like the words were best left unsaid and unknown of what horrors they knew.
Luciano placed a hand on her skin, it felt a bit cold.
She shook, whether be from fear or cold is unknown.
The silver haired female was still asleep.
The Italian took down the fluffy pillow barricade and waited to see what would happen.
He was about to drop off again into sleep when a small hand was placed on his shoulder, followed by a head and finally a body.
The female was unconsciously seeking comfort from what plagued her, the Italian sighed again and was finally able to get some sleep.
Edman flipped his knife around in his hand, the man was deciding on what to do.
Rescue the female himself and keep her, or rescue her for her brothers.
Or tell her brothers and let them get her.
Two of those had outcomes he did not want.
But he knew he had to get the Scandinavian away from the Italian, but how?
He could not enlist the aid of his usual comrades, as they were as bad as him with their perverted ways.
He had to think of someone else, perhaps Loki's allies?
They could help but they would tell loki.
Xiao is out.
So is Viktor.
Who would have the power and self control enough to help him?
Fräulein: young lady
La mia bellissima moglie: my beautiful wife
Nǐ hǎo: hello
Gāisǐ de: damn
Mu kallis: my dear
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