Chapter twenty nine

The hands on her shoulders were cold, like a corpse.
The pale hands had what looked like claws on the ends of the fingers, the grip was not rough or mean.
It was a bit unsure.
"Your skin is soft, and warm."

(Y/n) looked at the claws as they let go, "where am I?"
"My home.", was the response, "I could not let Edman catch you."
The halls were dark but (y/n) could see some things, she felt the hands feel down her arm and gently take her hand.
"I apologize if it's dark.", the man said, "I don't enjoy bright light so much."
The Scandinavian followed, "Edman was the one who shot Gilen?"
"Da.", was the reply.

Gilen got hurt.
(Y/n) felt bad for that, She did not want him to be harmed.
The female walked with her companion, she looked up and saw red glowing eyes looking down at her.
The eyes lit up a part of his face.
"How are you touching me? We are not supposed to touch.", (y/n) asked.
"Those gloves you have on. They block magic enough for us to touch without consequences.", the Man's voice was deep and sounded a bit proud, "I made them in the years you were missing. After I learned of why I feel like I do around you."

Dracul could see that she was a bit scared, "you are welcome to look around on your own. I won't force you to do anything."
The female shook her head and held onto the male's arm, she'd rather have a bit of company from him than be alone in the dark.
The man did not react to her holding onto him like that, he seemed content with it.
She could fell his arm warming up a bit from her heat, he had a distinct smell.
It was not bad at all, it was pleasant.
Like sweet herbs and his own male smell.
"Are you cold?", the male asked, "my home is usually cold to those who are not used to it."
"I'll be fine.", the silver haired female said and held onto his arm.

The Romanian man showed her a room, "this shall be your room. You can rest here when you get tired. There is the restroom. And the bathing room is there."
The man pointed to each one, he hesitated before putting a hand on (y/n)'s head.
He gently petted the hair, "I will get more blankets for you if you need them."
(Y/n) walked into the room and looked around after Dracul turned on the light, it was a nice room.
Dark wood vanity and chest of drawers, a wardrobe of the same type.
The bed was beautiful with detailed carving and what looked like silk canopy and curtains on it, the plush comforter a deep red that offset the white sheets.
The silver haired female sat on the bed, "thank you."
Dracul nodded, "your stave is in the top drawer, if you need anything I shall be in my room or the lab."

He left before the female could ask where either was.
She was alone again, but he was nice enough to leave the lights on.
The curtains were drawn so nothing could be seen, small bits of light filtered through the curtains.
The silver haired Scandinavian walked over to the window and pulled the curtains open, she was high up in the castle.
It was midday, a few hours after she was taken from Luciano.
She was relieved to be away from the Italian but missed Gilen, the Prussian was a sweetheart to her.
She looked at her reflection, the long dress looked like the night sky.
It was a strapless dress that showed off her shoulders, the bottom of the length spread around her on the floor, the gloves reached up to just below her shoulders.
The dress hugged her curves and only flared out just above the knees.
The woman lay on the bed, it was comfortable.

She did not realize she fell asleep until she woke with the sun setting, "I must have been tired."
The female got up and looked out of the window, she watched the sky turn from blue to yellow, to pink, and finally black.
The stars came out of hiding and the Scandinavian female smiled, it was beautiful.
She walked out of the room and through the now lit corridor.
Dracul stepped out of a room with messy hair and rubbed his eyes, his shirt was a bit wrinkled and he looked sleepy.

"Ah yes the majestic creature of the night.", (y/n) teased as she felt unusually comfortable with the dark magic user.
The Romanian looked at her a bit annoyed, "you sound exactly like your brother."
The silver haired female gagged, "ew."
The Romanian male went back inside his room for a bit then walked out with a clean and pressed outfit.
The color scheme was a dull greyish purple, suited him.
"Do you need something to eat?", Dracul asked.
(Y/n) nodded, "Ja."
"Follow.", Dracul said and walked. The female followed behind him.

The female watched him as he made what looked like breakfast foods, "breakfast?"
"This is when I usually get up.", Dracul replied, "sit down. It is almost ready."
(Y/n) did as told, "does Loki ever visit unexpectedly?"
The Romanian stopped, "Da, but only occasionally. I figured out his pattern before your arrival."
The man turned to her with a small bowl of what seemed to be a kind of oatmeal and eggs, "I don't normally have guests, please forgive me if I lack hospitality."
The ebony haired man sat down with his own.
Silence was between them as the breakfast was eaten, Dracul broke it.

"I heard you in your sleep. What were you dreaming of?", the Romanian asked, "you don't have to answer."
(Y/n) looked down, her red violet eyes were not shining or innocent looking as they once were.
"I apologize if I made you uncomfortable-", Dracul started.
"It is fine.", the female spoke, "you are actually the first to ask me what they are."
The Romanian wondered what he should do to comfort his houseguest.
"I'm silent. Unable to scream as I watch three people get killed.", (y/n) explained, "the same men. Every time, the same thing happens. I can't stop, I don't recognize them afterwards."

The Romanian got up and walked to the female, he gave her a hug.
His hug was awkward but it was kind and well-meaning, "you don't have to continue."
(Y/n) felt sick as she remembered every detail of the nightmares, she never went to therapy, she never told anyone before about the dreams' contents.
He was the only one she was able to talk to about the dreams.
"The dreams can't hurt you, they are not real.", Dracula spoke calmly, "you are safe."
The vampiric male wiped tears from the female's eyes, the salty pearls fell from her cheeks.
He let her calm down.
"I don't know what to do in these situations.", the Romanian said.
"You're doing well.", (y/n) said a bit hoarsely.

Dracul continued to hug her, not knowing what else to do.
The amount comfort he gave her was surprising, he did not seem like one who would.
The man let go of her, "I need to work. Feel free to explore my home, just be careful."
He left after cleaning up breakfast.
(Y/n) walked the lighted halls, it was easier to see the oil paintings now.
The beautiful architecture and decorations, everything seemed perfect for this home. Yet strangely out of character for its owner.
The Scandinavian looked around the castle and saw the doors were unlocked, she opened the doors to the gardens.

The night air was cool, the moon lit up the plants with a soft glow.
Stars brightly sparkled overhead as (y/n) walked the gardens, she kept within running distance of the castle. Just in case.
She felt what seemed like a heavy weight come off of her back, the amount of dark magic that permeated the home was great.
The Scandinavian female took off the gloves and felt her magic flow, the bright full moonlight made her feel comforted.
She felt good, happy, yet alone.
She wanted someone to be there with her, she wanted a companion.
Her mind wandered to Luxembourg, he would be so worried.

(Y/n) missed his warmth, his love.
Dracul was nice but he was a bit scary and had little social knowledge, plus he could not have physical contact with her and when he could it was cold.
The female felt her hair flutter around even without the need of wind, magic had been stored inside of her for so long.
The Scandinavian female decided to practice her magic, she lit the gardens up with multitudes of of soft floating lights.
The beauty of the sight was amazing.
It made (y/n) feel happier, but at the same time she was more lonely than ever.
The female stopped using her magic and slipped the gloves back on, she looked for Dracul.

She felt a greater weight as she approached a door, it smelled like Dracul.
She knocked on the door, the female heard the clinking of what sounded like glasses.
"Come in.", Dracul's voice called out from a farther away distance than she expected.
The Scandinavian walked down the stairs into a lab, she looked at all the potions and objects in the lab.
She was twirling around and looking at everything, she finally stopped to look at the desk.
"Dracul? Where are you?", (y/n) asked.
A pair of arms wrapped around her shoulders in a loose embrace, the Cape draped around her body like a thin blanket that became warm from her heat.
"I am here. I was just watching you admire my workspace.", The male answered.
He was truthful, he was watching her admire his lab.
He was watching her from the shadows, the man liked how he felt when she was smiling at what he did.

"I apologize for bothering you.", (y/n) said softly, "I was just a little lonely."
"Don't apologize for that.", the vampiric male spoke, "you need company as a social creature."
The man was slow and gentle with his movements as he pulled her closer into the embrace.
His gentle mannerisms contrasted compared to how vile his magic was, he seemed kind and soft compared to the hardness and cruelty of dark Magic.
Dracul sighed softly, "you are warm. It is nice."
the Scandinavian unconsciously nuzzled his arm, his shirt had a nice smell.
He let go of her, "I apologize.  I should have asked for permission first."

The silver haired female smiled a bit, "I don't mind."
"Can I...", He asked, "hold you again?"
(Y/n) nodded with her eyes closed, she felt herself be pulled into a chest.
She felt her hair spikes tickle Dracul's face, the male seemed to be nuzzling into her hair.
It was a more confident and kind embrace than before, it had more emotion than before.
A gentle yet protective and nurturing hold.
She felt her hair being brushed by his hand, the touch was shaky.
Very unsure yet emotionally charged.
"I... feel... happy.", Dracul said after thinking about the emotion, "you... make me happy."
the Scandinavian female remembered how Luxembourg told her that she made him happy, she missed Luxembourg.
"Am I allowed to leave, or not?", (y/n) asked after a few minutes of letting the male hold her.

Dracul released her from his hold, "you could leave whenever you wanted."
(Y/n) looked up at him.
"I do care about you, but I want you to be happy.", the Romanian spoke, "all I ask is for you to come back if you need to."
He was letting her go willingly.
(Y/n) hugged the man, "thank you."
Dracul seemed to enjoy the contact and felt cold after she let go.
He watched her run up the stairs in the midnight black dress.
She looked like a goddess to him.

"Come back to see me again... my moon goddess."

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