chapter twenty five

Magnus had the while group in his office, all were awaiting orders.
"Everyone is aware that the 1p meeting is today, correct?", The Dane spoke,
The group nodded or said yes.
"Then let's make them hurt.", Thurston hissed.
"I heard rumors that more 2ps are coming to attack them too.", Egil chirped, "maybe we can play~"
Loki sighed, "and if we see lillesøster?"
"Drop what you are doing and make sure she is safe, by any means.", Magnus replied, "Even drugging her and Killing whoever she is with at the time."


Warm silver hair tickled Luxembourg's nose, his blue green eyes opened and looked down to see two big red-violet eyes looking back.
He was on his back as (y/n) had her head on his chest, her arms were around his torso in a cozy embrace.
A small smile was on her face as the dawn's light lit up her hair into a halo like glow, the brunet male smiled back.
"Gudden Mueres meng Schéinheet", The Luxembourgish male said softly to the female.
"God morgen.", the Scandinavian female yawned back, "we need to get up."

The brunet man let her get up, "We have a meeting to go to today. So dress comfortably."
(Y/n) smiled and nodded before walking out to her room to get changed, she put on the dress Romania gave her.
The one that looked like Luxembourg's flag.
Luxembourg got dressed and waited for the female, she walked to him soon after.
"You look lovely (y/n).", The male said with his warm smile.
He looked nice in his casual suit and tie.
"So do you.", the silver haired female spoke back and gave him a almost blinding smile.

The man took her hand gently, "shall we?"
(Y/n) nodded and followed him to the car.
the driver was a kind old gentleman who had worked with Luxembourg for many years.
"Doing well today sir?", the driver asked.
"Very well.", The brunet answered, "We are going to a meeting in Germany."
"Very good Sir.", The driver smiled and stepped into the car.
The Luxembourgish representative helped (y/n) into the car and sat beside her, "you will probably see Denmark and the others again Léifster Kanéngchen."
(Y/n)'s cheeks became slightly pink after hearing the name he gave her.
Luxembourg chuckled a bit and petted her hair, "You're too cute for words."
The female turned her pink face away from him, "Aww I'm sorry. I didn't mean to tease."

The drive was not as long from the small conversations the couple had, Luxembourg helped her get out of the car once there.
He noticed that others had already arrived.
"You can hold onto my arm if you feel anxious at all.", Luxembourg offered and (y/n) held onto the outstretched limb, "well I guess you do need me."
The male walked in with the female, her grip on his arm tightened after hearing loud arguments from the meeting room.

Luxembourg walked in and a few audible gasps were heard.
A happy blond man tackled both into a bone crushing hug.
"Dammit dane... Lillesøster?", Norway had grabbed the dane's tie but moved his gaze to the female.
(Y/n) hid behind Luxembourg, clutching both his arm and her stave.
The brunet male patted the female gently, "it's okay."
The blond Norwegian let go of the dane and stepped closer to his 'sister', "I'm not mad Lillesøster. Just was worried."
the silver haired female nodded, "I'm sorry."
Norway gave her a quick small smile then gave Luxembourg a harsh look, "why is she with you?"
"She's my girlfriend.", Luxembourg answered.
The Norwegian looked at the female to ask if this was true, she nodded and looked down.
Norway looked a bit hurt for a split second before returning to his stoic state.
Finland gasped with happiness, "congratulations (y/n)! Are you two going to get married?!"

(Y/n)'s face turned red and she hid from Finland and Sweden, Luxembourg felt her heart rate spike in fear.
"(Y/n)?", Finland said and reached out to her.
Sweden stopped him and shook his head, "fear."
Iceland sighed and went to his seat, Finland and Sweden followed.
Norway patted her back gently, "You're safe."
The cool fingers brushed over her scars, the familiar and calming motion made the silver haired female visibly calmer.
Denmark laughed, "Just like a Little Kanin."
The Scandinavian female's face turned pink and she hid it by hiding in Luxembourg's shirt.
Denmark and Norway walked to their seats, a blond German man told everyone to sit down and be quiet.

The female sat next to Luxembourg, she kept her attention on her boyfriend whilst a man with blond hair and stubble tried to get her attention with flirting.
Luxembourg shot the male a look, the blond man did not stop.
England smacked the male and the two started arguing.
"Want to help me make coffee for everyone?", Luxembourg asked (y/n).
"Ja", the female answered and the two walked to the kitchen together.
Both watched as the coffee percolated, "now what scared you when you saw Finland and sweden?"
"Memories.", (y/n) replied, "Of Thurston and Bernard. They... terrified me."

Luxembourg placed a hand on her, she leaned into his touch.
"Is it okay if I kiss you?", The brunet man asked.
(Y/n) looked up at him and nodded, the blue-green eyed male leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips.
A smile was on both when they broke apart, "Ech hunn dech gär"
The silver haired female's cheeks bloomed a rosy hue.
Luxembourg smiled as his cheeks did the same.
"jeg elsker også dig", (y/n) replied and hid her face in her hands.
The male laughed and embraced her.

The coffee was done soon after.
(Y/n) tensed, the air did not feel right.
Luxembourg noticed her change, "we should get back to the group."
The lights went out at that moment.
The two started to walk the hallways back, the silver haired female gripped her stave and his hand.
Luxembourg let go of her hand and she panicked a little.
(Y/n) felt a hand hold hers again, "P-please don't let go again."
She felt from the motions in the body that there was a nod.

The two walked together back to the meeting room, "I smell blood."
She felt her companion's arm wrap around her and pull her back, Magnus and another 2p fell out of a room as they fought.
It was the Russian.
A hand went over (y/n)'s mouth, he did not smell like Luxembourg!
The female thrashed and hit the male, the dark Estonian fell off of her.
She did not think and ran, she had to find help and Luxembourg.

A sudden chill coursed through her body and made her feel weak, she shivered but continued on.
She heard Running behind her and looked back, It was the Estonian again.
The female looked forwards and stopped when she saw Thurston pointing a gun her way, her momentum carried her into the Finn's grip as he shot the Estonian.
(Y/n) fought Thurston and was able to break free from his grip, she ran again.
It became apparent that the chill she felt earlier was when her magic got blocked by someone, she could not go back to where she was last with Luxembourg.

The silver haired female ran, she felt so tired.
Weakened body from her condition as well as a lack of Magic does that, the female had to run and hide.
She had to find her boyfriend.
(Y/n) continued on, she hid whenever she saw a 2p.
The red-violet eyed maiden kept running, she saw the bodies of her friends.
She heard the fighting of both sides, she was scared.
This conflict was way bigger than her and that terrified her, she continued to run as tears started to leak from her eyes.
She felt a hand grab her and pull her into a room, it was the Prussian she met.
He raised a finger to his lips then pointed at the Crack in the door, the female saw Loki looking around.

(Y/n) nodded at the albino man, he let out a silent sigh and motioned her to follow.
The female followed him through a window that was broken open, he helped her get out.
"Thank you.", She smiled at the man.
The albino prussian's face turned bright pink.
The male set her on the ground, "Go."
(Y/n) nodded and ran, the Prussian man looked down.
She felt a dart hit her back, the effect took over rather quickly.
The female turned and saw the blond German walking up to her fallen form, the German crouched down with a stupid grin on his face.
"Like I said once before, Jou are coming vith me.", The blond spoke, "und Jou can't hit me zhis time."
The German picked up the female and threw her over his shoulder, "ve're leaving."
The girl could not fight the chemically induced fatigue, she slipped into sleep.

The silver haired female woke up alone in an unknown environment, she remembered what happened.
The German actually got her.
She got up and struggled to stand, she still had her stave so she made a walking stick to support herself.
Her throat burned and her stomach hurt from hunger, other than that she was absolutely fine.
The female sniffed and found the building was empty of life besides her, she wandered around until she found the kitchen.
The female smelled each bottle of drink to find a good one before finding something to eat, she found some delicious cake and some meat.
She ate the food before drinking, the drink had a funny flavor that made her tummy feel fuzzy.


Luciano and his men came back home to mystery in the kitchen, "Who-a the hell took-a my cake?!"
"Someone-a drank all-a of my-a special alcohol!", Flavio said when he looked in the cabinets.
Kuro looked at the contents that was left, "did you restrain the girl Rutz?"
"Nein, she vas asleep.", the German replied as Gilen followed the faint giggles of a girl.

The albino Prussian Found the source of the giggling, (y/n) was playing with some of Lutz's cats.
The felines were meowing and rubbing on the albino girl, Gilen's small bird was perched on her spikes.
The Prussian took the bottle from her, it was empty.
A small hiccup was followed by giggles, "you're cute"
Gilen looked at the intoxicated female, the girl had a cheery smile on her face.
"You look warm! Can I hug you?", the silver haired female giggled and held her hands up to the man.
The Prussian caught the female before she fell trying to get to him, she just burst into silly giggles again.
"I fell for you!", the Scandinavian giggled and hugged the male.

Gilen scooped her up in a comfortable hold, "you did. But you need to sober up."
"What the-a hell?!", a furious Italian yelled, "the ragazza is-a drunk?!"
(Y/n) started laughing at Luciano's face, "he's so red! Like that juice!"
The Italian swore loudly, "FRETELLO! La ragazza è ubriaca!"
the fabulous Italian cried, "My wine!"
Lutz was just laughing his ass off at what was going on, this was humorous.
Kuro was done with everyone's shit and went to bed.
Luciano looked back angrily at Gilen, "you-a take care of-a this mess!"
the Italian stormed off, Lutz patted his brother's back and took his cats.
Gilen sighed, the giggling female in his hold was trying to look under his shirt.
"Show me your muscles!", she said, "are they bigger than My brother's?"

"Jou are going to bed.", Gilen said and carried her back to the room she was in, she refused to let go of him
"NO!", (y/n) hiccuped and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, "The scary dreams will get me! I need protection!"
The Prussian tried to get her to stop holding onto him, he fell over when she got onto his chest.
His face was in her chest, she was cuddling his head.
"I love cuddles.", the girl yawned, "but you're not supposed to be there. I have a boyfriend."
Gilen's face was red as a beet, the female moved so her face was in his chest.
"That's better."

"Magnus will kill me if he finds out."


gudden Mueres meng Schéinheet: good morning my beauty.

Léifster Kanéngchen: Dear rabbit

Ech hunn dech gär: I love you.

La ragazza è ubriaca: the girl is drunk.

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