chapter twelve

(Y/n) was in Egil's room as promised, the small man was cuddling her like a child would.
She was not so against the idea of him snuggling her now that she knew they were family, her still awake mind thought of the day.
Mainly of that German.
He had not qualms against hurting her and yet he was trying to take her somewhere alive.
It scared her to think that.
It was even scarier to know that she was powerless against someone because of a physical sickness, she was almost kidnapped again because of it.
Her mind was brought back to the present by Egil squeezing her tighter, his head rested in her chest.
'He's gonna suffocate', (y/n) thought and tried to move him.
The male moved easily but held on tight, he did not want to let go of her.
The feeling of warmth and a full belly made her sleepy, it was a good day.
The silver haired female fell asleep while being cuddled by her Icelandic big brother.

Egil woke up the next morning with his face right in his younger sister's chest, it was warm and comfy.
Her arms were holding him gently and her sweet face was peacefully asleep, just as cute as when she was a baby.
The Icelander kissed her cheek and collarbone, her warm skin tasted sweet like sugar.
The platinum haired male got upset when he saw something else, another arm that was not hers or his thrown over both of them.
The pale arm was holding both in a strong yet comfortable grip, Egil followed the arm to the torso, up the neck, and to the face.
Just fucking Bernard.
"For fucks sake Bernard.", Egil cursed quietly.
The Icelander got up and rolled the swede off the bed, the large male fell to the floor with a thump.
Egil was glad to get the ginger male off his blóm, especially after seeing what Bernard needed to take care of.

The swede woke up, "Not cool."
"Take your boner and leave.", Egil hissed.
"You have one too.", Bernard said and got out.
The Icelander quickly got up and took care of his problem before going back to cuddle his sister, the girl was just waking up.
Egil held onto (y/n) and kissed her face as she woke up, she was greeted with a smiling Icelandic male.
He was not wearing his eyepatch and the black abyss of a socket was on full display, he saw she was looking at it and covered it up.
The silver haired female gave him a kiss on the empty space, "good Morning Stóri bróðir."
Egil could not help but to feel awesome from the attention he was given from his sister, her warm lips felt god against his cool skin.
She definitely kept him warm and he loved it, "I love you Systir."
"I love you too Stóri bróðir.", (y/n) yawned back.

The platinum haired Icelander started to brush the female's hair, "your hair is so pretty. Just like Mor."
(Y/n) sat still as he brushed, "can I play with it? Style it?"
The male was eager as he asked.
"Sure.", the silver haired female said and Egil got some things.
He began to style her hair, a braid with some shiny gems put in to add some sparkle.
It was so pretty, Egil got her a pretty dress to go with the hair.
The platinum haired Icelander helped her get in the dress whined admiringly, "can I hug you my lovely sister?"
(Y/n) nodded and gave her brother a hug, Egil squealed happily.
"Let's show them!", the Icelander said and pulled the female with him.
The white layered dress was cute and frilly, it ended just above (y/n)'s knees.
The gems and pearls in her hair plus the dress made her look like a doll, Egil took her right to Magnus's office.
The Blond Dane was working on his papers and looked up, he froze and looked at his sister better.

"You look nice lillesøster. Mor would be proud.", Magnus said impressed.
Egil was already taking a picture, "so cute."
Magnus nodded, "you might want to show Thurston."
"Not yet.", The Icelander giggled, "I want to show Bernard and big brother first."
"Show me what?", Loki asked as he came in and saw (y/n), "oh. You look beautiful my dear."
The burned male side hugged her and placed a kiss on her cheek.
The Norwegian then placed a cup of coffee on Magnus's desk, "as you like it big bro."
The Dane took the coffee, "leave loki."
The burned Norwegian shrugged and grabbed (y/n)'s hand, "she's coming with me~"
Loki pulled her out of the room and down the hall before anyone could protest.
The two heard a wolf-whistle when they passed the kitchen, "Min älskling lillasyster ser vacker ut i morse."
"Tack storebror.", (y/n) said and gave Bernard a smile.
Bernard shoved Thurston out of the kitchen, "go say hello."

The Finnish male swore at his brother before looking at (y/n), his eyes softened when he saw her.
No words were spoken, he just hugged her and gave her a kiss.
Loki was quite amused, "a bit excited are we?"
Thurston gave Loki a glare and kept his arms around (y/n)'s waist as he set his head on her shoulder.
The silver haired girl giggled a bit, Thurston had a smile on his face for a second after hearing the giggle.
Bernard peeked his head out, "we need to do a grocery run."
"Heard.", Thurston answered and let the female go, "I'll make breakfast. Go sit down."
The girl obeyed, she was hungry again and wanted food.
Bernard sat down next to her and drank his coffee, he seemed amused at how pretty the female looked.
"Syster, can I have a kiss too?", the swede asked and leaned over to her.
(Y/n) gave him a kiss on the cheek, he smiled and went back to his coffee.

"We need to dress Litla systir up more~ so cute.", Egil cooed, "i want a kiss too."
"A kiss for me too kanin?~", Loki asked with a purr.
"Hey! No kissing her!", Thurston roared from the kitchen.
Bernard and the other two laughed, (y/n) giggled at him too.
It was too happy this morning to be scared of anything, even drage seemed beautiful in this feeling.
Magnus joined them and saw his sister smiling, "I see we Are getting along better."
The silver haired female nodded and got up, she pulled her older brother down to give him a kiss on the cheek.
The blond Dane smiled, "thank you lillesøster."
The silver haired female smiled and went back to her seat when Thurston walked out with breakfast, "everyone shut up and eat."
(Y/n) took hers and ate happily, the others followed suit.

When breakfast was done, Loki and Egil took the dishes to wash.
Bernard had his arm over his little sister's shoulder, he kissed the skin that now bore the scar from his bite.
The silver haired female whined from the irritation on the scar, Thurston struck Bernard.
"Lips away from her skin.", the Finn hissed and pulled the female towards him.
"You will stay with me tonight, right?", The Crimson eyed male asked and looked into her eyes.
His hand lay on her scarred cheek, the warm and strong calloused hand gently rubbed her soft skin.
(Y/n) nodded, she was not afraid of him anymore.
Bernard laughed and went to his stash to eat, Magnus went to his room.
Thurston looked at his phone then sighed, "I have to go for a hired hit, be good okay?"
The silver haired female nodded and Thurston kissed her head before leaving, he took a large bag that smelled like blood and gunpowder with him.

Loki and Egil had smirks on their faces when they came back, "Grocery run time lillesøster, and you're coming with us."
"Can I have something to defend myself with?", (y/n) asked bluntly, "so we don't have a repeat of last time?"
The burned Norwegian sighed, "fine. I'll get your stave, but you are not getting your magic back just yet."
The silver haired female nodded and waited for the male to get the stave, Egil pulled on her arm as his brother walked away.
"Kiss?", he asked in a whiny voice, "please?"
He seemed more like a child, he looked innocent with those big eyes and pleading smile.
(Y/n) leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his cheek, Egil squealed happily.
Loki came back and smirked, "I have your stave, but I need payment first."
The red-violet eyed female gave him a kiss on the cheek and he handed the stave over, not before he kissed her back on the cheek.

Loki transported them with magic to a marketplace, the stalls and vendors had food of all kinds.
Fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, and meats.
The smell of sweets was also present from a bakery, flowers from the flower shop were vividly colored and beautiful.
(Y/n)'s eyes sparkled like the jewels on her dress and clasped her hands around her stave, "it's so beautiful here!"
The platinum haired Icelander giggled, "not as beautiful as my litla systir!"
Loki chuckled too, "let's get going before we draw attention to our dear sweet sister."
The two walked with (y/n) through the open air market and looked at all the produce, "hmm what do we need?"
"Coffee.", Loki said and started looking at produce, "Egil, do you have a parasol for lillesøster? We don't want her to get sunburned or develope anything on that smooth skin."
Egil shook his head, "I don't, but can't litla systir make her Stave into one?"
the Norwegian thought a bit, "ja, that is true. Lillesøster, make your stave into a parasol to protect your skin from the sun."
The silver haired female looked at the silver stave in her hand, "how?"
"It is similar to how you made it, you just ask it to do a job for you.", Loki explained, "like this."
He took of his hair clip, "perhaps I need a knife for some reason, I just take my clip and.."
The clip changed into a battle knife, "there. It will return to normal once the job is done."

(Y/n) took her stave and sighed, "i need a parasol please."
The cross turned into a parasol with frills and white lace, it matched her dress perfectly.
Egil squealed, "too precious for words~"
"Let's go look around.", Loki smiled and motioned for his sister to follow.
The silver haired female followed her brother loyally and Egil brought up the rear,
To onlookers the scene looked like a noble woman was on a walk with her bodyguards.
The girl twirled the parasol cheerily and hummed happily, it was so pretty.
She felt like she was being watched by others beside her brothers, she felt a hungry gaze that scared her.
The gaze multiplied, she sensed more lustful stares boring at her and thinking dirty thoughts.
(Y/n) stayed close to her brothers and held onto Egil's hand when he offered it to her, the physical contact made her feel a little better.
The males took her around the market and looked at the merchandise, they bought all they needed and transported it back home so they would not carry it around.

Loki led his beloved sister around the beautiful market some more for a few hours, he sensed her fear and why she was afraid.
They were big watched, he already knew who it was.
He was not going to let the bastard win.
"Kanin, are you hungry?", the burned Norwegian asked and stepped in front of a restaurant, "we can get something to eat here if you are."
The silver haired female followed him inside and held onto him as they went inside, the lovely restaurant looked like it was Italian.
"Dammit, wrong place.", Loki cursed, "but whatever. We need to eat to get energy for a potential fight."
"I feel them too Loki.", Egil said with a tense tone, "we'll protect you."
(Y/n) clutched her cross in one hand as she gripped her brother's arm in the other, the girl was afraid of what they meant.
The Norwegian man pulled out a chair for the young lady and pushed her in once she sat, she placed her cross down and a napkin in her lap.

The silver haired female looked at the menu as her brothers spoke softly to keep her calm, she could feel the eyes from earlier staring at her again.
She read the menu and picked out a dish to order, her brothers also picked something out.
The waiter came and took the siblings' orders, Loki got some alcohol for him to drink.
Egil nibbled on the appetizer he ordered, some herb bread.
(Y/n) nibbled the bread as well and was happy when she got her order, she waited for her brothers' food to arrive before they ate and spoke to each other like a family.
"Why do you two have to sneak me out? Especially after what happened last time?", The female asked.
"I know it is bad for you to be at home all day, I want you to be happy.", Loki explained and sipped his wine, "Everything will be fine. If something does happen, I know that you are strong enough to fight and we will be right beside you."
"You never explained why I am so important.", (y/n) said and sipped her water.
"Not until you're older~", Egil chimed and drank some of Loki's wine too, "or married to Thurston, whatever comes first~"
The silver haired female sighed and ate some more of her meal.
"Chin up, Thurston loves you and he will protect you.", The Norwegian said with a smile, "I know it is hard to come to terms with but we are thinking of what is best for you."

(Y/n)'s Red-violet eyes looked down at her meal and Loki patted her head, "don't worry kanin."
The silver haired female nodded and got up, "excuse me."
Loki smiled and gave her the stave, "be careful."
Egil hummed and waved as his sister walked away.
"Why are the bathrooms so far from the dining room?", The female asked as she walked to the restroom, "This would be a place to jump someone if this was a movie or book."
(Y/n) walked back a few minutes later after doing her business and washing her hands, she felt a hand grip her shoulder.
"Ciao (y/n)~", the smooth Italian accent made the female's heart race, "You look more beautiful than a paragon."
The female gripped her cross harder.
"Your adopted parents did not take that good care of you for me did they? What a shame.", the male continued, "But your brothers took care of that before I could punish them."

(Y/n) was spun around and was face to face with a Italian man.
He had tanned skin, auburn hair with an odd curl, magenta eyes, and a tan military brigade uniform on.
His aura radiated a feeling of confidence and slickness, he was deadly and he knew it.
"That look of fear in your eyes is quite cute", the male smirked, "how about we have a little talk together? Just the two of us?"
"No thank you", (y/n) managed to get out and backed away from the male who just stalked forward even more.
"That was not a request. You are coming with me.", the Italian said and reached to grab the silver haired female's arm.
She slammed the cross across the Italian's face and Kicked him in the jewels before running to her brothers, Loki saw the panic and Egil spotted the limping Italian.
The Icelander saw as the Italian spoke to a German and Japanese man.
The Norwegian found the waiter and paid the man, Egil held onto the female as she held onto him in return.

Loki did not want to cause too big of a scene that would attract attention to his sister, so he and his two siblings left the building calmly.
The Norwegian felt a stinging pain in his legs and chest, he fell to the ground.
Egil buckled over as well, he was holding his stomach and leg.
Both were bleeding from wounds and from their mouths.
"Now-a, about that-a talk.", the Italian said to (y/n), "You-a should come with-a me."
the silver haired female was scared, she was afraid of Italians with a passion.
She could hardly choke down Italian food, it was hard for her to even look at the flag of Italy.
Her eyes Cut to her two brothers who were in pain, she wanted to help them.
But she did not know how to.
"Don't worry about-a them.", the Italian man said sinisterly, "My-a man made sure to poison their-a wine. Plus My-a underling is-a good shot si?"
She felt the arms of the Italian coil about her body, "You-a should be-a feeling the effects of-a the sedatives now."

(Y/n)'s body felt heavy, as if it was made of lead.
The Italian looked smug as dark emotions and thoughts danced in his magenta eyes, "do You-a want to-a sleep Paragon? Go ahead."
The silver haired female fought the effects, she fought worse before.
(Y/n) smacked him over the head with the cross again, that made the Italian let go of her.
she dropped to the ground but got back up, her violet-red eyes sowing her will to fight burning hard within them.
The Italian was still shaking off her last blow when her cross turned into a club and slammed across his face again with more impact, he was hit again but this time with a morning star.
The man's head smashed open and he fell to the ground.

(Y/n) rushed back to her brothers when a cold blade pressed against her neck, she smelled another male.
"You hurt Ruciano.", the Japanese accent said in an angered tone, "you wirr pay for that."
The silver haired female smelled the German from before as well, they must both work for the Italian.
The Scandinavian female held onto her brothers, she did not want to be separated from them.
She was already scared, she did not want alone added to the list.
A loud roar and the Japanese man being impaled by the tail spikes of a dragon.
Bernard jumped down from the dragon followed by Magnus, the two both had weapons with them and were ready to battle.
The German man picked up his two allies and ran.

Bernard and Magnus turned their sights on the two poisoned men, Bernard picked them up as Magnus looked (y/n) over.
"Are you okay lillesøster?", the Dane asked and was met with an embrace rather than an answer.
He hugged back and smiled, "you fought them and stood your ground even when seriously weakened. I'm proud of you."
Bernard put the two incapacitated males on the dragon and jumped on as Magnus Picked up his heavily drugged sister.
"Rest lillesøster. You deserve it.", the blond Dane smiled and got on the dragon to go to their base.
Drage flew over the countryside and to their base, he landed lightly and went inside to let the passengers off.
Magnus held (y/n) and went to Thurston's room where the Finn was waiting, the Finn took her and went right to bed.
Loki and Egil will be punished for putting her in danger.


Min älskling lillasyster ser vacker ut i morse: my darling little sister looks beautiful this morning

Random info~

Paragon: perfect diamond. Over 40 carats. No impurities. Very rare.

The drawing: watercolor paint. Faber Castell pens. Took 30 minutes.  It's the dress she wears.

The story: don't worry let the author play.

Morning star: A mace from the old days. Heavily studded with spikes and deadly. You don't want to be hit with one.

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