chapter thirty two

(Y/n) woke up with her heart racing, it was not the usual nightmare that went away with cuddles.
This one seemed to be maliciously planted into her head, the girl slipped out of the room and went to calm down.
She sat on the couch and ran through the dream in her mind, Egil and Loki had caught her and trapped her in a room where only they knew where she was.
They had killed everyone she loved.
But she sighed and remembered it was a dream, they did not have her.
Everyone was okay.

Tears spilled as she remembered what that man said, how many people did die because of her?
She remembered that her brothers did kill those who tried to hurt her, she forgot how many were killed though.
The silver haired Scandinavian looked up when she heard some soft footsteps, it was Finland.
"What are you doing up so late?", the blond male asked softly, "was it a nightmare?"
(Y/n) nodded, "Ja, but different. This one was more like... Loki and Egil themselves were there."
Finland sat down and rubbed her back, "You can tell me about it."

"I was in the meeting hall where I first met you. I was alone. Then I heard Egil, he was withing for me. He told me that he and Loki did this, they made sure That they could see me whenever they wanted.", (y/n) explained, "I was trapped, bound. Unable to escape as they held me."
Finland saw how uncomfortable she was, "you don't have to tell everything, but it was a dream. It was in your head."
The Scandinavian female shook her head, "my nightmares don't happen if I'm with someone. This one did. It was like Egil or Loki had invaded my mind itself."
the blond Finn patted the female's back gently, "Why not tell Norway? I bet he would do something."
"I don't want to bother him.", the female replied.
The Finn wiped her tears, "how about I get some warmed milk? I couldn't sleep either."
The blond male heated up two cups of milk to drink, he sat down and gave one to (y/n).
"This will help you sleep.", Finland smiled and took a sip of his.
The female took a drink of hers, "Finny?
"Joo?", the Finn responded.
"I'm sorry I flinched whenever I saw you before, I was...", the silver haired female spoke and Finland stopped her.
"You were still a bit traumatized from Your previous captures. I understand.", the blond male spoke and exhaled, "I've been through some bad experiences too."

(Y/n) looked at the scars that were peeking from underneath his loose tee, they looked a bit similar to hers.
"I too was tortured by your brothers, and even my own cousin.", the Finn spoke, "but I was able to break free from both."
"We are similar?", the female asked him and he nodded.
"Joo, I'm sure you met others like us. The tortured, broken, unwanted at some point.", the violet eyed Finn said softly, "we bear scars that are similar, so we are warriors of that respect."
The silver haired female looked down at the scars on her arms, remnants of the things that should have killed her,

"But we wear them, to show we are stronger for it.", (y/n) spoke, "we wear these scars as stubborn reminders that we have survived, and we are better for all of it."

Finland smiled, "scars are reminders. We can't change them, but we can grow better from where they came."
The two sat in silence and drank the milk, the warm creamy beverage soothed their nerves.
"I know someone who can answer my questions. He should be up at this time.", (y/n) spoke.
"You don't mean..?"
"Ja, Dracul. He said that I can come back whenever I needed. And I want to ask him some questions.", the female said and put the cup down.
She got the gloves she received from Dracul, "are you going to stop me?"
"I'm coming with you.", the blond Finn replied.
"Fair enough.", (y/n) smiled and warped them to the castle,

"T-this is where he lives?!", Finland exclaimed.
(Y/n) slipped the gloves on and nodded, "come on"
The two walked through the gardens, Finland stopped to admire the flowers.
"It's rather beautiful here.", the Finn said, "I kind of misjudged him."
"I think many do, he isn't great with relationships or socialization.", The Scandinavian female smiled, "but he has good taste and wants to learn."


The deep voice startled Finland, the male jumped and pulled the female behind him.
The silver haired female peeked over his shoulder, "Hej Drac, I came back."
the Romanian looked at the female then to her companion, "you did. And brought a guest."
Finland kept a hold on the female's hand as she stepped towards the Romanian, "can we trust him?"
"I trust him", (y/n) replied, "he did not try to force me to do anything."
Dracul breathed out and picked out a few plants from his garden, "is there a reason you came?"
"To ask a question.", the silver haired female replied, "is there any way to influence or harass someone when they are dreaming?"
The Romanian thought for a second then looked at the female, "someone has been harassing you in your sleep?"
The silver haired female nodded, "I believe it was either Loki or Egil."

Dracul stood up, "The connection does not have to be from the same room, It can be initiated by a bond or by blood. I suspect one was using the blood you share or... a deep emotional connection he has for you."
(Y/n) nodded, "thank you Drac."
"I also must tell you.", the Romanian spoke, "they hired a man-"
"I met the jerk.", the silver haired female cut in.
"You knew him. It is John Housen.", the jet black haired male spoke, "he has been changed, influenced by your brothers and his own sorrows."
"John? But he would not hurt anyone.", The Scandinavian spoke, "what happened?"
"He was tortured to almost death by Luciano. Egil and Loki brought him to me, I brought him back from the brink.", Dracul explained, "But something inside him snapped. He gave up on showing mercy."

(Y/n) looked down, "he changed so much. I couldn't recognize him."
"That happens sometimes.", Finland finally spoke, "you fight so much that... you lose something of yourself. John lost part of himself, that must be why he sided with your brothers."
"Perhaps.", the silver haired female spoke and looked down, "but he never seemed the type."
"Humans have a tendency to keep secrets.", Dracul spoke, "not to speak Ill of your friend but, do you really know him?"
the Scandinavian felt a hand on her hair spikes, "we never really know anyone, we keep secrets. It's in the nature of the living."
Finland pulled her away from Dracul's hand, "I think you've answered her questions."
(Y/n) sighed, "it's getting late or early, we best be heading back. Thank you Drac."
Dracul nodded, "go get some rest. You'll need it."
"Goodbye Dracul.", the silver haired female said and took off the gloves.
She held onto Finland and warped back to the Nordic household.

(Y/n) fell into Finland's arms, the male sighed and carried her up to Norway's room.
He opened the door and set her between Denmark and Norway.
The Norwegian opened his eyes, "Finn, what are you?"
"I'm just setting her back, she had a nightmare and needed some milk.", the Finn replied.
The platinum blond hugged the silver haired female close and settled back into sleep, Finland went back to his room.


The Scandinavian female looked around the building, "not again."
"Oh yes again~", the purring voice of her older brother whispered and made her jump.
She felt her waist be grabbed and pulled closer, "you left too soon, we did not get a chance to play more."
Two sets of arms were wrapped around her, each of her magic brothers had a side of her and were gently caressing her.
"Aah~ so soft~", the Icelander cooed in his whine like adoring voice.
She was about to protest when lips met hers, the kiss was to keep her quiet.
She pulled away and was kissed again by the other, the first started kissing at her neck and shoulders.
The kiss was long and heated, but it was one-sided.

Both were panting afterwards, the Icelander cuddled into her chest as the Norwegian nuzzled her neck.
"Don't worry sister~ we'll take care of you.", the Norwegian whispered softly, "nothing will hurt, just give in and let us take care of you forever."
(Y/n) felt her night dress loosen around her, "you shouldn't be wearing what they give you, not when we have what is more suitable."
"Nej! Leave me alone! Let me go, let John go!", the female struggled against her brothers.
"John is there by his own free will.", Loki chuckled.
Egil snuggled closer to the female, "you don't have to worry about him~ or yourself~"
She felt Loki rubbing on her stomach, she jerked away from his hand.
"Don't worry kanin, you'll like it when you surrender.", Loki whispered into her ear with a bit of a purr, "No pain, only pleasure. I could give you a little taste now~"


(Y/n) jerked up her night dress fell off of her shoulders, the female fixed her clothing fast as her brothers woke.
"Lillesøster?", Norway asked, "are you okay?"
"Did you have a nightmare?", Denmark inquired.
The silver haired female nodded and looked down with tears in her eyes, Denmark gave her a hug.
"It's okay Lillesøster, you're safe.", the Dane said warmly and held her close.
The female eyes had dark circles under them, showing that she did not sleep well at all.
The silver haired female started to nod off in his hold, so safe and secure.

Norway got up and told Denmark to take her to her room, even though Luxembourg was in there still.
The Dane did as told and took her to the room, Luxembourg was up and doing some work from his phone.
"Denmark, I heard a scream. Is she okay?", the male asked and got up immediately.
"She's fine.", the blond Dane replied, "just nightmares, I don't think she slept at all."
Luxembourg took (y/n) from Denmark and placed her in the bed, he kissed her head as she closed her eyes again.
Luxembourg looked up at the proud dane, the blond was looking away.
"Take care of my Lillesøster. She may not be mine really but...", the Danish man spoke, "I love her dearly. So take care of her."
"I will.", Luxembourg replied.

Denmark left and Luxembourg went to work at the desk that sat right next to the bed, the brunet man looked over at his sleeping girlfriend.
Her face was peaceful and her skin seemed to shimmer from the light hitting it, he smiled a bit as he admired her beauty.
The male leaned over and kissed her forehead, she murmured in her sleep and rolled over.
Luxembourg chuckled a bit before going back to work, he noticed her moving after a few moments.

Her arms were over her chest and her face was twisted into cute but somewhat arousing expression.
The Luxembourgish male heard her whispering soft pleas as she slept, Luxembourg had enough and started to rouse her.
The red-violet eyed female jolted up.
"You look like you were having a naughty dream.", Luxembourg said as he petted her head and chuckled when she hid her face, "Don't be embarrassed, it's okay."
"I hate them", she said, "My biological brothers think it's funny to tease me like that."
Luxembourg held his girlfriend gently as she settled back down, she had tears falling from her eyes.
The male held her and petted her hair and back, he knew this soothed her.

"(Y/n), I know this is not the best time to tell you but it has been on my mind.", Luxembourg spoke, "would you want to marry me one day?"
The silver haired female looked up at her boyfriend, her eyes were poked with tears.
A smile spread across her face, "yes. But when I'm ready."
"Of course."

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