chapter thirty six
Sealand woke after hearing a loud gunshot, the boy clung to the female.
He saw the 2p swede being chased by Thurston, he wondered what made the Finn mad at the swede.
The small boy stretched and looked up, (y/n) was awake again.
Her eyes looked ahead of her, the blond boy hugged her.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do this to you.", the boy apologized.
"So you did it you little shit."
Loki had walked in while Sealand apologized, his grip on the tray left marks.
The boy was fearful of the man, Finland told him that the 2p Nordics were quite dangerous.
The blond boy felt the arms of the female tighten slightly around him, Loki scoffed.
"You're protecting the one who hurt you.", the Norwegian man said to the female, "This little brat has to be punished."
Sealand heard how Loki spoke like he knew the female.
"Kanin, I'm kind of disappointed with how sweet you can be sometimes.", the burned man sighed, "I never thought my sister would be so forgiving."
Sister, she was their sister.
But wasn't she Denmark's sister?
Sealand was confused, she acted more like a 1p than a 2p.
Loki hissed out a sigh, "fine. But we have the last say about what happens when this is all over,"
Who was Loki talking to?
(Y/n) was silent. Could he somehow read into her mind or see something in her eyes?
The head of the female tilted forward onto Sealand's, her warm breath heated up his hair.
"I'll let you keep him for now.", the burned man hissed and set the tray down, "move brat."
A scream made Sealand jump, Loki did not care.
"Thurston sure is more pissy than usual huh Kanin?", the Norwegian asked and picked up one of the cups, "Bernard told me you were able to eat solids again. So I got you some soft fruit."
The Norwegian motioned for the boy to move, Sealand did so and hid behind the female.
The boy held onto the silver haired female's dress as Loki held up the fruit for (y/n) to eat, she took the fruit from his fingers.
The blond British boy held onto the female's arm as she was fed, Loki put the cup down and picked up the other.
The Norwegian was about to give her the liquid in the cup when he was startled, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!"
Loki dropped the cup onto (y/n) and the liquid splashed everywhere on her.
The burned man turned and looked at the intruder with an annoyed expression, "I was giving her lunch. Now she needs to be cleaned up."
The intruder, Thurston huffed.
"Throw the brat back into the Dungeon, I'll take care of Kulta.", The Finnish man hissed as he picked up the female.
Sealand tried to grasp (y/n)'s sleeve when Thurston walked away with her, the boy was stopped by Loki.
"You should wait in the dungeon, you'll be okay.", The burned man spoke, "Nobody will hurt you if she wants you safe."
The strawberry blond Norwegian warped into the dungeons with the boy, he put the boy in a cell that was intact.
"I really should fix these things. Far did a number on them.", the man sighed and warped out.
The British boy looked at the cells across from him, three had a skeleton in each.
All the skeletons were male, one was tall and wide, another was normal sized, the final was a smaller stature.
He could not help but wonder who they were.
What seemed like hours passed, the air in the dungeon became colder.
Sealand found an old blanket, thick and warm on the ground.
He draped it over him.
The boy was still worried for (y/n) even though these men did not seem to want to hurt her, they were dangerous.
His eyes closed and he let out a breath, he dropped unknowingly into sleep.
Sealand's eyes snapped open, he heard a voice.
But nobody was there with him.
The voice sounded like a man's, it was begging Thurston for some reason.
He listened more, Hoping to find out why he heard the voice.
Again he closed his eyes.
"She does not need you."
Sealand jumped again, Thurston's voice and the man's voice from before.
The boy looked to where he heard the voice come from, the largest skeleton with a hole in his head and gnaw marks on his bones.
That had to be the body of (y/n)'s father, the others had to be the other fathers.
Each skeleton had gnaw marks on them from sharpened teeth, but each was killed in a different fashion.
The boy felt sick, these men killed their fathers.
The sound of the large door opening made Sealand look up, Loki was back.
"(Y/n) is all cleaned up and ready to see you again.", The Norwegian said with a smile that faltered, "hell if I know why."
The burned man took the boy out of the cell and roughly dragged him up the stairs, he pushed the young boy into a room where the awaiting female was.
The silver haired female was sitting on one of the couches in the comfortable looking room, beside her was Thurston?
The Finnish man did not seem too happy to see the boy.
Small light orbs appeared and beckoned the young brit to come closer, the boy followed and sat on the other side of the Scandinavian female.
Loki was snickering, "Can I please get a picture? You three look like a family there."
"You can get a bullet in your ass.", Thurston snapped at Loki.
Both stopped bickering when (y/n) slowly moved her arm over Sealand to give him an embrace, the act seemed to sap her energy as she closed her eyes afterwards.
The Finn sighed and got up, "Making me work and guess what you want."
The Norwegian Snickered, "You should have realized that she likes kids before, maybe you two could have some kids."
Thurston threw his hunting knife at the Norwegian who just ran away, "damned ass."
Sealand hugged (y/n)'s waist when Thurston looked back at him angrily, the Finn turned and walked away.
The blond boy hugged the female more, "I'm sorry."
Sealand felt a tapping on his head, he looked up to see the Swedish man grinning down at him.
"Want to watch some cartoons?", The swede asked, "or I could take you two outside."
The British boy could not speak as the Swedish cannibal sat next to his sister, the swede put on the TV and changed channels to a R-rated movie.
The channel switched to a kid friendly channel, Bernard looked at his sister.
She was looking at the Television as a small orb circled her head.
"Very cute.", The swede chuckled, "you win. This time."
Sealand was able to watch cartoons as the female slowly petted over his back in a soothing manner, Bernard was Happy to see movement in the female's arms.
The swede petted the Female's head as the three watched cartoons.
They were joined by Egil, the Icelander plopped next to the British lad.
It was a good half hour before Egil got bored and picked up the Scandinavian female, he carried the female out to the gardens as the sun began to set, Sealand followed the male and saw how nice the gardens were.
The Icelander placed (y/n) on a bench and sat beside her, "let's watch the pretty sky together while the kid plays."
The boy held onto (y/n)'s arm and shook his head.
"What do you mean no? I'm giving you an opportunity to play and get exercise.", the platinum haired man said, "so go play."
The boy pouted but went to explore parts of the garden, he found a few pretty butterflies flitting around.
The garden had wildlife in it, that was interesting.
Even more interesting was that fact the wildlife he saw came from different seasons.
Like the gardens themselves were made for different seasons year round.
The sun went down and the stars came out, little lights floated around the gardens.
The lights that (y/n) made.
The orbs left trails of shimmering powder and Sealand began to try to catch as many balls as he could.
The game was fun and he had an armful of glowing warm balls, he ran up to (y/n) to show how many he caught.
The balls floated out of his hold and danced around him, from their soft light he saw the silver haired Scandinavian's face.
Her expression was a soft smile and gentle eyes, the kind of expression a mother would have for their child.
Egil started to laugh, he thought the idea of a fabulously sparkly little boy was hilarious.
Sealand had gotten the shiny powder all over him and was practically glowing.
"Time for you to come in!", Loki called from the house, "Maggie wants everyone present for dinner, even you kid!"
Egil sighed and picked up his sister, "clean yourself up kid."
The boy dusted himself off and walked after the Icelander.
Loki was waiting for them and walked with them to the dining room, dinner already was set out.
Sir puffin was stealing bits of fish from everyone's plates.
The bird was shoo'd away from the table and everyone took their seats.
Sealand felt afraid, all these men could kill him.
"Eat.", the Norwegian said to the boy as the others ate their meals.
Bernard got up and wandered off to another part of the building.
Egil was feeding soft foods to (y/n) as Thurston watched with a pissed face, Magnus did not give any sign of emotion as he ate.
Sealand forced himself to eat the food set out for him, he finished the plate and sat quietly as some of the brothers started to talk and bicker.
Bernard came back with a tray of little cakes.
Loki and Egil became excited.
The swede put cakes in front of sealand, Egil, Loki, and (y/n).
Thurston gave him a look, "the fuck?"
"I was bored today and made them. I thought that they deserve a little treat.", the swede replied and walked away.
Thurston shook his head, "I swear. If he did anything to those."
"It's fine.", Egil said after taking a bite, "no surprises. No cyanide or anything."
Sealand pushed the cake away, "no thank you."
Loki shrugged and threw the cake into a hole.
Thurston got up and walked to (y/n), he gave her a kiss on the head before leaving the dining room.
Magnus got up quietly after eating and went to his office, Loki and Egil were squabbling about who was going to feed the cake to (y/n).
Bernard walked back and fed the cake to the Female, "okay. Bedtime."
The ginger male picked up the female and carried her away, he hummed while doing so.
Sealand followed as Egil and Loki cleaned the mess up.
Bernard was brushing his sister's teeth while his own was sticking out of his mouth, Sealand waited outside.
The male washed the Silver haired female's face as well, the male noticed Sealand and gave the boy a toothbrush to use.
The ginger man carried (y/n) to her room once she had her teeth brushed, he changed her out of the frilly dress and into more appropriate nightwear.
"Why are you so cute?", the male asked with a grin on his face as the British boy poked his head in, "come here boy. You'll be in here with her."
The blond boy walked in hesitantly.
The swede grinned his pointy grin, "scared of us are you? That's okay."
The man lay (y/n) onto the bed and pulled the covers on her, "goodnight älskling."
Bernard left as Sealand looked around the room, he after a bit crawled onto the bed with the older female.
(Y/n) put her arms around Sealand in a kind hug, her face was lit up by the soft lighting in the room.
A smile was on her face as she closed her eyes, Sealand took it as a sign that everything was going to be okay.
He noticed a pair of gloves she slipped on.
A few hours into the night, Sealand was woken up by being moved.
He opened his eyes and found himself being carried by a pale man with jet black hair and glowing red eyes.
(Y/n) was still smiling as she looked up at the man, no fear.
The man nodded, "I'll take him back. Don't worry."
The silver haired female smiled a little bit more, the male gave a small one back.
Sealand was quiet and saw that he was suddenly in his room back at the Nordic house, the man placed him on the ground and lifted a clawed finger to his lips.
the man disappeared without another word, Sealand wanted to ask him who he was or how he knew what to do.
The blond boy ran out of his room and to Finland's, he jumped onto the Blond Finn.
the Finnish man jolted awake and hugged the boy, "Sealand!"
Sweden came into the room as well, "Sealand?"
"You won't believe what I found!"
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