chapter thirty nine.
Dracul woke with his hand held against (y/n)'s face, the male sighed and waited for the female to wake.
Her red-violet eyes opened and smiled at the male.
"It's evening.", The vampire like man spoke gently and rubbed his thumb on her cheek, "time to get up for me."
The male removed his hand from her cheek and got up, "You can come with me or continue to sleep here."
(Y/n) smiled at him, he realized what was wrong.
"You can't move your legs can you?", the Romanian asked and picked her up carefully, "I will just take you will me then"
The Romanian carried the female to his lab and set her on the table, the draped his thick cape over her.
(Y/n) yawned and snuggled the cape, she lay down on the table and slept.
Dracul got her a pillow to set her head on, "still a goddess."
The black haired Romanian started to work on his projects, he took glances back at (y/n) to make sure she was still okay.
The pale man sighed when he saw she was okay and went back to work.
Thurston woke up on (y/n)'s bed, it still smelled like her.
The man got up groggy and walked to the kitchen to make coffee, he made some and mulled over all of his thoughts.
Loki placed another barrier to keep her from escaping, she was too weak to escape anyway.
So how did she go?
She looked happy to be with them.
The scarlet eyed Finn then remembered the guests, he noticed how Dracul looked at her and how Allen was being secretive while talking to Oliver.
Any if them could have stolen her.
The Finnish man drank the rest of his coffee and put his pissed face on, he stormed to Loki's room and kicked open the door.
"Wake up fuckface!", Thurston shouted and Loki jumped.
"Thuston, do you know what time it is?", the Norwegian asked and sat up, "we're not supposed to be up this early."
"I think I know why she is gone.", the Finn spoke, "One of your friends must have taken her,"
The strawberry blond man looked right into the scarlet eyes, "you're right. They know where this place is."
The brunet Finn nodded, "see who has her."
Loki got up and woke up Egil, the two went to check where their sister might have been taken.
Dracul finished his work and turned back to his guest, she was still asleep.
The floating curls next to her head bobbed as she snuggled the pillow, the Romanian petted her head.
The man knew that his ally might figure it out soon, but he did not know what to do with her.
Should he go to the 1ps and hand her over willingly?
Should he keep her until she is better?
He had no idea what to do.
His thoughts were cut off by an energy invading his home, he left the female down in his secure lab as he investigated.
The man found his friend Loki wandering and poking into rooms, "Loki."
"Ah Drac, there you are.", the Norwegian said and gripped the flamethrower, "I have a question. Is my sister here?"
"You can look around to see.", the male spoke.
"I know it is a stretch, seeing as you two can't be next to each other for a long time but I had to check.", the burned man replied, "plus, only you and Ollie were there to see her. Allen can't get to our home on his own."
Dracul sighed, "like I said before. Look around."
Loki looked around the whole house but found nothing, "it looks like she's not here..."
the Romanian started to walk away when Loki slammed the weapon into his back, "But who said I was done Questioning you? Like where is your precious cape?"
Dracul took his mace and swung it at Loki, the Norwegian jumped back.
"Ooh, you are not fighting as you usually do.", the strawberry blond cackled, "what is Making you act different?"
The Romanian felt the need to cut his eyes towards the door to his lab, the hidden door.
Loki noticed the movement, "something interesting with the wall there?"
The Norwegian blasted the Romanian back and investigated the wall, "a secret passage, oh my. I feel much dark magic seeping out of here, this would kill my sweet sister."
The strawberry blond Norwegian shrugged and walked back to looking around, Dracul went down the passage to his lab and saw the now awake female.
He picked the female up, "I have to give you over now. Loki was here."
"I still am.", the burned man behind him spoke, "clever how you were able to protect her from your own magic."
Dracul held the woman gently yet firmly, his cape draped over the short nightwear and covered her.
"Hand my sister over, it is dangerous for you two to be near each other.", the man spoke.
"You are dangerous to her.", dracul Replied and stepped back from the man.
"I can find you wherever you hide.", Loki growled, "give me my sister."
The Romanian transported himself and the female away into the Nordic house, the feeling of a small hand holding onto his shirt me him look down at the female.
She was giving him a smile.
"I have to find one if them to give you to.", the Male said, "and tell them they need to move."
The door behind him opened and Norway stuck his head out, dracul turned to face the other Norwegian.
Norway looked angry at the man before seeing his sister smiling at him, he calmed down then noticed the gloves.
"Clever.", The blond Norwegian said.
Dracul held out the female, "you need to move. This place is no longer safe."
"Understood.", Norway spoke and took (y/n).
The man warped away.
The Norwegian cradled the silver haired female and took her back to his room, he lay back on the bed with the female snuggling him.
"It's okay lillesøster. I have you now.", the platinum blond smiled, "go to sleep."
(Y/n) lay her head on his chest, "storebror."
The small mumble made Norway happy, he ran his fingers over her back.
The motions made the silver haired female fall asleep.
Norway continued to run his fingers absent-mindedly over her back, his thoughts running through his recent dreams that featured her.
He felt something stir in him, the man looked down at the female and sighed.
"Dammit.", he cursed silently, "stop thinking about that."
The silver haired female's breathing and heat lulled Norway into ease, He was fine.
Everything was fine. It was good.
He finally dropped into sleep as she muzzled into his chest.
The platinum blond woke up fairly happy, large red-violet eyes were watching him.
"Lillesøster, sleep well?", the Norwegian asked.
The female nodded with a blush on her face.
'Oh Odin.', Norway thought to himself, 'Did I sleep talk?'
(Y/n) rolled away from him and sat up by herself, "brother. I'm happy."
"That's good.", The Norwegian said and picked her up, "I'm glad you feel better."
"Can't walk.", (y/n) spoke and held her arms up, "please carry me?"
Norway picked her up, "where to?"
Norway nodded and walked to the room the rich country was in, he went into the room.
Luxembourg was still asleep, the brunet looked peaceful.
"Set me down?", (y/n) asked and the Norwegian did so.
He set her under the covers with Luxembourg, "behave."
"I will Storebror, thank you.", the silver haired female smiled and snuggled Luxembourg.
Norway went to make breakfast.
Luxembourg felt warm, arms had him enveloped in a hug.
A soft chest was pressed to his, gentle breathing mixed with his own.
The male opened his eyes to see his girlfriend, right there next to him.
He had to test if she was there, in case he was hallucinating.
The male placed a hand on her cheek and rubbed it, the skin was soft and warm.
The blue-green eyed man kissed her and found her sweet.
The female's sweet red-violet eyes opened and she smiled at him, "god morgen"
Luxembourg smiled back, "Gudde mueres meng léift."
They pressed their lips together in a good morning kiss.
The two cuddled together.
"You can talk and move again.", Luxembourg said with a kind smile, "I'm glad you are better."
"I still can't walk. Dracul helped me.", (y/n) said, "and my brothers somewhat."
She was met with another kiss, one she melted into.
Both were panting by the time they broke away, the silver haired female cuddled to her boyfriend.
"(Y/n), I did not want to push this until you were ready but...", Luxembourg spoke, "will you marry me?"
"I don't know what to say.", (y/n) replied.
"Just yes or no. I'll Wait if you're not ready yet.", Luxembourg said, "just tell me when."
The silver haired female nodded and hugged her boyfriend, "thank you."
Luxembourg hugged her back.
They heard an knock at the door, "Luxembourg, it is time to get up."
"We're up.", the Luxembourgish male responded.
"We?", questioned the one at the door.
the door opened and Finland looked in with Sealand right beside him, both were surprised.
The blond boy ran in and jumped onto the bed with the female, she welcomed him into a warm embrace.
Sealand hugged back and snuggled the female, Finland followed.
"Sealand, be careful!", Finland scolded.
"It's okay.", (y/n) said and petted the Boy's head, "he is not hurting anything."
Luxembourg smiled, "you look like a mother while you do that."
The silver haired female turned pink.
"How did you come back?", the Finn asked.
"Dracul. He brought me back after I asked him for help.", the Scandinavian female replied, "he brought me last night after Loki attacked him."
The British boy hugged onto (y/n), the female ran her hand over his back.
"We have to move. My brothers know where we are.", the silver haired female spoke.
"You can come to my home!", Finland said, "we each have out own home in our respective countries."
"That would be lovely.", the silver haired female smiled and let Sealand out of her grip, "go on Sealand.
Sealand looked up at her before running out to tell the others, Luxembourg got up.
"I have a feeling you have much to tell us, if you feel like it.", the Brunet man spoke.
"Only a little.", (y/n) smiled.
"Norway made breakfast. You can come get some if you want it.", Finland said, "I'm glad you're home safe."
The Finn kissed the female's head and walked out to join the others, Luxembourg hesitated.
"It's okay if you want to change, I won't look.", (y/n) said.
"Do you want to get changed into a new outfit?", Luxembourg asked.
"You first.", the silver haired female smiled, "I won't look."
the brunet man nodded and the silver haired female turned around, she could hear him removing clothing items and changing into new ones.
She felt him hug her after he was done, his lips pressed against the soft area of her neck.
The silver haired Scandinavian smiled and held his arms, "I need to get ready now."
"Could I help you?", Luxembourg asked.
"Out of the question.", Norway said from the doorway, "we're going to my home after this."
Luxembourg nodded and went down to breakfast, Norway turned back to his sister.
"Do you need help?", the male asked as a bit of pink dusted his cheeks, "with anything?"
"Nej storebror, but thank you.", (y/n) smiled then looked puzzled, "why did Luxembourg look sad?"
"He's not coming with us. He agreed to split off to protect you.", the Norwegian replied, "but it will be okay, you can visit him."
"He asked me to marry him.", the silver haired female said.
"What was your answer?", the blond inquired.
"That I need to think more.", the red-violet eyed woman answered, "I don't know if I'm ready."
"You'll make the right decision when the time is right.", Norway answered, "get ready, we have moving to do."
(Y/n) used her magic to get changed and called for Norway or someone to help her, Iceland answered the call.
the smaller male helped her by holding her and carrying her down the stairs to the others after pulling himself together, Denmark's first reaction was to take her from Iceland and give her a cuddle.
Sweden scolded Denmark and petted his little sister's hair, "I'm glad you're safe m'systir."
The family quickly quieted down and had breakfast, Finland kept tossing scraps to Pelutze and Hana.
The two dogs snapped up the scraps quickly.
Afterwards, Luxembourg left.
But not before giving (y/n) one last kiss.
In front of her brothers.
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