chapter thirty four

Six weeks passed, Norway got the call that (y/n) had woken up.
The family went to see her, she was sitting up and staring at a point in the wall, a unnerving gaze that made her look like a doll.
Luxembourg sat beside her and put his hand on top of hers, "(y/n)?"
The silver haired female did not respond, The Luxembourgish man sighed and petted her head.
"I'll take care of you.", he said.
They asked the doctor and attending nurse questions like, is she okay, how long will she remain like this, and when will we take her home?
The doctor told them that she is stable but needs to be kept for testing and observation, Luxembourg told them he understood.

The light brunet man held her hand and gave her head a kiss, "I love you (y/n)"
Sealand watched from outside the room with Finland, the boy was sorry that he hurt her.
Finland kept a tight hold on Sealand, he was still upset with the boy but was not going to act upon what some of his instincts were telling him to do.
Sweden watched (y/n)'s breathing and asked the doctor to call them if they have any change in condition.
The family left afterwards.

A few days later they came back after (y/n) had some scans done.
"She can hear and see everything around her, her brain is responding to every stimulus but she physically does not react except for a few actions.", the doctor explained, "it's like... she's a living doll. Trapped inside her body."
Luxembourg held (y/n)'s hand with one hand and petted her cheek with the other, some pink appeared on both cheeks.
"Thank you.", Norway said, "could we take her home anytime soon?"
"Next week at the latest, we need to run a few more tests.", the doctor answered, "then you are welcome to take her home."
Iceland gave her a hug, "I'm sorry."
(Y/n)'s eyes closed as she was hugged.

After visiting a bit, the family left.
(Y/n) was alone in her room again, she wanted to call out for Luxembourg.
She wanted to tell Denmark she saw him, tell Finland that she was okay.
She wanted to hug Iceland back, to tickle Sweden and hear him laugh.
She wanted to call Norway her big brother and see him smile again.
But no, she was stuck.
Because of Sealand, but she did not blame Sealand.
She forgave him.
Even though she was severely maimed, she forgave him.
She wanted to smile and tell him it was okay, but she couldn't.

She saw out of the window and wanted to scream in terror, but she couldn't.
In the hall was her psycho brothers, the males were talking to the doctor.
The doctor let them in and told them to behave.
She felt a red hat be placed on her head, Thurston set his hat on her.
"See? You need us you silly stubborn girl.", The Finn said in a scolding yet caring manner, "this would not have happened if you behaved and stayed."
Egil was putting his head on her chest and listened to the heartbeat, the young man nuzzled her a bit.
Magnus pulled Egil off of her, "behave."
"I was listening to her heartbeat!", the Icelander said and pouted, "I like her heartbeat."
Loki sighed and started braiding her hair.
Bernard was quietly grinning to himself with some drool escaping the corner of his mouth, "Lillasystir is certainly adorable."
The males all left after visiting and doting on the female for a bit.
Before they left Loki kissed her forehead and grinned, "we'll be back for you~"

She was scared, she could not scream though.
She was trapped, she wanted to cry,
She wanted to tell the doctors that she was afraid, she wanted to throw up.
But she did not.
She could not.
She wanted to call out, but what could she do?
The machines connecting to her all shut off, the lights flickered off.
(Y/n) realized she just had a magic tantrum.
The nurses came in and checked on her, they sighed when they found she was okay.
They got the lights back on and the machines hooked up again.
The silver haired Scandinavian was tired, she had used a great deal of magic in a short amount of time.
(Y/n) laid back and fell asleep.

The silver haired female woke up when she felt herself being picked up, it felt like it was late in the night.
She felt the person unhook her from the machines, the unholy screaming of the machines alerted the nursing staff.
But it was too late, she was gone by then.
She was set into a soft and warm bed, warm lips pressed against her head.
Her eyes fluttered open and saw glowing orbs of amethyst, "did I wake you? I'm very sorry."
Loki had a soft smile on his face, he petted her head softly.
"We will take care of you. Do not worry.", the Norwegian spoke quietly.
His expression was soft and he lay beside her, "I'll keep you warm."
Loki's warmth made her sleepy and she drifted back Into sleep.
The male held his sister, her smaller body was cold from the night air.
It was not long before he fell asleep too.

(Y/n) woke up in the sitting position, her dress was changed to a frilly puffy dress.
Like one a porcelain doll would wear.
Her hair was made up in a very pretty manner.
She recognized where she was, Egil's room.
The said young man was sliding on his shirt after taking a shower, he turned and saw his sister's open eyes.
"Litla systir~", the Icelander cooed, "welcome home!"
The Icelandic male looked a bit annoyed by let lack of reaction, he walked over and sat down.
His shirt was open and his chest could be seen, "sytir, whatever happened to you. We can take care of you."
He looked up as the lights flickered in his room, she was having another tantrum.
"I see you still have control over your magic.", Egil spoke, "that's fine, at least we can see you're okay with that."

The lights blew and Egil covered (y/n) with his body to protect her from the glass shards, "behave, you could hurt yourself like that."
The Icelander brushed glass from her hair and dress, "I'll get this cleaned up, then we can see if you can eat."
The platinum haired male walked out and got one of the other brothers to help, Bernard walked in and scooped (y/n) up.
The swede carried her away as the icelander cleaned up the glass and changed the lightbulbs.
The ginger haired swede Hummed as he held his sister, "you look so cute in that."
the lights around him flickered.
"Behave. You're Goin to blow more bulbs like that. Then we'll be in the dark", the man spoke and set her in the sun room, "here look at this garden."

Bernard sat her on a couch that was in front of the window, the beautiful gardens could be seen out of the window.
(Y/n) watched the flowers as she felt her Swedish brother pick glass out of her hair, "You'll get better. You won't stay like this forever."
When he was done pickin glass out of her hair, he gave her a kiss on the cheek.
The silver haired female wanted to wipe it off, she wanted to yell in disgust.
But she could not.
The swede walked away and left her alone.
She was greatful for being left alone for a while.
But it would not last.

She was joined by Egil, "The flowers are pretty, right Blóm?"
The icelander sat next to her, "but not as pretty as you"
She felt her back be rubbed gently, "Who did this to you?"
He knew that she could not answer, "don't worry, I'll take care of you. We'll be happy."
He saw the lights flicker as she had another tantrum, a silent tantrum.
"Stop having hissy fits.", The icelander scolded, "we're trying to help you."
His response was a flash of bright light.
"Ow! That hurt!", the man covered his eye and fell off the couch.
He knocked her off as well, Bernard came in and saw Egil on top of (y/n).
"Be careful with her!", the swede scolded.
The ginger male got Egil off of the female and picked her up, "are you hurt at all?"

The swede held her gently and carried her away from Egil, he took her to Magnus.
"I brought her for you.", Bernard spoke and placed her on Magnus's desk, "enjoy~"
The large blond Dane took her off of his desk and sat her on his lap, he looked sad about her injuries.
The male set her on her own little seat and went back to work as Loki carried in some coffee, "I got your coffee, tell me I'm your favorite."
"(Y/n) is my favorite.", Magnus replied and kept working.
Loki sighed and looked over, "You look absolutely adorable! Egil knows how to pick clothes."
The Norwegian set the coffee on the desk and kneeled in front of (y/n), he straightened out her outfit and fixed her hair.
"Now of only we could get Thurston to come see you, he'd have a hard time keeping himself under control.", Loki chuckled, "you are so beautiful, maybe even more so than mor."

Her cheeks lit up pink.
"Maggie! I got her to blush!", Loki giggled, "She's blushing!"
Magnus looked behind him and saw the cute little roses of pink bloomed on his sister's face, "så sød."
The female's cheeks became Pinker as Loki started kissing them, Magnus muttered and turned back to his work.
The Norwegian rubbed his cheek against his sister's, "so adorable!
She saw his shoulder was next to her mouth.
Loki felt small teeth on his shoulder, a small bit of wetness appeared on his shirt.

"Maggie, I think she's hungry.", the Strawberry blond Norwegian said as he winced, "her bite is strong."
Magnus poked his sister's cheek, "let go."
(Y/n) released her bite on the Norwegian and sighed out a breath she was holding.
The Norwegian picked up the female and carried her away, much to the Dane's annoyance.
The burned man set his sister down on a dining room seat, her belly growled pretty loudly.
"I'll get you something to eat.", Loki giggled, "just wait."

Egil poked his head out of the kitchen, "I've been making her something to eat."
The icelander was pouting.
Loki rolled his eyes, "fine."
The Icelandic male was overjoyed and brought out what he had made for his sister, he set it down and held up the bowl for her to drink from.
"This is what I made you when you were sick as a child.", Egil said happily, "drink up."
He held the bowl to her lips as she drank, the male tilted the bowl as it emptied.
"Very good!", The icelander cooed and put the bowl down, "now for your drink."
Loki picked up the cup, "I'll do this one."
Egil pouted as his brother set the cup against (y/n)'s lips, "here Kanin, something to quench your thirst."
the icelander added 'and to spark another' under his breath.

(Y/n) could not spit the liquid out, it was sweet but the oily and bitter feeling made her sick.
What did Egil add to the drink?
Loki was quick to notice her change, "Kanin?"
He saw her eyes go from fully open to half lidded and her cheeks flare a deeper color, he felt the heat radiating off of her.
Then the smell hit, the Norwegian looked at his brother and took the female back to her room.
"I'll leave you here for a bit, you need rest.", the burned man spoke and walked back to scold his brother.
The female could hear two voices getting closer, one sounded upset.

The door opened and Bernard pulled Thurston in, "Look, she's right here."
"She's not the same.", the Finnish male said, "I might hurt her."
"You won't, go on. She needs to be taken care of.", the swede replied.
Thurston walked over and petted the female's cheek, "Kultaseni."
(Y/n)'s cheeks became red again as he gently lay next to the female to cuddle her, "rest. We'll be here to protect you."
the silver haired female did not know why, but her body trusted them.
She dropped out of consciousness quickly.
The brunet Finn looked gently upon the female's face, he gave her a kiss on the cheek.
Bernard decided he'd join the fun and got in with the two, his sharp toothed grin annoyed Thurston.
"Just don't ruin this for me shithead"


Så sød: so cute.

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