chapter thirty eight.
Norway and Iceland were alone, both of them were giving the other dirty looks.
"Well?", Iceland asked.
"You first, little brother.", Norway replied.
Both had little dream journals that belonged to the other in their hands.
"I insist.", the Icelander spoke, "Do tell."
"You could just read it.", the Norwegian said, "like you have been doing when I caught you."
The silvery haired Icelander glared at his older brother, "I don't know whose is worse, mine or yours."
"Possibly both.", the platinum blond Norwegian answered, "Because we know we aren't supposed to think like that."
"It says in your journal that you started before me.", The Icelander replied, "so what does that say about you and your dirty mind?"
"I heard from your puffin that you talk in your sleep. He heard everything.", The Norwegian shot back.
"I know. He told (y/n) already.", Iceland sighed, "she did not care."
"Maybe you did not tell her explicitly what we both dream?", Norway asked.
"Why would I? It would make it more weird than the bird already made it.", The albino Icelander said.
Mr. Puffin sat on Iceland as the two Bickered, "you both are dirty minded sinners, shame on both of you."
"Shut up bird.", both brothers snapped at the bird.
Mr. Puffin flew out of the room and back to Iceland's room.
Both looked at each other with a layer of disgust.
"I did not know you of all people were into that sort of thing,", Iceland said lowly.
"Likewise to you and your kinks.", Norway spoke back, "now hand over my journal."
"Only if you give me mine first", the youngest male replied.
The Norwegian and Icelander was locked in a contest of stares.
Neither wanted to give up the journal for the other might take his.
Both brothers read the other's dream journals.
"Give mine to me and call me Big brother. Then I won't tell (y/n) what I read in this.", Norway said.
Iceland gagged, "Why would I do that?! You're sick!"
Loki hummed as he worked on his magic room, he had a bit of company coming over so he had to clean up.
The strawberry blond Norwegian finished when he heard the faint sparking sound that told of a warp, the male looked being him to see Oliver.
And Allen.
"Greetings Loki!", Ollie hello'd, "I hope you don't mind that Allen tagged along to buy a new weapon."
"Bernard can have him outfitted.", Loki responded, "welcome."
The pinkish blond haired brit patted his companion's back, "go find Bernard, we will be here."
Allen walked away as the two magic men began to talk.
He could not find Bernard in the usual places.
The auburn haired American sighed and stood at the window, he looked over the gardens that surrounded the home.
The man felt a tug on the sleeve of his jacket and jumped, he turned and saw what looked to be a life sized doll sitting on the couch behind him.
The tanned male kneeled down and looked at the thing, "I did not know these guys were into dolls."
Allen touched the cheek of the doll and found it warm, some powder makeup rubbed off onto his skin.
"You're not a doll. You're real.", The male realized and backed away, "you're that kid who beat my ass."
The female did not speak but looked at the male quietly, a smile present on her face.
"What the hell happened to you?", The American asked, "why are you so smiley?"
"Charming, isn't she?", A voice cut off Allen's thoughts.
The ginger swede was watching Allen from the door, "she had an accident that damaged her head, so she just happily smiles at everyone. She can move a bit but not too much."
Bernard walked over and looked at the rubbed off patch on the female's skin, "and you rubbed off the powder that covered the scar. Was he being mean to you älskling?"
"So why are you here Allen?", Bernard asked as he patted the Female's head.
"I need some new weapons, old ones broke.", The American replied, "I'm gonna have to take you away from dollface here."
The Swedish man shrugged, "Someone will be by to check on her, so let us get you the weapons."
Bernard walked away with Allen following, the tanned male looked back at the female.
She had her head turned and watching the two.
A half hour later, Allen was walking back to the room that Loki and Ollie were working in.
The American got the urge to go see the girl again.
She was not in the room, he looked out the window and saw that she was sitting in the gardens with a parasol shading her.
The American knew he had a bit of time to explore and went outside, "Hey there dollface."
The female turned and looked up at him with that smile of hers, "what are you doing out here doll?"
The man sat next to the female, he was about to do the arm over the shoulder trick when she was suddenly at another bench and he fell to the ground.
"You want to play or something doll?", Allen asked as he got up and walked to the other bench.
The silver haired female looked up and gave him another smile, she was at another bench after that.
"Oh it's on.", the American said and ran around trying to catch the female.
The Scandinavian female kept getting out of his reach when he got close, making the man frustrated.
This continued for a bit more before Allen got the idea to wait at one bench as the girl warped around frantically.
The man was able to catch her and picked the female up, "caught ya, I won."
Allen heard clapping and looked up, Bernard was watching their game.
"You beat my record by a few seconds.", the swede chuckled, "congratulations."
The tanned American sighed and set the female down, the woman's cheeks were Pinkened by her activity.
Bernard petted the female's head, "You are so silly lillasyster."
The female gave him a bright smile and what sounded like a giggle, the swede hugged her tightly after hearing the sound.
"Behave, I have to keep working.", The swede said and walked back inside once he released the female from the embrace.
Allen cut a glance at the Female again, her eyes were set on him again.
"You do look like a doll.", The man said and the Female made a giggle again.
She looked like a porcelain doll, delicate.
But this one was definitely not delicate, Allen could attest to that.
He thought of something, something that Ollie told him a year ago.
The man kneeled in front of the female, "Do you really want to be here?"
The female's smile became smaller, not as bright.
Allen saw it in her eyes, the shine went away for a second.
"Are you forcing yourself to be cute to make them happy?", the American asked, "or is it to protect yourself?"
The silver haired female's eyes welled up with tears, the red eyed man quickly wiped them away.
"Don't cry doll. I'll go speak to ollie.", The man said, "I'll see what I can do."
Allen got up and walked to the room where Loki and Ollie were.
The man knocked on the door, "hey."
Dracul was the one to open the door, "Da?"
"I need to speak to ollie.", The American spoke and The Romanian nodded.
"Oliver. Allen wants to talk to you.", the Vampiric man said and the pastel male came up.
"Yes Allen?", the pastel brit chirped.
"I need to speak to you alone.", the American said.
"Please excuse us.", the British man said and followed the American.
Allen was far enough away and there was was nobody else turned to look at ollie, "That girl needs to get out of here now."
"Girl? What girl?", Ollie asked, "did you find a woman in the dungeons?"
"No, no. Ollie, the girl. Their sister.", Allen explained, "she is here and not happy, at all."
the pastel brit nodded, "I see. But may I ask why you are caring now?"
"I don't know man.", the American sighed and ran his hand back through his hair, "I guess I can't bear to know that She is here like this."
"When did you grow a heart?"
Allen jumped at Dracul's voice, "what are you doing?"
"Listening after you left. I might as well tell you that I was planning on getting her out.", the Romanian said, "and tonight."
"Tonight?", Oliver asked and Dracul nodded.
"Just keep it quiet.", the Romanian spoke and left.
Oliver went back to the magic room with Dracul.
Allen had to wait for another few hours, he found the female again.
She was sleeping with her head tilted ever so slightly to the right, it made her look cute.
The male sat down next to her as she made a discomforted face, Allen placed his hand on her and she settled down.
The female leaned onto the man and slept peacefully, her lips resting at a smile.
"Why do you have to be gorgeous?", The American bad boy grumbled.
The time passed and the three guests left, loki Picked up (y/n) when Allen left.
the female Scandinavian made a face that told him she did not want her pillow to leave, loki could not help but chuckle.
The silver haired female was taken to the bathroom and washed in the large tub, she was changed Into her Nightwear after.
The Norwegian fed her and put her to bed, "sorry we can't come and join you right now. We still have some work to do."
(Y/n) smiled and lay on her bed, Loki kissed her head and left her.
Red eyes glowed in the darkness after loki closed the door, "put your gloves on."
the female did as told and reached up to the man, The Romanian picked her up.
(Y/n) snuggled into his hold, "hold on."
The two were back at his castle, the familiar stone lit with warm candlelight.
"Are you still tired?", Dracul asked.
The silver haired Scandinavian nodded, "alright. I have the room still ready."
The Romanian walked to the room and set her on the bed, (y/n) still clung to him.
"The nightmares are not real.", Dracul spoke, "unless you're asking for me to stay?"
The female nodded, the Romanian sat next to her and held her hand.
"I'll be here.", the Romanian spoke, "I promise."
(Y/n) gave him a smile and closed her eyes, sleep came to her quickly.
Dracul watched her breathe and sighed, "if only..."
The silver haired female held onto his hand, he felt sleepy from her warmth.
He did not even realize how tired he was until he dropped off into sleep.
Egil happily walked to his sister's room, he knew loki had put (y/n) to bed.
The Icelander walked in and looked around, "blóm? Litla systir?"
The platinum haired male pulled the covers back, "BLÓM?!"
The Icelander ran around the house looking for his sister, he could not find her.
He swallowed and went right to magnus and Thurston.
"I-I have bad news.", The male said shakily.
"What is it?", the Danish brother asked.
"I can't find (y/n). She's gone.", Egil replied, "I checked everywhere in the house."
Thurston's face pulled from angry to furious.
Magnus sighed, "we need to find her. She is too weak to be alone."
The Finnish man left, he stormed down the hall.
The brunet had seen his girl Earlier as she played with Allen, the Finn wished it was him she was playing with.
The scarlet eyed Finn walked to her room and flopped onto the bed, the sheets were still warm from her being there.
The Finnish man cuddled into the pillows and wished it was her, if only his wishes worked like that.
He knew he should have held onto her more when she was there, both would have been happy.
But he let the others take care of her as he was too scared to, she would not resist him.
Thurston's tired mind bore on him, he would dream of her again.
At least in his dreams he held onto hope of being happy.
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