Chapter thirteen.

(Y/n) found herself in Thurston's hold when she finally got out of the drugged state she was in, she was no longer in her dress but in one of the Finn's shirts.
The Finnish man had strong arms wrapped around the female, he held her protectively.
The Scandinavian girl cuddled to him and went back to sleep.

Thurston opened his eyes and was met with the sweet sleeping face of (y/n), her smooth pale skin looked like carved marble.
He pulled her closer to him and held her close, her warmth and softness made him feel happy.
She made him happy.
The Finnish man kissed her head and petted her back, He was mad at Egil and loki for putting her in danger.
Luciano was not going to give up, especially now that he saw her beauty.
Thurston sighed and heard a small whine of an awakening (y/n), he looked at her face as she opened her eyes.
Her large jewel like red-violet eyes were framed by long and thick silver lashes, the roses on her cheeks bloomed pink.
The silver haired female's curled spikes bounced up, the bobbing curls bounced up ad she sat up.

The Finnish male's hand rubbed her cheek with his thumb, "good morning Kultaseni."
(Y/n) nuzzle his hand and smiled, "good morning."
The male's hair was messy from sleeping, he had a sweet smile on his face.
His kiss was warm and loving, "you looked beautiful yesterday."
"Kiitos.", (y/n) smiled and yawned.
Thurston held onto her gently, "Loki and Egil will have to be punished."
"But I was the one who attracted the attention, punish me instead.", the silver haired female said.
"I would, but you have behaved well.", The male smiled but had a bit of a mischievous twinkle in his eye, "I'll save the punishment for later."

The silver haired female got up and walked to her room with Thurston following behind her.
"I need to change.", (y/n) said to him, "please stay outside."
Thurston gave her a 'really?' Look, "I've seen you before remember?"
The thought of that bath made her pink cheeks even more rosy.
"Ja.", the silver haired female said softly.
She sighed and got changed after Thurston finally stood outside, she put on some leggings and a Finnish flag shirt for him.
The Finn saw what she was wearing and had to hold himself back from kissing her.
"What are we doing today Thurston?", (y/n) asked.
"I don't have any hired jobs, so I can watch you today.", the man answered, "we can plan the wedding."
The silver haired female's heart dropped at the reminder that she was supposed to marry Thurston, she wanted to find someone she loved and she was not sure she loved Thurston.

The Finnish man took her hand and walked to the kitchen, "your turn to make breakfast. We have almost everything you need to make anything."
(Y/n) nodded and got her ingredients ready, she was going to make pancakes.
She mixed the batter and heated up the griddle, Bernard poked his head in and sniffed.
"That smells good, too bad I can't eat it.", the ginger swede left.
Egil practically skipped in and hugged his sister, "Halló blóm~, are you making breakfast?"
"Pancakes.", the silver haired female answered and Egil giggled.
"Make mine sweet please, sweet like you~", the Icelander giggled and kissed her cheek.
The silver haired female dropped a few chocolate chips into Egil's.

Thurston was making coffee as (y/n) made pancakes, he glared at Egil after the Icelander kissed the female.
"You are going out on a mission as punishment.", Thurston growled, "you and Loki."
"Yay. Stóri bróðir and I can play!", the Icelandic male cheered and ducked after Thurston threw a spoon at him. Egil ran out of the kitchen.
The silver haired female continued to cook, all the pancakes were fluffy and delicious.
She set each serving onto plates and carried them to the dining table where the brothers were gathering, "good morning lillesøster."
The blond Dane spoke and kissed his sister's head.
"Good morning.", the female smiled and gave the brothers their pancakes, "enjoy."
Loki and Egil eagerly ate the sweet pancakes as Magnus and Thurston ate carefully and tasted every flavor they could.
"This is delicious, Kanin.", Loki smiled, "you really are good at this."
"Better than what mamma made!", Egil chimed.

The silver haired female smiled and sat down, "thank you."
Loki and Egil finished and got ready to go, "take Bernard with you."
Thurston pushed the swede onto the dragon with the Icelander and Norwegian.
(Y/n) was washing dishes and humming cutely, Magnus dried the dishes and enjoyed the presence of the sweet girl.
Thurston stood with them in the kitchen and drank his coffee.
The Danish male finished drying the dishes and the female put them up.
Thurston took her watched her as she and Her eldest brother interacted, he drank the last bit of coffee he had.
Magnus went to somewhere else to work and Thurston took hold of (y/n)'s hand, "come with me."
The Finnish male took her to his room and set her on the bed, "Now tell me what happened."
The silver haired female looked into his crimson eyes and breathed out, "we went out to eat. I went to the bathroom but took the stave for protection, I was grabbed by an Italian man."
Thurston petted her gently.
She told him what happened, everything.
Even how the italian admitted to drugging their food.

Thurston became angry, he set the female down on the bed and told her to stay there.
The Finn went to magnus to tell him what he had heard and to plan a counterstrike.
(Y/n) stayed in the room and pulled (b/n)'s phone that she swiped from Magnus out, the female looked at the postings on social media and texts the dead slut was getting.
The silver haired female accidentally hit a dislike button on a post.
She closed the program and played a game on the phone, one that was hooked up to a social media account.
The female hid the phone again when she heard Thurston come back.
"I hope you were not too bored without me Kultaseni.", the Finn spoke and picked up the female, "now what shall we do?"
(Y/n) was going to speak but was silenced by a kiss from the Finn.
"Hush.", the Finnish man said gently, "we should go for a walk, like we used to."


America knew that (b/n) was dead, so why was her social media account active? And why was there activity that happened a few minutes ago registering on the account?
Surely none of the brothers had taken the phone from the teen and had been using it, Unless (y/n) cleverly snuck the phone from them.
The blond man started to trace that phone around, he found the cutoff area was in the wilderness of Norway. In an area that was deemed off limits for historical and safety reasons.
The blue eyed male called his Norwegian friend, the Norwegian picked up.
"Ja?", Norway answered.
"I think I found the area.", America said and gave the location, "it should be there."
"We have been tracing calls going to that area as well.", The Norwegian answered, "if this is their hideout, who knows what we will find."

America hung up and called England, "Iggy, I think I found the hideout of the 2pn5."
"Where?", the English man asked.
The American told England the location, "I told Norway, he said that they traced calls there as well."
"I'll talk to him and see if Romania is free to help us.", England said and hung up.
America looked at the picture he took with (y/n) the first day he met her, "please be okay dudette."
The blond male already saw the similarities between the silver haired female and the little girl he found in the 2p Nordics' base a long time ago.
He thought about it a bit further.
"Shit. She's the same kid."


(Y/n) and Thurston walked around the forested areas and around the home itself.
The gardens were beautiful, the views from the mountains were beautiful, the house was beautiful, the look that Thurston was giving (y/n) was beautiful.
The silver haired female and brunet Finn walked through the forest and stopped to watch some animals, the Finnish male made a small joke about how the bunnies they saw were jealous of the female.
The silver haired girl could not help but to laugh at that, Thurston smiled a bit from it too.
The Finn stopped and faced the female to him, "Marry me."

"What?", the female asked, "why are you saying this?"
"I am getting impatient, please marry me.", The Finn repeated, "I can protect and love you."
(Y/n) backed up, "I don't feel ready to marry anyone yet."
Thurston looked upset at this, "I can't have you disappear again. You have to be with me."
The desperate look in his eyes and feel to his aura made her then notice how dark he felt at the moment and his eyes had darkened.
She backed away more, "you're scaring me."
the male stopped stalking forward and his eyes became sad, "I'm sorry. Please don't be scared. I-I don't want to scare you."
The silver haired female backed away again and went back to the house, Magnus was preparing dinner early.
He gave her a kind look with his pale blue eyes, "do you mind getting some vegetables from the refrigerator for me?"
(Y/n) nodded and got him the vegetables, "Do you not have papers today?"

The blond shook his head, "Nej, I won't for a little while. But I do have some other Chores to do around here."
"Could I help?", (y/n) asked with hope to get her mind off of Thurston's momentary insanity.
"Nej, I can do them. But you can get your laundry if you insist.", Magnus smiled gently.
The silver haired female nodded and got her laundry from the bin, she noticed the stained clothes she brought with her from the hell she was taken from were in the trash.
she the the ones she had on in the dirty laundry and ran to her room, she put on a cute lavender dress that had light pink lace on it.
She put her clothes away and walked out to the garden to watch the butterflies, she felt Thurston watching her from his hiding area.
The window of his weapons workshop. The little weirdo.

She made her stave into a parasol like Loki showed her, the shade it gave would be beneficial to her skin.
(Y/n) twirled the parasol and watched the cute animals around her.
Flowers bobbed in the clean air and the light scent of flowers wafted over her, peaceful.
Just like she remembered, the hum of bugs and call of frogs lit the area up with sound.
The songs of birds joined the chorus of nature.
This beautiful moment was perfect.
A soft contented sigh escaped the plush pink lips of the female, her smile warmed the area around her.
She watched the sky and the birds flying in it, so beautiful.
(Y/n) closed her eyes and let the sounds and smells of the world around her come in.

Thurston finished his projects and looked out again at his (y/n), she looked so peaceful and beautiful in the afternoon light.
Her hair waved gently around her as the breeze blew it, her head cocked to the side to show that she was probably asleep.
She would be tired from malnutrition she suffered for years long with increased stress, but being with them would be good for her.
She'll be restored to her full strength and the whole family would be perfect again, just as Scandinavia wanted it.
The Finnish man remembered how his platinum blonde haired adopted mother insisted that strength was not only with oneself but also with one's allies.
She was wise and kicked so much ass.
He chuckled from remembering how much of a smartass Scandinavia was, her dark violet eyes tinted with a bit of red would twinkle mischievously with each comment or joke she made at another's expense.
(Y/n) looked so much like her mother. Unfortunately she also had parts from her father, the Deep fears she had were from his weak blood.
Thurston sighed and went into the mansion to get coffee after looking at the girl one last time.

(Y/n) felt a small weight on her and saw a puffin sitting on her leg, the bird looked up at her with its little eyes.
The silver haired female sat still for a little bit then raised her hand to pet the puffin, the little bird allowed her.
She felt happy at the puffin petting, but then saw what the puffin was wearing, a red bow tie.
"Mr. Puffin?", (y/n) asked.
"About time you recognize me lass.", the gruff talking bird chirped.
"Why are you here?", the female inquired.
"Looking for you. We're worried to death, Denmark had not touched a beer since you were taken.", The puffin answered, "even Norway is jumpy."
The silver haired female looked over the garden and back to the puffin, "I'm fine here."
"What did they do to you lass? You are not sassy or quiet anymore.", The bird squawked, "I miss the sass."
"They did not do anything to me. I've been taken care of quite well.", (y/n) said softly and smiled, "it's nice here. Except for the cold and the scary dragon."
"I fear they may be planning something", the bird said, "I am going to tell them and we'll come get you."
Before she could stop the bird, Mr puffin flew off.
"But I don't think they will like that...", the silver haired female said to nobody in particular.

She closed her eyes again and drifted off into a light nap, sweet rest wrapped around her like a warm pair of arms and lifted her off the stone bench on which she sat.
Or she was really being picked up by someone.
The female opened her eyes to see familiar mischievous red ones.
"Bună draguțo.", the Romanian smiled.
The silver haired female sharply inhaled, "what?"
"Lillesøster.", a familiar voice said.
Norway seemed relieved at the female's safety.
"She's safe but we need to arrest the brothers.", The English male said sternly, "Iceland, Romania, take her back."
Before the female could protest, she was in the 1p Nordic house with Iceland and Romania.
The Romanian winked and went back to the mansion.

Iceland motioned for (y/n) to sit, she sighed and sat.
"So did they hurt you?", The Icelandic male asked.
"Nej.", the silver haired female answered.
The Icelandic male was about to say something else but was interrupted by a Dane, "Lillesøster!"
the large Dane hugged the female, "my poor lillesøster!"
The blond Dane cried and cuddled the female.
Finland and Sweden poked their heads in.
"Pikkusisko?!", Finland exclaimed and hugged the female as well.
Sweden looked like he was beating himself up still, he looked in pain from seeing the female.
Denmark continued to hold and carry the female, she was not allowed to get a word in as the Dane was trying to take care of all her needs.
Cuddles, offering for food, offering drinks, kisses.
He was almost as bad as Egil with the kisses and cuddles.

The silver haired female was worried for her brothers when Norway and the other two male's came back.
"Denmark, be careful with her. She could be traumatized by them.", The Norwegian said and motioned to the upstairs rooms, "let her rest."
The Dane nodded and put the female up in her room, "it's okay lillesøster just rest."
the blond man shut the door behind him, leaving the female alone in the room.
She hated to be alone, the female lay on the bed and closed her eyes.
She fell asleep almost instantly and started whining from the bad feelings of sleeping by herself.

Norway sat in his seat and sipped his coffee, "we could only catch Thurston and Magnus. The party boys were not there."
England nodded, "did you see that injury on her neck? She had to be attacked recently."
"I did, but by who?", the Norwegian asked, "was it our 2ps?"
"There is only one way to know. And she is sleeping upstairs.", Romania said and sipped his tea, "she is the only one who knows what happened besides the 2ps."
"It was Lutz.", the English man explained, "a blogger captured the event on film, Lutz tried to take her but Egil skewered him alive. Vlad the impaler style."
Romania raised his eyebrows, "that would have been interesting to see, not that I need to see any more impalement."
Finland went to check up on the female and found she was asleep, Hana bounced into the room and cuddled beside the Scandinavian girl.
The blond Finn smiled, "so cute."
He noticed how uncomfortable she looked in her sleep, like she was having a night terror or something.
But she was too old for night terrors, the Finnish man put his hand on the female's arm and her face softened.
"Just like Denmark said before, she needs contact.", the male mused and held the female.

Sweden did not feel like he wanted to hear theories about what happened to (y/n) in his counterpart's home, so he went to see if Finland was okay with the said female.
He found his Finnish younger brother holding the female, "moi sve."
"Why are you holding her?", Sweden asked and sat next to Finland.
"Denmark said that she seemed to get nightmares and that he noticed her nightmares would go away if she had physical contact with another person.", the Finn explained.
Sweden hummed a bit in acknowledgment, "can I try?"
Finland nodded and gave the blond swede the female, (y/n) cuddled to the warmth of the large swede.
"I could use a nap.", Sweden spoke with a bit of pink on his face, "it would be good."
"Go ahead sve. I'm going to take one too", Finland smiled and lay down.
The gentle giant swede lay down and held the female gently.
Both males slipped into a nap after not being able to sleep for a few days.


Bună draguțo: hello cutie.

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