chapter seventeen
Kimberly got the room number and went to John House's room.
America trailed behind her, "just be nice dudette."
"He is her best friend. I'm going to be nice.", the green eyed female replied.
The two walked to the room and knocked on the door, "John, we're from the government. We want to talk to you."
"Come in.", a voice answered.
The two walked in and saw a black haired man looking out the window, blood splatter on the walls showed that something happened.
His arms and neck were bandaged up, beside his bed was papers with words written on it. Blood splatter on the paper as well.
"John my name is Kimberly, this is Alfred and we-"
"Have questions about (y/n)?", the patient asked, "so did the Italian mafia guys who came here. But I'm not giving any information. I made a promise, not even having a cute girl will make me betray me word."
The two Americans walked around to sit beside the teen boy, the wounds on his face showed the sound of torture he endured.
His eyes were not the same anymore.
One blue-green, one violet-red.
America was quick to recognize Egil's missing eye, "where did you get that eye?"
"You would not believe me.",the teen boy said and kept watching the sky.
The pale and thin ebony haired male held onto an item tightly, "you can leave. I will not speak anymore to you."
America and Kimberly sighed and began to walk out, "except to warn you. You will be slaughtered if you continue to look for her. She is with her birth family, and they have killed before to protect her."
the blond man and brunette girl left, both grimly silent.
The two went back to their car and drove.
The ride was quiet until America broke the silence, "he is going to live an awful long time until he is killed."
Kimberly looked at America, "excuse me?"
"He has Egil's eye, the blood of an immortal will keep him alive and safe from disease until he is killed by someone.", The blond American spoke, "I need to speak to England and the others about this."
"What if he can communicate with this Egil?", Kimberly asked, "like they can see what the other can?"
"That's what I'm going to ask.", America sighed, "but I need something to eat first."
"No. I'm not getting stuck with the bill again America! You pay for your own food!", Kimberly scolded.
(Y/n) was once again held between the Finn and Swede.
She had her head on Thurston's chest, the said Finn was awake and petting her still sensitive skin.
Bernard was awake as well and kissing on her shoulder and neck.
The feeling of his teeth running over her skin made her shudder, his tongue ran over her skin as well.
"So sweet.", The Swede seemed to moan in pleasure, "lillasyster."
"Shut up pervert.", Thurston hissed and held the silver haired female.
Bernard chuckled a little and carefully nibbled a certain place on her skin, he knew exactly where each soft place was and what they did.
The female let out a gasp and gripped onto Thurston, the Finn smacked the swede.
"I'm supposed to do that you ass.", He complained.
"Then stop being shy and get to it.", The cannibalistic swede encouraged.
The female had gotten her magic mostly back and slipped out of their grip, "No."
Thurston fell onto Bernard, the swede was laughing.
"Get back here!", Thurston Called out and got up, "We need to talk."
(Y/n) squeaked and transported herself to another part of the compound, it was a dark and unused section.
It smelled like males, but not her brothers.
The silver haired female also smelled old blood, the damage to the walls also showed the fight that ook place.
(Y/n) walked and found an old room, she walked in and was met with a picture of her mother and a man who looked like her and Magnus.
Her father.
He was a pale blond like his son, his eyes were a soft blue and his hair stood up in gentle mountain peaks.
His eyes were very kind and loving looking, (y/n) felt sad for not meeting her father.
He looked so nice.
This was his room, it was in disarray. Clutter everywhere.
The silver haired female looked around the room and in the closet, inside was a box with some pictures of her father holding her as a baby.
"Far. Why did they kill you?", (y/n) asked as she ran her finger over the tarnished silver box.
The lid of the box moved to show there was another opening in it, inside was a paper with writing.
The letter was addressed to her.
'To my daughter,
If you find this and I am not around. Then I am dead.
Your mother had died and I knew you needed a parent to take care of you, your brothers have gone insane since the death of your mother.
You were a baby when it happened, so you would not remember.
Your brothers have killed the other two men, I fear I am next.
I heard the screams as Bernard tore into his father, and I saw how Loki and Egil gleefully slaughtered their father.
Thurston tracked down and killed his mother who abandoned him, I fear that either he or Magnus will come after me.
To be killed by my own sons, that is a painful way to die.
If you are strong enough, run. Find the 1ps. Tell them what you know about your brothers, tell them what you learned in this letter.
Ask for Noah and Vladimir.
They can help you find who you need, tell them that you are my daughter like I asked them to look out for before.
My daughter, I am sorry that I was not able to see you grow up. But know that your father loves you.
Sincerely, your father.'
(Y/n) did not know who this Noah was, but she had an inkling about who Vladimir was.
She felt like she met him before.
The Scandinavian girl put the paper away and looked in other rooms, she found two more papers addressed to her.
They were from the two other fathers.
Loki and Egil's father wrote telling her how happy he was to see her, and like her own father to find the 1ps if something happened to him or her father.
She saw he looked like Loki, except for the burns and dull eyes.
Bernard and Thurston's father wrote for her to Find a man named Ludwig, someone he met in a bar in Germany.
(Y/n) noted all the people they told her to find, as soon as she escaped she will look for them.
Norway was working on trying to find (y/n) after he finished his duties as a country, he soon noticed he was not alone.
"Norway. I found this.", The Romanian that transported himself into the room said and gave the man a paper, "it is from a Dane I met a long time ago. He begged me to save his daughter if something ever happened to him."
Norway read over the note, "he is Magnus's father."
"And (y/n)'s. He told me that he was afraid that he would be killed by his sons if they found out he wanted to take his daughter away from them.", the Romanian spoke, "he made the same deal with Luxembourg."
The platinum blond Norwegian raised his head, "Luxembourg agreed even though he is busy?"
Romania nodded.
"That's nice of him.", Norway said and read it over again, "have you had any contact since this?"
"Once. But that was seventeen years ago.", The strawblondie Romanian responded, "I fear his predicted death came to be."
The Norwegian sighed, "see if you can contact Luxembourg, I am searching for any link to finding (y/n)."
Romania nodded but then frowned, "why is she important again?"
"She is an unknown variable and one of us.", Norway answered, "who knows what she could do. She could even be the new Scandinavia or earth itself. We won't know until we see."
The Romanian left to see if he could find the Luxembourgish man, Norway went back to working.
"Where are you lillesøster?"
John sighed and looked down at the blood splattered papers in his hand, the blood was his.
He needed blood transfusions and a new eye after the attack and torture he suffered from that Italian maniac, no wonder (y/n) was so afraid of italians.
The teen boy read over the words again and again, it was the book that the silver haired female encouraged him to write.
It was a tale about them, but in a better world.
He needed to rewrite anyway, because he got a few more ideas after what happened.
The ebony haired male took out his writing set and got to work.
He could feel his eye burning, the eye patched man he met must be spying through him again.
He wrote for the man to stop please.
He got a response from the man by the other guy looking in a mirror and shaking his head, the guy had his eyepatch off to show off the hole in his head.
It was creepy as hell.
John shuddered, they were watching him to make sure he did not speak to anyone.
So he had to ask, 'do you know an Alfred?"
Egil nodded and raised his middle finger.
"What about a Kimberly?", The ebony haired teen asked, "they came looking for your sister. But I told them nothing."
The Icelander nodded like he was pleased.
John no longer saw the man, he began to write again.
He was determined to write a good novel for people to enjoy.
(Y/n) heard the approaching feet of a large man, the smell told her it was Magnus.
She hid underneath the bed of her father as the Large Dane walked in and looked around, "why the hell did I keep all of this?"
The silver haired female heard her brother rummage through some items, "oh that's why. Her baby items, she can use them when she has kids."
the Scandinavian female scoffed silently, all she needed was to store up enough magic to pass through Loki's defenses then she had to find Vladimir or Noah.
The large male walked to the door and stopped, "lillesøster? Are you in here?"
The silver haired girl scooted farther under the bed.
"Lillesøster, are we playing a game? I could not find you anywhere else.", The Dane spoke.
The Dane looked around and sighed, (y/n) heard him walk out of the room and go to another one.
The silver haired female quickly ran to another area of the base.
She entered a room and was met with a strange smell.
It smelled a little sweet but had an evil feeling with it.
"Oh poppet, hello agin!", A familiar voice chirped.
The silver haired female turned around and saw Oliver, he had a cheery smile on his face and was standing next to Loki.
"Ah lillesøster, were you curious about this room?", The Norwegian asked with a chuckle, "you could have just asked Kanin."
(Y/n) backed up but was quickly grabbed by Loki and pulled back to him, "careful. You almost hit Drac."
The silver haired female looked behind her and saw a man who looked like the classic vampire.
He stood at 5'11, his jet black hair and pale skin were offset by ruby red eyes.
He wore a strange mix of a Romanian uniform and classic Gothic fashion, the Cape also did it.
"Alo.", the man Said. His sharp canines showed when he spoke and was poking out from under his upper lip.
"I am dark magic. Please refrain from giving me physical contact.", The man continued.
Ollie gave the female a hug, "oh you have gained some weight, that is good! Are your brothers treating you well? Do you need something to eat? Maybe you want some help with a spell?"
Loki separated Ollie from (y/n), "she's fine Ollie, she just needs to be taken care of."
The English gentleman looked at the female's fearful eyes then back to what he was doing, "if you say so Loki."
The scary Romanian man turned to what he was doing as well.
Loki draped his arm gently over his sister's shoulders, "Kanin, what do you need?"
"C-could I get some books?", (y/n) asked and a small bit of pink bloomed on her cheeks, "I'd like to read a bit."
The strawberry blond man nodded and motioned to the wall of books, "go ahead Kanin."
The silver haired female smoked a little at him and looked at the books, Loki hummed pleased and went back to his experiments.
The female found a book, the one she needed in fact.
(Y/n) picked up the book and took some more that interested more, she walked off after thanking her brother.
"So cute.", Loki smiled, "best sibling."
"She is adorable.", Ollie commented, "but are you really taking care of her? She is terrified."
"Egil scared her.", The burned Norwegian replied, "but we're trying to be good for her."
"You could be trying too hard or trying the wrong way.", Dracul said in his bland tone, "I may not be the best to point this out but this is not healthy. Her energy is not healthy."
"You're right.", Loki sighed before getting a violent energy around him, "you're not the one to point anything out, you don't know my dear innocent sister."
"Loki. Calm down.", Ollie said and put his hands up, "we're just stating what we are seeing."
Dracul nodded and went back to working, The pastel colored brit smiled to try to settle the bad feelings.
"We're not saying you're a bad brother, just that she looks a bit sick.", The petite man spoke as respectfully and carefully as possible, "even for an albino."
Loki sighed and held his head, "she already had to undergo a dark magic removal procedure. I let Thurston take care of her after that, I got beat for catching them in a heated moment."
The Romanian male perked his head up to listen to the conversation, he was interested in the pure female.
The frightened look she had on was cute and the smile she gave her brother made Dracul feel warm.
(Y/n) sat down on a couch and started to read, she found the information she wanted and began to read.
It would take a bit for her to store up the energy she needed to break through the barrier set up by Loki, but nobody said she could not borrow some energy from others to do it.
But just a little at a time so they don't figure out what she was doing, the female found the needed spells and memorized what she had to do.
Her plan was to act cuddly to whoever was sharing the room with her when it was bedtime, they would be tired and not notice the energy being taken from them as they fall asleep.
If it was two then that means double the amount of energy she borrows.
With her plan in place, she started reading about other magical facts and recorded anomalies.
The silver haired female heard a pair of male voices, Bernard and Thurston.
Thurston was happy to see the female and sat right beside her, "Kulta, don't run again please."
The red-violet eyed female did not respond as Thurston had his arm around her, Bernard was on her other side and leaning back on the couch.
The girl kept reading as the two males argued about different things.
How cool or stupid Bernard looks, who gets the next turn in the bath, sleeping positions, the week's menu.
(Y/n) kept reading and finished her books, she got up and returned them to the wall of books in the magic area.
Thurston waited outside the door for her and caught her, "I believe we were doing something before we got separated?"
The Finn held her like a child, her legs on either side of his torso as he supported her by putting his hand under her rear.
Bernard was behind him and grinning his sharp toothed grin, "silly lillasyster"
"We better get something to eat.", Thurston spoke, "then we can continue what we were doing."
The Finn took (y/n) to the kitchen and Bernard made lunch for them, the scarlet eyed Finn kept his eyes on the female as he waited.
"You want a white dress right? With only few decor?", he asked, "and what flowers? Or we can just exchange vows tonight."
The silver haired female choked on her drink, Thurston patted her back to help her coughing.
"Are you okay Kultaseni?", the Finn asked.
"You are moving a bit fast aren't you?", (y/n) asked softly.
"It was after I was without you in that prison", Thurston explained as well as he could, "I realized just how much I need to be with you. I want to marry you and become eternally bound with you."
The brunet male kissed the surprised female, "Rakastan sinua rakaan vaimoni."
Small roses bloomed on the female's cheeks.
"We'll marry tonight then.", Thurston said.
Bernard laughed and gave them lunch, "I can't wait."
"You calm down.", The Finn growled, "she and I are not married yet."
"We can wait for a little while more right?", (y/n) asked.
Thurston shook his head, "no. We marry tonight."
The silver haired female knew her plan was thrown out the window, she needed to get out by that night Rolls around.
Rakastan sinua rakaan vaimoni: I love you my dear wife.
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