chapter seven.
(Y/n) did not know when she fell asleep, but she woke up on what seemed to be a pedistal or table. The surface was covered by a soft mat, a pillow was set under her head.
The silver haired female looked around at the ornate area she was in then down at herself, her blood stained dress was replaced by a nightgown Norway got her.
Her wound was neatly bandaged up, much better than Finland's compress work.
The sixteen year old got up and swung her legs around before getting off the table she was displayed on, her curiosity and need to escape burned in her brain.
(Y/n) quietly walked around to find an exit, her sleepy mind was processing what happened and where she was.
When she saw a picture of a darker Denmark on the wall, she remembered.
She was captured by the 2p Nordics, she was bitten and lost blood. That is why she was weakened.
The female quickened her pace to find the exit, her persistence rewarded her by getting her to the door.
(Y/n) opened the door and stepped out, it was nighttime and cold. The nightgown she wore did not give her protection from the cold night air.
She began running through the grass and trees, hoping to find a town or something if she ran far enough.
Blood loss took its toll, she got tired faster.
The silver haired female slowed down, Falling into a walk then just falling.
A pair of warm hands caught her, "silly kanin, you can't go exploring at night."
The male that caught her was warm and getting warmer, strong arms kept her close to his body.
"You're so cold, you could get sick.", the Norwegian male said and carried her back, "I should have been there when you woke up. You must be so confused liten kanin."
(Y/n) looked at the face that was lookin down at her gently, it was Norway's 2p.
"The name is Loki, Loki Bondevik.", the Strawberry blond haired man smiled, "Your brother."
"Norway and the others are my brothers.", (y/n) growled back at the man who lost his smile.
"Do not say something you don't mean, I am your brother. We can do a test if you want.", Loki got his smile back and kept his grip on the female as she tried to squirm out, "you could have irritated your wound into bleeding again."
The male walked into the building and closed the door behind him, the tall blond Dane was waiting for them.
"We went through the trouble of finding you and this is how you thank us?", the Dane's tone was scary and deep, "honestly lillesøster. I thought you would be better behaved than that."
(Y/n) looked down, she did not want to look at the tall man who resembled Denmark.
"Hand her over loki."
Loki did not let go, "Or I could hand her off to Thurston."
The Dane made a low growling sound, "give her to me now."
"No. She's cold and needs a heat source, I am the best fit.", the Norwegian rerorted, "so suck it!"
Loki carried (y/n) away from Magnus, "you caused me a scare when I came to check on you and you were not there."
Magnus watched as Loki walked away with his little sister, the Dane was not happy that the Norwegian had his sister.
The blond walked back to his room, he had waited and searched for his sister for years. He wanted to be the one she met first, but Bernard ruined the whole damn plan.
The Dane sat in his room, he wanted to spend time with his sister.
"Damn loki.", Magnus said before Going to sleep.
Loki carried the female to his room, "since you tried to be sneaky and escape. That means we have to watch you, meaning you are with me and Drage tonight."
The male set her on the bed as a mass of scales blocked her from escaping, a dragon. He has a dragon.
The burned Norwegian lay on her right side as Drage lay on her left, both had a limb or something on her. Drage set his wing over the female and the male while loki had his arm thrown lazily over her stomach.
The dragon's eye watched (y/n) as she tried to struggle out of the older male's grip, It seemed amused.
Loki chuckled, "you are so cute kanin, but you need to relax."
Drage's muzzle nudged against her back, pushing her closer to loki.
The Norwegian chuckled, "good Dragon."
(Y/n) felt a light brushing across her scars on her back, Loki was running his hand over her scars.
The silver haired female could not deny the fact that it felt good, much better than when Norway was examining them.
The strawberry blond Norwegian continued to gently rub her scars, "I know you like this Kanin, you loved when I did this before you went to sleep when you were little."
The motion was soothing and wore on her already tired mind, she had to sleep more.
There is no reason she could not stay awake longer.
Red-violet eyes shut as dull amethyst ones looked lovingly upon her, "good Kanin. Sleep peacefully and dream sweetly."
The Norwegian knew he had to get her to remember them if they had any hope of being a family again, but she had lost her memories because of that damned Italian mafia boss.
He also knew he had to keep her warm at the moment to help her heal from blood loss, so he snuggled the sleeping teen closer.
He knew it was her birthday soon, he wanted to make a party for her with all her favorites since they missed so many of her birthdays.
The strawberry blond male made a checklist in his head and kissed the girl's before Falling into sleep.
(Y/n) was curled up and warm in the embrace of the older male, Loki had woken up earlier but stayed still to let his sister rest.
She finally opened her Red-violet eyes and looked around groggily, "God morgen min kjære kanin."
the silver haired female snuggled to his warmth.
"This is so cute but you have to wake up.", Loki chuckled and got up.
Drage slid off the bed and sauntered off, going off to do dragon things.
The Norwegian picked up his sister and kissed her head, "ready to eat?"
(Y/n)'s sleepy and weak state was so cute to Loki, it was like she was an infant all over again.
The male carried her to the dining room and picked up a little annoyance to him along the way, "stóri bróðir! Let me hold her next!"
The female looked at the Icelanders trying to pry her from her heat source.
"Aww! Sætur~", Egil cooed, "hún er falleg!"
The male looked like Iceland but his eye held a reddish tint to them, like (y/n)'s.
His hair was slightly darker than Iceland's and he wore a more rusty red suit compared to the brown suit that iceland wore, his gloves and boots were black as his shirt was grey.
His eyepatch was a chic black one that seemed to be tied on.
The icelander's smile was wide and loving, his eye showed life and adoration towards the female.
"Halló! Ég heiti Egil, ég er stórbróðir þinn", the Icelander chirped, "þú ert svo sætur"
Egil kissed her nose and scurried over to his seat as loki sat down, he set (y/n) in his lap and petted her hair.
Thurston came in after that and looked particularly upset that Loki had the silver haired female, the girl remembered what he said about killing people tied to her.
The female whined a little when he looked at her with those cold crimson eyes, The Norwegian rubbed her back.
"It is okay he will not hurt you.", Loki said soothingly, "Thurston, change your expression. She is scared."
The Finnish male scoffed and went to fill up on coffee.
The one who bit (y/n) strolled in and sat down, earning many glares from the the surrounding males.
"What?", Bernard asked.
"You know what chompsky.", Loki hissed back.
"You might be next if I didn't think you tasted awful.", the swede said in response.
"Both of you shut up!", The huge Dane yelled when he got there, coffee in hand.
The pale and cold blue eyes glared around at everyone except (y/n), his expression softened at the sight of the female.
"God morgen lillesøster.", he said to her and the female looked down away from him, "are you upset that we scared you?"
(Y/n) did not respond.
"Are you mad we took you away from those pretenders?", Magnus asked as the rest kept silent.
"They were no are my brothers.", the silver haired female said back, "I want to go home."
The ginger swede laughed, "Älskling, you are home. This is where you were brought up before we moved to that house closer to the school."
Loki kept stroking her hair and back like she was a rabbit, "silly confused Kanin, we are your brothers and we love you."
"Are you sure you're my brothers and not my sisters?", (y/n) snapped.
Thurston choked on his coffee and Bernard laughed, Egil looked a bit stunned.
Magnus sighed, "Dear Odin give me strength."
Loki did not know what to say back.
"That's mor's daughter all right!", The swede laughed, "she grew up into a smartass."
"So this is what Allen was talking about.", Thurston coughed, "i don't believe it."
Loki snorted and laughed, "you are funny lillesøster."
Egil whined, "but I liked it when she was sweet before."
the little Icelander pulled his favorite picture of the female out of his pocket, "she was better then."
(Y/n) tried to struggle out of Loki's grip, the Norwegian held tight.
"You haven't eaten well, I can feel your bones.", Loki said and ran his hand over her sides, "all the little ribs."
"Stop!", the female whined and struggled against her heat source.
The Norwegian laughed at her squirming before the Large Dane took her out of Loki's arms.
"You are thin.", the Dane said and held the girl, "we'll fix that."
Bernard git up and went to the kitchen to cook, he was followed by Loki.
"I want to hold her.", Egil whined, "Give her to me."
"Nej. She needs to be warm at the moment.", Magnus replied and sat down with the female on his lap, "your body is cold."
The Icelander pouted and looked at the picture, "you used to like to play with me blóm."
Thurston sighed, "Kulta, do you want some coffee? Or I can give you cocoa."
(Y/n) stayed quiet as the Large Dane kept her under control by holding her to his chest like she was a child, his large hand was on her back and running down her soft hair.
They did not seem as scary as they did the night before, when Finland and Sweden were trying to keep her away from these males. But they were still scary nonetheless.
"Did our 1ps say something to you? You do not have to be afraid of us lillesøster, we only wish to protect you.", The blond Dane said as he held the female close.
(Y/n) had her head in the large man's chest, she was falling asleep from his heartbeat and warmth.
I think she'd rather have a nap than breakfast.", Egil said.
"I'll take my breakfast in my office, bring it to me.", Magnus ordered and went to the office with (y/n) nestled in his arms.
He sat in his chair and worked on paperwork as he cradled (y/n), the female dozed comfortably in his hold.
She felt her mind, her subconscious, tell her it was okay. That this massive mam was not a threat to her.
The blond filled out all the sheets as his sister began to stir from her rest, "feel better?"
The silver haired female nodded slightly.
"Good. But you need to eat so you can replenish lost blood.", Magnus said, "Thurston is going to bring breakfast for us, okay?"
(Y/n) nodded again and Magnus kissed her head, "good girl."
The Dane went back to work filling out forms when the Finn walked in with the tray of breakfast items, "Get loki to fucking do this next time, he's the damn suck up."
"He would annoy me.", The Dane replied, "you are dismissed."
The brunet Finn looked at the Silver haired girl a moment then left without a word.
The tray held pastries, eggs, some fruit that was cut into chunks, a little fish, a bit of bacon, cocoa, and coffee.
Magnus took the coffee and took a sip of it, straight black. No sugar.
Like a badass.
(Y/n) held the warm cocoa in her hands and blew the top of the light chocolaty beverage, a few tiny marshmallows floated in the top of the mug.
The female's red-violet eyes watched the marshmallows bob in the liquid with wonder, like she was a small child again.
Magnus saw her expression and smiled softly, her cynical and smart-ass shell was a defense.
She was still as sweet and tender as ever, she just hid it because of pain.
(Y/n) took a small sip of the cocoa, sweet chocolate and creamy milk were the flavors that entered her pink lips.
The plush soft lips lifted off her mug to let her take a break from drinking and savor the flavor of the cocoa.
"You need to eat too.", the deep voice of the Dane reached her ears as a piece of fruit on a fork was raised to her lips, "go on."
(Y/n) took the fruit and ate willingly, she felt it would be better than putting up a fight and getting this one upset when she was right in his arms.
It felt a bit humiliating, being fed like that.
The male sipped his coffee with one hand and held (y/n) with the other, he seemed like he had practice doing that and was comfortable with the idea of her being there.
Both continued to eat until the food was all gone and Magnus leaned back a bit in his chair, he held (y/n) to his chest again and hummed a little bit.
"If you try to run again, Loki, Bernard, and Egil will think it as a challenge and chase you.", Magnus warned, "when they catch you, they will want a reward for their troubles."
The silver haired female became worried after hearing that, she would need some sort of miracle to escape.
A large hand ran over (y/n)'s hair spikes and down the length of her hair, the motion felt pretty good to the female as she lay on the Male's chest.
Her small and malnourished body was smaller than it should be, although she had the curves of a normal girl her age. This small form made it easy for her to fit onto Magnus's chest.
"Good lillesøster.", the male said softly and petted her head like a rabbit's, "please continue to be my good lillesøster."
The silver haired female yawned and lay on his chest, her breaths made her torso rise and fall.
The Dane went back to work before loki came back in and took (y/n) away for another activity, this one with Bernard.
The swede grinned as he saw the female, "lillasyster, there you are~"
"I'm going to go get the board games, look after her.", loki said and left the frightened and awake (y/n) with Bernard.
The grinning ginger swede looked at the scared female and smirked a sharp toothed smile, "you look cute in that. But I think you would look cute in anything."
(Y/n) slowly scooted away when he pulled her towards him again, "give your brother a kiss Älskling."
"Let go!", the Red-violet eyed female cried out and struggled against the much larger swede, she smelled his breath. A sickening smell that smelled a bit like the perfume that her adopted mother wore.
"Now now älskling. A kiss would not hurt you~", the swede purred, almost relishing the terror the girl was in. He leaned in closer to plant a kiss on her cheek, red stained his teeth and lips.
(Y/n) could guess what that was, "No!"
The female released a blast of energy from her hands and knocked the Swede away from her, the force when he hit the wall knocked the breath out of the man.
(Y/n) took that time to bolt, she remembered what Magnus said and used that as a basis to push farther.
She ran through the forest, the leaves and grass crinkled under her feet.
The sunlight filtered through the trees and kissed at the female's skin.
She hear another person running behind her, she looked and saw that Egil was in pursuit.
She wished that she was in her adoptive Parents home, away from these lunatics.
(Y/n) felt herself run into a wall, it was her bedroom wall at the adoptive parents house.
Some feet flew up the stairs and some police officers appeared In the door to her room.
"I'll be damned. Where the hell did you run off to?", the policeman neighbor asked the panting Female.
"You would not believe the hell I went through.", (y/n) said, "school has nothing on this."
the silver haired female was taken to the police station to be questioned.
The policeman sat the Jacket covered female in a armchair in the police station.
"Some people believe you killed your parents and sister.", the man said, "but I think you know something we don't."
(Y/n) nodded and motioned to her shoulder, "I got this yesterday at a party in Stockholm. You can check the news if you don't believe me."
The police officer checked the news in Stockholm and found the incident she described, "Terror attack in Stockholm, cannibal terrorist bites special guest of government representative. Guest goes missing. Teen girl with silver hair. That is you all right."
The red-violet eyed female nodded and slumped in the seat, "can I stay at my old home or is it a crime scene?"
"You cannot be anywhere alone without a guardian after curfew, you are under eighteen.", the policeman responded.
"That's too bad.", (y/n) said, "but I think I can find somewhere to stay."
"How?", the male asked, "you have another trick besides super strength up your sleeve?"
"I just found a few.", the silver haired girl answered, "Bye."
The silver haired female wished to go to that meeting place in england, the one she met Romania in.
She was there as soon as she opened her eyes, the female let out a sigh and went to the basement.
The door was open and the room smelled like the males who used it.
(Y/n) sat down at the table that held a few herbs and spell powders, she played with the herb leaves a bit to calm her anxiety.
She was alone, she was safe, she was cold, she wanted her older brothers.
She found a cloak that one of the magic using countries left behind and put it on her, the thick wool fabric covered the female and made her feel warmer.
Now she just had to figure out how she was doing all this crazy stuff and control it.
God morgen min kjære kanin: good morning my dear rabbit.
Sætur: cute
Hún er falleg: she is beautiful.
Halló! Ég heiti Egil, ég er stórbróðir þinn: Hello! My name is Egil, I am your big brother.
þú ert svo sætur: you are so cute.
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