Chapter one.

(Y/n) walked silently to her next class, highschool was a drag.
She was the quiet type, she did not like to be bothered by people.
The silver haired female went and sat in the back of the class, she waited for the class to start.
Math, most people did not like it but she did not mind it. She had her ways.
She did her homework as she waited then turned it in, it was easy anyway.

The teacher finally entered the class after the bell and started the lesson.
After the lesson she went to lunch.
It was hell.
Hell is the only word to describe the mass of hormones and repressed rage that festered in the building.
The female walked outside to the gardening club's sitting area project, a small gazebo surrounded by flowers.
Unfortunately the girl (y/n) was harassed by, aka her sister by adoption (b/n) (bitch name) was there to make her life miserable.

"Oh look. The freak my parents adopted is here, albino bitch.", (b/n) laughed.
"You really need to advance you vocabulary.", (y/n) retorted and ate her lunch before the sister slapped it onto her shirt.
"And you need to listen to me whore! I'm supposed to get the attention, not you! You are nothing.", the rude young lady said and puffed up her exposed cleavage, "I'm the pretty one and you are the rejected freak, that's why nobody claimed you at the hospital and you had to go into the foster system."
The violet-red eyed female sighed and waved her off, "sure whatever."
(B/n) walked off in the too short skirt that exposed her midriff, her chest puffed up to accentuate her boobs.

"No sense of self respect.", (y/n) said to herself and took off the shirt she had on.
Her black camisole hugged her natural curves that her 'sister' was jealous of, her wider hips, her bigger bust, and long legs made her naturally attractive. It helped that her skin was blessed with no pimples too.
She rolled up the shirt and put it into a plastic bag before taking out the spare she neatly folded, the silver haired female put on the baggy shirt and cleaned the lunch off the gazebo.
She had another day to starve.
It was bad enough that her 'sister' gave her a hard time because of her scars, now the girl wanted to starve her. Even taking her food at dinner.

The silver haired female went to her next class, gym.
A class she rather not participate in so she runs laps instead of participating in the games.
It was dodgeball today and the gym teacher was not going to let her skip any more games.
She was pitted against her so called 'sister' in the teams, the skimpier gym outfit showed off her curves as well as the bite scars and slashes that littered her skin.
Her hair was pulled back and clipped down but still was long.

After the teacher gave out the rules, the balls flew.
(Y/n) dodged each one thrown at her but refused to hit another student.
She and another athletic male was left, she did not care to know his name but he was good. The county maybe even country dodgeball champ.
She caught balls thrown at her and rebounded others.
The teacher and other team, including (b/n), were yelling at her to throw a ball.
"Your funeral.", She said and threw it at the large wrestling champ senior.
He was knocked back against the wall, and knocked completely out.

The teacher and other students stopped fussing and turned back to (y/n).
She threw another ball, another was down and another.
Her teammate seemed a bit afraid of her now.
Last one standing was (b/n).
"C-come on now... y-you w-wouldnt hit y-your s-sister.", the girl said and shook.
"True,", the silver haired female replied, "but you're not my sister."
She threw the ball to the brat's gut, it knocked the tissues she used to push up her boobs out.
The teacher was speachless and looked at the wall, indents of where (y/n) threw were left.
"Can I skip now?", (y/n) asked and the teacher nodded, "also. Sorry, I tried to warn you."

The silver haired female was sent to the office afterward and asked questions to which she answered as best she could, she was told that the police were going to be called but were called off.
She also was told that this report will be filed in the school district files, and that a copy was sent to her adoptive parents.
She did not really care, she had not really gotten attached to the couple that adopted her.
They usually were out late either partying or working late.
The principal even sent her to the councilor, Mrs. Bathoone was pretty nice.

"Can you tell me how you are so strong?", The councilor asked
"Always was like this. I usually hid it to look like a normal person.", (y/n) answered.
"Do your parents know?", Bathoone asked.
"No but I guess everyone does now.", the silver haired female said.
"It says here that you were eight and you had amnesia when they adopted you.", Bathoone said, "your last name was Kohler and you said you were from Scandinavia."
"Yes.", the female Scandinavian sighed, "this is pertinent information how?"
"I am just trying to get any information as to why you would have", the councilor struggled for words.
"Impressive, overwhelming, inhuman, unnatural, supernatural, unprecedented?", (y/n) said with a bored tone, "I can do this all day."
"Any of those. Well your strength and the possible rage behind it.", the woman answered.

(Y/n) sighed and slumped down, "If it helps, I'm being honest here. Those people are not my family, I don't belong here. I want to go back to Scandinavia."
"You want to see if you can find your own family?", Bathoone asked.
"I'm not wanted here, I can tell you that. (B/n) Won't let me eat, I don't know my adopted parents names because they are here so little, and I'm not like anyone here.", the Scandinavian said and curled up in the chair.
The older woman wrote down her little notes down.
"You're in your teenage years. Everyone feels like they don't belong or that nobody understands what they feel.", Bathoone said, "but-"
"Were you a teen with superstrength?", (y/n) asked.
The woman was silent.
"I just proved my point.", the silver haired female said.

Bathoone knew she was defeated by (y/n)'s logic and had to send her back to class.
She was sent back to her class with (b/n), the girl was looking shaken as she cut fearful eyes at (y/n).
The class passed and they were let home.
Of course they had to walk home, the parents were not there. As usual.
(Y/n) hung back and let (b/n) walk ahead with her friends, the Scandinavian did not care.
She just wanted to go home.
The silver haired female saw that some sleazy looking guys stopped the girls ahead of her and we're making inappropriate comments.
"Hey ladies. Want to come with us and have some fun, you'll like it.", the ringleader laughed.
He was pretty tall, tanned, muscular. He had auburn hair and a cowlick that stuck up.
His shades covered red eyes and his white shirt was tight against his muscular chest.
The bomber jacket he had on accentuated that he wanted to compensate for something, along with the deadly looking baseball bat.
His jeans and boots had mud on them and some dried stains of what looked like blood.

The girls were shrinking away from him and his goons.
(Y/n) sighed and stepped up after fixing her hat over her head to hide her hair.
"Leave them alone, it is illegal to sleep with a minor.", the Scandinavian said, "also, put that bat away. You don't need to compensate for anything here. We're all ladies."
The American growled in his new yorker accent, "you think you're funny smartass? I'll beat the shit out of you."
The silver haired female shrugged, "whatever pansy. Just let us pass and we can all go back to teatime."
The gang members behind the big American were shouting at how badly she was disrespecting their leader.
"You know, you remind me of someone.", the man growled.
"Call him, I'd love to meet him. Then maybe I'd really get scared.", (y/n) said sarcastically, "Seriously, I'm sure you're intelligent enough to see when you're outnumbered."

The tanned man was ready to swing his bat at her, he did and she ducked. He hit one of his gang members.
the man's head burst open into a rain of blood.
The hat that covered the young woman's hair was snagged by one of those rusty nails in the bat, pulling it off.
Her spikes shot up.
The man swung at her again to have her once again step out of the way, "olé!"
The American was getting more frustrated, "stand the hell still Egil!"
"Who in the hell is Egil?", (y/n) asked and gripped his hand as he swung down at her, effectively catching it.

The American growled and tried to pull back but found he was matched or even beaten by strength.
He pulled harder, "what the hell?! Don't fucking tell me that is you Magnus!"
"Who are these people?", (y/n) asked, "Are you okay?"
The man was getting really upset and (b/n) skedattled a long time ago.
The silver haired girl sighed and flipped the man, "okay. We're going to make this simple. We Wil both walk away and you won't bother us again, right?"
the American growled at her.
"Or not.", (y/n) said and plucked the large knife the man had, "it seems like your gang deserted you. Or you killed them all in your rage. Either way, you have nobody right now."
the silver haired female sighed, "like me. But you don't seem to really be like little me so goodnight."
She left his body with the chest carved out and the head ripped off.

(Y/n) made it home covered in blood and in full view of (b/n) and her adoptive parents.

Bae: shit

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