chapter nine

(Y/n) opened her eyes to find herself in hot water, literally.
She was in a large bath with hot water.
"For the record, this is not the first time we did this.", The voice of Thurston met her ears as she felt a wash rag run over her back, "and I'm not ashamed of my body."
The silver haired girl was afraid even more, she was in a bath with this violent and temperamental man.
He poured some shampoo in her hair and massaged it in nicely, then rinsed her hair out with a bucket of water.
the man then massaged conditioner into her hair, getting all the places she needed to get and rinsed the hair again. The magical spikes sprang right back up.
"I washed your back and hair, you get mine.", Thurston said and turned around.
(Y/n) rubbed over his scarred back, she saw the areas he had to get stitches and burns.
The female wet his hair with the bucket of water and massaged some shampoo in,his hair was much softer Than it appeared.
She rinsed the lather off of him and turned her back again, the silver haired teen heard the water as he moved again and hugged her from behind.

He was acting tender and gentle, like she would expect Finland would.
The Finn rubbed a washcloth over the female's arms, small kisses were placed on her neck.
"Egil wanted to be here with us, but I think the would have been too much for you.", Thurston spoke softly, his lean chest muscles pressed against her back.
Soft kisses ran across her shoulders and up her neck to her cheek, the fluttering sensation made (y/n) feel funny.
"I want to be the one you depend on, Kultaseni.", the Finn said in a loving tone, "I want to be the one you love."
"How can I love you if I don't know you?", The silver haired female asked.
Thurston turned her around and kissed her, "how about we start over? My name is Thurston Vainämöinen. I am 2p Finland, my physical body is 32 years old. I was adopted by your mother after I was abandoned. I like vodka and adore you."
(Y/n) covered her chest up, the Finnish man made a smile that was so sweet that it could make a iceberg melt.

Thurston gave her another kiss before there was a huge splash beside them, the water dropped in temperature a bit.
"Hallò!", a chirpy voice hello'd.
The Finn groaned, "whiny bitch."
the Icelandic male puffed up his cheeks, his missing eye was covered by his platinum hair
"I wanted to play with Litla systur too!", Egil whined and snuggled (y/n).
His skin was not cold like before but definitely was cool compared to other living things.
The female tried to push the smaller male off of her as the water heated back up.
"Fire fucker.", Thurston growled and loki huffed.
"It was only once.", the Norwegian sighed.

(Y/n) was getting uncomfortable with how many males there were compared to her, she did not know what they planned on doing to her. She hid behind Thurston.
"We were in here first you dicks.", the Finnish man hissed at the two in front of him, "get the hell out."
"I would but we need to clean up after cleaning your mess.", Loki sighed and leaned back in the water. Without his usual suit on, it was easy to see that he was burned extensively on his body. Almost seventy percent of his body was burned.
Egil had burns on his body, and scars.
Thurston kept in front of (y/n) to keep her out of sight.
"It's not like we haven't seen her without clothes before Thurston, we're all mature people here.", loki said calmly, "you don't have to be afraid kanin."
"Can I go?", (y/n) asked quietly.
The Finnish male covered the other two's eyes and nodded, "quickly go to your room, it had the rabbit on the door."

The silver haired female wrapped a towel around her and ran out of the bathing room, she ran through the halls to the wing quarters wing and to her room.
There was a large bed with clean white sheets, a lot of pillows and quite fancy looking.
Toys lined the shelves and books were in a bookcase.
In the closet were her clothes from her adoptive parents house and the nordics' house.
(Y/n) decided to play safe and slipped on the casual dress that she got with Norway and Denmark, the length was down to her knees.
She got on the appropriate underwear and tried the bed. It was soft, much softer than either house she was in before.
These scary guys know how to live luxuriously.
The silver haired female slipped under the covers to hide, she then noticed it.
The room smelled like her.
Were these men telling the truth? Was she really their sister?
But why was Thurston so much different acting?

A large hand was placed on (y/n)'s back, she jumped.
"Sorry I scared you lillesøster."
the cover was pulled back and the large Dane was looking down at the female.
"You found your old room.", the Blond male said and picked up a picture of a older woman who looked like (y/n) but with blonde hair that was holding a silver haired infant.
"Who is that?", the female asked.
"That is mor.", the Dane said as he pointed to the woman then pointed to the infant, "and that is you. Mor was very proud of you."
"What happened to her?", (y/n) asked.
"She died a while later due to complications. But she adored you and made us promise to protect you before she died.", Magnus smiled slightly as he felt the silver haired female lean onto him to see the picture better, "you are her legacy after all."
the red-violet eyes of the female looked up at him, his pale blue eyes looked at hers softly.
His large hand petted her head, the soft hair spikes smoothed under his hand.

(Y/n) leaned against the huge man as he petted her head, this somehow felt right.
"Why did you run earlier?", Magnus asked softly.
"Bernard scared me.", the silver haired female replied, "his teeth and lips were stained with blood, he tried to kiss me."
"What an idiot.", The male muttered.
The blond Dane stood up and held out his large and calloused hand to his sister, she took it and was helped out of the bed.
(Y/n) quickly made up the bed back to how it was.
"Is something else bothering you?", the Man asked.
(Y/n) fidgeted with her dress hem before answering, "Thurston..."
Magnus picked up the silver haired girl, "Do not worry about it."
The silver haired female hugged onto the large Dane, he walked out while carrying the female to his office.
"Thurston killed Bernard.", the female said to Magnus, actually surprised at how comfortable she was with him.
"Bernard is not dead.", The Dane said and walked past the place where Bernard used to be.
"But I heard it.", (y/n) said.
"He's in the kitchen.", Magnus replied and motioned to the ginger haired male standing in the kitchen with coffee in hand.

The swede waved, "cute dress!"
The silver haired female looked at the man with confusion.
"We can't die, I healed.", Bernard said and chugged the coffee.
Magnus continued to his office and sat in his chair with the female in his lap again, She looked at the pictures on his desk.
One was of a little girl smiling up to the camera with a creepy cute doll in her arms, the little girl looked like a younger (y/n).
Another had magnus holding the same little girl in his arms but the child was asleep.
Most of the pictures was of the little girl with at least one of the brothers.
"It was hard to live without you.", The Dane said, "you were what mor left us, a precious treasure."
"Why am I so important to you that you had to kill people?", (y/n) said with a stern voice.
Magnus looked at her with a slightly blank expression before smiling, "I'll tell you when you're older."
The silver haired female puffed her cheeks up, "I'm not a child."
The blonde Dane chuckled, "but you are my lillesøster. And I will protect you."

"What if I don't want to be protected by you?", (y/n) asked, "I can learn to protect myself, I have been protecting myself for a long time."
"I heard you fought Allen, and that is impressive. But you need protection from worse players.", Magnus said and held the female who was wishing as hard as she could to get out, "especially since loki took your magic away from you as punishment."
The silver haired female looked down to not look at the male's face, he petted her hair.
"Now behave", the Dane said in a more stern tone, "I have more work to do."
The male kissed her head and went to Work on his papers, the female noticed a pink phone on the desk and took it somehow without the man noticing.
(Y/n) did not want to be there, she wished she was with Denmark and the other Nordics again.
The sixteen year old also knew that her birthday was coming up, one that would probably not be celebrated again.
A knock sounded on the door.
"Come in.", Magnus said and the door opened.
Loki came in and sat right on the chair in front of Magnus's desk, he put his feet up on the desk to annoy magnus and winked at (y/n).
"Hey Maggie, mind if I take her with me for a bit?", The Burned male grinned with a charming face, "it would leave you alone, and I know how much you like that."
"I would mind.", The Dane stated in a serious tone and pushed his brother's feet off the desk.
The Norwegian fell over backwards, "come on, Egil is bitching to me about how he has not had any time with 'his blóm' and he won't shut up."

"Still no. You should do something with him if you have time to annoy me.", Magnus looked at Loki coldly.
"Last time we did something together, I Tied him up and used him for dart practice.", the Norwegian said and set the chair back, "it was hilarious."
The Dane cleared his throat and motioned to the horrified female, Loki looked at her fearful face.
"Bae.", loki realized how careless that was, "I would not hurt you kanin!"
He tried to fix his mistake but the damage was done.
The man hung his head in defeat and left the office, Magnus held onto the Silver haired female.
"But he is right, you have not had time with Egil yet.", The Dane said to himself, " think you should."
(Y/n) remembered there was one male besides Bernard she had not had prolonged contact with, the small and clingy Icelander.
The little guy poked his head in the door, "I heard my name?"
"Ja, you want some time with Lillesøster?", Magnus asked and the platinum haired male gasped loudly.
"JÁ! PLEASE LET ME PLAY WITH HER!", The Icelander squealed as his eye sparkled.

Magnus set (y/n) down on the ground and Egil was over in a heart beat, the little male's arms around the female.
The small Icelander pulled her out of the room and down the hall to his room, it was a clean room with a mostly muted blue color scheme accented by rusty red and off white.
The man set her on the bed and told her to wait there, he shut the door and sealed it behind him with magic.
(Y/n) took the phone out and unlocked it, she knew the password that the bitch used for the phone.
The silver haired female looked at the texts the girl last got.
And then her social media account.
It was blown up with things.
Then she saw it.
The post that made fun of her for having a friend who tried to commit suicide.
John Housen.
(Y/n)'s friend was in the hospital, she visited him whenever she could and helped him with his troubles.
He was moved to another state to receive better treatment, she remembered what he said to her.

"I guess you bear the curse of the helper, you help and give everything without receiving anything in return. And that is what hurts you while you try to keep others alive."
Those words still burned into her heart, she was a helper.
She did want to help, she did save him and keep him alive.
And she was alone because of that, they both were rejected by the school they went to.
Her for being born different and her bratty 'sibling', and he for his crippling mental illness.
(Y/n) closed the phone and hid it after hearing Egil's returning footsteps.
The male opened the door with a big smile on his face, "so what shall we do first? Card games? Board games? Maybe some cuddling and talking?"
"It's up to you.", the silver haired female said and the Icelander made a happy exclamation.
He put the boxes down and Jumped right on her, his smaller but extremely powerful body collided with hers.

The platinum haired male cuddled and kissed her cheeks, "Þú ert svo sætur!"
(Y/n) squirmed as the little Icelander cuddled her, his lips never ceasing to kiss her face.
"Ég elska þig svo mikið ástkæra systir mín!", Egil said and took a break from kissing her cheeks.
The small male snuggled to her chest, "so soft."
The silver haired female tried to push the little male off of her but he gripped her tighter, "you have been naughty Litla systir, not playing with your stóri bróðir."
Egil smiled almost insanely when he saw how rosy his rough kisses made her cheeks, "aah~ svo sætt~"
His whiny cooing voice made (y/n) uncomfortable, his tone dripped with sweetness but his eye showed how unstable he was.
The platinum haired male played with her long silver hair and hummed, "if we were not related, I would definitely marry you~"
The red-violet eyed female tried to squirm out of his hold again, "Bad systir, don't try to escape from me. I love you too much to let you escape and be hurt again."
Egil gently ran his fingers over her back, "we are doing this for you after all."
(Y/n) started to slap the male when her hand was caught by hers, the Icelandic male looked at her with a cold gaze.
"Do not strike me again.", his voice and tone changed drastically, "you will regret of you do."
The silver haired female swallowed hard and Egil went back to being cheerful, "how about we play a game? If I win, I want to have you spend the night with me like you did big brother.~"

(Y/n) knew it was not a request, he was not going to let her go unless she played with him. So she nodded an agreement.
"Yay~", Egil cheered and motioned to the boxes, "what shall we play?"
"Go fish?", the female suggested, "it's a game that two can play."
"Okay!", the male chirped and got out the deck of cards.
He shuffled and gave the cards to her, she cut the deck and distributed the hands.
Egil looked at his cards happily, (y/n) looked at hers nervously.
"Got any fours?", the male asked.
The silver haired female handed over the card in her hand, "do you have any queens?"
The male handed over two cards, this was going to take a while...

Egil had won.
He won, (y/n) did not know how he did but he won.
"You're staying with me tonight~", the male chimed and hugged the female, "I promise I'll keep your nightmares away~"
the silver haired female was surprised, she never said to anyone she had nightmares. Not even to her adopted family.
How did he know? Unless Magnus was telling the truth and these terrifying men actually are related to her.
"Surprised I know that? It's well known to us~ we know everything about you. Blood type, favorite food, favorite drink, favorite cuddle position, favorite toy.", the male grinned, "because we know you."
(Y/n) could not hide her surprised face from the male, Egil got close enough for her to feel his warm breath.
"Þú ert sætur þegar þú ert undrandi~", the male chuckled and kissed her nose.
The red-violet eyed female scooted back from the male, who scooted forward.
"Now remember our deal~ you'll have to sleep in here while cuddling with me~", Egil giggled, "I can't wait~"

The female walked to the kitchen to get something to drink, she had not had something to drink since that morning.
She made a cup a hot brewed beverage and watched the brew percolate, it was not for a few minutes before she could feel someone else with her.
A pair of strong hands on her waist and a chin on her shoulder, the smell of this male told her the identity of him.
"What to you want?", (y/n) asked.
"To spend time with you.", The brunet man answered, "you are the one I adore after all."
"What are you saying?", the silver haired female asked, "why are you acting like this?"
"I love you and I want to be the one you spend the rest of your life with.", he answered, "I want to be the one you love back."
"You sound like you are asking me to marry you.", (y/n) said, "but aren't you and the others my brothers as you claim?"
"No.", Thurston spoke, "They are your brothers, I am not. But I am offering marriage to you."

"I'm sixteen. You are physically thirty-two, I Can not marry you.", (y/n) said without looking at him.
"You can in our countries with guardian consent.", The male responded, "And Magnus had already agreed to your mother's wish for me and you to marry when you were old enough."
The silver haired female felt sick, her mother set this up?!
"I can wait until you are ready though, we do have all the time in the world to wait.", Thurston spoke softly, "and we will be happy together."
the brunet man kissed her cheek and left her alone for a bit, he had her stave in his hand when he left her.
she should probably get that back.
The drink was done percolating and the female poured a cup, she added whatever she liked and took a sip.
Sounds of footsteps caught her attention, the toothy swede was grinning at her.
"Hej älskling~", Bernard practically purred and stepped closer to the wary female, "come give your brother a hug."
the giant swede was about to envelop her in a hug, she ducked under his arms.
The swede Pouted after she did so, "Älskling. I was wanting to be nice."
(Y/n) gave him a suspicious glare.
"I swear! Please come hug me, I need attention!", the male whined and slumped onto the counter with his cheek smushed against it.

"You look pathetic.", (y/n) stated and drank her beverage.
Her fear of this idiot was almost gone for some reason.
"Älskling!", the male whined again, "please hug me. I need cuddles from you."
"that's what Egil said too.", the silver haired female said flatly to the giant child of a swede.
Bernard sat up straight and puffed his cheeks up, "he always wants attention."
"Apparently so do you and loki.", the Female said in a tone reminiscent of Magnus's.
The Swede kept acting like a child and trying to hug the female, only for her to duck out of his way and trip him.
"You are acting like a child younger than me.", (y/n) commented and Bernard gripped her leg after falling down. Causing her to fall as well.
The giant Ginger swede quickly recovered and Gripped the female in a embrace, her face in his chest and he cuddled her happily.
The silver haired female groaned as the man picked her up and carried her through the large mansion, pleased with himself of catching his little sister.
Bernard sat down on one of the soft couches that was in the family room, the swede cuddled (y/n) and put kisses on the place he bit before as apologies.

"Jag älskar dig lillasyster", Bernard smiled and hugged (y/n) in his warm embrace.
He did not feel threatening, but friendly and warm.
The male hugged and kissed the Female repeatedly, she was not so adverse to his attention anymore and dealt with his affection.
"I see the two of you are back on good terms.", The voice of loki cut through the moment and made the two look at him, "that's good."
"Ja loki.", Bernard grinned and patted (y/n)'s back, "we are."
"Not really.", the silver haired female said.
"It's better then nothing.", The Norwegian said and sat down next to them, "so I was thinking, how about we go party? It is her birthday after all."
"Say what now?", (y/n) asked.
"So here's the thing...", Loki made a grimace, "I may have used a strong spell to keep you unconscious as we transported you... one that kept you asleep for a few days."
The silver haired female gave him an unamused look.
"I'm sorry, I could not think of anything else at the time.", the male sighed, "but tell me, party or no?"
"Party I guess?", the female answered.
"Yes!", loki cheered, "I'm getting Egil, then we go party."
the Norwegian male left to find The Icelander.
"By the way, you're actually eighteen. Your calendar was wrong."

"I'M WHAT?!"


Þú ert svo sætur: you are so cute!

Ég elska þig svo mikið ástkæra systir mín: I love you my beloved sister!

Þú ert sætur þegar þú ert undrandi: you're cute when you're surprised.

Jag älskar dig lillasyster: I love you Little sister.

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