chapter eleven.

(Y/n) hid under the giant dragon plush that sat in the corner of her room, she was very scared. Thurston looked mad and she hated to think how Magnus would be.
She heard a snuffle from her doorway.
The silver haired female peeked out to see Drage poking his muzzle into her room, the dull rusty orange color of his scales held a vague pattern.
The dragon reached his clawed hand into her room and pushed the toy dragon off of her, he plucked the female up and brought her out of her room.
Drage sauntered away with the panicking Scandinavian in his claw, the dragon walked the halls and slipped into a hole in the wall.
The giant winged lizard slipped onto the pile of treasure, all the treasure her brothers plundered from the countries around them.

Drage set (y/n) on a pile of cushions as he curled his body around the pile of gold and stones, his gold and green eyes shone like peridot.
The silver haired female looked around at the mass of wealth her brothers amassed over their years, this dragon had it made.
The Dragon's eyes gazed at the girl, as if asking her to start a conversation. Or just start talking to him.
(Y/n) shyly looked away from the dragon, she felt him looking at her.
His eyes begged her to tell him what was bothering her. She did have something on her mind.
Her friend John Housen, she wanted to see him again.
"I want to see a friend I miss.", (y/n) said to the dragon, "His name is John, John Housen."
Drage looked at her with interest, he seemed to want o know more.
"We got along because we both were outcasts. Me because of albinism and he because of depression, he once tried to commit suicide but I stopped him.", the silver haired female said, "and I want to see him one last time."
Her eyes began to sting as she remembered her friend.
His blackish deep brunet hair and sad blue green eyes, his pale skin that had scars from when he cut or burned himself.
"I want to see him and tell him it's okay.", (y/n) said and wiped tears from her eye.
The shiny salty pearls fell on the silk cushions with a patter.

The silver haired female wiped the tears as they were produced, Drage sat up and nosed the Female's belly.
The warm muzzle Pushed the albino into the Cushions.
(Y/n) fell back and had a blanket fall on her, it was warm like Drage's muzzle.
The Scandinavian took the blanket off her head and looked at the large dragon.
He was as least sixty  feet long with a eighty foot wingspan, his long neck and tail were lined on the dorsal side with reddish brown ridges.
Several horns protruded from the Dragon's skull, scars littered his body.
This dragon looked down on the female from his greenish gold eyes, the slit eyes looked like a cat's.
Strong clawed hands looked like a mix between a human hand and a lizard's, feet tipped with razor sharp talons.
His head was square shaped, he looked powerful and not really evil.
The spines that sprouted from his tail looked like they would be painful if stuck into someone.
He was a Bull, a male dragon.

Drage picked the blanket up gently in his mouth with (y/n) still in it and carried it up from his lair, Loki was standing at the entrance of the lair.
"Drage, Kanin has disappeared again. We have to find her.", Loki said and Drage huffed.
The Norwegian gave Drage a look, "What do you mean she's with you? She is scared as fuck of you."
The dragon climbed out of his lair and placed the blanket down, the cloth unfolded over (y/n) like a blooming rose.
The strawberry blond Norwegian gasped and hugged the albino, he was happy to see his sister.
"I thought you were scared of him.", Loki said and looked the girl over for injuries, "I'm so happy you're okay."
Drage huffed again and made a growling sound, Loki listened to the dragon like he understood him.
"A present ya say?", the Male said and got up, "Sounds fun. Let's go big guy."
The dragon picked up his owner and walked off with him.
The silver haired female was left confused, "what?"


England saw the video.
It went viral after it happened.
A blogger was checking out the amusement park and saw Egil impale Lutz, the German 2p was holding (y/n) hostage.
He saw as Loki and Bernard were so gentle with the female and took her away.
The blogger also captured how Lutz came back to life and slid off the ice, it was a livestreaming blog.
Lutz caught the male filming and killed him.
England could only guess what the German man did after that.
Probably go home and take a nap.

The blond brit leaned back in his office chair and thought, he saw (y/n)'s reaction to seeing Italy.
The male scared her, she clung to France's arm after the man scared her.
England could guess why her subconscious mind told her to fear The Italian, she must have had a run in with his 2p a long time ago.
The emerald eyed male sighed and called Norway, it was a few rings before the male picked up.
"I think you might want to hear this...."


(Y/n) was walking through the mansion, exploring.
With the blanket still on her.
The silver haired female felt someone was following her, the footsteps were close.
She stopped and turned around, behind her was Thurston.
The scarlet eyed man looked directly into her eyes quietly, he did not move from his spot.
(Y/n) turned back and began walking again, she heard The Finnish man follow.
She could feel his red eyes staring directly at her, not moving from her form as she walked.
The silver haired Scandinavian felt a hand reach out and touch her hair, the bobbing curl.
The red-violet eyed female quickly turned to the male and was met with a kiss.
It felt warm and loving but tasted awful, Thurston had been drinking.
It was kind yet desperate, like he really wanted her love to be returned to him in the fullest.
The female pushed herself away from the male and wiped her mouth, Thurston picked her up and kissed her again.

The silver haired female placed her hand on his mouth when he broke for air, she did not want to be surprised or forced into another kiss by him.
"What do you want?", (y/n) asked and gave the man a hard look.
Thurston did not have his hateful glare on, but he had a loving and longing look regarding her instead.
He let her down but kept his arms around her torso, "I want you. I love you."
"You don't have to marry me, I know Mom wanted us to marry but you can choose who you want to marry.", the silver haired female said to him, "You probably have someone you like."
"Yes, it is you.", the brunet Finn responded and kissed her cheek.
The male's strong hands held her and rubbed her back, he did not want to let go anytime soon.
"Don't leave me again.", he whimpered and held the girl tightly, "I'm scared of losing you again. I want to be with you."
(Y/n) felt the love he had and his want to keep her safe.

She began to walk again before having her hand caught and held by the Finn, he was telling the truth at wanting to be with her.
The Finnish man followed her around as she continued to explore all of the house she was allowed in, He kept pulling her in for a kiss on the head or cheek.
(Y/n) walked back to her room, the man quickly got on the bed and pulled her into his lap.
Kisses ensued, on her cheek, on her lips, on her nose, her forehead, hair, neck. Anywhere that was easy to lean to and accessible to the invading Finnish lips, she was shown no mercy.
Thurston hugged her tight to his chest when he stopped his kisses, the petted her head softly.
"Happy birthday Kultaseni.", the man sighed, "rakastan sinua."
The female had not choice but to lean in on him and allow him to pet her.


Loki and Drage were flying over the land, both more than happy with what hey were about to do.
The dragon flew as his owner checked hospital records he hacked with his phone.
"Okay Drage, I know where to go, let's fly.", Loki said and steered the massive flying lizard in the desired direction.
The two flew and flew until they reached the city they needed to go to, the reptile lowered his altitude and Loki got ready.

A hospital was below them, Drage landed on the roof and let Loki off.
"Stay here and behave.", The Norwegian ordered before walking into the building.
He walked to the therapy area, nobody questioned the burned male.
The strawberry blond man walked to the room he was looking for.
A pale teen boy sat in a chair next to a table, he was writing on paper.
Next to him were piles of paper with words scribbled on them, all with the same calligraphic writing.
His blue green eyes looked intently at the words as he wrote, his ebony black hair hung loosely over his face.
Bags and dark circles under his eyes showed how little sleep this boy ran on, he was thin and frail looking. 
"John Housen?", Loki asked and the teen's head shot up.
"Who is asking?", The male asked in a soft but defensive voice.
The boy saw the scars and flinched a bit at the extent of the scarring.

"Loki bondevik, (y/n)'s half brother", Loki answered and sat in the chair across from John.
"(Y/n) is an orphan.", the teen responded and looked at Loki suspiciously.
"She was unlawfully taken from us by the foster system.", the burned male replied, "we found the records after digging around."
John was quiet for a bit, "What is (y/n)'s fear?
"She has several. Monophobia, neophobia, fear of Italians, nyctophobia.", The Norwegian answered, "Of course I know because I do know her."
John was surprised that the man knew her fears, but he was determined.
"What is on her shoulder?", The boy asked Loki and the strawberry blond smiled.
"A scar of a flag carved into her shoulder.", Loki answered.

John huffed and went back to writing, "what do you want?"
"It is her birthday.", Loki answered, "and she wanted to see you. My sweet Kanin was worried you might have relapsed into your old habits."
The burned man motioned to the boy's scars.
"I would not. I'm on antidepressants and the judge ruled that I should not have any sharp objects near me.", the boy responded and wrote some more, "plus I can't leave. They have this tracker on me."
Loki look at the tracker ankle brace, "I can hack that. Or I'll just break it."
"How could you break it? I can't hack it.", the teen said, "I've tried."
The Norwegian grabbed the ankle brace and crushed it in his hand, "how did you do that?!"
"I'll explain on the way. Come on.", The burned man stated and grabbed the boy's hand, "one question, what is your opinion on my sister?"
"She's my only friend. She is cute.", John responded, "she helped me so much."
Loki listened to the answer and dragged the male to the window and opened it, he whistled out loudly.
"What are you doing?!", John asked and tried to pull Loki from the window.
A loud roar startled the male.

Drage flew to the window, his head was right in front of the window.
Loki stepped out onto the dragon, John look out at the reptile with awe.
The Norwegian motioned for the male to step out, "this is my dragon. Get on."
The ebony haired teen stepped out onto the dragon, he took a seat as the dragon took off.
For about a half an hour, John was silent.
Loki was happily laying on the massive dragon, the burned male in complete trust with the scaly creature.
"How did you get a dragon?", John asked.
Loki looked back at john, "A dragon nest, I took care of him since he was an egg."
The pale teen boy looked at the sky, "this is cool. I've always wanted to fly."
"I thought it was awesome when I was up here with Drage back in the old days.", The Norwegian sighed and stretched, "so much freedom. So much space to be ourselves."

The blue green eyes of the boy looked at the scenery below them, "what was (y/n) like when she was little?"
"She was cute. A little bunny we loved to take care of.", Loki responded, "she was the most precious thing we had."
"She's so small and yet so strong, I admire her strength.", the pale teen spoke and Loki looked back at him.
"Do you have a crush on her? Because you better not or someone will kill you.", The Norwegian said.
"She's my friend, we made a mutual agreement to not become more than just friends.", John answered.
"Good, Thurston would kill you if you did.", The strawberry blond burned man said, "He hates competition."

The Dragon lowered himself and flew over the land, "we're almost there."
John got closer to the front of the large reptile to see better, in the distance was a large building.
It looked old and damaged but livable, lights were on and strange objects floated around it.
"We're here.", Loki said and Drage set down in front of the large doors, the area was cold but around the castle or mansion was warmer.
The doors opened and the dragon walked in before laying down to let the males off, Loki jumped down.
"HEY EVERYONE. I'M BACK!", the burned man shouted.
"Good for you!" Was a sarcastic answer.
"BIG BROTHER!", Was another answer that Loki shouted a swear back at.
Laughter followed the swear from yet another voice.
A brunet man glared out of a room with impossibly red eyes, "Who the hell is that?"
"A surprise for Kanin. Bring her out Thurston.", The strawberry blond male spoke back with a grin, "he's harmless."
Thurston huffed, he came back out with a young woman who was as tall as him.
John was surprised to see her, "(y/n)? How did you get so tall all of a sudden?"
"I grew. John, you look better.", the silver haired female said and gave the teen a hug.
Thurston watched with suspicion, he did not like another male touching his girl.

(Y/n) stopped hugging John and stepped back, "John, I'm sorry about whatever Loki did."
"He took me out of the psych ward at the hospital I was at.", John said and looked at loki, "are you really his little sister?"
"Ja. He's my brother, there are three more around somewhere.", the silver haired female said and The ginger swede poked his head out from the kitchen, "there's one."
"Okay and this is thurston?", The black haired male asked.
"Her fiancé.", The brunet man responded gruffly, "you will suffer if you ever hurt her."
The ebony haired teen did not flinch at the threat, "sure. Sounds fair."
Thurston seemed a bit impressed, "I'll allow you to live, until you fuck up."
The Finnish male walked away after giving the silver haired female a kiss on the cheek. She wiped it off when he was gone, "clingy."
Loki snickered and motioned for the two to follow, they did and Drage went back Into his lair.
The Norwegian showed them to a spare room with couches and motioned for them to sit, "the rest of us will be in shortly."
He left the two alone.

"'re related to terrorists?", John asked.
He and (y/n) watched the news, he knew that these men matched the Nordic terrorists' profiles perfectly.
"Apparently so.", the silver haired female said and looked down, "I guess you don't want to be my friend anymore?"
"What are you saying? I do want to keep being your friend", The ebony male answered.
The female smiled, "thanks. But I have to warn you that my brothers and... Fiancé are a bit unusual."
"From how Loki got me with that dragon, nothing could surprise me now.", John laughed, "it is really great to talk to you again."
(Y/n) gave him a smile, "I bet you're wrong."
"Is this a new treat for me? He's too skinny.", The Swedish accent of a man said, breaking up the conversation.
John and (y/n) turned to look, Bernard walked in with his sharpened teeth on full display with a sinister grin.
"Lillasyster, is he harassing you?", The swede asked and pulled the female from the male, "I could stop him."

"Bernard. He's my friend.", (y/n) said to her brother, "don't eat him."
"He's too skinny to eat. We'll have to fatten him up.", The ginger swede said.
"you must be the Swedish cannibal named Bernard, I am John.", the Black haired male said, "Your sister's friend."
Bernard looked the teen up and down, "just a friend."
A pitiful whine was heard, "Nooo. Blóm is too pure to have a nasty boy for a friend, big brother!"
(Y/n) sighed, "Egil. He's not bad like you are."
The platinum haired male gasped, "Systir!"
Loki laughed as he came back, "and last but not least. Our eldest brother and leader, Magnus Køhler."

John was a little scared when he saw the tall man walk in, the Danish male was huge with a good muscle structure.
His hair that stood up made him appear to be more like seven feet tall, the scars gave him a deadly look.
"Lillesøster. Who is this?", The man asked.
"John Housen, a friend from school. He was my only friend when I grew up in that awful house.", the silver haired female replied, "So be nice please."
Magnus looked at the teen boy and sat next to his sister, "thank you. For being nice to my sister."
John gulped and nodded, "It was the right thing."
Bernard shrugged and wandered off, Egil whined and was dragged off by Loki.
Magnus patted his sister's head, "are you okay after suffering that attack?"
"Ja, tak storebroder.", (y/n) said, "it was kind of scary. But I'm glad Egil was there to help."
"Wait, you were attacked?", John asked worriedly, "what happened?"

"One of our enemies had attacked her, a henchman of the Italian mafia.", Magnus said, "a German man named lutz."
"The pervert's eyes said everything he wanted to do.", (y/n) gagged, "I would have fought him off but I was too sick."
John saw the cut on her neck, "is that from him?"
"Ja. It'll heal like the other injuries did.", the silver haired female replied.
The blond Dane sighed, "you may stay for dinner, then you have to go back to where you came from John."
The teen boy nodded, "I'm just glad I was allowed to see my friend again. She helped me so much."
Magnus got up and walked away, "Dinner will be in a half hour."

Half an hour passed and the two were escorted to the dining room, the table was covered in what they could describe as a lavish feast.
Thurston was in his usual blood red uniform, his eyes glaring at the Boy.
The Finnish man made the female sit next to him, John had to sit by the Icelander.
Egil was not as warm as Loki or Magnus was, he was literally cold.
Bernard was nowhere to be found.
"Where is Bernard?", John asked.
"Probably eating his food stash in the dungeon. He can't eat this.", Loki answered and motioned to the meal, "Egil and I spent time on this, eat up."
(Y/n) started eating her meal as John looked at his suspiciously, "what is this if I may ask?"
"Roast puffin, cubes of fermented shark, sheep, some cooked veggies, and bread.", the Icelander said while pointing out each on the boy's plate, "We worked hard on it. That damn shark put up a fight."
The ebony haired male gulped, "fermented shark? As in Greenland shark?"
"Já. Do you not like shark?", Egil asked, "It's good. But not as good as puffin, the birds sure are tasty."
The young Icelander licked his lips.
"You got fined for trying to catch puffins in their breeding grounds and stealing their eggs.", Loki said to Egil, "Idiot."
Egil just stuck his tongue out at the Norwegian.
After that fight. Dinner wet by well.

Thurston was helping (y/n) to clean up as Loki and egil giggled amongst themselves and went back Into the kitchen.
The lights went dark, the silver haired female squeaked and held onto the Finnish male.
A bit of light was coming towards them, "Happy birthday to you~"
The Icelander and Norwegian was walking back with a little cake, they were singing happy birthday as well.
Bernard was with them and joined in, when they were finished they asked (y/n) to blow out the candles.
The silver haired female took a breath and blew the candles out.
Bernard switched the lights back on, "Happy birthday Lillasyster, I hope you like the cake."
(Y/n) gave him a smile, "thanks storebror."
The ginger haired swede grinned back, showing all his sharp teeth.
John saw the teeth and remembered the scar on (y/n)'s belly, Bernard bit her when she was little.
The silver haired female got the first slice of cake and helped to hand out the rest, Thurston denied cake because he did not like sweets.

The cake was finished and John had to go back to the hospital, but Loki could not fly him back on drage.
"John. I want you to not tell anybody what happened. For her safety, you must keep our base a secret.", Loki told the male, "don't tell anybody, especially Italians with curls on their heads and men who look like us."
John nodded, "enemies who would want to hurt her?"
"Ja.", The Norwegian answered, "you may feel dizzy after this, I'm going to take you back to your room with magic."
The ebony haired boy nodded and took took a breath, he looked around and saw he was in his hospital room again.
Nobody else was there but him.


Lutz walked to his boss's office, he was Going to report his activities to his boss as per standard procedure.
The blond German walked into the room after knocking.
"Luciano, I am back vith my report,", The German said and dodged a throwing knife.
"Where-a were you?", an angry Italian voice asked.
"I vas at a amusement park.", The German answered and the Italian scoffed, "but jou vill vant to hear zhis."
The Italian waved his hand for Lutz to continue.
"I saw her. She is alive and vith her bruders again.", The scarred German said, "I tried to retrieve her for jou. But I vas skewered."
"Lutz, tell-a me something-a useful.", his boss hissed, "or I will-a use you for-a target practice."
"I don't zhink she can use magic.", Lutz responded, "and she seemed dependant of her Bruders to protect her."

The Italian man leaned back and let out a small menacing chuckle, "Tell-a Me Lutz. Is-a she pretty?"
"A paragon.", The German answered.
"Bueno.", the Italian chuckled, "I got-a word that-a the couple who-a were watching her for me was-a killed with their own whore daughter."
"No doubt Thurston and zhe others were behind it.", Lutz said.
"Tell-a Kuro to-a be ready.", Luciano said, "we have to-a pay our old friends a visit."

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