chapter eight
"SHE WHAT?!", Magnus yelled at the youngest brother.
"E-escaped. With magic.", Egil shook at the rage his eldest brother had.
"Maggie, calm down. If she has magic, she probably has no idea how to control it.", Loki said calmly, "It will be okay, we will find her again. I already sent Drage out, you know how good he is at tracking."
Magnus sat down and sighed, "you better find her. Or so help me."
(Y/n) was poking around the Meeting house, she was looking at all the things that were there.
She found a bit of junk food and snacks in the kitchen, she nibbled the snacks as she poked around in more rooms.
In one room She found a little food stash under the table, it looked like Chinese brand snacks.
The silver haired female also found a rose laying on the table, she picked it up and giggled at the pretty rose. How was it still alive?
The female found a phone that was dropped and looked at it, she unlocked the phone by feeling what the owner did to open it.
It had a picture of a sunflower on the home screen. Pretty.
(Y/n) looked at the phone, the person missed a lot of calls and texts.
All told the female that the owner was a Mr. Russia.
A new text popped up, it was from a Ukraine.
'Brother, where are you?'
the silver haired female sent a text back, "your brother dropped his phone. Sorry."
The person on the other side called the phone and (y/n) picked up.
"You found my Little brother's phone. Where was it?", a woman was on the other asked.
"England, the meeting house, I'm locked in right now.", the teenager giggled nervously.
The older woman gasped, "I'll call Arthur, what is your name sweetie?"
"(Y/n) Køhler.", the silver haired female replied, "you're Ukraine right?"
"Er... yes.", the woman said, "you know about that?"
"Ja, Denmark is my brother!", (y/n) chirped happily and Ukraine sighed.
"I'll call England. He would be the closest at the moment.", the Ukrainian said, "just wait there okay?"
"Okay!", the female smiled and the woman hung up, "she was nice."
(Y/n) went to explore the other rooms but kept the phone with her.
she found another meeting room, this one smelled like pasta and beer.
It was pretty neat, the chairs were in order.
She moved onto another room.
This one smelled like her brothers.
Their flags where there too, the silver haired female sat in Denmark's seat.
"Now I'm the ruler of Scandinavia", (y/n) giggled to herself, "long live the queen"
"(Y/n), are you here love?"
the silver haired female jumped up and ran to England when he called out for her, she met him with a hug he hesitantly returned.
"There you are love, are you okay?", the British male asked and looked at the bandages, "oh dear."
The red-violet eyed female hugged the male and did not let go, "I was scared England."
"I bet you were love.", the male said, "come now, let's get you some proper clothing."
The teen girl followed her British friend to his car, "thank you England."
"Of course love.", England smiled, "can you tell me what happened to you?"
(Y/n) gulped and rubbed the scars on her arms, "I felt pain. The bite from Bernard."
The blond England man looked at the bandages, "I'm sorry you had to go through that love."
"It is not your fault. I should have been more careful.", the female sighed, "then when we got to the car Thurston had slashed the tires."
England listened as she told the story.
"Finland and Sweden hid me so they could lure the two away, but they saw through that and split up. Bernard searched for me with his bloodhound like nose.", (y/n) continued, "Thurston was shooting Finland and Sweden. Bernard called the others to help them."
England pulled up to his house and helped (y/n) out of the car, "what happened next love?"
"More shooting, I moved around to keep from being found. The other ones came and helped Bernard.", the silver haired female said, "then I was found and taken to their base."
"Did they hurt you in any manner?", the emerald eyed gentleman asked.
"No. They were more concerned with getting me fed and kept warm.", (y/n) responded, "because of the blood loss."
England nodded, "so?"
"I did try to run but was caught by Loki, he took me to his room where he and Drage kept watch on me.", the silver haired female spoke, "but nothing happened besides cuddles. When it was morning I was taken to the room with the large table. They all seemed at odds about who got to look after me next."
"That's very unusual for them.", the British man said, "they don't like to take care of people like that."
"Magnus had me for the rest of the morning in his office, he and I had had breakfast there. I know he was trying to make me calm down from being scared of them.", (y/n) looked down, "they kept claiming to be my brothers."
"They did what?", England asked.
(Y/n) looked down, "said they were my brothers. That they knew me before the accident that left me without memories."
The British man walked inside with the girl, "love. One question. How did you get inside the locked meeting house?"
"I wished I was there instead of at the base.", the silver haired female answered, "why?"
"Do you believe in magic?", England asked.
"I guess I do, I really don't have a choice given all I have seen so far.", (y/n) replied.
"I think you have magic.", the blond man said, "you have the qualities for magic."
"Would you teach me?", The silver haired female asked, "I want to know how to control it."
The brit thought for a while, he seemed to weigh all the options and outcomes of the actions he was about to take.
"Just the basics. You will have to discover the rest on your own.", England said and got up, "follow me."
(Y/n) followed the man to the basement with books and herbs on the shelves, potions and balms lined the walls.
He gave her a book, "look through this one and come to me if you have a bit of trouble with these basic spells."
The silver haired female sat down and looked through the book, she read over each carefully.
It was confusing. All she had to go on from before was that she was scared and she was wishing really hard.
"My brain hurts.", she groaned and plopped her head on the open book, "osmosis into my brain knowledge, please."
The female felt a tapping on her head, she looked up to see a mint green bunny with wings and chocolate brown eyes looking at her.
"Who are you?", the rabbit asked.
"(Y/n), the little sister of Denmark.", (y/n) answered, "I'm trying to learn this magic stuff."
"Have you figured out what type you are best at?", The rabbit asked.
"No. All I have done was blast Bernard with it and traveled on wishes", the girl answered, "I'm horrible."
"The transportation spells are hard. It is impressive you did those.", the green rabbit said, "even England screws them up."
The silver haired girl smiled a bit, "Is that so?"
"Yes. And being able to make discharges like that is good too.", the green rabbit said, "a very versatile magic."
"That's nice.", (y/n) said, "but it does not help me to understand the instructions in this book. How am I supposed to do this?"
"Throw the book away. England wrote it.", the rabbit said and flew off.
"Throw the book?", the female asked and threw it into the air, "I wonder if I can catch it before it hits the table."
The sixteen year old focused on trying to keep the book from falling, she kept failing at it.
"Why is it not working the way I want it to?", (y/n) sighed exasperatedly, "I just want to be able to handle this."
She looked around and found it was dark, "great I'm in the dark! I need light if I'm going to see-"
Small orbs of colorful lights appeared and lit up the stone basement, "wow. Maybe I could do something a bit more flashy... like.... an aurora!"
The orbs were replaced by glowing sheets of light, like the aurora that (y/n) saw in a magazine once.
"So pretty!", the sixteen year old giggled and spun around, "I love it!"
"(Y/n), are you okay down there love?", England called as he walked to the basement.
"I'm great! Look!", (y/n) giggled and continued to spin happily.
The British Male looked up and took a sharp breath in, "it is lovely."
The silver haired female continued to do her spinny dance Around the male, "love, uh. Could you please put these clothes on?"
England was looking away from her with a bit of pink on his cheeks.
"Sure England!", (y/n) giggled and took the clothes, "why are you looking up like that?"
"Love, you have... grown.", England said and turned his back to leave, he left her alone.
The silver haired female was kind of confused until she saw her reflection, she was taller than she was before. By a foot or so.
She was four foot eight before but seemed to stand at five foot eight point five now.
Her legs were long and strong, she had a shapely torso with a pleasing figure.
She was really pretty.
(Y/n) quickly put on the clothes and went up the stairs to join England, "thanks england!"
The British male nodded and motioned for the female to sit.
"So love, I see you have been playing with your magic.", the British male said, "you must be feeling better."
"I do!", the silver haired girl giggled, "I feel so good, I want to continue to play and develop my magic!"
England smiled, "you changed from that hardened girl I knew you as before."
"I guess I just needed some more self esteem.", (y/n) smiled back, "it was really scary being smaller than everyone and I had to make myself feel better by being a smart-ass..."
the female stopped smiling, "they Killed them... those men killed my adopted family."
the British male looked at the female, "escuse me?"
"The police man said my adopted family was killed. And Bernard's breath smelled a bit like the perfume that my adopted mother liked.", (y/n) said horrified, "do you think that is what Thurston meant when he said that he killed those who had a tie to me?"
"Perhaps.", England said and the girl sat in the chair next to him.
"This is horrible, people are going to die.", the silver haired female whined.
"They have been killing people for centuries.", The British man replied, "I don't think they are going to stop soon."
"Can I keep practicing?", (y/n) asked.
"Of course love.", The emerald eyed Englishman answered.
(Y/n) took a deep breath to calm down and pictured an aurora in her head, the aurora she made earlier came back.
"Could you make anything else?", England asked.
The silver haired Scandinavian thought for a bit and got it, floating light balls of multiple colors hung midair.
"These look like fairies.", The blond male smiled, "very nice."
(Y/n) huffed a bit, "I was trying to make that thing I did to Bernard."
"Your magic is like a free flowing river, or clay. You have to shape it to have its power really show.", England said, "what is something that is with you? That you doodle without realizing it?"
"Crosses.", the female responded, "I like crosses."
"A Nordic cross, suits you. Now try to shape your magic like that.", the male encouraged.
(Y/n) nodded and stood up, "a cross. A nice cross."
The female's eyes were closed as she held out her hand.
"That's it, keep going.", England encouraged, "you are doing wonderful."
The silver haired female felt a weight in her hand that she gripped, she pictured what she wanted in her mind.
A silver cross with gems the same colors as her eyes embedded in it.
One large one in where the points meet and four small ones, one on each point.
(Y/n) opened her eyes, the cross she had imagined was there. In her hand.
A cross that was about four feet tall and two feet at the width tips, "wow."
"Congratulations. You made a magical object like my wand or your brother's hairclip.", England congratulated, "I did not think a stave was to your liking."
"It's lovely.", (y/n) smiled and panted, "I'm tired."
"I would think so.", the man said and sat the female down, "you did several difficult spells back to back."
The silver haired female clutched onto the cross stave, "does this mean I am getting the hang of my magic?"
England nodded, "but you need to rest now. You have had quite an exciting day. I also need that phone you found."
(Y/n) gave him the phone and leaned back in the chair.
"I'll be back in a bit.", the male said, "wait for me?"
"Ja.", the silver haired female nodded and closed her eyes.
Loki was riding on the back of his dragon, "Pick up the pace Drage! I want her back yesterday!"
The dragon shot a glare back at his owner, he did not like Loki's impatience.
"Don't give me that look!", the burned male growled, "your success on this is what determines if I feed you tonight or not"
Drage huffed and turned his attention back to flying, he understood why his owner wanted the sister back. He just did not understand why he was so mean about pushing him to get her back so desperately.
The drain took a big sniff of the air and detected all the smells there, he did not smell her in this area. He should try somewhere else.
The massive beast flew over the water and land, trying to get a lead on where the female was.
The dragon remembered when the girl was small.
He wanted to eat her when she first came home from the hospital, Loki was not happy about that.
So Drage had to watch her from a distance and keep his appetite in check.
Tiny (y/n) was scared of him for a long time and he was stuck in the basement to act as the heating system for the home.
The large Dragon remembered when she came waddling down the stairs alone to see what was down there, she had a little dragon costume on.
Drage just watched as the tiny child climbed on his snout and blew a raspberry at him.
The dragon just kept his mouth shut like he was taught to do until Loki came and got the child away from him.
Drage made what could be an attempt at a smile as he remembered that.
A smell rose to the dragon's muzzle, Drage changed course and flew right for it.
"Good! Find her and let me do the rest, unless you want to help too?", loki asked.
Of course Drage wanted to help, that child was the nice one to him.
Loki scratched the Dragon's scaly hide, "good buddy."
The dull greyed out orange Dragon flew towards the smell, the sweet bouquet of female that he was tracking.
"Of course. England.", the Norwegian hissed, "let's get her drage."
The dragon descended from the sky to track the female better.
Loki and Drage flew over England, they knew it would scare the locals and loved it.
Drage pinpointed the scent to a specific house.
"There huh? Eyebrows is gonna flip when this is burned to the fucking ground.", loki cackled.
Drage took that signal and blasted the house with a powerful burst of flaming breath.
The windows melted and the house began to burn, Loki jumped off of the beast and stepped calmly into the building.
"Here's loki~", He chuckled.
(Y/n) jumped awake from the blast that shook the house, the smell of smoke and chemicals alerted her to fire.
She heard Loki call out that terrifying line.
The silver haired girl got up and clutched the cross she held, her only defense.
If only she knew how to use it.
She felt the flames get nearer and wished she knew somewhere she could go, she was so tired from using so much magic during practice and her escape.
"Lillesøster, that was quite clever of you to escape us. But you can't be out here in the big scary world by yourself, you could get hurt."
the sound of the male's voice seemed to taunt her, she knew she was not as experienced as him in magic. And was probably physically weaker.
She could only run from him.
And she did run, she ran away from his voice and out of the door.
Out and into the claws of the awaiting dragon.
"Oh~ you got her drage.", Loki hummed, "good boy."
The male placed a burned hand on (y/n)'s head and she felt a bit different, constrained.
"Naughty Girl~", Loki purred as if pleased with himself, "you shouldn't be out without one of us protecting you."
"From what?!", (y/n) hissed, "I need protection from you!"
"Don't be more naughty than you already are Kanin.", the burned Norwegian chuckled, "or I may have to punish you."
The silver haired female squirmed a bit in the Dragon's talons.
"Hmm. You've grown up, much taller than you were before. But I surmise just as cuddly.", Loki chuckled, " beautiful liten kanin."
The male placed a scarred hand under the Girl's chin and made her tilt her head up so she was looking at his eyes, he gave her a soft kiss on her cheek.
(Y/n) gave him a solid kick to the gut.
The strawberry blond man doubled over, "you're stronger than you seem."
The dragon picked up the man and flapped his large wings for takeoff.
Loki recovered from the kick and perched upon the dragon, "you're going to love this kanin."
The girl yelled for him and the dragon to stop and let her go, but they did not heed and the dragon breathed fire onto the house. Causing it to burn down.
The large dragon held her gently and flew into the air, the large and scaly palm kept her still as they flew.
Loki leaned over to look at his sister, "Don't pout kanin, you just have to understand why we need to do this."
"YOU'RE INSANE!", (y/n) screeched at the male, "I HATE YOU"
"No you don't.", The burned male said and slid into the dragon's other hand, "you're just scared and hysterical at the moment."
The silver haired female cried salty pearls from her eyes.
"Aw Kanin, don't cry.", the man said gently, "you'll be okay"
Loki got back onto his perch as the dragon flew over the land and sea, Drage kept flying until he was there at the huge building.
The burned Norwegian slid off and retrieved (y/n) from the beast's claws, the female kicked him in the crotch and ran when he let go.
She was stopped by a wall of ice, Small but strong arms wrapped around her waist.
Cold lips pressed onto her unbitten shoulder, "Ég saknaði þín svo mikið, elskan systir mín."
(Y/n) kicked his jewels and again when he doubled over, she ran around the icy wall and was scooped up then thrown over a man's shoulder.
"Luulin, että olit parempi kuin tämä kultaseni", the angry Finnish man said and carried her back to the building as she kicked and squirmed.
Thurston carried her inside and set her down, he gripped her shoulder to keep her from running.
Magnus walked in and looked at the silver haired female, "Lillesøster, I thought you knew better than to run."
(Y/n) looked down, not wanting to look at his face.
She felt a large hand on her head that pushed down her hair spikes, "I am pleased that you are okay. And you grew into your proper size."
"I hate you.", (y/n) growled.
"You're just upset.", Magnus said and took his hand off of her head, "now behave."
She heard the footsteps of the Huge man leave.
She remembered how he was cradling her gently to his chest that morning, the way he felt was like he was mostly muscle.
The Finnish man sat next to her, she felt his eyes boring into her head.
"Näytät todella söpöltä, kun pelkäät", The brunet Finn leaned over and whispered to the silver haired female.
That did not help her feel better!
She felt a kiss on her cheek followed by a smirk, he was messing with her.
"olet söpö pieni lemmikki", Thurston teased more.
(Y/n) remembered how scary he was mad, he was another she did not want to make angry.
"You are behaving now Kultaseni?", The Crimson eyed male asked and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "is it because you are scared of me?"
The silver haired female kept herself from speaking in order to keep him from getting angry, the Finn only chuckled and kissed the Girl's head.
"Do you like the flag I gave you? It is my flag."
(Y/n) could not think of any flags that she was given, until Thurston brushed over the scar on her shoulder.
"It hurt me as much As much as it hurt you. But you had to know who you belong to.", the male said and pulled the female closer.
The silver haired female did not look at the Finnish male, "look at me."
(Y/n) did not comply.
"Katso minua, haluan nähdä kauniit kasvosi.", Thurston said and put his free hand under (y/n)'s chin.
The female had no other choice but to look at him.
His face was much softer than the other times she saw him, almost looking like an innocent child instead of a cold blooded killer.
Thurston's face got close enough for them to touch and touch they did, "there is that beautiful face."
"Why are you being so nice?", (y/n) asked.
"Because I care about you.", the male answered and gave her a kiss. Right on the lips.
The silver haired female blew into the vodka tasting kiss, making the man's cheeks puff up and catching him off guard.
Thurston coughed, a laugh was heard behind them.
Bernard had been watching the whole thing, and filmed it.
The Finnish male got up and stalked over to the swede, "Give it."
the swede pushed a button and handed the phone over, "BYE!"
Bernard ran after that, Thurston looked at the screen and saw the words 'message sent' on the screen.
"OLET KUOLLUT LIHA!", Thurston roared and tore after Bernard.
(Y/n) was tired from the adrenaline wearing off and the lack of magic in her body, she just sat there as she heard everything that was happening.
The screaming, the crunching of bones, the tearing of flesh, and the metallic clang of a weapon on the marble floor.
Thurston came back, covered in blood.
"Fucking dismembered the bastard.", the enraged Finn growled and sat down.
He put the female on his lap and made her lean against him, his Hand ran the length of her back.
(Y/n) heard his breathing and heart rate slow down after petting her a few times, his lips kissed her neck and shoulder.
"rakastan sinua niin paljon kultaseni", the scarlet eyed Finn whispered to the girl.
"You need a bath.", The silver haired female heard herself say.
Thurston stopped and looked at the blood he left on her soft pale skin, "you are right. We do need to wash."
the male picked the girl up and carried her away, "I'll make sure you are all clean"
"No! Wait! Put me down!", (y/n) exclaimed as they passed the completely shredded and dismembered body of bernard.
She fainted at the sight of the Dead swede.
Ég saknaði þín svo mikið, elskan systir mín: I missed you so much my dear sister.
Luulin, että olit parempi kuin tämä kultaseni: I thought you were better than this sweetheart.
Näytät todella söpöltä, kun pelkäät: you look really cute when you're afraid.
olet söpö pieni lemmikki: you are a cute little pet
Katso minua, haluan nähdä kauniit kasvosi: look at me, I want to see your beautiful face.
olet kuollut liha: you're dead meat.
rakastan sinua niin paljon kultaseni: I love you so much my darling.
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