Only one role this page!
Some roles are sorta important to the plot,
Not saying which ones because no-
But! The limit of roles are 7 for now, this might change!
Your allowed to make your own roles which I will then put on the next role page! But I must approve of them first, and might make some changes too.
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Do not comment until after I say so!!!
If you have not done the rules I will ignore.
-Actually hasn't been here that long, only started a year after her wife died. So she's still pretty new to the academy herself, but don't you worry, she's very devoted to the academy and it's students, she'll make sure they'll get everything they require.
-Wants to help sharpen these kids young lives, they are the best of the best and deserved to be treated that way!
-Strict, leadership, Intelligent
-Although she comes off as a cold bitch, underneath her many layers of ice lies a burning warmth. She sees every child that passes through these walls as her own. She really does want the best for them.
-The kids still see her as a bitch tho
-Will one hundred percent act like a bîtch too.
-A very private woman, the students hardly know anything about her.
-Known to be one of the smartest people in the country, heck the world honesty. She used to be a multi national billionaire!! She had empires, she had everything she ever wanted.... so why is she here teaching at an old school?
-Students like to make theories and rumours about her. Some say she made a deal with the devil for fame and this is her end of the bargain... oh what oh what could the devil have in mind for a bunch of kids?
-He's the nephew to the headmistress, but by marriage. He's not biologically related to her, but still sees her as his aunt of course.
-His feelings towards his aunt are a bit weird though, he treats her more like the headmistress rather than his aunt ah times.
-Defiantly that type of person to point out that he's the nephew of the headmistress if you try to come at him. But usually doesn't like to use it on teachers for his own benefit. He wants to earn his grades through hard work, not through relations.
-Here because he's a legacy, but even if he wasn't, he'd still be very much so at the top, he's an extremely hardworking student and he earned mostly everything he has.
-Tactical, blunt, impatient
-A tiny bit snobby, he doesn't mean to be a jerk, but he certainly comes off that way.
-Wants to be associated with the best, Likes to hang around with others like him.
-absolutely hates cheaters
-Is an Academic Student. His main subject is business. So exciting. He doesn't exactly know what he wants to do later in life.. he sorta has his eyes on other things really..
-Asks for extra homework
-Has a select few of friends, but he mostly spends his time studying.
-Wealthy background + well known parents
-He knows about magic and occult too, and expects to be invited to the cult. Probably will have a tantrum if he isn't.
-Wasn't surprised to learn that she was accepted into the academy. Of course she was! She's the best of the best.
-Is here because if her Athletic abilities in both swimming and football. A major jock.
-Not exactly all too great in the brains department, She's obviously super smart since she's here, but not as super smart like all the others. Normally copies work off her twin.
-Feisty, headstrong, Loyal
-Always challenging people to arm wrestles-
-The eldest twin of YOU'RE NEVER RIGHT. Believes she is in charge and makes all the shots since she was born six minutes before.
-Will get into fights with students, Male, female or whatever, she doesn't care, talk shit about her and she's already throwing hands.
-Very competitive when it comes to sports, she's kinda a slacker in other subjects, but she has her eyes set on star athlete.
-Will show off when she can.
-Lower body strength for days
-Always Tries to be the leader whenever something happens, but she lets sucks at that.
-Normally bosses people around, claims that she is always right, though she hardly ever is.
-Thinks Pembroke is just some boring old school that is her stepping stone for greatness.
-Like her sister, she wasn't too shocked to discover she was accepted, yet she was awfully proud and pleased. All her hard work paid off!
-The smarter of the two. She isn't some wiz kid but it seems she developed more in the brain rather than muscles like her sister.
-Core subject is Humanism, psychology.
-Finds the human brain so damn fascinating! Everybody has all these weird different thoughts and different feelings towards things!
-Humble, Understanding, talkative
-Likes to take the initiative of things! She doesn't appreciate when her sister gets all up in her business trying to act like the leader. Honestly she gets tired of IM NEVER WRONG. But she still loves her.
-Doesn't like when her twin copies her work
-Loves to talk to all different types of people! If she sees someone by themselves she's the first person to cartwheel over to them!
-The mom friend. Have a problem? Talk to her! She'll be happy talk to you so you can express your feelings and all that Jazz.
-Likes helping people and talking through their problems.
-Extremely excited to go to StoneHaven!
-Wants to be everyone's friend.
-Wants to be a psychiatrist when she's older.
- "I GOT IN?!?"
-Nearly fainted. Honestly he applied as some sort of joke, he didn't actually think he was going to get in-
-He's kind of a dumbass truth be told. He does have a habit of doubting his intelligence, though he does have some brains to him.
-Core subject Academic, Law studies
-Passionate, goofy, determined
-The oddball of any friend group, he's no class clown, he respects the teachers, but once he's with a group he's comfortable with, he goes wild and shows his true colours
-Confident to be himself, if you don't like it then he will politely ask you to shhhhh
-You could take one glance at hm and assume he's some sort of arty kid. Nope! This man has his heart set on Law! He's a law nerd, seriously, he knows everything about.
-Will most defiantly become a kick ass lawyer
-Randomly screams 'objection' whenever he disagrees with something.
-Most Defiantly trying to start a debate club
-Becomes Oddly serious whenever he needs to be, its like a quick slap in the face-
-Can becomes a little bit clingy to his friends
-Believes in Aliens with all his heart
-Literally fist bumped the air and nearly fell of her chair when she found out she got in.
-Her family all doubted her, she's the youngest of eight siblings, sister to seven bright and intelligent siblings who all applied to stone haven and yet weren't accepted.
-Rubbed it in soooo damn muuuchhh
-Usually the forgotten child. But now it's her time to shine!
-Core subject, Academic, Biology
-Loves plants and fungi with her entire soul! Her dorm will one hundred percent be decorated with pots and vines. More fungi and strange plants rather than pretty flowers.
-Goofy, playful, observant
-The biggest nerd you'll ever meet!
-Number one Netflix binger
-Is in every fandom you can think of
-Always has seeds in her pockets
-Favourite fandom is doctor who. She always wears suspenders and a bow tie. Always.
-Will constantly get into trouble because of how much she ignores the proper uniform.
-Shes good at what she does, but has a habit of day dreaming and dozing off in classes.
-That friend who's always suggesting game night at the weekends
-Probably plays DND
-Appeared calm and quiet at the discovery that they were going to StoneHaven. Secretly having a damn celebration on the inside
-An only child who comes from a rather middle class household, he lives with his single father who works in the police force.
-The people in his family usually don't even go to college. He's certainly changing things.
-Core subject, Humanism, Psychology
-Has a deep interest in criminology
-Admires his father, but instead of capturing criminals like he does, he wants to analyse them instead...
-Likes to understand people's behaviours and reasons to why they do what they do.
-Cold, introverted, deadpanned
-He's...sorta concerning... hardly talks unless spoken too or answering a question in class.
-The quiet kid at the back of the class.
-One of the younger kids to join this year
-Books and Studying are his hobbies
-Never had a friend before
-Isn't actually a bad kid, he's just misunderstood. Not too sure how he's suppose to express himself.
-Realism 100. No god, no magic.
-He isn't one to smile that much, but whenever he hears an old woman call him 'young man', that, that is when he can die happy.
-Secret soft boi who's just stressed
-Transgender Male
-The second they found out, the whole neighbourhood did too. They couldn't stop screaming about it.
-The middle child of a busy family. Likes having attention because of it.
-Class clown who was always looked down upon. Pretty much all their teachers said they would never make it. Only if they could see them now! The look on their face..
-Core subject, The Arts, performance
-lOves acting! They were born for it! William Shakespeare? A bit boring, but as long as they can play the crazy axe murderer in MacBeth Sign them right up!
-Can lie and act like no bodies business. Can one hundred percent cry on demand.
-Childish, prankster, carefree
-Chaotic maniac
-Loves to please. Is a white knight in any boring old plain ass classroom.
-A little fun never hurt anyone! Defiantly the prankster of the school. They tend to go a bit overboard. They won't realise that until after they pulled of the prank.
-Most likely will apologise, if they like the person they pulled a prank on. Most likely won't apologise to a teacher-
-No mercy for their pranks! Expect the headmistress! She's scary-
-Big tease. Loves to spook people.
-Probably isn't doing so well in a few classes.
-Unlike most kids, she did not celebrate when she got the letter. Oh no, she ran to her room and stared at the floor.... preparing for the day she must enter that Academy.. Haha bullshit, she screamed like an excited little girl!
-Comes from a loving family, only child so they worshiped her. She loves them too but they're just so... happy? How is she their child?
-Core subject, The Arts, English
-The pen is mightier than the sword
-You can tell she majors in English by the second she opens her mouth. Big words only. She needs to sound and look smart.
-Paranoid, fussy, Resourceful
-Tries to be serious... but she has a short temper and you can say anything to piss her off really. She wants to be taken seriously!
-Joins the school newspaper and writes her own little Column about her conspiracies.
-Wants to be some sort of journalist or author when she's older.
-The strange and supernatural is where it's at!
-Is a sucker for conspiracies, she'll believe anything as long as you have evidence.
-That one to protest about random ass conspicuous they found online.
-If something big happens she'll be running up to ask questions and write about it.
-"Don't believe everything you hear" even though she believes everything she hears-
-The internet never lies
-Believes 99% of the conspiracies about StoneHaven, truly thinks this place is haunted
-Clutched the letter of approval close to his heart, spun around on his heel and mustered up a balled of how wonderful this was. Until a kid across the street got the same letter as well-
-Original. Original. Original.
-"I am an individual!"
-Cappuccino every morning, artsy hipster vibes
-Dyes hair a new colour every week. His hair May be ruined. But it looks amazing.
-Core subject, The Arts, Sculpture
-Takes inspiration from the ancient Greeks
-Honestly this kid is a pain in the ass, but he has some damn talent, he can sculpt anything.
-Greek mythology nerd, likes sculpting people of thee Greek mythos. Especially Eros.
-Requires a muse
-Hopeless romantic
-In love with that one story where Aphrodite turns a sculpture into a human because love.
-Dramatic, Childish, flustered
-He was made out of salt. He's a salty boi
-Does not react well to Constructive criticism-
-Very snappy and rude, he sorta has a high horse most of the time. He's amazing and the next Michelangelo in his opinion.
-Snob vibes
-It might be a bit more easier for him to find love if he wasn't such a dick-
-Society is totally trying to kill his uniqueness
-Has a need to be quirky and unique. He will literally storm away to go change if your wearing the same colour of shoes as he is.
-He isn't like other boys guys
-Was really happy when she got her letter. But her parents flipped the hell out when they discovered she applied for StoneHaven.
-Comes from a long ass line of doctors, her family expects her to do the same. But she doesn't want to be a damn doctor! She wants to sing and play her guitar!
-Core subject, The Arts, Music.
-Her voice basically sounds like a damn siren! She's amazing at it! She's self taught since her parents didn't want to spend money on voice lessons. She mainly used YouTube.
-Used YouTube to learn how to play the guitar too! She can play any song, she's incredible.
-Likes pop and sappy love songs, but she can play anything really. She writes her own songs too, but the tend to be personable.
-Nervous, Sweet, helpful
-Has a lot of nervous habits, like drawing on the cuffs of her jeans. She does that a lot-
-Has confidence issues due to her parents
-Sweet tooth! She likes foods that are as sweet as she is! But she is soooo damn nice it's weird.
-Will feel a horrible pit in her stomach if she sees something bad and doesn't help out.
-Will stand up to bullying! Don't even try!
-She wants to make her parents proud! She's gonna study hard! She's going to make something out of this!
-Transgender Female
-Lemme tell you, his moms literally threw him up in the air when they found out he was going to StoneHaven! His Gymnastics team threw him a damn feast! He's going to miss his town but my god is he ready for Stone haven!
-Was always Mr.Popular at his school, so he's pretty sure he'll do alright at the Academy.
-Core subject, Athletics. Gymnastics
-He basically has no bones in his body, he is flexible as shit. Plus he can jump like ten feet into the air. He loves it.
-Was Literally in the Olympic last year, got a bronze medal he framed over his bed.
-Charming, courages, Impulsive
-My can be make anyone faint. He's your standard dreamboat honestly. Well sorta-
-He has his faults like any damn human being, he's impulsive, he doesn't think before he speaks or does, and that can lead him into a bit of trouble. But he always tries to make it right!
-Very friendly, but don't be fooled, he isn't naive, if you aren't nice then he'll have a grudge with you. He won't be afraid to say so.
-Foolishly brave. Will run into a cave to save someone, or just to explore it!
-Fashion icon really. Doesn't see gender in clothes, he'll wear whatever the hell he feels like. Shirts and dresses? Um yes please.
-Wants to get into make up too!
-Masculine and feminism
-Develops crushes a bit too easily
-Has a habit of doing some weird shit with his body that freak people out but he thinks it's entirely Normal
YAY..... go Maths?
-Was actually dreading her damn letter. She didn't apply for StoneHaven! Her parents applied her! Ah! School why did you accept her!? Whyyyyyyy
-Her parents are strict, they love her and everything, but they really want the best for her, they aren't the richest or well off family, so they thought by putting their child in StoneHaven she could have a better life.
-Core Subject, Academic. Maths
-He hates Maths. Don't get it wrong, he's amazing at it, he is awesome at it! But my god does he hate it. It's so boring! So annoying! What career is he even going to get out of this? Becoming a math teacher? Kill him.
-His passion is art! He loves painting, sketching, drawing and everything in between! He's a master at oil paintings!
-He doesn't know if he put up it's not majoring in art... is it possible to change his Core subject? But he doesn't want to upset his parents... they don't have to know right?
-Trustworthy, clumsy, Flirty
-Look, once you give her a secret, she'll take it to her god damn grave! Ain't no one getting that from her!!
-Trips over his shoe laces 24/7. He messes up in everything but his painting
-Ok, apart from his constant worrying about his parents, she does have a bit of confidence towards her, she tends to flirt here and there. Nothing major honestly. She just likes seeing people blush and smile!
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