"You coming to hogsmeade Harry?" Ron asked startling Harry from his daydream. "What?" Harry asked with a blank stare, he hadn't slept well last night at all.

"You okay Har?" Hermione asked, a look of concern on her face. Harry hadn't eaten anything, and he was very out of it. Harry shrugged not bothering to answer.

Draco furrowed his eyebrows, "I can't make your life hell if you don't eat and sleep Potter." Harry looked at Malfoy, smiling slightly. He didn't respond though and only laid his head on Hermione's shoulder, yawning. He looked very pale.

"Potter you need to eat something, anything. You look really pale, and drink some water." Harry looked over at Malfoy again, his head still on Hermione's shoulder. "It almost sounds like you care Malfoy."

Draco glared, "that's ridiculous Potter.. but it doesn't matter. You need to eat, you look pale." Harry sighed, "I'm nauseous, and dizzy. Happens after nightmares, m'fine."

Draco furrowed his eyebrows together, he didn't want to upset Harry too much. He knew himself what the nightmares were like. So he grabbed a plate, putting a piece of toast and a treacle tart on it. Knowing they were Harry's favorite.

Only from stalking him though, not because he cared.

He handed to Harry, "that's all, just enough energy to handle my taunting." Harry locked eyes with Draco, smiling again. The damned prat cared whether he wanted Harry to know or not.

Harry ate the toast slowly, not missing Draco beaming and Hermione thanking him silently. "I need enough energy to hex you if you're ever that nice to me again."

"Shut up Potter, I was not being n-nice." Everyone chuckled as Draco struggled to say the word nice. He rolled his eyes, now he'd have to be even more of a prick, he didn't want people thinking he didn't hate Harry.


By the time they made it to hogsmeade Harry didn't look much better. "Harry if you want to go back you can, you don't look well." Harry shrugged, "I survived a war, I can survive a bit of tiredness."

Everyone glanced at each other, they never knew how to respond to Harry's war jokes. "Guys come on we all survived a war, it's FUNNY."

"I don't think there's much funny that goes into it." Ginny said awkwardly.

Harry sighed, "it's my greatest coping mechanism."

"You're pathetic Potter." Draco bit, glaring at the raven haired boy. Harry rolled his eyes, "tell me something I don't know Malfoy." Harry said stumbling. Draco grabbed him by the waist to stabilize him, but let him go quickly as eyes from all directions hit them.

Harry fell over, fainting. Draco cursed, looking between Harry and the eyes. Fuck it. He got down checking Harry's pulse. "Granger my bag, fainting potion it's green. He needs to eat as soon as he comes to."

Granger quickly grabbed the potion and handed it to Draco, Draco opened Harry's mouth and poured down the potion. Within seconds Harry came to, coughing. "W-what happened?"

Paparazzi were swarming and Draco was cursing. "I'm apparating us out of here, hold on tight." Draco grabbed ahold of Harry and apparated them to Malfoy Manor.


"There, lunch. Now eat, all of it. I want at least a glass of water drank too. Once you're done you can rest in the guest bedroom, I owled Granger so they know you're here. You need to take better care of yourself potter."

"Thank you. Stop acting like you care though, it's weird."

"I do care you fucking prat, but if you ever repeat that I'll make you wish you left me in that fire."

"Yes because how dare the world know a Malfoy has a caring side. Oh and I'll never wish I left you in that fire."

"Potter get over yourself, I'd care about anyone in your position. That's why I want to be a healer. Piss off you bloody git."

Harry chuckled lightly, he was so confused. Him and Draco acted as though they hated each other around everyone else. Though when they were around their friends or by themselves it was different.

Did people that hated each other stare like they did? Did people that hated each other make sure the other ate and took care of themselves? Did people that hated each other and were fighting on the opposite side of the war keep each other alive?

Draco and Harry had never been normal enemies. Both boys knew they were slipping, and soon would fall down a rabbit hole if they didn't take a few steps backwards.


"So he took you to the Manor, fed you, let you sleep in his guest room, and now hasn't spoken to you in three days?" Pansy asked completely dumbfounded. Hermione giggled, grabbing her girlfriends hand and holding it tightly. "Don't ever try to understand Harry and Draco's relationship, you'll drive yourself completely mad."

Harry laughed, "I don't even try to understand me and Draco's rivalry anymore. It's weird. It's like we keep each other alive so that we can torment each other."

Ron shrugged from Blaise's lap. "Sounds like a love story to me."

If looks could kill Ron Weasley would be dead. "Shut up Ronald." Harry bit, making everyone laugh. "No need to get so defensive." Ginny said with a wink.

"Oh not you too." Harry said with an eye roll. "I'm just saying, the way you two look at each other sometimes. You could cut the sexual tension with a knife."

"That's not true, I don't look at Malfoy." Harry said defensively. Everyone stared at him blankly, "you're? You're kidding right?" Hermione asked slowly, making Harry glare. "I don't!"

"Mate, I've had entire conversations with you that have been ignored so you could look at Draco. I'm not saying you fancy the prat, but you definitely at least think he's attractive." Ron said seriously.

Harry blushed, sighing, "I don't fancy Malfoy, there's no sexual tension, and I do not find him attractive at all!"

"Please, I'm the best damn thing you've ever laid eyes on Potter." Malfoys voice suddenly said behind Harry. Who looked up at him. "In your dreams, how could that be true when I look in the mirror everyday."

Draco scoffed, looking Harry up and down. "You're delusional." Harry shrugged, "probably, but I'm better to look at than you." This made Draco laugh, "fourth year insults Potter, then again that is where your intelligence stopped."

Draco patted his head and walked away. Everyone in the room was staring. "What?" Harry said, a bit of anger evident in his voice. "So no sexual tension right?" Ginny said, hiding her laughs in Lunas neck.

Harry glared, "I hate all of you." He spat, getting up to head to his dorm. "Oh Harry we didn't mean it!" Hermione shouted, but Harry kept going, a bright red blush evident on his face.

He did not fancy Draco Malfoy.

On the other hand Dracos heart was rapidly beating. Why did Potter have to be such a git? Why did he feel so drawn to Potter. He was battling with himself, he hated Potter. He absolutely hated him.


A/N the gays are in denial

Hope you enjoys loves.

Much love,


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