Creator's Friend
WARNING: Language (Maybe)
Ink was dragging a strange looking monster to the castle. I could feel Ink's happiness from the entrance.
The monster Ink had with him was black boned, there were other colors of course, but there weren't a lot of colors on him. The monster had a dark blue solid oversized jacket, large round red rimmed glasses, red shirt, his pants matched his jacket, and he had black shoes...
He wasn't the most wealthy looking monster I've seen, but he wasn't the poorest either... Did Ink want to introduce me to him? I had a bit of doubt on that.
I walked to the doors and Ink pushed them opened, the monster stopped walking when he saw me and wouldn't budge no matter how hard Ink pulled.
The monster looked familiar... but I don't know why... the monster examined me from top to bottom like he was trying to figure out the same thing. The monster pulled from Ink.
"I'm ErRoR, SaNs Of The Anti-VOID. .." He introduces himself.
"I'm Dream, Sans of Positivity!" I said and realization hit him.
"YOu'Re NiGhtMaRE'S brOtHeR!" Error seemed excited about this, he smiled widely when I confirmed.
"mY BrOThers uSeD tO lIvE In ThE nEArbY vIlLaGe!" Error seemed to dance around.
"Oh really what happened to the village?" I asked smiling that someone knew a bit about me.
"tHe ViLlaGe waS dEsTrOYied by NigHtMaRe, BuT i wAs TOo yOuNG tO reMeMber." Error said
"Error has a worse memory than me." Ink chuckled. Error blushed as he glared at Ink, I smiled more.
"WeLl if YoU lOok At The tiMe. I REalLy HAvE to gO!" Error said when he looked at the sky.
"Come on! You said thirty minutes! It's only been fifteen minutes!" Ink almost whined.
"THe TaXe cOlLectoR Is GoInG to Be aT mY sHoP In ABoUt aN HOur I cAn'T bE lATe aND yOu KnOw ThiS!" Error sighed.
"Yeah an HOUR plenty of time." Ink said.
"iNk I'M nOT ArGuIng witH yOu. .. i hAvE tO lEaVE." Error said, Ink deflated more.
"Fine... but you to own me an adventure!" Ink huffed.
"FIne. .." Error had agreed and Ink lead him away, back to where he came from I guess... I really would like to talk to him more... to see what he knows from back then.
I what to know what happened to make me end up in a statue and Nightmare missing...
ERROR 404'S P.O.V.
The walk took longer than I remembered... but soon enough I saw the peak of my brother's home and store. I smiled widely and headed up to it, but it was closed... maybe he was out doing something, but I doubt that the store hours clearly said that the store was still open...
Maybe running an errand? Error was very forgetful...
I'll just wait for him here, I leaned on the door of the shop watching the walkways, it was strangely empty... I shook off my paranoia when I saw Error. I waved to him and he enthusiastically waved back.
"404!!" Error shouted and ran at me embracing me.
"iT'S bEen SO lOng!" Error smiled, I am glad I made this visit, my SOUL pounded with sheer joy that Error had missed me as much as I missed him!
Too bad it was for business... I could stall for a bit, hold off on work and hang out with my brother.
'I missed you too!' I signed and Error smile got even wider if that was even possible.
"I'vE wOrKed On mY sIgnINg!" Error's eye lights glowed brightly.
'That's so great to hear! Do you want to show me?' I asked.
'Always! Look I almost have it disastered!' Error frowned at his mistake.
'Mastered.' Error corrected himself, I smiled.
'Thanks for trying so hard for me!' I mimicked a laugh.
"aNYthING For yOu bRO!" Error's smile returned.
'So why are you here?' Error sighed happily, I smiled.
'Business, but I want to hang out with you too!!' I answered, Error fiddled with his glasses.
"w-W-wHaT KInd OF bUsiNEsS?" Error asked.
'Just a few questions.' I answered, Error gave me a look, I mimicked a sigh.
"404, wHaT kInd OF qUeSTioNs? WHaT aRE yOu lOoKinG For?" Error pressed for more information.
'Later, right now I want to see the shop! I want to see what you've done with the place!' I dodged Error's other questions. Error eventually gave up, I was going to ask them eventually and he knew this.
"OkAy, buT No SlACkinG oFf on YoUr jOb! YOu'lL gEt inTo mOrE tRouBlE tHaN I wiLl." Error said and I put my hands up and nodded, Error seemed satisfied with this.
A/N: Sorry this took so long, I adopted a story and I am going to try and work on both of them.
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