I Need Your Help

"With what?" He asked.

"I need your help to get my powers back." I clarified.

"Wait, what? Why do you want them back? Don't you want this to keep happening?"

"Yes. And I have a plan. A couple weeks ago I found a spellbook I hadn't read in the back of my bookcase. I found a spell that can let me...feel...more without potentially killing anybody." He cocked his head.

"I can be sort of normal." I clarified.

"Oh. Really? Why haven't you done this before?"
"1: I have not had a big reason to. 2: I wasn't....strong enough." saying the word strong is hard. I started to tear up, but I sucked it up.

"How were you not strong enough? Your like the strongest one one on the team Rae." What? Nobody has ever pointed that out before.

"Oh come on, Beast Boy, Star is pretty powerful."

"Yeah. But you're stronger. You suppress your emotions everyday to keep your powers in check."

"True, but my point is, if I get my powers back I'll be stronger and maybe I can actually cast it." He though long about this.

"Ok. We can tell the others in the morning."

"No." I said bluntly.

"What? Why?"

"They can't help."

"Why not. Why only me?"

"Because Cyborg's circuits probably won't survive the intense heat, and Robin's weapons are pretty much useless against my father. And as for Star, its going to be too hot in Hell. Even for her."

"I guess you have a point. But why me, other than the fact that..." He trailed off. But I know what he was going to say. And he knows that I know. I can tell by the look on his face.

"Why you? Because you can change into animals that live in the dessert. You will make it easier for us to survive."

"Good idea Raven. When are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning. I want to leave as soon as possible."

"Tomorrow morning?!" He yelled.

"Shhhh! Be quiet! You don't want anybody to wake up. Its like midnight!" I said.

"Sorry. What are we going to tell them when we leave?" I looked away from him and out the window.

"We want tell them. We'll leave them a note." I said quietly.

"Are you sure that's how you want to go 'bout it Rave?"

"I'm sure Gar." When did I start calling him that?

I gave a long yawn. Gosh I'm tired. Beast Boy wrapped his arms around me. Next thing I know, I'm asleep.

Beast Boy's P.O.V

She's asleep in my arms in her bed. This is a dream come true. Wait, I still have my costume on. I"ll just go back to my room and change and come back in.

My room is so messy compared to Raven's. I rummaged trough the clothes pile closest to the door, put on a tank top and some sweats, and walked back out. I entered Raven's room to just check on her. She opened her eyes halfway and smiled at me. I turned around to leave.

"Beast Boy, please stay." She said quietly. I gave a big smile. Yesssss! I thought she'd want me to leave. I walked over and got under the covers. I pulled the covers over her and she went back to sleep again. Her hair glowed a vibrant purple in the moonlight. I moved the hair blocking her face and she snuggled up onto my chest. I guided my fingers through her short hair. I liked it when she first defeated Trigon. You know, when it was long? I wish she kept it like that.

Just as I was about to go to sleep when I noticed Raven's eyelids fluttering. Doesn't that mean she's dreaming? I wonder what she's dreaming about?

"Wow. Its hot here..." Raven mumbled. She sleep talks too? That's weird.

Raven's P.O.V

"Can you change into a camel Gar?"

"Sure." He turned into a green camel and I hopped on his back.

We walked for a while until we saw something in the distance. A structure? A pillar? I can't tell. Then it faded to black.


I tossed and turned before I woke up. I guess in just ansey about leaving Star, Cy, and Robin for who knows long. I got up and looked at the clock. 4:58. I guess its time to get ready to leave. This might take a while though.

"Beast Boy, wake up." he moaned a little, but he didn't budge. So I pecked his lips and his eyes shot open. He looked at me and smiled.

"Man Raven. That's one way to wake up somebody." I giggled. Wow. Being this emotional is weird.

"C'mon Gar. Lets get ready."

"Wha-? What time is it Rae?" Oh jeez. His not going to like this at all.

"Around 5:15." I waited for him to yell, but he just stared at me with a blank face. I can tell he is screaming on the inside though.


"Um Gar? Are you ok?" I was a waved my hand in front of his face.

"Why so early?" He finally said.

"Because this is the time that I usually wake up and because nobody else awake yet. I want to leave before they get up." I explained. In all honesty, I usually wake up around 6 but Robin gets up around 6:30 to do his early morning training so I can't take that chance.

"Oh. Ok. I guess that makes sense, but does it really have to be his early?" Glared at him.

"Remember Robin?" I said in a ticked-off tone.

"Oh yeah. Right! Ill just go to my room and grab some clothes then. Heh Heh!" He said.

"Mmmm. While you're at it grab some food and water."

"Aye aye Captain." Then he scrambled from my bed and out of the room. For some reason he pronounced captain as, Cap-I-tain. His such an idiot. But he is my idiot.

Owww. I've got a headache. I rubbed my temples then went to the closet. I need to stay as cool possible, so I don't think my black leotard would be wise. But I'm going to wear my cloak. Why? Because it could protect my skin from the heat like those Egyptian robes. My demon DNA kind of protected my skin from the sun, but now I don't know how my skin will react.

I guess I'll put on my blue camisole and indigo shorts. I just put my regular boots on and kept my belt and the gloves. I grabbed my cloak off the floor and put it over my shoulders but kept the hood down.

Hmm. My headache went away.

Beast Boy came back with a t-shirt similar to his costume shirt and some shorts just like his costume pants. He basically was wearing his costume with the sleeves and 3/4 of the pant legs cut off. He brought a bunch of veggies and fruits that didn't need to be refrigerated, along with some chips and waterbottles.

His just staring at me while standing in the doorway.

"Raven, have you looked in a mirror while I was gone?" He asked.

"No. Why?"

"You probably should." I shrugged him off and went to my vanity mirror. My eyes widened. How? What? My hair is, long. It hasn't been like this since I defeated my father and trapped him in Hell. I rummaged frantically through my drawers for the scissors.

"What are you doing Rae?"

"Trying to find the scissors!"


"To cut my hair. I don't like it long."

"Why? It looks nice. I like it!" He gave me my favorite goofy smile. I had never really thought about if before. I don't know why I like it short, I just do.

"You like it?" I said a little flattered. "I don't know. I've never really thought about it before. I just never liked it."

"Could you keep it like that? It looks nice on you." He morphed into a cat and gave my the face. Don't look at the eyes! I thought while turning away. When I found the scissors I looked at them, then at Beast Boy, then at the scissors again. Then I put them back in the drawer and smiled a wry smile at Beast Boy. When I pulled out two backpacks, he morphed back.

"Do you have another color Raven?" They were both black.

"Do you have one at all?"

"....no." he said quietly.

"Then I suggest you don't complain." His ears drooped down as he became embarassed. I love it when he does that, he looks adorable.

"Ha! Aw." I said outloud, which I didn't mean to do.

He perked up.

"What was that Raven?" he said with a sly look on his face.

"Huh? Uh nothing. Nothing! Lets just pack." He still had the sly smile plastered on his face as we packed.

We just finished packing everything and I just checked the time. Its 5:49. Robin will be up soon.

"Garfield, Robin will be up soon. We need to hurry up." I said noticing that the sun was starting to rise.

"Its pretty isn't it?" Gar asked.

"Huh? Oh the sunrise? Yeah. Usually when I wake up early like this I go up onto the roof and watch the sun rise. Its relaxing."

"You want to go up now real quick?"

"Only for a little bit. I don't want to be here when Robin comes." We walked up the stairs as to not draw any attention to ourselves. Beast Boy was walking behind me and I could feel him staring at my hair. I know all he wanted was to feel it.

"You can feel my hair later Gar." I said to his shock. He didn't realize I noticed he was staring at me.

"Uh-d u-u-uh, um..." He stuttered and blushed. I laughed. He looks cute when he is flustered.

I opened the door to the roof and the smell of the sea hit me like a rock to the face as the morning sunlight toutched our skin. We stood together for a while. Then he inched closer to me and tried to hold my hand. I figured I'd mess with him a little more. I moved my hand away from his, and he looked surprised.

Its time to go so as I walked past him I kissed him on the cheek and walked down the stairs, which surprised him even more.

"Raven! Wait up!" He called after me.

By the time Beast Boy caught up to me I was writing the note to Star, Cyborg, and Robin.

Dear Cyborg, Star, and Robin,

I know you all saw the book i was reading when I fainted. So you know what I want to do. In taking Beast Boy with me to help me. I am not taking any of you because no matter what you think, you cannot help. Why Beast Boy? Well he can change into animals that can easily survive the heat. In sure you all can figure out why in not taking you. I'll tell you the specifics of why I went when we get back. I don't know when we will be back, so you will have to do the fighting without us. Its not like I would have been useful to you guys anyways. I promise we will be back just ok. In fact, I will be better than when I left. Thanks for understanding.

~Raven 💜

I think that will suffice.

"Raven, I hear footsteps." Beast Boy whispered. Robin! We have to go! I grabbed Beast Boy's wrist and yanked him toward the stair well.

Robin's POV

Was that Beast Boy? I heard a voice and then quick footsteps, but when I got into the ops room, nobody was there. The only thing there was a piece of paper with some writing on it on the counter. I picked it up to read it.

Oh god.

"Titans! Wake up and come to the ops room! I repeat! Wake up and come to the ops room!" I yelled over the intercom. Within minutes Star flew in energetically while Cy just slugged in, still tired.

"Yo Robin?! What's the problem that you had to wake us up at 7 in the morning?!" Cy asked.

"Yes Robin, it is a little too early to do the meeting of the staff." Star said.

"Yeah, and where's B?" He asked groggily.

"And where is friend Raven? Are they still sleeping?"

"I wish I was." Cy mumbled

"Just read this. It will explain everything." I handed them the paper.

"Oh BB, why did you go along with this?" Cy asked sadly.

"Raven was not totally the useless. She could have fought the hand-to-hand combat." Starfire pointed out.

"Why didn't she ask us?" Cy asked.

"Well she said we could figure it out by ourselves."

"It cannot be the heat. My people can survive in the most extreme weathers."

"Well Star, remember they are going to Hell. And you fainted in the tundra because of the cold so your not totally immune to it." I reminded her.

"Oh yes. I remember that."

"Well my curcits would fry in Hell if not in the desert. And plus there is no power supply out there."

"But what about you Robin? You could have been the most helpful." I thought about this, then I got the unfortunate answer.

"Last time we faced Trigon my weapons were pretty much useless." I said hesitantly.

"Hmm, true." Cyborg said.

"When are they leaving Robin?" Star asked.

"I heard footsteps when I came in so I think they just left."

"Well you thought right, look." Cy pointed out the window looking a little depressed. There was a green pterodactyl flying away from the tower with Raven on its back. Sigh. I guess we will just have to do without them for a while.

Beast Boy's P.O.V

I looked toward the tower and saw the others staring at us from the window. I looked up at Raven and she looked really sad. I wonder if she actually wanted them to come. She probably didn't want to risk the saftey of Jump City for her own personal stuff.

Her hair was blowing in the wind and reflecting the rays of sunlight like she as some sort of goddess. She stared straight ahead to the horizon and didn't look back after that.

The others looked sad to. I think Robin even took his mask off. But its hard to see from this distance. The others did look surprised though.

I think Raven wrote we would be fine in her note (I skimmed it while she wrote it) but something told me the others thought otherwise.

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