Alex. Day Thirteen - 10:34
I didn't like the whole business establishment in the slightest. It was too ordered, the walls of society to rigid and firm within those four bleach white walls. On the other hand, the colour scheme was absolutely appalling, and my eyes were on the verge of bleeding out from all the bleach white woods that coated me like some sort of home decorating cocoon.
We were confined within desk, cubicles of our own, and it didn't feel natural. They were supposed to pull us away from the distractions of reality, but nothing felt more distracting than them. Their voices; the business and life all around me. I felt trapped, trapped inside this shitty little pocket of reality, and you could not imagine how much I wanted to tear the entire place down. Then they'd be sorry - then they'd be fucking sorry.
I do hate humans; Jack just seems to be an awful exception.
The girl in the cubicle next to me who drank excessive amounts of coffee, and the old guy who just sat on his arse playing Angry Birds on my opposite side; I wanted them gone. They were the distraction. I shouldn't have applied for this job - how could I have been so stupid, because everyone here, everyone here is so fucking human.
And I want them gone. I want to kill them. I want to kill them all.
Maybe tomorrow I'll bring my gun. Imagine how easy it'd be to take them all out. Then they'd really all be sorry. I want them to know their place; they think their positions and suits and secretaries make them superior, but they live in the world of business and sociopathy. They know nothing about the real world, they know nothing about real psychopaths. And they'll continue to know nothing even as I slit their throats.
"Hey... uhm can you pass me that water?" Coffee drinker girl peeked her head out of her cubicle, her eyes set upon me and the very little work I'd actually accomplished with the hour or so I'd been here.
I wasn't trying to please anyone, that was for sure, but part of me wanted to succeed here. I didn't have to be here, although my bank statements may disagree slightly, but now I was here, I needed to succeed, and no one, not even her could stop me. Her with her fucking water.
I glanced around in the direction of her pointed finger and handed her a bottle of water that I was certain wasn't even hers, and quite possibly belonged to the Angry Birds addict, but he was too enthralled with the joys of firing virtual birds at virtual pigs to notice his litre bottle of water go missing, therefore I didn't care.
"Thanks." Her lips gave way to smile that was only out of politeness, as she watched my expression stay blank cold and emotionless, despite her polite tendencies. This may have confused her just a little, but really, I like it when I confuse people, when they don't know what to do or how to do it. I like to be in control.
"Do I not get a 'you're welcome'?" Her red lips parted, giving way to a tone; light-hearted but somehow it shocked me nonetheless. This girl clearly wasn't of the average - she knew her way around a person. I didn't want to, but I had to step up my game. She wasn't going to win - that was for sure.
"I didn't think it warranted one." I stumbled over my words and the angels would have cackled loud enough for everyone in this building to hear them if they weren't trapped outside - they couldn't get inside here; there were too many humans, too many of them entirely for my liking, but I guess the excess of them did have its occasional uses.
Humans were soldiers in an army; controlled even when they didn't know they were. They were always involved in some scheme or other by a controlling character. Even now, in this very work place, the majority of them weren't aware of it, but they were simply all drones of the boss here. They were soldiers to his work, and none of them even had a clue.
That was the beauty of the influential qualities of poor little humans, but this girl I could tell she wasn't like that, but she wasn't quite the psychopath herself at all. She was in-between, rather like Jack, but somehow in a totally different way. Maybe it was my strong and immediate dislike to her, or just the fact that she could be considered a threat. The angels could channel themselves through her.
She'd have to go; they couldn't get me here, and they wouldn't get me here.
"You need to brush up on your manners then." Was she flirting with me...? Or was she just trying to win in a particularly eloquent manner? I didn't have a clue, and I didn't like that... I despised it, in fact. She thought she was winning, but really she'd be so very sorry when the bullet hit her windpipe. Then she'd be sorry, but she'd just be body, and then she'd just be the ashes I was burning-
God, it's been far too long since I've killed someone. She's most definitely my next target.
"Your apparent unappreciation towards my manners is appalling - I didn't have to pass you that water, you see." I didn't like talking to her; she was challenging, but not in the way Jack was, but I'd rather discuss trivial matters of etiquette with her as opposed to actually cracking on down with the even more trivial shitload we'd been assigned to file and the like. Speaking of cracking down, I wanted to crack her spine.
She was all sophisticated with the red lipstick, dark hair and high heels that clicked as she walked. I knew it then; she was the sexy businesswoman - that's how she took them down, but I didn't swing that way, which would of course make it all the more enjoyable to watch her try and take me down, because she wouldn't accomplish anything of the sort.
"It's expected, like the you're welcome." She winked - definitely flirting with me. I would let her play her little game; however I wouldn't be held responsible when she inevitably lost. The twitch of the lipstick smile would be gone as soon as the air left her lungs.
I liked that moment in particular; watching as all the life was sucked out of something. It was quite literally breath-taking, and also awfully empowering. It was addictive, and sometimes I thought that I truly lived for the thrill of that single moment, but I was Alex Gaskarth and I was the thrill within every moment.
"What's not expected is for someone like you to speak to me, a stranger, so rudely." I, too wasn't entirely serious within my accusations, and was simply amusing myself as the hours ticked on by. The hours of her life too; I think I'd particularly enjoy ending her life, and it wouldn't be simple, it wouldn't be quick. I'd enjoy working on her, I'd get her to trust me, and I'd enjoy everything moment of planning my massacre bazaar. It'd be flawless and deadly and she'd be impressed upon her deathbed, because she seemed like that kind of person.
"Tell me your name, and then we're not strangers anymore." She was awfully clever and I couldn't help but chuckle a little at that one, causing her eyebrows to rise in skepticality. She was clever yet confused, because I was cleverer than her, and she really wasn't expecting that.
And that was precisely the best part, when someone didn't expect your move, the surprise, the shock. There's nothing better than knowing you're clever and having someone on their deathbed reassure you of that fact.
Jack's softened me, but she's made me remember just how much I miss killing. Just how much I miss the thrill and the chase, but you've got to love playing cat and mouse when you're always the cat within a world of mice. It may seem boring, but if it does, then you're just another mouse - that's really quite clear, and you should watch out, because the cat's coming for you soon.
"What makes you think I'll be obliged to do so?" I puzzled over the possibility of telling her my name - it wasn't particularly disadvantageous, I just didn't quite want to let her win this dysfunctional half argument that was bubbling up between the two of us. I wanted to win this one, and I wanted to win the rest.
"Your persistence in thinking I'm a stranger." She was clever within her answers - there was little doubt about that, and there was no doubt that I hated that fact. I was selfish; I liked to be the clever one. In fact, I needed to be the clever one. It wasn't just a selfish desire; it was who I am, and who I needed to be.
"I'm quite content within that persistence." I reassured her, checking the time tirelessly. I'd love to kill her, and really it would be quite the honour. To watch her walls fall and the cleverness tumble, and to remember how it was all simply a facade and that I was the only one who'd win this war on humanity (Jacky by my side, of course) but I was the one really in control, and they'd find that out before too long.
"You're so arrogant." The words just tumbled from her lips with no precaution and a devastatingly apparent lack of regret. The lipstick poisoned them red, and she wanted to think I was nervous, but I wasn't - things were only just starting to get interested.
"Has no one told you that before?" She was winding me up now, toying with me and i didn't like it. She liked to think she was winning, and it was almost cute as to how safe she thought she was. I wanted to teach her a lesson in arrogance right here and right now, but I wasn't that stupid; I knew how the world worked and I knew how she worked, and I was really going enjoy myself in bringing her down, down to her fucking demise.
"No one's ever been quite so 'arrogant' as to." She was confused with that one, and there was no denying that I loved that more than I could ever enjoy anything; I wasn't even trying and she was just falling straight into my hands.
She wasn't in control, and it soon became apparent that she was just like the rest of them, she just liked to paint herself up as a bigger opponent with bright red lipstick and false eyelashes, but really that did nothing for her insides. She'd be dead soon anyway, so I wouldn't recommend she do anything about it.
"Surely it takes an arrogance person to point out another's arrogance, especially when disregarding their own?" My words were clever and I could even bask a little in them, especially with the fact that I'd definitely disgruntled her this time.
I'd thrown her right off the tracks, but really that wasn't enough. In fact, it was better if she was still on the tracks, but she hadn't quite realised that I was the oncoming train.
She shrugged it off, as best she could, but it still wasn't anywhere near a good job when it came to hiding her emotions, but I was Alex Gaskarth - was she ever going to successfully hide anything from someone like me?
"I never said I wasn't arrogant."
"Ah, but you never said you were either." She narrowed my eyes at me, clearly irritating with my far too carefully planned responses. I had this all planned out right to checkmate by now, and she hadn't even moved her first pawn.
It was a satisfying feeling, but it still couldn't quite compete with the one Jack gave me from simply existing, but then again, Jack was pretty much an enigma. He didn't quite fit within the structured frames of reality and only after close examination under ultra violet light, did the boy begin to make the slightest bit of sense.
In fact, everything around him seemed to scramble and I'd find myself fumbled to decode my own mind. That was Jack Barakat for you, though.
"I'll be more specific next time." She assured me, and I wished she wouldn't be, because it was my job to be in control - not her's and apparently that wasn't quite clear enough for her yet. Maybe I'd have to work upon my clarity, but part of me just liked the feeling of living in the dark.
"Yeah, you do that." My words weren't the most eloquent in form, that was really for sure, but I let them slither between my lips regardless, because now, I knew I was winning either way, and her and that obnoxiously red lipstick couldn't do a single fucking thing to stop me in my quest for her demise.
"I will." She continued, not quite wanting to turn away and resume her filing quite yet. "Are you sure I can't get your name?" I rolled my eyes at her arrogant persistence. I was Alex Gaskarth; if she was worthy of my name, she should be able to read it right off my demeanour.
"How about I get yours?" I avoided her question entirely and asked for her name. I wondered what'd fit her - it clearly wasn't a a plain name job, it'd have to be something unusual, something perplexing, but not too unique as to not to draw too much attention to her. This all seemed rather ridiculous though: names couldn't define a person in anyway whatsoever.
"Not a chance." She winked deviously at me, and I wondered if she'd still wink if she knew what I was capable of, what I'd done to people in the past, in fact I was sure she wouldn't, and this was precisely why the thought intrigued me so much. "I'm afraid that information is entirely classified."
"Are you part of the secret service or something?" The question was entirely a joke, but I was all too afraid that the answer was not. Then again, she didn't quite look like the type, but surely wasn't disguise their top priority? Ugh, these government shitbags were too much bother to even fathom keeping track of these days.
"They don't hire dumb blondes." She laughed it off.
"Not all of your hair's blonde." I noted.
"It still counts, dumbass."
"Hey, don't call me a dumbass, blondie." I wasn't flirting with her, well not intentionally at the very least. I should just put these thoughts aside; I wasn't cheating on Jack, I was just entertaining myself within the self-induced boredom of the working office. And there was the matter that the more she grew to trust me, the easier it would be for me to kill her.
"You're blonder than me." She noted, and it was true.
"I could kill you." She laughed, because she didn't know that I wasn't joking. She didn't know about my guns, my chains, my poisons, my pills, and she didn't know about Jack and the six people who'd died for me to be here today.
"I'd like to see you try - nice puny arms, weakling." She'd be fucking sorry for that one. I'd break her spine apart with these puny fucking arms.
"I'm not sure you'd like to see me kill you." I reminded her; most people prefer anaesthetic.
"Oh I'd like to see the day, I'd fucking love it." She was in a fit of giggles, but I was a murderer. And she didn't know; I was a secret murderer.
Secrets were wonderful things; some people had secrets about how they stole a chocolate bar when they were little, or some had secrets about how they cheated on their partner, or how they killed the goldfish, but I had a terrible secret, yet one that I revelled in. I was a murderer, and I loved it.
"You underestimate me." I told her.
"Is that so?" She still thought I was joking, but this wasn't a joking matter at all. Would she still laugh at the sedatives and the knife in her back, and the chains to the wall?
"Yes." No, she wouldn't laugh.
"Don't make blonde jokes then." I shrugged.
"Freedom of speech." She rolled her eyes at that, but I was right and she knew that.
"Now that one really is bullshit."
"Not if you go about it the right way." I let a smirk lap onto my face.
"And you'd know that, of course."
"Yeah I do." She remained utterly unimpressed. "Just get back to your filing."
"Is that just like 'get back in the kitchen'?"
"Interpret it as you like." And with that, I turned back into my cubicle, leaving the girl with no name to not her water.
"Damn, you arsehole." I chuckled a little, hearing her curse to herself over the cubicle wall.
I'd have to get rid of her. And it'd have to be soon, and there wouldn't be a single doubt within my enjoyment of it.
Jack. Day Thirteen - 18:06
Alex had seemed to have forgotten about the whole suicide attempt thing from yesterday, the gun being unloaded and well hidden away; I thought he was good now. I was still concerned nonetheless, but I think it was an irrational thing, something he didn't entirely mean or want to do and I'm glad we were over it now, because I found myself in an odd situation. I found myself loving him, despite the fact I didn't particularly want to.
A beep emitted from the laptop, which I'd grown awfully attached to over my ownership of it. I looked down to see a message from Cassadee, and found myself opening it without hesitance.
Hey jack. you got time to chat?
I grinned at her, responding without hesitance.
yeah sure ofc i do, what do you wanna chat about?
I was glad to take my mind off my train wreck of a life, in return for Cassadee's at any time.
Not all that much. Just general shit: I hate my job, I hate my fucking bitch of sister and my friend Lisa's being a bitch about something she should even know about or care about. I suppose you're not all that interested in girl problems though.
As gay as it sounded, I didn't actually care, and was more than eager to hear about whatever the hell was going on in Cassadee's life, relevant in anyway, or not.
No, it's fine - just tell me about it. I'm here to listen:)
Cassadee: Well, where should I start? Lisa, I think. She's pissing me off the most at the moment, considering the fact she's attempting to message to me and I'm doing a very bad job of ignoring her.
Jack: Oh, you considered blocking her or would that be too much? I don't know, elaborate on the problem first and I may be able to offer my assistance more successfully.
Cassadee: She'll get so pissed if I block her, Jesus Christ. I'd love to though, thanks for the suggestion. Offer your assistance? What is this some kind of online therapy? Well, I go up to her and tell her about this guy I like and I very clearly state that I'like-like' him, and then as soon as I show her the picture of him, she says he's hot and saves it - what the fuck. And when she got home, she found his facebook now and she's refusing to give it to me. I'm the one who trusted her with my crush on him and fucking hell.
Jack: Well, no offense, but she sounds like a total bitch. So do you think she's messaging that guy right now, and maybe even flirting with him or whatever?
Cassadee: None taken, you're right after all. Fuck, I don't know, or don't even want to think about it for that matter. She's such a flirt though; I mean she just dumped her boyfriend yesterday.
Jack: How about you just barge into her house and steal her laptop and run?
Cassadee: She wouldn't let me in without burning the thing. She's so uptight about her internet history it's concerning. I'm beginning to think she's a secret pornstar or something.
Jack: Give me her full name and I'll search her up.
Cassadee: What on facebook? You attracted to bitches now?
Jack: Two things, I don't have facebook and I'm gay.
Cassadee: You're gay? Aw, do you have a boyfriend or anything?
Jack: Yeah, he's kind of rough on the outside, but he's a sweetheart really.
Cassadee: That's really cute - I hope you guys last.
Jack: I really do too. Wait, I've just realised if she's got his facebook, she'll have added him as a friend - search her friends for his picture.
Cassadee: Oh my god thanks! It'll take forever as she adds just about anyone, but yeah thank you.
Suddenly the door slammed open - Alex.
Jack: Shit, sorry I have to go.
Cassadee: Why?
Jack: Sorry.
I slammed the laptop lid down instantly, and looked up to face Alex, who was standing in the doorway, a tie hung loosely around his neck as he carried a severely pissed off expression. This sometimes seemed to be his to-go expression.
"Looking at porn, were we, Jacky?" He snapped at me, throwing himself onto the bed down next to me.
"Uhh... no I- I... no." The words stumbled from my lips as my cheeks flushed a horrible shade of pink.
"Jacky, baby - that was an activity for the both of us." He purred at me, pushing me down against the bed and crawling on top of me.
"Alex? W-what are you doing?" I panicked a little under him.
"Shh." He placed a cold finger to my lips. "Don't worry; I just want to make out with you."
"Oh." I breathed a sigh of relief - I loved him, I just hated when he got all possessive and wanted to fuck me.
"I've had a fucking boring day at work, Jacky. I need you to make my day worth it."
"You're the expert, Alex." I stuttered out, still nervously when regarding any kind of activities of this matter.
"But practice makes perfect, Jacky." He whispered seductively, pulling my shirt off without a moment's thought. "Shirts get in the way, don't you think?"
I nodded, not out of agreement, but just because I didn't know what else to say.
Soon enough, his hands were guiding my hands under his shirt and helping me awkwardly pull it off him.
"Perfect." He whispered, running a finger down my torso, before crashing his lips against mine, and pulling up slightly to force me to pull my head up to meet his lips.
He got desperate, parting his lips and letting his tongue through mine with very little warning. His hands raking through my messy hair, entwining themselves within the dark brown strands.
He mumbled something in audible against my lips as he bit down, savouring every part of me he could. I felt like a ragdoll, utterly inexperienced in the matter and doing very little to pleasure him in anyway.
So I just went for it, I moved one hand down and squeezed his crotch. He let out a definite moan at that, moaning right into my lips and collapsing into my grip.
He pulled his lips away momentarily, looking down at me with hungry, passionate eyes. "Do that again." He ordered between pants and I wasn't one to disobey.
"Fuck." He moaned into my touch and immediately placing his lips against my neck and sucking hard. "I'm going to give you so many hickeys for that - your neck will be sore for weeks."
I moaned with the pressure of his lips against my neck - it was a sweet spot for sure. "Fuck, please do."
"Oh, Jacky." He pulled his lips away momentarily. "You know I'd love to."
"Don't fucking stop!" I barked at him and he chuckled, hesitating a moment just to tease me, before returning to his hickey mission.
It was an unexpected make out session, but this one had been a good experience, because he'd respected how I wasn't quite comfortable with full on sex yet. It had taken him two previous attempts, but on the third try, he finally got it he finally understood.
And that gave me hope, because Alex and I could work, but only if we tried, and with Alex that really would be hard.
Our bond will break 'cause you can't relate to anyone, to anything at all
Hey guys:) I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you did then comments and votes are appreciated as always^.^ Love y'all<3
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