The deal

Thud pounding that felt like someone was trying to drill a hole through his head woke Jimin up. His head started feeling worse with every second that have passed, and after realizing that he also felt hard to breathe, cause his mouth were so dry, he tried to open his tired eyes up and adjust his sight to the light coming from the nearest window. Took him a few seconds to just register where he was laying and why he was feeling so freaking cold.
After getting up, he looked at his naked upper body, and made a confusing grimace.

"Party, birthday, drinking... Eunwo's place...."

He finally started connecting the dots, and after looking around and seeing couple of his friends hopelessly laying around the house, wearing only some parts of their clothes, he remembered the strip poker game they played, mixed with some shots, that now seemed like nothing, but a bad idea.

After scratching his eyes, he started walking on his tippy toes, carefully, trying not to wake anyone up.

He took a bottle of water from the fridge, and drank it bottoms up.

The moment his eyes met with the clock, that was hanging in the kitchen, his eyes widen in shock cause God damn it how could it possibly be that it was already 11 in the morning and usually he wakes up at 7.
To make things even worse, the phone in his back pocket started to ring, and as soon as he saw who's calling, he knew he fucked up.

"Shit, shit, shit..."

"Hello granny... Yeah I'm awake, I'm actually on my way..." he answered and tried to talk calmly, but he was anything but calm. He started frantically looking for the rest of his clothes, all around the house, not caring much about waking the others up now, because he was late.

"You know that you have to be there on time Jiminie?"

"I know. I said I'm on my way."

"I can hear you panicking even over the phone. It's ok if you don't get there on time. I have one more pill left..."

"I'll be on time, just... got to go now.. Bye."

The thing is, every Thursday, Jimin went to the biggest pharmacist experimental facility that had worked with special cases that needed some special treatment such as his grandma.

Four years ago she was diagnosed with a rare bone condition that made her bones too sensitive and in pain, and after years of looking for something that would help her, Jimin stumbled up on that experimental treatment that she responded amazingly well to.
She felt better, looked better, and finally they could get back to their lives and enjoy their time together.

The only thing that bothered Jimin was how expensive the medicine was. He had such a hard time providing for them before, and now with the money he had to give for her medicine, he really didn't have a choice, but to find two jobs instead of one.

As a proud med student, Jimin already had a student part time job in one of Seoul's best hospital, but cause it was all a part of their university practice, it didn't pay that much. He loved his job, but the money he got for it, wasn't enough for his and his grandmother's needs, so on Friday and Saturday nights he worked as a bartender at one of the best clubs in Seoul, and those two nights were enough for him to earn the money for his grandmas weekly dose of her medicine, but it also made him super tired and exhausted all the time.

So now that he had around 17 minutes to get to the appointment with the medical staff at the Jeon pharmacy, he hurriedly grabbed the only white shirt that he found on the floor, remembering that he wore one last night, pulled the shirt over his head while grabbing his bomber jacket that was in the hallway and ran outside as fast as his legs could carry him.

Luckily Eunwo's place was just a couple of blocks away, so after running for 8 minutes straight he got in front of the huge black marble building, with big, white Jeon pharmacy experimental facility sign written on the front.
He came inside, nodded to the polite security guy, who he already saw so many times and then went through the long hall straight to the receptionist, to who he didn't need to say anything more than a little "my appointment is in 5 minutes", and she nodded with a smile, knowing Jimin came here every week, at the same time.

He went left, and came inside the big, clean elevator with huge mirrors inside. Instinctively he looked at his image, and made a shocking grimace. He wasn't looking good. Well he always looked good, but his hair was a mess, he had dark circles under his eyes, and he looked just tired and sleepy.

"Great, now that cute guy will see me looking like shit..."

Unintentionally his thoughts went to a hot and cute guy he met every time he went to take the medicine, cause he was one of the employees there, and the guy would always smile cutely at Jimin at the end of his appointment, to what Jimin responded with an equally sweet smile as well.

Well today, Jimin's going to avoid the cute guy, not wanting for him to see Jimin at his worst.

After the elevator door opened, he came through the white hallway, and entered the big waiting room, and after looking at the big digital watch on the wall, he realized that he had 3 minutes left until his appointment.

He took a seat, next to some old lady that had sweet look on her face, and inhaled deeply, still kind of feeling tired from all the running.

Minute after, his breathing started to calm down, and he felt hot and sweaty under that bomber jacket, probably because of the running, so he took the jacket off, and felt instant chill over his body, especially his lower back.


"Park Jimin."

He heard a familiar voice, from a lady that always leads his appointments, and as he was walking past the four offices, he sneaked a peek over to the last office in the row, which was from that cute guy, and since all the offices were in see through glass, he could see the guy clearly, and he was staring at Jimin's direction.

"Shit... Now he's starring when I look like I got ran over by a truck..."

"Good morning Mr. Park. Take a seat." the middle aged pharmacist said, after looking at him with some kind of a questionable look in her eyes, so he sat on the chair opposite from her, like he always does.

"So, how is your grandma feeling? Is the medicine still helping?" she always asked the same questions, and he always answers the same.

"Yes. The medicine is doing wonders for her. She doesn't feel the pain, can do all the stuff that she usually couldn't around the house. She started taking her morning walks again, so I think this is the best thing that has happened to her.

"I'm so happy to hear that. It's very important to get an honest feedback from the users cause that way we could make the medicine even better, and hopefully it could help the others too."

"I totally agree." Jimin said, and the lady got up, and took the white envelope in which the medicine was always stored, and hand it to Jimin.

"That would be $389." she said, and he choked on air.

"What? That must be some kind of a mistake. My grandma's medicine is $216 sometimes $179 if there's some discount."

"Oh, that's the old price. We had to increase it because some of the ingredients that we used to make the medicine even more efficient, cost a lot of money and are super rare to find, so unfortunately this is the new weekly price."

And Jimin got mad. He was actually furious. He found the old price way too expensive, but this? This was insane, and the way they didn't even gave him heads up about it, made everything even worse.

He got up the chair, and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I want to talk to your boss, supervisor, whoever is in charge of this, cause this is not fair. The medicine coasted a fortune even before, and now it's just not acceptable."

"Sir calm down. I can get you an appointment with my boss, but only in two weeks, he's not here right now..."

"I don't care, I need that medicine and I only have the same amount of money as I always do."

"I'm so sorry Mr. Park, but I can't give you the medicine then." the lady said, her voice sad, but firm, and she got up to put away the medicine Jimin so desperately needed.

"Do you know how much pain my grandma would be in if she doesn't take her medicine? Do you? " Jimin asked, now going with his hands through his hair, the chilly wind passing all over his lower back, making him shiver.

"I'm sorry. I can make you another appointment for tomorrow morning so you can get it for her." the lady tried to calm him, but only made him even angrier.

"Oh that would be perfect!" he said sarcastically and continued.
"That's all that I need. Another appointment. And what about the money? Do you think that money grows on the trees? Cause it doesn't! Well technically it does since money is a paper and paper is a product from wood... Never mind... He started mumbling, the old habit he developed when he was younger.

"I can't afford the medicine now, I probably won't be able to find the money tomorrow too, and what breaks my heart is that I probably won't be able to provide the medicine at all now." he said sounding defeated and hurt, and started walking towards the door. He turned around one last time and looked at the brown haired lady.

"I'll contact you when I figure things out. I just need time. "

"I understand... " she started talking, but he was already out.

This was the time he would usually glanced at the cute guy's office, waiting for his small smile to appear, but not today.
Today Jimin had a lot on his mind so when he came back into the waiting room, he saw people that were waiting there, shamelessly staring at him, and he thought how maybe he was too loud so now they're all looking at him weirdly.

"That's odd."

The cute old lady, that was sitting right next to him, looked at him with narrowed eyes and she shook her head slightly after they made an eye contact.

"What the hell is her problem? "

He walked straight to the elevator, still holding his bomber jacket in his hands, feeling a bit cold now.

As soon as he entered the elevator, a shocking sight, with one unplanned high pitched scream coming from his mouth startled him to his core.

He pushed the button and looked at himself in the mirror, wearing a white crop top that he remembered his friend Eunbi was wearing last night, and he thought how she actually looked cute in it. She looked cute, but on him, he thought, it looked embarrassing.

Now all of it started to sink in. The weird looks from the people in the waiting room, that grandma shaking her head, the cute guy staring at him...

"Fuck my life."

As he put his hands over his forehead, the small crop top got up, and revealed his bellybutton and the nevermind tattoo that's written over his right rib. He sighed deeply and rolled his eyes at the sight, and when the elevator door opened, he hurriedly put his bomber jacket on, regretting his decision of taking it off in the first place.

He walked outside, and just stood in front of the building, unable to walk.
He put both of his hands on top of his knees, and squatted a little, trying to take a deep breath, thinking what to do next.

Should he call his grandma now, and tell her what happened, or he should try to find another job, or maybe get a loan from someone...
He really didn't want to see her in pain, that's for sure, and he would do anything he can not to let that happen.

"Park Jimin!" he heard a male voice calling his name, so he turned around only to be met with the prettiest dark doe eyes he ever saw in his life.

"Hi..." he said a bit shyly, hoping that the cute guy from the building hadn't seen his fiasco just moments before, but since just the thin glass wall was standing between them, that's highly doubtful.

"I heard you back in there and I think I can help." the cute guy said, with a little smile.

"Yap, he heard me..."

"Oh really?" Jimin was obviously confused. Why would he help him? And how could he help? And why is he here in the first place?

"Yes. I can't talk right now, It's a busy day at work, but if you want to, we can meet tonight at 6, and I can explain it to you better." the dark haired guy said, and handed Jimin his phone.

"Give me your number and I'll send you the address where we can meet."

Although Jimin was a bit sceptical about this, because he never gave his number to anyone this easily, especially to someone he didn't know, but since it was cause of the good cause, (and the guy was smoking hot) he figured it's just ok.

After typing in his number, Jimin double checked it, to see if he typed it right, and after seeing that he did, he gave back the phone to the guy, he just realized, he doesn't even know his name.

The guy turned around to leave, and as if he could read Jimin's mind, he turned back around, facing Jimin again and finally introduced himself.

"I'm Jungkook by the way."

"Nice to meet you Jungkook, and thank you, I guess I'll see you later."


They looked at each other for a brief moment and then both of them turned around, leaving their separate ways.

A minute after, Jimin was calling Tae, to tell him all about his awful meeting, and what happened after.

"Uwu, the cute guy finally grew some balls to talk to you. So, is this like your first date or something?"

"No Tae. Not at all. We're just going to meet each other so that he can explain how he could help me with my grandma's medicine. I bet he could somehow give me some good discount. He is working there, he can probably even talk to the owners, and then they could maybe lower the price... I don't know."

"Sounds like a plan, and a date at the same time."

"Yeah, yeah, fine. I just wanted to talk to someone to ease my mind, but you're just making it worse."

"Ouuu is my baby having a crisis right now? Is he that hot, really? "

"No. Yes. I don't know. I'm just gonna go and study some more before going to meet him, I guess.

"Ok, call me as soon as you finish. Don't make me worry too much..."

"I will. No worries."

So after a nice and thorough shower, Jimin came into the living room, wearing his soft blue robe, and he noticed his grandma cooking something delicious for them to eat.

"Mmmmm granny, fried rice eggs and chicken. Smells delicious."

"Thank you Jiminie. Please dry your hair with hair dryer, I don't want you to catch a cold."

"Sure I will." Jimin said with a full mouth, already trying out some of the delicious food.

"How did your appointment go? Everything alright?" the old grayish lady asked and Jimin couldn't say the truth. He didn't want to bother her more than necessary, and he hoped that whatever Jungkook had in mind, could be done easily and will actually help him with this whole situation.

So he lied to her, telling her that everything was alright as usual, and now he really needed to get that medicine for her.

He knew lying to her was wrong, but in his eyes, this was just a white lie until he figures something out.

Around 3 o'clock, he received a message from Jungkook.

Unknown number

Meet me at the Daehangno's street, number 59, the building is near the Cheers bar in the same street. Don't be late.


Ok. See you soon.

At 5 o'clock he started looking through his closet, deciding what to wear to look good for his meeting with Jungkook, and finally chose blueish soft sweater and some light jeans. He looked at himself in the mirror, and liked what he saw. He looked good, but not like he was trying too hard, cause he wasn't. His light brown hair looked soft and fluffy, spread all over his forehead bit messily. He liked the whole cute look to it.

Minutes before 6 o'clock, he came outside the bus that was close to the place Jungkook told him to be at.

He looked around and saw Jungkook standing in front of one tall, white building with nice entry and he came closer, feeling a bit nervous, because all of this was kind of weird and unexpected.

"Hi, am I late? " Jimin asked, after seeing Jungkook already standing there.

"No, you're just on time." Jungkook said, after looking at his watch and started walking towards the building front door.

"Where are we going?" Jimin asked even if it was pretty obvious, but still he didn't understand the younger's agenda.

"Inside. It'll be more comfortable to talk." Jungkook said and Jimin just nodded.

The building had a big and nice lobby, with a security guy inside a small box office, and as soon as both of them came inside, the guy bowed to Jungkook, and he bowed back.

After pretty awkward ride in the elevator, they came to 13th floor and went all the way down the hall, until the last door on their right, and Jimin went in first after Jungkook opened the door for him.

"Do you want something to drink?" the younger asked as soon as they entered, while taking off his black coat, looking good in his usual work style, white button up, long sleeved shirt, and a nicely fitted black slacks.

"Um, water is fine." Jimin said and came closer to the white leather couch in the living room. He just stood there, looking around the pretty big and bright living room that had some small led ceiling lamps, which made it look like he was outside, looking at the starry night.

The place was really pretty, and he loved the fluffy beige rug underneath his feet a lot, just like the minimalist decor around the place.

"Sit down, make yourself comfortable." Jungkook came back from the white kitchen, that was visible from the living room, because it was separated from the big space only with a bar and couple of high bar stools.

Jimin sat on the end of the couch, playing nervously with his too long sleeves, and as soon as they sat down, he looked at the younger like he was waiting for him to explain his earlier statement.

After a second too long of silence, Jungkook gave Jimin his water and finally started talking.

"So, you probably wonder why I called you up here, and how I could help you with your grandma's medicine."


"I overheard your conversation with my colleague Chohee this morning, and I thought how it would be a real shame if your grandma was getting better cause of the experimental medicine that Jeon pharmacy is making, to be unable to use it again, so I thought that I might help, and just so you know how serious I am, I brought you weekly dose here with me." Jungkook said, and grabbed his coat, and after looking for it, he found a small bottle, very well known to Jimin, and put it right there on the table.

"That's so nice of you, thank you, but how exactly are you going to help me? Will you give me some kind of discount or something?" Jimin asked and there was this funny thing that happened.

Jungkook smirked.

He smirked for a second, like he was amused by Jimin's idea, so Jimin looked at him even more seriously, while tilting his head, becoming a little impatient.

"No. I'm afraid there is no such big discount that I could give you so that the price would be acceptable for you. " Jungkook said so Jimin frowned his eye brows at him, and pouted while thinking about what else he could do to help him other than giving him a discount.

"Well if you're looking for a cleaning lady for this place, I got to tell you, I'm not the best person for it. I hardly clean my own mess." Jimin said while looking around, and Jungkook chuckled at his words.

"I don't need a cleaning lady. I already have one and she's doing a pretty good job, but thank you for making me laugh, I had a rough day."

"Tell me about it." Jimin said and shook his head, thinking about his rough morning, but then he looked at the younger again.

"So is there something I need to do in order for you to give me the medicine? I mean I still don't get what you'll get out of this if you decide to help me." Jimin decided to be direct, and cut to the chase.

"There is actually. And since there is no easy way to say this, I'm just gonna be honest about it and then you can decide if that's ok for you or not. " Jungkook said, and Jimin felt like he was solving some kind of puzzle, but without any progress, so he just nodded and while biting his lower lip, he squirmed around while trying to positioned himself to listen the younger carefully.

"I have a really busy life, too much work, fourth year of Seoul's pharmacy university that I'm trying to finish, so I don't have time to date. Usually I have partners that I'm seeing only for sex, and now, that one of my longest arranged relationship moved far away, I don't have anyone to satisfy my needs. " Jungkook said calmly and Jimin looked at him with eyes wide open, without blinking.

"Are you asking me to help you to find a new fuck buddy? Do you need like a wingman or something?" Jimin asked, sounding confused again.

After a suppressed chuckle, Jungkook shook his head.

"No. Sorry, I obviously wasn't being clear enough. I thought how you look like a good match to fill in the place for my last partner that had to go so suddenly." Jungkook said, and although Jimin had heard him, he still turned his ear more towards the younger, and squinted his eyes at him.

"Excuse me, can you say that again? Maybe I misunderstood something..."

"You heard me. I want you to try to be my new partner, someone who will satisfy my needs from time to time, weekly usually, and in return I would give you, well other than a good time, the medicine that you also need." Jungkook said, and leaned forward, his elbows resting on his upper thighs, looking at Jimin seriously, like he didn't just ask him to fuck him because he misses sex and doesn't have anyone to do it with.

"Is this some kind of joke? Are you messing with me? You are, right?" Jimin asked through fake smile, but Jungkook simply shook his head, so Jimin's attempt of a smile disappeared slowly.

"Nope. It's very much true. "

"Wouldn't it be easier to just fuck someone who you know, like a friend or some of your colleagues. I mean you're looking ok, I guess, and you could easily find some meaningless fuck if you're so desperate for one." Jimin burst out, still not believing what he's hearing.

"I don't want that. And first of all, I look better than just ok, and secondly, I'm not that desperate, I just have a big sex drive, and I like to be satisfied, and I would like to keep it that way."

Jimin snorted, blinded by the younger's cockiness and after looking at his smug face asked:

"So do you give something to all of your partners in return for sex?"

"Well, I do actually. Orgasms. But if they need something that I can help with, sure. I would gladly help any way I can. If you're asking whether I have someone who I'm giving medicine to, like it would be in your case, then no. I've never done something like that. It's just that you, particularly need this, and I would gladly help you, it's just that I need this tiny little favour in return." with every new word the younger was saying Jimin felt more angry and repulsed by his offer and his nonchalant behaviour.

"I somehow find it hard to believe that people agree to have sex with you only to help with getting you off."

"You're totally right. They don't do it just to get me off. They do it because they want to have fun, and have a good time too. Do you even know how sex works? The pleasure goes both ways you know." Jungkook said while crossing his arms on top of his buff chest, smug little smile still appearing on his face.

"Well you look like someone who would chase his own orgasm, and wouldn't give a fuck about your partners to be honest. " Jimin said just to hurt his feelings at least a bit.

"Nice of you to assume the worst of me."

After couple of seconds of silence, Jimin had another question that he couldn't quite figure out.

"Why me?" he simply asked, so Jungkook leaned back on the chair that he was sitting in comfortably and looked at him up and down.

"Well your appearance this morning made me think that you came to seduce me or something. I mean, you wore that crop top and those tight jeans, and since you obviously have a crush on me..." Jungkook talked, but Jimin stopped him.

"That crop top was a mistake and I don't have a crush on you!" Jimin said sounding angry, but Jungkook just chuckled.

"Yeah you do. You always smile at me, wait for me to walk past you just to touch me slightly, and not to mention that one time when you were too busy checking me out so you bumped your head onto the glass wall on your way out of Chohee's office..." Jungkook said with an amusing smile and got up to get a beer out of the fridge. Jimin followed his every step, unable to bite back, because all of it was, well, true.

His thoughts went straight to that particular day when he saw Jungkook standing up, fixing the, what it seemed like wrongly buttoned buttons on his fitted white shirt, and as he was unbuttoning the buttons, one by one, which revealed more and more of his muscly chest, without even noticing, Jimin hit the glass wall with his forehead pretty hard, making the polite lady jump off her seat, screaming his name worriedly.

"Are you ok?" she asked after coming closer to him, but Jimin just put his hand over his pulsing from pain forehead, and stormed out of her office, unable to glance at the cute guy like he always does.

Well cute used to be a word to describe him, now he's thinking more like cocky, obnoxious, asshole, dickhead... the list could go on...

The worst thing was, he needed Jungkook right now, actually he needed that medicine cause he promised his grandma that he'll take care of her, and up until now he's done an amazing job, but if he doesn't get that medicine tonight, she won't be able to get out of the bed tomorrow, not to mention the state that she would be in if she doesn't get her treatment for the whole week.

After a minute of silence, Jungkook could see how all of this was affecting the older. Jimin was looking down at the table, unable to speak, just appearing sad and angry at the same time.

"Ok, let's just make a deal. Can I suggest something?" Jungkook broke the silence first.

"Sure, as if things could go worse than they already are." Jimin said without looking at the younger, his eyes still deeply observing the lines on the pretty rug.

"How about you try to get me off so that we can see if you're even able to, and then we can negotiate about further things afterwards."

"And it got a lot worse..." Jimin thought after snapping his gaze towards the younger, who was calmly sitting on his chair, sipping his drink unbothered.

"What do you even mean 'try to get you off'? Are you like hard to please or something? Have a little problem down there when it comes to getting satisfied?" Jimin said through some mocking voice, all of this sounds extremely absurd to him.

"I wouldn't say I'm super hard to please, but in this specific case, I'm more worried about you having this little personality trait that I don't particularly like, so I don't even think we would be sexually compatible."
Jungkook said and took one big sip of that cold beer and Jimin couldn't not notice one little drop rolling down, escaping his mouth, coming down to his neck, and getting lost somewhere under his collar bone, so after snapping out of his own little private show, he thought about the younger's words.

"Is that so?" Jimin asked, observing the other.

"Yeah." Jungkook nodded while pursing his lips.

"Could you enlighten me then and tell me why you would think so?" and Jimin was curious now.

"You're a bit annoying." the younger said so Jimin frowned.

"And you're an asshole. Isn't it a win-win situation?" Jimin said sarcastically.

"Sure it is."


"So..." Jungkook tried again.

"So?" Jimin looked at him a bit perplexed.

"You don't wanna find out?" the younger asked after licking his lips.

"Find out what?"

"Are you dumb or you're just playing dumb with me now?"

"Maybe I do."

"Oh, so it's not a No then." Jungkook said smugly.

"It's not a Yes either." Jimin bit back, unable to figure out when any of this started to become interesting to him.


"Oh..." Jimin repeated after the younger.

"So?" Jungkook tried again...


"Wanna try now?" Jungkook asked, while piercing his gaze towards the smaller, who was visibly bothered, looking around and then at the medicine that was still standing on the table.

"I don't." he answered seconds after deliberating what he was being suggested, but his eyes fell on the medicine again, reminding him how badly he needed it.

"It's yours." Jungkook said and Jimin looked at him surprised.

"What?" he glanced at the medicine, then at the younger again.

"Yes. It's yours, even if you decide that you're not comfortable with this. I appreciate your time and effort for coming here so the medicine is yours, just next time you have to figure something out to get it for the full price I guess. I would never pressure you into something you really don't want to do. That's not how this works. It's supposed to be fun and satisfying, but I see how this between us might not work. " the younger said and Jimin's feelings got a bit hurt.

Was he really that annoying to the younger?

And now when he said that the medicine is his either way, he kind of felt bad.

Why was he feeling so wrong all of a sudden?

Was this too easy? Could he just grab the little bottle and walk away?

But that won't do nothing to solve his problem for the long run...

Would it be so bad if he just tries?

"What the fuck am I thinking about..." Jimin's mind went nuts, and Jungkook noticed his inner struggle.



There they were again. Attempt number three.

"You do wanna try, don't you? You're actually interested, aren't you? " Jungkook asked and all Jimin wanted to do, is smack him.

"Don't flatter yourself." Jimin said while eyeing the younger up and down, his eyes unintentionally stayed around his crotch area for a bit longer than it should.

Jungkook got up, and walked to the kitchen again, getting another beer to drink, and Jimin thought how this was his chance. Now was the time to grab that bottle and run away as fast as he could. Maybe he could borrow some money from Tae, even ask some other friends, maybe look for another job... there were many things he could do.

But he stayed. He didn't move an inch. He just stayed and thought about everything the younger just said.

"Maybe only to see if we..." and Jimin's thoughts were stopped, like Jungkook could see right through him.

"You're thinking about it, aren't you?" he said and opened up that second bottle of beer, the pop sound startling Jimin from his thoughts.

"I just don't think it's fair to accept the medicine without even trying at least..." Jimin said, looking at the younger who is standing in the kitchen, his elbows resting on the kitchen island.

"So you'll try?" Jungkook said while coming closer inside the living room, now leaning against the wall. Arm crossed over his chest, looking annoyingly good.

"Just, sit down." Jimin said, unable to register when exactly did his brain and his sanity left his body, and got replaced with lust and an urge to prove his point, that he can satisfy any man he wants.

"Bossy. Nice. I like it." Jungkook said after pushing himself off the wall, and getting back to the chair he was previously sitting on.

"Just so you know, I have another 9 minutes before I have to go to the company meeting, so.... no pressure." Jungkook said after glancing at his watch, so Jimin got up, and came closer to the younger and next thing he knows, he's straddling his lap, while looking at Jungkook's undeniably handsome face.

"That's even more than I need. " Jimin whispered while not breaking their eye contact, deciding if he's really gonna do this, he's gonna do it right.

Whatever this was...

His high hopes got shaken the moment he tried to make himself comfortable in the younger's lap, actually he was squirming around, adjusting his ass, trying to figure out where the younger's dick was hiding, but he got nothing.

No dick to be found.

He squirmed some more, just moving slightly up and down, but no use. Nothing was hard underneath him, and a silly thought went through his crazy mind.

"What if he has one of those micropenises that you probably need a tweezers to tug on?" and he giggled right there, in Jungkook's lap, and the younger looked at him confused.


"It's nothing. Sometimes I got distracted by my own thoughts."

"Weirdo." Jungkook said, but there was a hint of a smile underneath that cold surface.

"Asshole." Jimin bit back, and decided to finally do something. He felt a bit weird since Jungkook was looking at him the whole time, and he kind of felt pressured.

"Close your eyes." Jimin said in an ordering tone, thinking how that could help a bit.

"No." Jungkook simply answered.

"No? Why not? Didn't you say I'm annoying anyways? It'll be better for both of us." Jimin said with furrowed eyebrows.

"What if you turn me on and then escape right after?" Jungkook asked while cocking his eyebrow at the older, and what Jimin did, surprised them both a bit.

Jimin grabbed the younger's hands and put them on top of his nice ass, and squeezed his own ass firmly with Jungkook's hands under his own.

Jungkook's dick twitched at the said action.

"That's the spirit, it's not dead..."

"There, now if I try to escape, you can just grab me harder." Jimin said suggestively, and right after Jungkook's dick twitched one more time, he closed his eyes, and let his head fall back on the back of the couch.

Jimin knew he didn't have time to think about this too deeply, so he just decided to go with what his guts was telling him, and to simply try to find things that would arouse the younger.

So he leaned forward and started kissing Jungkook's neck softly. He would never admit, but the way he smelled, so fresh and soapy made his head spin.
After the soft kisses, he continued to lick and nibble all around the area, but it seemed like the younger was immune to all of this. At some point Jimin thought how if he continues like this, he might even hear a sound of snoring coming from the younger's lips.

"Shit... Gotta try something else..."

Then he went up with his mouth a bit, and came to the younger's ear lobe which he licked softly and after nibbled the same spot.
Jungkook licked his lips after that, and squirmed a little so Jimin thought that there's still hope.

Then he started unbuttoning the younger's shirt, and with every new button that got opened, he enjoyed the sight more.

After unbuttoning almost all buttons, leaving just the ones at the bottom of the shirt, he came down and started kissing Jungkook's buff chest. The younger's skin felt soft and warm underneath his tongue, and he proceed to do so until he reached younger's nipples.

Then he started licking the left one with his pointy tongue, just small teasing flicks to test the younger's reaction, and reaction was good.
Jungkook left a small breathy moan while his dick started stirring more frequently.

Jimin continued his movement onto the other nipple as well, getting the same satisfying reaction again.

After feeling the younger's dick pulsating under his ass, Jimin felt proud for some odd reason, and only have one thought on his mind.

To please the younger.

He scratched the younger's abs, which looked a lot like abs from some of those action figures, and after coming all the way up with his hands he came closer to his ear again and started licking the spot eagerly.

Jungkook gulped at his action, and squeezed Jimin's ass firmly, pushing it down onto his hardening cock.

"Mmmm look who's getting responsive." Jimin teased and started rolling his hips more, which cause Jungkook to pant faster than before, but not saying anything at all.

Jimin knew all the foreplay lasted a bit longer than it should, but damn it, the younger was kind of restrained at the beginning, so he decided to speed up things a bit.

After some heavy grinding onto Jungkook's crotch, which the younger evidently liked, Jimin moved away from the younger's lap and got on his knees instead. He spread the younger's legs wider, and unzipped his pants pretty quickly. Jungkook pushed his hips slightly up from the chair so that Jimin can tug down the black slacks and Jungkook's underwear in one go.

The sight that Jimin saw was surprisingly satisfying.

Instead of micropenis that the older thought Jungkook was hiding, there was actually an above average, pink, slick dick, that made Jimin's mouth salivate instantly.

After staring at Jungkook's dick a bit longer than he should, not doing anything, just observing it, he got startled when the younger suddenly spoke.

"Do you need help or something? Instructions, tips, lube maybe..."

"Htrachkt ptooi!"

And the younger's words were cut off by a loud sound of Jimin spitting right on his erect dick.

The worst thing was that his dick twitched at the feeling of Jimin's wet, smooth spit, and as soon as Jimin grabbed it in his small hand, Jungkook let out a shaky breath.

"Wanted to do this for a while now." Jimin said while lazily stroking Jungkook's dick, not caring about the time passing by, knowing he probably got a minute left, two tops, but didn't care.

"What? Get me off?" the younger asked in low voice, his head still turned up, not looking at the older.

"To spit on you actually." Jimin said sarcastically, and got surprised by the twitch he felt in his grip.

"Kinky motherfucker..."

Now, he was trying to speed up his pace, going from slower to slightly faster tugs, stroking the younger's dick from base to his head, squeezing at the head, and teasing the slit with his thumb.

In this position, Jimin didn't have the clearest look at the younger's expression since he was down on his knees, and Jungkook's head was still lolled backwards, but it was pretty easy to see how Jungkook was enjoying all of this.
His thighs were trembling, his breathing coming in small gasps, his hands were fisting on the armrest so hard his knuckles turned white.

"For fucks sake what should I do now..." Jimin thought about his next move, but the younger startled him with his words.

"I think your t-times up." he said and made an eye contact with the older.

It was the first time they looked at each other since Jimin started satisfying him, and Jimin liked what he saw.

Jungkook was looking like a mess, unable to control himself, looking at Jimin hungrily, now going with his hands through his hair, panting super fast.

"Do you want me to stop?" Jimin asked and leaned forward, now the younger's dick was in front of his face. He licked one small lick over the slit, which made Jungkook growl at the sensation that the older's warm tongue gave him.

"No." he whispered and closed his eyes again, but Jimin thought how this time it's better if he watches. He knew how pleasant of a sight he was for anyone who would dare to look at him like that, his lips full and spit slicked, eyes half lidded, tongue poking teasingly.

"Eyes on me." he said and Jungkook obeyed immediately.

His dick started leaking more precum, and Jimin didn't know why, but he really, really, really wanted to taste him.

His hands were wet, covered in Jungkook's precum and his own spit, so the slide felt really good, still, Jimin leaned forward again, and licked Jungkook's head right where the precum was leaking, and he swirled his tongue at the top.

Obviously the sight in front of Jungkook was too much to handle and it looked like he was so close, but needed that something extra to get him over the edge.

"Come on, let go, come for me..." Jimin said while keeping an eye contact with the younger, who was biting his lips hard, trying to suppress the needy moans that threatened to come out, and finally he nodded at Jimin, and seconds after, Jimin's hands were covered in cum. He positioned Jungkook's dick upwards, towards his stomach, and while milking his orgasm with a couple of more lazy strokes, all the sperm landed on the younger's buttoned up shirt.

Jimin wiped his hands off on the younger's already dirty shirt, got up, and walked to the table where the medicine was still on, grabbed the small bottle and started walking towards the door. He put his ankle boots on, and turned to see the younger once more.
He was standing and unbuttoning the couple of buttons that Jimin had left earlier, and after looking at his sperm covered shirt, Jimin laughed on the inside.

"Sorry for your shirt." he said, but his voice sounded like he actually didn't care.

Which he didn't.

He turned to leave, and while grabbing the door knob, thought how this was the weirdest thing that ever happened to him, and before his thoughts could go any further he heard Jungkook's voice.

"Same time next week?"

"I hope not." Jimin said without even turning to look at Jungkook, and went straight to the elevator.

He looked at himself in the mirror, and he looked fucked out. He looked different. It's not because of his slightly swollen lips, or slightly messed up hair, it was more because he could still taste Jungkook on his tongue and the thought about that made his cheeks warm and blushed.

After going outside, cold October wind got under his sweater, and he shivered a little while walking back home.

He walked for a while, and thought about Jungkook and how he always thought that the younger looked cute and sweet whenever they would look at each other at the pharmacy, but now, he had no idea who the younger was.

And the weirdest thing was, he wanted to find out...

Loud ringtone echoing through the empty streets, startled Jimin to his core, and when he saw that it was Tae who is calling him, he remembered that he forgot to send him a message or to call him, just to tell him what happened.

"Baby you didn't call, I was worried... Did you get the medicine? What happened with you and the cute guy."

"Actually he's not that cute anymore..."

"Bad date, huh?"

"It wasn't a date Tae. Where are you anyways?" Jimin asked because he could hear some music in the background while they were talking.

"I'm at the Cheers pub with Hobi hyung. We just grabbed some beers and he has to go now..."

"Wait for me there. I'm pretty close, and I need to talk to you."

"Ok. Hurry up."

Around 10 minutes after their call, Jimin came to the pub, and luckily for him, Tae was sitting there, all alone, waiting for him. Not that he didn't trust Hobi who is also his dear friend, but this whole thing was super embarrassing and he would like to keep it a secret from anyone, well except his soulmate.

"Over here..." Tae waved as soon as he saw the older, so Jimin came and took a seat across the younger.

"Babe what happened? You look like you just saw a ghost." Tae said and put his hands over Jimin's that were laying on the table.

"It was worse actually... The cute guy, turns out to be the cocky, obnoxious perv guy." Jimin said and rolled his eyes.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. You seemed to have a hots for him for so long..."

"I don't have a hots for him!" Jimin bit back as soon as he heard the words, now sounding even worse to him.

"What happened?"

"Well, he had this crazy idea of us being like fuck buddies cause he only does that kind of relationships, cause he's so damn busy, but needy and he would give me the medicine in return... Something like that... Can you believe that?" Jimin said and Tae's mouth open in shock.

"What a weirdo! So what did you do? Did you slap him? Punch him in the nuts? Was there a glass of water anywhere near to throw in his face?"

"I jerked him off." Jimin simply said and Tae looked like he saw a ghost now.

"You did what?" he asked because he was still trying to process the whole conversation they're having.

"I jerked him off!" and Jimin said it louder this time, making sure the younger hear him clearly, and luckily for him, he yelled just in time when there was a song switch so now too many people knew what he's been doing just recently.

"Shhhh! I heard you already, don't freaking yell! Why did you do that? Jimin you shouldn't have done that baby... We would figure something out." Tae said in pleading tone, seeing the older visibly upset made him realize how badly he was feeling.

"What could I do? Where can I get such an amount of money? How Tae? I already have two job and things are hard, but now... I don't have a choice... It's my granny Tae... She needs this."
And now came the tears, he was hoping he won't have to show in front of anyone, but now, saying it out loud and clear made his heart hurt even more.

"I can't take care of her anymore, and I promised I would." he said and felt Tae's arms around him, holding him tight.

"Hey, it's ok. You're doing an amazing job. You know you do. You two are so lucky to have each other. Next time, I'll loan you the money. You know that you can count on me..."

"No Tae, I can't. I can't take your money because we both know I won't be able to give it back."

"But you will be, one day. You just need to get your shit together and finish that university so that I can brag how my friend is a doctor. Your salary would be so much bigger then, you'll be able to buy me too." Tae joked and Jimin finally stopped crying.

"You're silly. I'll spoil the shit out of you as soon as I start working as a doctor." Jimin said while cupping the younger's cheeks, and Tae started batting his eyelashes at him, ridiculously fast.

"Yes please. Spoil me, buy me half of Gucci store, some of the Yves Saint Laurent too, I'll write you the details." Tae said through a smile, looking at his best friend affectionately.

The waiter came to take their order and instead of the usual beer or vine, Jimin ordered shot of tequila.

"Tequila? Really?"

"I need to disinfect my mouth. To wash down the precum I licked just half an hour ago, God knows where that dick's been... " Jimin said deadpanned, and Tae pressed his lips into line, unable to control the outburst of laughter threatening to come, cause Jimin's words kind of sounded funny.

"Kim Taehyung, are you laughing at me?" Jimin said while looking at the younger's funny face. Trying so hard not to smile, but the tears gave him away.

"I'm so sorry babe..." Tae finally let go. Loud laugh echoing through the pub, and after looking at him, Jimin started laughing too.

"I fucking hate you." Jimin said and drank that shot in one go, ordering another right after.

"Didn't wash everything down?" Tae teased, and Jimin slapped him across his back.

Two hours later, Jimin was drunk, but kind of happy because he came home safe and was able to give his grandma her medicine.
By the time he came home, the old lady was sleeping soundly, so Jimin left her medicine on the nightstand, kissed her forehead softly before going to his room.

Sleep didn't come easily that night, and he couldn't stop thinking about the immoral offer he got, and the choices he has to make.
Somehow in between all the absurd things that happened, he couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook too. About his amazingly built body, nice dick and those doe eyes that looked so innocent, but there was no innocence in them. At least he thought so.

"What the hell happened today, and what the fuck am I supposed to do next week?" were his exact thoughts before falling asleep...

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