

I miss all of you, but yeah, missing my dick is good too, I guess.

"sdkafioehfiohviodhvykkypsafisdhnjfdbvnsdn fuck fuck fuck" Jimin's mind went nuts.

Hobi started clapping with his hands over the table, and Tae covered his face with his hands, not believing what he read.

"Jimin! That's not fair! We never said it's ok to send a sex text." Tae complained.

"Don't be a sour looser, we never said anything about the text that I was supposed to send. Not if it should be nice or hot or anything. Just accept your defeat gracefully." Jimin said and brought the three tequila shots that they ordered for Tae to drink.

"Bottoms up!" Hobi said and Tae drank all of them.

"But now we have another problem." Jimin said and looked at them.

"What?" Hobi asked, and Jimin took his phone and turned the screen to them.

"What the fuck should I answer????"

After a long laugh they sat back and came close to deliberate the perfect answer.

"I miss all of you too, your tongue deep inside me, fingers playing with my nipples, dick pounding me hard... Indeed I miss all of you..." Tae said and both Jimin and Hobi looked at him in disgust.

"This isn't a porn fic that you're used to read. God he's so drunk!" Jimin said and Tae just smiled widely, his boxy smile indicating that he is indeed, very drunk.

"How about you say something like, you miss all of him too, but didn't want to sound too needy or something..." Hobi said and Jimin thought about it...


Didn't wanna sound needy like you were, but yeah, I miss you too.


Needy? Fine, I'll admit that much.


What are you mostly needy for?

Jimin felt horny right away, and knew this was a bad idea, but he just had to know.


Is this an attempt of sexting?




Fine, cause you're doing it totally wrong.


How can you sext wrong? It's just sexy stuff you would say, written in text.


There's some practice that needs to be done for sexting to be good.


Oh, and you're an expert?


I'm good. Yes.

And Jimin just looked around, where he was at the moment, and then realized how Hobi and Tae were both reading his texts, and he just squirmed a bit, and put his phone to his chest.

"Oh come on now, show us what you'll answer..." Tae whined.

"I'm all immersed into this now, don't cut us off..." Hobi pleaded.

"I'm not gonna send anything. My break is over, I have to get back to work. Thx for coming guys. I love you." Jimin said after looking at his watch, realizing he's even a couple of minutes late, and hurriedly head to the bar.


I believe you, but unfortunately I can't check it now since I'm working.

Maybe some other time.


Who said I wanted to sext with you?


You wouldn't?


I would. Just teasing you.


You're mean.


You have no idea.


Bye Jungkook. Have a nice night.


You too. Don't get too horny without me around...


You too.

"You too?! jksdkhfshfhjhjkshjahjkha what the fuck Jimin. You just said to a fuck boy not to fuck around cause he can't fuck you???!!! Oh my God..."


I won't.

"He won't? What's that supposed to mean? I'm so screwed... Is he gonna fuck around, or did he just say that he'll wait for me... What even? ifaidhoihiodfhaihfaoih" so Jimin finished his painfully exhausted shift, and head home to grab a shower and get some sleep, which came slower than he wanted to.

His thoughts kept going back to the conversation he had with the younger, and he had to reread it few times just to try to understand the meaning behind the younger's words.

Somewhere after 35th read, he realized that he's probably overthinking everything and finally fall asleep.

As soon as the third week without Jungkook arrived, Jimin got excited by the thought of seeing the younger again.

He worked hard as usual, tried to busy himself with classes, work, dance practice with Hobi, and of course hanging out with Tae.

Soon, Thursday came, and after work, Jimin saw a new message from Jungkook on his phone.


I won't make it tonight, probably won't even come next week.
The medicine will be in the same place.
Feel free to use the apartment as much as you want.

Jimin read the message and felt sad.
He really wanted to see the younger and was missing him like crazy these past few days.
The thought of him with someone else made his heart ache, and he knew that he's way too deep in this now.


I'm sorry to hear that.
Hope everything's going well with the treatment.
I'm actually gonna finish my essay at the apartment, I love how quiet and warm it is there.
Thank you.


You're sorry? And here I thought you're gonna be ecstatic because I can't make it...


I'm pretty sure I've shown you how much I actually enjoy doing some stuff with you.

P.S Don't get all cocky now.


Stuff? Like what?


Are you trying to sext right now?


No. Why is your mind so dirty?


Cause I love the way you kiss me, and fuck me hard.

I really enjoyed the way you've been eating me out too.

So hot and good.

And I like your fingers a bit too much.

They feel so much better inside me than my own.

That's why.


You'll be the death of me.

The thing is, Jimin is a tease and a good flirt. Did Jungkook really think that Jimin can't sext at all? Cause sure he can.


Only if you're gonna pass out from all the hard fucking you're gonna give to my needy ass.


And I'm hard.



Then you should hurry and come here soon.


If I could I would right now.


Maybe next week?


I really hope so.


I got to go now.
Talk to you soon.


Ok, bye.

Jimin doesn't wanna go home yet so he goes to the nearest bar to grab drinks with Tae, and after reading him all of their messages, Tae got an idea.

"Didn't you say there's cameras in the apartment?"

"Yeah, two. One in the living room, and one in the bedroom. Why?"

Tae had an interesting look on his face, like a cocky little smile and soon he revealed his plan.

Thursday came soon enough, and as Jimin got inside the well known apartment, he felt the heat, the desire, burning inside him, cause all he could think about is how good Jungkook made him feel in here.

He looked at the couch where they had sex, kitchen, where he gave him a blow job, bathroom where they've showered and bedroom... The things they did there were too much to think about right now.

He put his things down on the table, and decided to make himself a cup of coffee.

He got one bowl in which he had put his snacks, and immediately he started working on his essay.

He was determined to be quick and to do good, cause his mentor was talking about how students with the best grades will come to some new hospital opening, and he wanted to be one of them.

After making himself a big mug of coffee, he started reading his books, searching his subject on the internet, and while trying to take a sip out of the big mug, the coffee spilled all over his light blue jeans, and he got up immediately, trying to wipe the coffee stains, but it was impossible. His thighs were literally covered in dark brown spots, and only then Tae's words echoed through his ears.

"Seduce him... See if he's watching... You got to be smart Jimin, use those cameras to see if he's missing you and was watching while you're in the apartment..."

He started undressing the stained jeans slowly, right in front of the camera, without looking at it directly.

He pulled the jeans down, and stepped out of them, only wearing his black boxers and a big, white sweater that doesn't even cover half of his ass.

He went to the bathroom, and tried to clean the stains, but the damage was too big to clean without the washing machine.

"Fuck it. I'm just gonna ask Jungkook to give me one of his sweatpants."

He came back in the room, and laid on the couch, his stomach flat on the leather surface, ass sticking out, slightly covered with his sweater.

He grabbed one of his books, and started reading it, and then he hears the message beep on his phone.


Are you trying to kill me?

He giggled on the inside, well maybe on the outside too, always forgetting that the camera was right behind him, showing his every move to the younger.


What do you mean?

(he decided to play dumb)


Oh come on. You know exactly what you're doing.


What? I don't get it.

Jimin said and spread his legs a bit further, wiggling his ass slightly.


Just put some clothes on!


I can't. I got coffee all over me.
I'm so clumsy.


Take whatever you want from my closet and keep it.
Just put something on.


Is my Jungkookie getting all flustered?


I'm getting hard in the room with 6 other pharmacists while we're trying to figure out what to eat.


So you're having a break?
What would you like to eat?

He wrote and pushed his ass up in the air even more, his sweater falling off of his ass, rolling down, exposing his back fully.


Oh my God.
Stop it.
You look so good.
I've missed your body so much.


It's too bad you're not here right now...


What are you doing to me?????

Jimin that's just mean


Nothing right now...
But I'm going to let you do anything you want to me as soon as you come back.

Jimin said and pushed his underwear down, just below his butt cheeks, revealing the round, thick ass...


You need to stop this.
I can't watch that.
I'm so hard, it hurts.


Show me.
I wanna see it.
I miss your dick so much.
Just go to the bathroom and take a pic and send me.
Wanna come while looking at your dick.
Please, please, pretty please...

He wrote and started stroking his dick slowly, while coating one finger with his saliva and putting it slowly inside his hole.

He moaned from the feeling he craved for so long, and waited for Jungkook's answer.


*Dick pic


So good
Jungkookie, looks so big and so ready to fuck me...

Soon he started thrusting his finger inside deeper, and then after spitting on the second finger, he added both of them inside, moaning softly.


I wish you could hear me...
Are you touching yourself?




Is it hard to type while you're jerking off?


I just wanna watch you.
You're doing so good.

Then Jimin turned around, facing the camera, and spread his legs wider, while his cock leans on his stomach, fully hard.


That's bettwr
I wanna see ylur pretty face
Jimin you look sk good


Jungkookah... I'm close.

He felt his orgasm approaching slowly, so he started stroking his dick faster, while fucking himself with two fingers. Head lolling back, teeth deep in his bottom lip.


I'll come right after you
Wanna see your facw when you come

So Jimin did. He came hard, all over his stomach while moaning Jungkook's name in pleasure.

After coming down from his high, he looked at his phone, and saw Jungkook's new message.


Good boy
You did so well


Did you finish?


At the same time as you.


Now get back to work.


If you don't want round two, cover up.


Greedy and needy.
Can I take some of your sweatpants, mine is dirty.


Bet you'll look cute in my clothes.


I look cute in everything.


I agree.
Bye Jimin, hope to see you soon.


Bye. Me too.

After grabbing a quick shower, Jimin felt really good. Relaxed and kind of pleased, so now it's time to finish his essay.

He walked into the bedroom, straight to Jungkook's closet and took the first sweatpants he saw, some gray ones, obviously too big for his petite body, but he didn't care. The only place where they fitted perfectly, was around his thick ass.

He came back to working on his assignment and finished it pretty quickly. After cleaning the mess he made, he went home, trying to get some sleep before tomorrows presentation he had.

He felt confident and happy with the work he had done, and couldn't wait for his professors reaction.

Morning came fast, so after grabbing a shower and something to eat, Jimin got ready and go to his classes.

He felt a bit nervous cause soon it was time to show their presentations, and he really worked hard on his (and got hard while doing it, his mind was always playing against him, remembering yesterday's activities at the apartment, he just giggled on the inside...).

He is always one of the best students, and love to do all kinds of assignments especially if there is some kind of reward for the best work.

This time, the reward is going to the Dong - eui Medical Center opening tomorrow night, and even if he was supposed to work at the club like he usually does, Jimin wanted to do good, thinking how he could take a night off if he get's to be chosen to go.

He was patient and observant while watching others show their work, and with every passing student that finished with their presentation, he felt more confident in what he had done.

Soon, it was his time to show his presentation, and speak about work that he had done, and as soon as he started he saw his professors face lighten up. She liked it. He knew her's facial expressions very well to know that he had sealed the deal.

Right after the last student is finished, professor Minsuh came in front and told them how she was very proud, but can only take four of them with her to tomorrow's opening. Jimin was the first one she called, then his good friend Chen, and his two female colleagues Sunjung and Yeona.

He was very happy with her choice, and became even happier when she said that they can bring a +1 with them.

He decided to bring Tae, cause the younger love these kind of events.

"Guess who am I bringing tomorrow night with me to the opening of the new Dong - eui Medical Center?" Jimin said as soon as he called Tae to tell him the good news.

"No way! Shut up! Is it me? It's me right? You're bringing me. Jimin???"

"Yes! Of course it's you. And who's gonna help me buy the suit for tomorrow?"

"Me again. When can we meet? I'm gonna buy me something new too. Aggghhh I'm so excited."

"I'll finish at 16, meet me at Namdaemun street."


After looking at himself in the mirror, Jimin really didn't expect to see himself look so different than what he's used to.

His suit looked amazing, black button up shirt and fitted black slacks with a gorgeous blazer he would never picked himself, but luckily Tae had an eye for rare and pretty things so that's how he's ended up with black blazer with some silverish details on it, looking pretty and unique.
The thing he also didn't think he'll do was to accept Tae's offer to dye his hair into some silverish blond color, cause it would fit amazingly good with the suit.

No. He didn't expect any of it, but there he is, smiling wide at the compliments coming at his way the whole evening, and he couldn't lie, he loved the attention.

After the walk through the new Medical Center, all of the guests were gathered at the huge restaurant nearby to celebrate properly (drink and eat for free a lot and meet new people).

Jimin was with his friends and Tae all the time, and soon his professor came, and asked him to join her for a walk.

She introduced him to some famous doctors that Jimin had heard about, then some of hers colleagues that are retired, and some pharmacists that will work for the new hospital.

She introduced him as her best student and someone she expects a bright future from, and Jimin felt proud.

He felt like he really did his best and someone is appreciating his effort.

He noticed the empty glass in Minsuh's hand, and excused himself from the table they were sitting and after asking the others if they wanted something to drink, he went to the bar to get some champagne for everyone.

"Hey you. Getting drunk or something?" he asked as soon as he noticed Chen, his colleague, drinking something that looked like vodka in his hand.

"Oh hey. Yeah. Maybe a little. It's just not my day I guess." Chen said and finished his drink, then ordered another right after.

"Is everything ok? Maybe you should slow down Chen. I mean we're still students, and are just getting to know people. You should be able to talk, you know." Jimin tried to be funny, but only got some snarky laugh out of the black haired man.

"Why bother. I don't see Minsuh introducing me to anyone, nor Sunjung and Yeona. She's only walking around with you under her arm. Guess you're like her little trophy. Pretty trophy." he said and drank another glass, and Jimin knew he's drunk.

"That's not fair. You above all people know how hard I've worked for this. And you know my presentation was the best yesterday. I'm sorry Minsuh is not introducing you to anyone, but could you blame her. Look at you." Jimin said and pointed the obvious.

"I'm not drunk! I'm just tipsy..." he tried to defend himself, but Jimin just shook his head.

"Do you want me to call you a cab? Help you go out..." Jimin said and looked at Chen who was trying to get up, but unfortunately he stumbled and luckily for him, Jimin got him before he could fall down.

"You even smell nice." Chen said after nuzzling his head into Jimin's neck, and Jimin just moved him back on the chair.

"Stop it." he said after Chen put his hand on his thigh, and started caressing it slowly.

"What? I always thought you're hot..." Chen then said, but Jimin moved away, grabbing his phone, trying to call him a cab.

He turned away from Chen, and went a bit further, trying to find a spot where the music isn't too loud, and after dialing the number, he looked up and met the big, dark, doe eyes staring right at him.

"Hello, tell us your location, where can we drive you..." he heard in the distance, unable to answer, cause there was Jungkook, getting up from his seat, and walking towards him.

He was wearing a simple gray suit, hair nicely styled, looking hot as he remembered.

"Jungkook, hi... " he tried to speak, feeling surprised and happy to see the younger, but got cut off by Jungkook grabbing his wrist and taking him outside, and then to the bathroom.

"Who is that guy that you were talking to?" Jungkook asked the moment they came in, not bothering that there was someone already inside.

"Um... Colleague... He got drunk, so I wanted to call him cab and help him to get home. He's not feeling well." Jimin said, finding himself unable to avert his gaze from Jungkook's handsome face.

"He was touching you." the younger said, his tone a little lower.

"No. He wasn't. He's drunk and almost fell, and I helped him. That's it." Jimin find himself explaining things to Jungkook even though there was no reason to.

"Hm... So there's nothing going on between you two?" Jungkook asked, coming even closer now.

"No. Nothing... Well, he did say he always thought I was hot, and that I smell nice, but that's just cause he's drunk." Jimin then said, like he was unable to hide something from the younger, and Jungkook nodded.

"He shouldn't smell you, or get that close to you... I don't like that." Jungkook said and made the cutest pout and Jimin just couldn't resist him anymore.

"He won't. I promise. I'm all yours..." Jimin said while putting his hands on Jungkook's nape, pulling him closer to his face.

"Is that so?"


Jungkook closed the little distance between them. Kissing the older sensually, lips brushing over each others, soon licking Jimin's bottom lip, which got him weak on the knees. Jimin tilted his head to deepen the kiss, and soon they were both panting and getting hard.

"Jimin, let's get out of here..." the younger said in between their kisses, and all Jimin wanted was to say yes, but he couldn't.

"I can't. Not yet. I'm with my professor and colleagues here..."

Then a small moan escaped his lips, cause Jungkook was nibbling his ear, kissing his jaw.

"Oh God, I should go and help Chen, he could be dead by now..."

He closed his eyes cause Jungkook pushed his hips flush against his own, showing his already growing erection.

"And I forgot the drinks for Minsuh..."

Jungkook kissed him hard, pulling him up by his thighs, and positioning him on the bathroom sink.
Jimin spread his legs immediately, welcoming the younger's crotch, enjoying the friction he's feeling.

"Jungkookah..." he moaned, so the younger stopped, moving away just slightly.

"I'm sorry... You look so beautiful, I can't help it." Jungkook said, so Jimin blushed.

"You look great too." Jimin said while fixing Jungkook's hair.

"You look so different with that new hair." Jungkook said while touching Jimin's bangs, moving them aside.

"Different? Good or bad?" Jimin asked, somehow wanting for the younger to like him even more.

"Definitely good. I'll need time to get used to it, but you look so sexy." he said and kissed his lips once again.

"Thank you." Jimin said while blushing, loving the soft words and touches.

"How about we go now, and meet each other in an hour here, in front of the bathroom?" Jungkook asked while putting Jimin down, the older turning to the mirror to look at his reflection once again, leaning to the front just slightly, his ass sticking out more.

"Fuck Jimin..." Jungkook squeezed his ass cheeks, and Jimin hummed in satisfaction and turned to face him again.

"An hour, here, then we'll leave and finish what we've started. Ok?" Jimin said after kissing Jungkook once again.

"Deal." the younger agreed, and soon they both got out of the bathroom, looking a bit blushed and bothered, but fuck it... Making out felt too good.

Jimin walked straight to Chen, and after looking at his hopeless body, just laying on the bar, he called the cab and before even trying to pick him up, he felt strong arms holding him back.

"I got it." he heard Jungkook talking and coming closer, putting Chen's arm over his shoulder, letting him lean on his strong body to carry him easily outside.

"You don't have to..." Jimin tried to talk, but Jungkook was already walking him out.

They came outside, and put Chen inside the cab, who sobered up just enough to say the name of his street, so Jimin called his brother and asked him to wait for Chen outside, cause he was unable to walk.

"Thank you. You really didn't have to do this. I'm pretty strong too." Jimin said and laughed so Jungkook laughed too.

"You're tiny." he added and Jimin slapped his ass.

"Don't mock my pain." he said while faking being hurt.

"I think it's cute." Jungkook added and Jimin looked at him fondly. Loving the faint blush on the younger's cheeks.

"When did you come back?" Jimin asked, feeling a bit hurt cause he didn't call him, or say when he's coming back at all.

"Couple of hours ago. I was supposed to stay for another week in Busan, but this event happened, and our pharmacy is one of the donors so someone had to be here tonight.
My father usually attends this events, but he stayed in Busan and I said I would love to come, so here I am..." Jungkook explained and Jimin had a wide grin on his face.

He knew the younger hates these events, and he still volunteered to come. Could it be that maybe he missed Jimin as much as he missed him, and just decided to use this opportunity to see him again?

He could only hope.

Soon they went inside and Jimin find his colleagues and professors, and explained how Chen felt "sick" so he helped get him home, and Jungkook came back to his table, where there are maybe 7 people sitting down, some of them older, and some around their age, just drinking and looking like they're having a good time.

Jimin can't focus on anything right now, not the talk, not the food, drinks... He keeps glancing at Jungkook, and the younger kept glancing back.

He feels hot and horny, and can't wait for an hour to pass, and then he remembered.


He panicked a little as soon as he realized that he haven't seen Tae in a while now, and one of his colleagues noticed his struggle.

"What's wrong?" she asked as he was turning around, trying to find Tae.

"My friend, I don't see him."

"Oh, he said he's gonna be upstairs, having drinks with some guy he met just minutes ago." the girl said so Jimin felt relieved.

"Oh, thank God." he decided to find him later and explain why he'll leave earlier, hoping the younger won't get too mad.

Chat after chat, drink after drink, and soon enough an hour has passed so Jimin tells everyone that he needs to go home cause his grandma is expecting him, so he doesn't want to be late. With fond smiles they nodded, understanding and support written all over their faces, and Jimin feels bad, knowing the real reason behind him leaving early.

He can't have his conscious playing with him right now cause his dick is complaining too. Even louder so.

He went upstairs, and immediately noticed Tae, laughing and giggling with some handsome guy, so he approached them while waving.

"Hi, I'm Jimin, Tae's friend. Sorry to interrupt you, but I'm afraid I have to go now." Jimin said and Tae pouted.

"Really?" Tae said, sounding all sad, and then finally look at his handsome friend.

"Well why don't you stay a bit longer? I could keep you company." the guy said, putting his hand over Tae's and looked at Jimin.

"I'm Seokjin by the way. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, um, Tae..." Jimin tried to talk but got interrupted.

"But wouldn't your friend get mad if you stay with me a bit longer? I mean, we've been here for hours now." Tae asked, turning to Jin, batting his lashes, flirting like a proud peacock.

"Nope. He's literally a weirdo. He'll just stay here and bore himself to death and then go home. He's not an adventurous type." Jin said with a mocking smile, and Tae giggled, happy with his answer.

"Ok, so you're in good hands?" Jimin said, asking Tae, but looking at Jin, cause he really never saw the guy before, and probably Tae hasn't either, so as every good friend would feel, he got worried.

"He's in good hands. Don't worry Jimin." Jin said, and Jimin looked at Tae, and his stupidly cute face, the one he has when he's mesmerized with someone.

"Oh hey, you're here too." handsome Jin said, so Jimin and Tae both look at the direction where he was looking at, and saw Jungkook coming closer.

"Don't worry, I didn't come to cock block you, if that's what you're scared of." Jungkook said and came closer to Jimin, putting his arm over his shoulder, whispering that they should leave to his ear.

"No way, is this your friend that you've been telling me about? Jungkook??" Tae said, and started laughing.

"Oh, you guys know each other?" Jin said, looking confused, even staring a bit at the sight of the younger standing in front of him, whispering something to Jimin.

"No, we don't. I mean not really. He's Jimin's... something, and Jimin is my best friend." Tae said while crossing his arms over his chest.

"Is this why you have to go earlier Jimin? If I recall it's Saturday today, not Thursday." Tae asked while looking at Jungkook up and down, a frown on his face.

"Tae, we'll talk about this later..." Jimin said, feeling all shy and embarrassed.

"No it's fine. Jin actually knows. It's Jimin, I've told you before, and sorry to break it to you, but Jimin has his own mind and he can think and decide what to do for himself." Jungkook said while looking at Tae.

"This, Jimin? Your Jimin? This? Really?" Jin said, and smiled a little.

"Your Jimin? Jungkook's Jimin? What does he mean by that?" Jimin thought, but didn't wanna say anything.

"Yeah, now stop overreacting, I'll see you tomorrow." Jungkook simply said, and Jin shook his head.

"I don't get it. What is a fine man like this doing with this annoying ass." Jin said while turning to Tae, but everyone heard him so Jungkook put both of his hands on his heart, acting as if he's been hurt.

"Ouch, that's so mean." he said and start to fake cry.

"And not to mention how he's childish, a weirdo, boring and only had one crush in his life, a girl in preschool, am I right?" Tae said, obviously remembering his and Jin's conversation they had minutes ago, but the only thing Jimin heard was that Jungkook's only crush was a girl in preschool, and instantly he remembered Jungkook telling him once, how Jimin remind him of some girl from preschool, and as much as he felt weird, he felt kind of good too.

That must be the girl that he talked about, right?

Jimin turned to face the younger, and by the blush on his cheeks, and his gaze fixating to the floor, he knew that Jimin figured it out.

He didn't want to make him feel bad, or ashamed, so he just put his hands around Jungkook's neck, and got on his tippy toes while giving him a small peck on the lips.

"This is so weird, seeing him like this..." Jimin heard Jin saying to Tae, and thought about how he's maybe crossing a line with his behavior now, but then he felt Jungkook's hands on his hips, gripping him harder while leaning into the crook of Jimin's neck.

He gave him a small kiss, right there, and whispered that he really wants to go now.

Jimin nodded, and gave him a small smile, so he came closer to Tae, kissed his cheek and whispered not to worry in his ear.

Tae smiled at him while nodding, and turned back to Jin, not giving any attention to Jungkook.

Soon, Jimin and Jungkook went outside and got in Jungkook's car, and drove to the apartment. They talked about the hospital, and people they've met, but the way they were looking at each other is just full of lust, and as soon as Jungkook parked the car and they got out of it, they started kissing right there, leaning on the car, looking like some crazy horny teenagers in heat.

"I've missed you." Jungkook said first, breaking the kiss just to catch some breaths.

"I've missed you too." Jimin answered and leaned again, kissing the younger teasingly, sucking on his bottom lip, then licking the spot right after.

Jungkook pulled him up, so Jimin wrapped his legs around him, and they entered the building just like that.

Jimin love how strong Jungkook is, and how he pulled him up with ease, and carried him around just as easily.

He has a strength kink without noticing before? Maybe.

"Good night Mr. Jeon, Mr.Park." they heard while coming inside, going to the elevator, and Jimin felt ashamed, and simply said "Bye Hangyeoul." while hiding in the crook of Jungkook's neck.

"Good night." Jungkook added, not bothering to put Jimin down.

They entered the elevator, so Jungkook pushed Jimin on the mirror, and started kissing him hard.

"The button. Jungkook... Press the button..." Jimin said with shaky voice, the younger's dick pressed firmly against his crotch.

After pressing the button, they continued with making out, and came outside while not stopping even for a second.

They entered the apartment with Jimin still in Jungkook's arms, wrapped around his hips tightly.

"I love kissing you..." Jimin said, and move onto the younger's neck, nibbling all the way down until he could reach. Then he ripped his shirt, causing the few buttons to fall off, and started licking more down.

"Sorry for the shirt, I didn't mean to rip it. Please don't rip mine, I love it so much." Jimin said with pout, and Jungkook smiled at him, while nodding, unable to speak cause the older's lips are on his again.

They kissed while the younger move them to the bedroom, and while still kissing they took off their clothes, and laid on the bed, Jimin on top of Jungkook, kissing his body slowly, enjoying every inch of the perfection he's facing.

Jungkook moved him up, making Jimin straddling his lap, and move to the side to grab a bottle of lube and condom from the night stand.

"Can I stretch you out?" he asked while kissing Jimin's shoulder, then his chest, putting small pecks all around the area, and Jimin closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth of his lips, lolling his head back a bit, feeling so dazed, that he forgot to answer.

"Jimin? " the younger moved back, so Jimin snapped out of the trance he fell in, and nodded.

"Yes, yes... Just don't stop kissing me..." he said, looking so dreamy and beautiful, so Jungkook continue with the kisses while lubing his fingers and slowly putting his index finger inside.

Jimin just inhaled deeply, and kept moving his head, adjusting the angle of his body, that he wants the younger to kiss.

Soon Jungkook put his second digit and Jimin moaned a bit louder, so Jungkook stopped his movement.

"Too much? I'll slow down..." he tried to talk, but Jimin shook his head.

"No. It's good... Just your fingers are longer than mine and you can reach deeper... And ah... right there... it feels so good... too good..." Jimin started adjusting his ass on Jungkook's finger's while moaning softly, so Jungkook looked at him in awe.

"God you're unreal. I love the way you sound..." he said while looking at the older who bit his lips at his word, blushing pink all over his cheeks.

"Don't, please, let it all out. Don't be quiet, I love to hear you..." Jungkook said and put his third finger inside him, so Jimin really let go, and while hugging the younger, he leaned his head on top of Jungkook's chest, and started panting and mewling freely, while his cock started leaking precum all over Jungkook's stomach.

"Please... ah... Jungko... ah...slow down... I want you to fuck me, don't make me come yet..." he felt so close, but wanted to feel, no, needed to feel Jungkook's dick inside him so badly, so he moved up, and turned around, getting on all four, sticking his ass high up, and wiggling it playfully.

"Fuck... Jimin..." Jungkook said while coming behind him, placing his shaft between his cheeks and rubbing it slowly, just up and down, not entering him yet, and Jimin felt some kind of excitement to feel the younger's raw dick, without a condom so close to him, and he felt weird cause the thought of Jungkook fucking him raw made his dick twitchiing in excitement.

Then he heard the well known sound of a condom bag ripping and a lube bottle opening up, and he felt Jungkook's tip on his hole, just circling around.

"Please... Just... I can't take it any more..." Jimin whine, feeling too horny and overwhelmed, and as soon as Jungkook push his big length in, he moan and turn his head around, extending his hand towards the younger, he pull him down for a hot kiss, while they wait for Jimin to adjust to new fullness he felt.

"Move, slowly, I'm so sorry, but I won't last, I'm so close already..." Jimin said against Jungkook's lips, so he kissed him once again before he started moving slowly.

Just deep, deliberating thrusts, right over Jimin's prostate, and the way Jimin moaned, made Jungkook thrusting a bit faster, enjoying the view of the older totally loosing control, unable to hold himself up anymore.

He put his upper body down, his head squished on the mattress, ass up in the air, and Jungkook moved his hands all over his body, squeezing the flesh firmly.

Jimin felt his orgasm coming slowly, so he started bucking his hips back, meeting the younger's deep thrusts, so Jungkook pulled him up again, leaned his back against his chest, and started kissing him while wrapping his hand around Jimin's hard, leaking cock, and started stroking it fast.

"Aaah Jungkook..." Jimin moaned so Jungkook kissed his lips again, moaning also, and panting fast.

"Jimin, I'm gonna come..." he said while thrusting few more times and Jimin felt the pulsating feeling of the younger's dick inside him, and right away started shooting white, sticky cum all over Jungkook's hands and bed.

They lasted 4 full minutes. Woohoo!

After milking each other orgasms, Jungkook pulled out slowly, and put Jimin down, covering the wet spot on the bed with some blanket, and after looking at Jimin's naked body, got up and took another blanket to cover him up.

He tucked him nicely, so Jimin finally open his eyes and said a small thank you before closing them again. Than he felt Jungkook's lips on his shoulder, and heard him whispering : "I'll be right back."

Jimin felt his eyes getting heavy, so he just stayed laying there for a while.

Loud noise coming from the living room startled him, so he got up, and after realizing that he's fully naked, he went to Jungkook's closet and grabbed first shirt he saw, which was a good choice since it was a plain white t-shirt that reached just below his ass. He didn't bother to wear underwear cause he couldn't see any near him.

He went outside and saw Jungkook in the same plain white t-shirt and a gray sweatpants taking some pizzas out of the oven, the smell of cheese and tomato so promising and good.

"Did I wake you? I'm sorry, I dropped the pan." he said while taking out the plates, so Jimin came in, trying to help him.

He reached up for the glasses so they could pour something to drink, but his shirt got up, and revealed his naked ass, so Jungkook dropped another bowl. Luckily the bowl was plastic, and empty, so after putting the glasses down on the kitchen island, Jimin reached and got the bowl, and while coming up, glanced at the younger's hardening erection in his sweatpants.

"There's nothing underneath your shirt..." Jungkook stated.

"I know." Jimin said and came in front of the younger, putting the bowl in the middle of the island, leaning forward slightly, trying to reach the center, his shirt pulling up slightly.

"Jimin..." Jungkook whine and move closer behind him, squeezing his ass cheeks through the cotton fabric.

"I'm starving. We should eat." Jimin said while turning around, slapping Jungkook's hands away from his ass.

"I suddenly wanna eat something else..." the younger said and move his hands behind Jimin, down to his ass again.

"No. I'm starving, we'll eat pizza first then fuck. Ok? It would be a shame to let this cool off, it's best to eat while it's hot." Jimin said and grab one plate, moving away from Jungkook, and entering the living room, swaying his ass while walking.

"You're such a tease, I swear..." Jungkook said and grabbed the big plate with pizza, and came back to bring some ketchup too.

Jimin sat on the end of a couch, and Jungkook decided to sit on the couch too, turning to face Jimin while taking one piece to eat. He poured way too many ketchup on his slice and after taking a bite, some of the sauce dropped down onto his white shirt.

"I'm so clumsy sometimes..." Jungkook said, and removed the shirt off of his toned body, leaving few drops on his chest and stomach.
Jimin looked at his amazingly built arms, chest and abs, and after he glanced at the younger's face, he saw a little smirk appearing on his lips, and he knew Jungkook did that on purpose.

"Oh honey I can play that game..."

"You have some of it left here..." Jimin crawled on all fours, and after showing the small drops of ketchup he leaned down and started licking the drops eagerly, coming all the way up, to his chest, licking Jungkook's nipples in the meantime, and the younger inhaled deeply.

He came back down again, and licked one big stripe with his wet tongue over Jungkook's lower abs, coming all the way down to the waistband of his sweatpants, and while doing so, he put his ass up in the air which cause his shirt to fall off of it, but he came back up fast, leaving Jungkook panting fast while biting his lips.

"This is some good ketchup, I really like the taste. Can you give me some more?" Jimin said while coming back to his place, extending his hand to take the bottle that was on the table next to Jungkook.

"Sure. It's my favorite." Jungkook said while giving him the bottle, and came back to finish his slice. He took one bite, and moved his lips away from the pizza slice, enjoying the melted cheese that started spreading from the slice to Jungkook's mouth, so he slurped it all in, twirling his tongue around the cheese, then licking the topping off from the rest of the slice. Of course he did it all while looking at Jimin, and Jimin looked back, chasing that tongue and all the swirling, imagining it right on his ass and dick.

"So it's about who'll break first... Ok then..."

He opened the bottle of ketchup, and after putting some on his slice, he let one drop to roll down the ketchup bottle, and after looking at it, he made eye contact with the younger.

"I should clean that." he said and put his tongue out, licking the side of the bottle where the ketchup was sliding down, and then he twirled his tongue at the bottle opening, making everything nice and clean.

Jungkook was of course looking without breathing, and then he palmed his excited member, probably calming it down a bit.

Jimin ate the slice, and rolled his eyes after finishing it, exaggerated sounds of pleasure coming out of his mouth.

"Mmmmmm so good. Oh yes... Amazing..."

"You like it?" Jungkook asked after looking at the older, humming while licking the one drop of sauce drooling over the side of his lips.

"Mhmmm taste so good and warm, and just delicious. Thank you." Jimin said while licking his fingers clean, with his tongue and his mouth, looking at flustered Jungkook almost dying on the opposite end of couch, the slice still in his hand untouched.

"Eat, don't you like it?" Jimin said after pointing at the slice in Jungkook's hand, and the younger just put it on the plate, looking at his dirty fingers.

"I would eat it gladly, but I'm a bit distracted..." Jungkook tried to take a napkin to clean his fingers, but Jimin was faster, and after coming to him, he grab the younger's hand and start licking his fingers teasingly.

"I got it." he said after licking his index finger, now moving to his middle finger where he sucked the sauce eagerly, just like he would do it if it was the younger's dick instead. Then he licked a couple of small kitten licks over Jungkook's ring finger, doing it all while looking at Jungkook's fucked out expression.

"Jimin..." Jungkook whine so Jimin positioned himself on top of the younger's crotch, enjoying the full hard dick under his bare needy ass.

"You're unable to eat yourself? Am I distracting you that much? Can't control your big, needy cock? Hmmm?" Jimin said while taking new slice off the table, and putting it in front of Jungkook's mouth.

"Open up." Jimin said and Jungkook did so. He opened his mouth and took a big bite off of that pizza, cheese melting in between again, so Jimin moved closer and sucked the melted cheese until his lips met Jungkook's and then he moved away.

"Mmmm so tasty." Jimin said and grind onto the younger's crotch. Jungkook's hands moved to grab Jimin's ass, but Jimin pushed them away.

"A-a, we're eating Jungkook. No naughty things while we eat." he said and feed the younger another bite.

Jungkook ate the whole piece, so Jimin flicked his chin softly while praising him.

"Good boy."

He got up and started walking to the kitchen, and while trying to grab two glasses of the kitchen island, he leaned over, exposing his ass again, and next thing he knows, Jungkook was right behind him, grinding his big dick onto his ass, his hands rooming over Jimin's waist, and seconds after, the younger gripped the hem of Jimin's shirt and pulled it up, over his head, leaving the older completely naked.

"Jungkook!" Jimin whine, while feeling the younger's lips kissing his back slowly, coming all the way up, licking his neck hungrily.

"I just saw a little stain on your shirt so I thought it's better if you take it off." Jungkook said while moving away from Jimin, the older missing the heat from Jungkook's body immediately.

He moved while walking backwards, just staring at the sight of Jimin's naked body in front of him, and leaned on the head board of the couch.

"So, what now Jiminshi? Want some of this?" he said while grabbing his dick under his sweatpants and taking it out. Stroking his hard dick slowly a couple of times.

Jimin is fucking drooling over the image of his exposed erection, burning holes in his now lust-filled mind. He walk closer, slowly and seductively, and after coming only an inch away from the younger, he pressed his own hard, thick dick against younger's and rubbed them while rocking his hips from side to side.

Jungkook gulped so Jimin leaned and kissed his Adam's apple, licking one stripe over the neck up to his ear.

"And what do you want?" Jimin asked while whispering, so Jungkook gripped his waist a bit harder.

"I want what you want. So you have to tell me. What do you want?" he said so Jimin looked at him, and hated the smirk he saw on his face.

He wanted to play hard to get, and to tease him more, but his dick already started leaking and Jungkook's hands were squeezing his ass so good, and he really, really can't wait no longer.

"Fine. I want you to fuck me. There I said it. Will you?" Jungkook looked at him like he was deliberating what to answer, and then while tilting his head, he squinted his eyes at the older.

"I'm gonna need you to be more specific. How do you want it? How badly do you want it? Where? What position?"

"So you're into dirty talk? I'm not gonna say any of that. Fuck me and figure it out yourself." Jimin said while moving onto the couch, sitting with his legs wide apart, looking at the younger.

"In the meantime, I'm gonna fuck myself, since you're not going to." he added and after licking his index and middle finger, pushed both of them inside his hole, his other hand wrapping around his dick, giving his shaft few slow pumps.

"What a nice view. I'm just gonna jerk off while looking at you like that. Wouldn't be the first time." Jungkook said while facing the older, the grip on his member firm, his strokes becoming faster as he was looking what Jimin was doing.

They kept looking at each other while stroking their cocks, Jimin unsuccessfully trying to fuck himself deep enough, trying to find his special spot, but his fingers were too short, and he started to feel frustrated.

Jungkook seemed to notice his struggle so he smiled at him teasingly.

"Can't reach deep enough? What a shame, and look at my long fingers, not to mention my big dick. What I would do to you..." he said while looking at his hands, then his dick, and after looking at Jimin, and his fucked out expression, he knew he got him where he wanted.

Jimin was really miserable. Trying to feel the heat the way the younger made him feel, but he couldn't.

"Fine. I want you to fuck me, in the bedroom, hard. There, I said it. Now will you stop with the teasing and fucking do it?" he said while getting up, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Hmmm but it's ok for you to tease me while we were eating? Jimin, Jimin... you teased me too much. I almost came from your dirty mouth licking that ketchup bottle, and now you want me to just give in this easily. You have to work harder for this dick. Come on. Tell me exactly what you want, step by step." the younger was obviously still remembering Jimin's shameless teasing, and just wanted to do the same.

"Well first, I wan't you to shut up, then take me to the bedroom and fuck me from behind since you're so annoying right now I don't really want to see your face. How's that sounds? Detailed enough?" Jimin said while coming closer to him, now just standing in front of the younger and waiting his response.

After a second of deliberating, Jungkook grabbed Jimin easily, and put him over his shoulder, making the older to scream at his sudden action, and moved them to the bedroom fast.

He put Jimin down on his back, and while he was trying to turn around, Jungkook caged him with his hands, positioning them on the sides of Jimin's shoulders, making the older unable to move.

"I said I want to turn around." Jimin said with shaky voice, feeling so hot cause Jungkook was looking so good from this perspective and all he wanted was the younger to devour him completely.

"But then I won't be able to see your pretty face, or hear your sexy moans, or do this..." Jungkook said and finally leaned down, capturing Jimin's lips in a hot, hard kiss.

Jimin moaned immediately, all of it feeling too much to handle, and he started bucking his hips up, trying to gain some friction over his hard, neglected dick.

"Please fuck me... " he whispered onto Jungkook's mouth, so Jungkook got up, took off his sweatpants and grabbed a condom and a lube.

After putting the condom and lubing his dick, Jungkook got back between Jimin's inviting legs, and started rubbing up and down his thighs, and while doing so, he managed to place the head of his cock right at his hole. Electricity flew throughout Jimin's whole body.

"Want me to fuck you hard?" Jungkook whispered while leaning and kissing the side of Jimin's neck, the pressure on his hole increasing, demanding entry.

"Yes, yes, please..." only after he said those words, he realized how desperate he sounded, but didn't care. His rim muscle was stretching, but Jungkook's cock was still outside.

The prodding was getting more insistent, and his hole was getting more accommodating, and suddenly Jungkook's cock head popped inside him, so Jimin moaned softly.

His mind went into a haze as his body took over.

Jungkook pushed more and more, until he was fully inside the older.

He waited a bit, and then pushed back onto Jungkook, the younger's cock started to thrust in persistent pace.

Jimin wrapped both legs around his waist, pulling him deeper. Jungkook's face was buried in Jimin's chest, working on his nipples, nibbling, licking and biting. His hands were all over Jimin's petite body, rubbing his skin, kneading the flesh firmly.

What started as a slow and deep fuck, now became a faster and rougher dicking so Jimin struggled not to come right away, Jungkook's pace making him completely loosing his mind and gave in to the ecstasy he was feeling.

Jungkook nibbled Jimin's neck, while thrusting harder and harder, and Jimin felt it. His orgasm approaching, and as soon as he pulled Jungkook into another hot kiss, the older's neglected cock trapped between their bodies, he shot his load, not knowing if the younger was close to climax too.

"Yes, come for me, I'm close too..." Jungkook whispered into Jimin's ear, and few thrusts after, Jungkook's back arched, sweat dripping down the sides of his face, his muscles taut, eyes closed shut. Jimin reached out and squeezed his nipples with both of his hands, so the younger shot some more. Jungkook's explosion was huge and he could feel it.

The younger slumped onto Jimin's chest, still shaking with the last of his squirts.

They stayed like that for a while. Jungkook on top of Jimin's chest, his dick going soft inside Jimin's ass, still panting hard, while the older was caressing his back with his fingertips.

Jimin felt good and all he could think about was how he could get used to this...

A while after just laying like that Jungkook broke the pleasant silence.

"We should shower." he said and Jimin hummed, but neither of them moved, not even the slightest.

Couple of minutes after, Jungkook pulled out slowly, and looked at Jimin, who just laid there, eyes closed, unable to move.

"You stay here, I'm gonna clean you." he whispered while leaning down, kissing Jimin's cheek once before leaving.

Jimin remembered feeling a warm, wet cloth rubbing all over his body, and after realizing that Jungkook is wiping him clean, he made himself a mental note to thank him in the morning, cause now, all he was capable of was, to fall into deep sleep.

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