Missing you
While looking at himself in the mirror, he can't say he looked bad.
Jimin is wearing one of his favorite skinny jeans and a turtleneck shirt, which was a necessity considering the state his neck and shoulder was in, from last nights sex he had.
One small hickey was poking out of the collar, just a small red bruise, on the right side of his neck.
"Maybe I can cover it up..." he thought, but still decided not to, feeling too lazy and kind of emotionally drained from this whole situation.
After grabbing his jacket, he went out, and met Yoongi right outside his apartment, and after deciding to grab something to eat first, Yoongi suggested a small restaurant not too far away, so they walk there while talking about everything and anything.
They ordered some Kimchi with pork, and Jimin loved the cozy vibe the restaurant gave him.
It's small and warm, just the opposite from the weather outside.
"So do you have any plans after finishing university?" Yoongi asked so Jimin nodded, and after finishing his bite answered him.
"I really wanna find a steady job, and start working as a doctor. I know I need a lot of practice first and I'm happy to do it. I enjoy my job right now, even if it's more like helping and learning at the hospital, it's still amazing. I just hope I'll get the opportunity to continue with that. "
" That's nice. Do you still struggle with the money, cause you're grandma's medicine is so expensive." Yoongi asked, well aware of the whole situation, cause at the beginning of his grandma's sickness, before Jimin got the bartending job at the club on weekends, sometimes he didn't have the money to pay the rent on time, and Yoongi never pressured him to do so, always gave him the time to find the money even ten days later than he should, and Jimin will forever be grateful for that.
"We're ok now. Um... The medicine is way too expensive, but I can take care of it." Jimin simply said, not wanting to go into details.
"Yeah, I noticed. Your grandma pays in advance now. She's so happy and really looks good these days."
"She is. I'm spoiling her every day. I treat her like a baby." Jimin said and giggled at his own words. Remembering all the times he carried her home cause she felt tired, or tucked her to sleep when she fall asleep while watching one of her dramas late at night.
They really have an amazing relationship and Jimin love talking about her.
After eating their dinner, they decided to go and grab a drink in a small bar nearby, where they could play some pool too.
Yoongi tried to give some tips at how to hold a stick right, where to hit the balls and with what kind of pressure, not knowing that Jimin is literally a pro when it comes to playing pool.
After beating his ass with style, Yoongi whined, telling how it's not fair to play against someone as good as Jimin.
"You assumed you're better than me, that was your first mistake." Jimin said while cocking his eyebrows at the older, and he smiled.
"Maybe there are things I'm better at than you. I'll gladly show you." Yoongi then said teasingly, and Jimin blushed, because the last thing he's expecting was a little bit of flirting even though this is a real date.
"Maybe some day." Jimin said while looking at his watch. Feeling a bit tired already, so after paying for their drinks, which Jimin insisted, cause Yoongi payed for the food, they walked back to Jimin's apartment that isn't that far away from the bar.
The whole date was nice. Yoongi was a good company, cute too, funny with some kind of dark sense of humor which Jimin liked, but yet, he couldn't relax properly, and through the whole date, Jungkook kept popping up unannounced on his mind.
"Would Jungkook like this place?"
"Does he like playing pool?"
"I would like to see him playing with that stick..."
"Calm down you idiot..."
And when they came to the entry of Jimin's building, things got awkward.
"So, I had a really good time with you today." Yoongi said, looking totally relaxed, his hands in his pockets, eyes looking straight into Jimin.
"Yeah, it was really nice. Thank you." Jimin said, and moved back a bit, his back leaning on the door.
And then he see Yoongi coming closer, so he instinctively licked his lips, and then he felt Yoongi's lips on his. He was so taken aback, he didn't even close his eyes, and all of it felt way too weird.
Yoongi has nice lips, sure, he's good looking too, sure, had a nice sense of humor, definitely, but he isn't Jungkook.
The motherfucking asshole Jimin fell for so hard, and couldn't stop thinking about even in the middle of kissing someone else.
When Yoongi sucked his lower lip, Jimin remembered all the times Jungkook did the same thing, and all of this felt wrong.
He just couldn't stand another lips on his, another tongue entering his mouth, another man's saliva mixing with his own, taking away and replacing what used to be Jungkook's, so he put his hands on Yoongi's chest, and pushed him away slightly, causing their lips to separate in the middle of making out.
"Is something wrong?" Yoongi asked immediately, looking at Jimin, confused.
"Um.. I'm really sorry..." Jimin started talking, but it was hard to explain why he couldn't do this. He couldn't tell the truth, but didn't wanna lie either, so he decided to go with something in between.
"I'm kind of seeing someone right now, um... We're not exclusive, but I think I like him more than I thought so it's only fair to let you know... So, sorry, again." Jimin said while blushing, and looked at the older's reaction that was hard to read.
"Well, that's just not ok. I mean if you're into someone you shouldn't have accepted to go out with me in the first place. That's called leading someone on, and not to mention the flirting and the teasing which is just wrong." Yoongi said while crossing his arms, and Jimin looked at him with a frown.
"Were we on the same date? What flirting are we talking about? And teasing?" Jimin asked while reflecting Yoongis posture, putting his hands over his chest.
"Well I'm pretty sure all the bending on that pool table wasn't necessary, yet you still did it. What were you doing? Trying to show off that nice ass you have?" Yoongi kept arguing, and Jimin felt sick to his stomach.
"I wasn't doing any of that. If my ass was sticking out, that's just cause that's how you play pool, and my ass is big. I had no intention in seducing you or something like that."
"If you say so." Yoongi said with an eye roll and moved away from him.
Jimin looked at him while leaving, hearing something like "fucking tease" in the distance, but couldn't say he heard it for sure, nor that he cared too much anyways.
He knew accepting to go on this date was a bad idea in the first place, and hated himself for not trusting his gut instinct.
After the not so successful date, his days were filled with work, assignments, classes, but still he had time to rethink everything that happened between him and Jungkook in past three months.
Three months? How fast did time fly by???
He thought about the upcoming Thursday, and didn't know what to do. He really didn't think much about the medicine, having some savings now made him a bit more relaxed, but he didn't know what to do with this whole Jungkook situation.
Of course Tae is there for him every day to talk things through, but even he could only slightly help him since he couldn't figure things out himself.
"So, how are you feeling today? Any thoughts on what to do since tomorrow is Thursday?" Tae asked while preparing them their favorite hot chocolate.
"I don't know Tae. One day, I think, the best is to just never show up there again, then I think how that's totally wrong and how immature and ungrateful I would look. Not to mention how I would still have to see him in the pharmacy, so it would be even more awkward. Maybe the best thing to do would be to just go there and try to have a normal conversation, tell him how we can't do this anymore, and hopefully we can just go back to not being anything, just strangers like before." Jimin said and looked down, refusing to feel the way he was feeling, so broken and sad, and just unhappy.
When and how did all of this start to affect him so much?
Is he afraid of loosing Jungkook more than anything right now?
How will his life get back to normal after all that he's been through with the younger?
"I think that's for the best too. And remember, you're amazing and confident and you can do this. I believe in you, and you have to believe in yourself and the choices you make." Tae is cheering for him, and he kept repeating his words inside his head, while entering the so familiar building.
He waved at Hangyeol while walking past him, still repeating the words in his mind, trying to remember every single thing he wants to say to him, just to make all of this easier for him, and in the end, for Jungkook too.
" Jungkook, I really think we had some good times, but we both know all of this had an expiration date. We were never the thing you wanted us to be, and I can see how my attitude towards you may cost us some fights and misunderstandings, but your behavior wasn't the best either, but without getting into all of this too deep, I just wanna say thank you for helping me the way you did, and I'm sorry for ending all of this in a bad manner. I hope one day we could see each other as people who shared something in the past, but just had to move from all of that since we clearly don't want the same things in life. I wish you all the best, and hope you'll be happy in the future."
His speech was ready, he knew it by heart, just had to calm his racing heart before entering the big white door.
"This is the right thing to do." Jimin said to himself before entering the apartment, trying to ignore his shaky hands.
Jungkook had helped him in his own way, and now it's time to end things the right way. He can be polite and mature about all of this, and the last thing he needs is to have Jungkook as his enemy.
He's just gonna talk to the younger and explain how all of this needs to stop, and to make sure the two of them are ok with it.
Yes. That's the plan.
After going inside, the last thing he expected was to see the younger, already sitting in the living room, three empty bottles of beer on the table in front of him.
Jungkook got up immediately and looked a bit confused.
"You came." he said sounding surprised, and just as Jimin had opened his mouth to say his already prepared speech the younger interrupted his thoughts.
"I'm sorry." Jungkook said so Jimin's eyes widen at his honest apology.
"For what exactly?" Jimin asked, confused, although there were plenty of things the younger could be sorry for.
"Just, for everything. Treating you like you're my usual fuck buddy when you're clearly not. For saying those things about your date... It's all so messed up, and I'm really sorry. I guess I kind of got jealous, I don't know anymore..." Jungkook said and scratched the back of his neck, nervously, looking at the floor, avoiding eye contact.
Jimin just stood there, unable to function right now, thinking about how many times he had repeat the 'we shouldn't do this anymore' speech that was already prepared in his head, and now it's all ruined. Jungkook ruined the chance to end this nicely, cause he did the last thing Jimin thought he would do.
He apologized sincerely, and was looking so damn lost and confused and just vulnerable right now, and all Jimin wanted to do was hug him.
"I know this is all maybe too much for you, so if you don't want to do this..." Jungkook continued, but Jimin is faster to interrupt him.
"It's ok." he said pretty fast. Just trying to stop the younger from saying something he thought he would like him to say, but deep down didn't.
"Really? You're ok with this?" Jungkook said, sounding surprised to his core, and finally Jimin moved towards him.
The younger was still standing in a living room, only small led lights illuminating the space, and with every step closer that Jimin got to the younger, he could see the dark circles under his eyes, and swollen, puffy cheeks, that looked like he's been crying.
"Jungkook, are you ok?" Jimin came really close and cupped Jungkook's cheeks, making the younger to look at him.
"I'm fine. It's just, a rough week at work." he said and took a deep, shaky breath.
Jimin took his hands in his own, and moved them to the couch, pulling him down to sit next to each other.
"Talk to me. What happened?" Jimin said, still holding the younger's hand in his own, caressing it slowly.
"It's just something that happens all the time, and I don't know for how much longer I can take this. You know that we work with experimental medicine, and luckily in your grandma's case, the meds are helping her. Well sometimes the medicine can't help, and only make things worse. Do you know how many times I've had to hear parents yell at me because the meds that their kid was using made them even worse. It's hard. It's so damn hard that sometimes I just wish to quit and never do that anymore." Jungkook opened up, and Jimin looked at him in awe.
He was really so much more than just amazing looks and great fuck.
"I understand, but honestly, you can't think like that. When you make the medicine, you obviously make them to try and help someone, right? (Jungkook nodded). So if things don't work out the best way as you planned, it's not your fault. You can't know everything. The most important thing is that you had a good intention, and you were trying to help, don't ever forget that. I know you would never do anything intentionally to hurt those people, and they need to know it too. It's their choice to try with the treatment, just like my grandma signed the paper that everything that happens to her, it's because of her decision, and no one made her do anything." Jimin talked, and looked at the younger who's face finally lit up.
"Thank you. I guess you've got the point." Jungkook said, being all shy and adorable, and Jimin just had to smile back at him.
"So, to make you feel better, let's watch some movie and just cuddle." Jimin said enthusiastically so Jungkook looked at him with those big doe eyes, sparkling like the starry night.
"Cuddle?" Jungkook asked, a bit teasingly, and Jimin nodded.
"Yeah, lots and lots of cuddles. You said it yourself, we're not just fuck buddies so we don't have to fuck every time." Jimin said while going through movies they could watch.
"But I love to fuck you." Jungkook said with the cutest pout, and Jimin wanted to kiss those cute lips, unable to understand how someone could say such a dirty thing while looking like an angel.
"Ah just shut up. I'll even let you pick the movie. What's your favorite?"
"Let's go with Iron man." Jungkook said with grin, so Jimin turned around to look at him, dead- panned.
"Twilight it is." he said and Jungkook started fake crying which made Jimin laugh.
"You just want to drool all over Jacob, just admit it." Jungkook teased.
"It was James, if you mean the hot blonde from the first movie..."
"No, no, no... The one that walks almost naked through the whole movie."
"Ah, then you're right. That's Jacob, and God bless his stylist."
"Well I'm more into the Cullens. I think they're hotter."
"Pfffff, they're not hotter, that's for sure. And you really do look like you would hump Jasper to be honest."
"Indeed I would." Jungkook said and Jimin slapped him.
"Well it's all set, and now we need some snacks. Let's go and grab some." Jimin said and got up, but Jungkook just stayed there while looking at him.
"Let's go, the snacks won't come to us, we have to go and get them."
"But where?" Jungkook sounded confused.
"What do you mean where? The store is right across the street. Come on you lazy man, get up." Jimin came and tugged Jungkook along, so he just fallowed him.
They got out of the apartment and went to the elevator, and went downstairs.
"Mr. Jeon, Mr. Park, you're going somewhere?" Hangyeol asked as soon as he saw them exiting the elevator.
"Just to grab some snacks. Do you want some?" Jimin asked, and Hangyeol took a second to think about the offer.
"Coke would be amazing." he said with smile.
"Sure. See you soon." Jimin answered and smiled at the man, and soon they were at the store, picking out their favorite snacks.
Jimin picked all the soury and chili ones, and Jungkook stick to the classics, pop corns and chips. They grabbed some chocolates and a pack of beer. Of course they didn't forget about Hangyeol's coke too.
They came to the register, and Jungkook tried to grab his wallet from the back pocket on his sweatpants,but Jimin slapped his hand away.
"I got this." he said and gave his card to the nice lady at the register.
"No. Please, let's at least split. It's too much." Jungkook whined, but Jimin was determined.
"No. It's fine. You'll make us some ramen later." he said and winked at the younger, and the cute lady smiled.
"You two are the cutest." she said and both of them froze while looking at her, not saying a word.
They looked at each other briefly and than averted their gaze to something else. Jimin was picking up snacks and putting them in their bag, and Jungkook was giving back the shopping cart that they used.
"Have a nice evening." Jungkook said on their way out, and the polite lady smiled, adding "you too." which made them both blush.
After they came back, they made themselves some cozy little nest, filled with bowls of snacks and pillows all around them. Jungkook pulled out the big couch, turning it into a sleeping bed so that they have more space and feel more comfortable and relaxed.
Somehow, after eating way too many snacks, and drinking at least a pack of beer, Jimin found himself laying on Jungkook's chest, trying to watch the movie, but feeling distracted cause younger's hand was slowly caressing his back and sides which made him feel a bit ticklish.
Soon Jungkook's hand went underneath Jimin's shirt, and started caressing his back all the way up, and then coming all the way back down, slightly tracing under the waistband of his jeans and underwear.
"Are you trying to distract me cause you know Jacob will get naked soon?" Jimin teased while looking at the younger who just smiled at him.
"Shut up." Jungkook said with a smug smile on his face, so Jimin looked at his lips, then his eyes again and said teasingly: "Make me."
The younger doesn't need to be told twice. He leaned down and pressed his soft lips onto Jimin's.
Only then Jimin realized just how much he missed Jungkook's lips, and how much he loved the way his plump one matches perfectly with his smaller ones.
What started with soft pecks, soon escalated to a deeper and sexual make out session.
Jimin straddled Jungkook's lap and put his hands on the back of the younger's neck, deepening their kiss while their tongues melt on top of each other.
Jungkook's hands were on Jimin's hips, keeping him steady while kneading the flesh firmly.
At one point, when they stopped kissing, Jimin turned around just in time to caught a glimpse of Jacob and his amazingly built torso.
"For fucks sake, I'll find the guy and beat him up." Jungkook said teasingly, so Jimin giggled.
"You're that jealous?" Jimin said while coming down and landing soft pecks down Jungkook's neck.
"I guess I am." Jungkook answered while closing his eyes, trying to enjoy as much as he can.
They stayed like that for what it seemed like a really long time, just kissing and nibbling, teasing each other, as their dicks got unbearably hard and soon Jimin started rocking his hips, just desperate for some friction.
"Jimin..." Jungkook said breathlessly, enjoying the way Jimin grind onto his lap.
"Hmm?" he mumbled while playing with the hem of Jungkook's shirt.
"I want you..." Jungkook said before licking his neck, all the way up until he meet his lips once again in new fervor kiss. Jimin tilted his head to the side, allowing Jungkook to enter deeper with his tongue.
"I want you too..." Jimin finally said and pulled Jungkook's shirt over his head, exposing the younger's buff chest and amazing abs.
Jimin just looked at him with admiration, and started caressing his soft skin, all the way from his shoulders, to his lower abs.
"Look there's Jacob on tv." Jungkook teased, trying to deconcentrate Jimin, but the older didn't flinch, just continued caressing Jungkook's body.
"Jacob who?" Jimin said while cocking his eyebrows at the younger and then felt Jungkook hovering over him, while pushing his back onto the sofabed.
They kissed again and then Jungkook pulled Jimin's shirt off of him, leaving them both only in their bottoms. Jimin started stroking Jungkook's clothed dick, and the younger moaned in pleasure, and returned the favor, cupping Jimin's dick over his jeans.
Soon their kisses became more desperate and needy, and they knew they needed more.
"Off..." Jimin mewled while tugging Jungkook's sweatpants down, and after getting him completely naked, Jungkook unzip Jimin's jeans together with his underwear, and pull them off of him.
Now they are completely naked, just lying together, kissing each other sensually while their cocks rub on one another.
"I'm not stretched." Jimin said a bit shyly, biting on his lower lip.
"I didn't plan on doing any of this, so..." he continued, but Jungkook shushed him with a soft peck on the lip.
"I know how to stretch a guy, don't worry, I got you." Jungkook whispered betwen soft pecks.
"Oh I know you do." Jimin said dazed, remembering the last time they were together and the younger eating him out so good, stretching him with his tongue and fingers...
"You liked that hm?" like he just read his mind, Jungkook asked and Jimin blushed.
"Mhm... So good." he whined cause Jungkook was now licking his toned abs, going further down, and then he turned him over fast, exposing the older's thick, round ass, and started kissing his cheeks slowly.
Jimin mewled in pleasure, spreading his legs wider instinctively.
Jungkook nibbled at his hot butt cheeks, and then spreading them wide, ready to lick all around Jimin's hole.
He did it slowly this time, just taking his time. He licked small kitten licks all over his hole, and then nibbled on the sensitive skin. Then he started licking a bit more eagerly, which evoke the sweet sounds coming from the older.
"Ah... Jungkookah... More..." Jimin moaned while buckling his ass up, trying to get as much as he could off that wet licks and nibbling.
Soon his tongue poked inside Jimin's needy hole, and he started fucking him with his tongue. Jimin squirmed and panting hard, feeling overwhelmed in a good way.
"I'm gonna get the lube, wait for me." Jungkook said and kissed Jimin's shoulder, on the same spot where he bit it last time, looking at the faint mark that was still visible.
As soon as he came back, he continued stretching Jimin, nicely and thoroughly, and all of it felt way too intimate and special for it to just be a simple fuck between two fuck buddies.
Jungkook lubed his fingers, and started thrusting inside Jimin's warm, spit slicked hole, and the reaction he got was more than satisfying.
Jimin started moaning sweetly, so Jungkook did more, wanting to hear him as much as he can.
"Jimin, the way you sound... I swear it's the sexiest sound I've ever heard..." Jungkook praised him, and Jimin could only register his words through cloud of pleasure, cause Jungkook was opening him up with three digits now.
"More, more... please..." the older cried out, loving the pace of Jungkook's thrusting, hitting his prostate every single time...
"I'm ready, Jungkookah, fuck me now..." Jimin said desperately, so Jungkook turned him around, facing the older, and leaned down to capture his lips in another hot kiss.
The kiss was more tongues licking over another, but everything was just perfect, and Jimin love the trance he fell in. Lust consuming his whole body, not thinking about anything else right now.
It was just him and Jungkook and their amazing sexual chemistry.
Jungkook rolled the condom on his hard dick, lubed it nicely and while pushing Jimin's legs to his chest, exposing him wider, he entered his hole slowly while looking at Jimin's facial expression.
The older was biting on his already swollen and red lips, eyes closing shut, as the fullness from Jungkook's cock consumed him totally.
"You're so fucking beautiful." the younger said, so Jimin looked up at him, and moved his upper body up to kiss him once again. They stayed like that for a moment, just kissing and waiting for Jimin to adjust to the fullness he felt.
"You can move now..." he whispered against Jungkook's lips, and the younger did.
He moved slowly, deliberately, just giving Jimin deep, fulfilling thrusts and the moans from Jimin's lips were indicator of how much he enjoyed the way he was fucking him.
This felt so much different than the sex they had last time.
Jimin enjoyed the rough and angry sex they had before, sure, but this felt good on another level. This felt like they were almost making love.
Love between fuck buddies, that aren't fuck buddies...
After a while of just kissing and nibbling all around each other skin, and Jungkook's deep and hard thrusts, the younger changed the pace to a bit faster, and Jimin felt it. His orgasm was approaching, and as usual there was nothing he could do to stop it.
"Jungkook, ah... wait... oh my God, just slow down..." Jimin tried to speak, but he felt unable to say the full sentence out...
"Are you coming already? Close? Hm?" Jungkook teased, and Jimin felt ashamed.
Why was he always the one to come first, fuck!
"Just stop it for a second, I don't want to come too early..." Jimin squirmed around, trying to escape Jungkook's fast trusts.
"You don't want to? Don't worry, I won't let you then." Jungkook said and started fucking him even faster, and as soon as he saw Jimin's body tensing, he wrapped his hand firmly over the base of the older's dick, denying him his so needed orgasm and stopped with his thrusts, making Jimin whine in protest.
"No, no, no, I changed my mind, I want to come badly, this is the worst thing... no..." Jimin whined, but Jungkook just pulled out, and started kissing Jimin's body softly.
He kissed his calves, then his thighs, kissed his cock head teasingly, then move up to his stomach, then nipples, and finally his plump lips.
"It'll be worth it. I promise. And you said it yourself, you don't want to come too early, so let's play a bit, hm?" Jungkook said and nibbled on Jimin's ear.
"Sure, you wanna play, I can play..." Jimin said and turned them around, now getting on top of Jungkook, straddling his hips.
He rubbed his ass cheeks over Jungkook's hard dick, but not letting the younger to enter him yet.
He spread his cheeks and took Jungkook's cock with one hand, and put it in between his cheeks, and started rubbing it firmly, making Jungkook a growling mess underneath him.
"Jimin, ride me, please... " it was Jungkook's turn to whine.
"No. Not yet." then Jimin turned around, his back and ass on display for the younger to see, and he did the same thing again. Just rubbing younger's dick between his round, wet cheeks, not allowing him to slip inside his hole.
"Jimin, please..." he begged, and Jimin looked him over the shoulders teasingly, while taking the base of his cock firmly and slammed it hard over his ass cheeks. The sound echoed through the whole room, just a few slaps over the naked ass, and Jungkook covered his eyes with his hands, unable to look at the sight in front of him.
"Jimin!" he yelled, but Jimin wasn't done.
"What? You wanted to play. Play with me then. Look at me. Am I too hot for you to handle? Hm?" he teased while repeating the slaps over his ass, making his cheeks pink and marked.
"I can't... Please. I'm gonna explode..." Jungkook said desperately, so Jimin turned around, facing him again, and kissed his lips hungrily.
"Then don't try to play with me if you can't handle the play." Jimin said and guided Jungkook's dick into his hole, making Jungkook nod obediently while moaning in pleasure.
Then Jimin started the ride of his life.
He was determined to make the younger come fast and before him.
He rocked his hips slowly, then increased his pace, and while looking at the younger's fucked out face, he knew he was doing a good job.
Then he started bouncing on his dick like his life's depending on it, and moved down to nibble the younger's ear teasingly.
"I love the way your dick fills me up, so deep and good..." Jimin thought how a little dirty talk won't hurt.
"For fucks sake, don't talk like that... I'm gonna come..." Jungkook tried to steady Jimin's hips, prolonging his obviously approaching orgasm, but Jimin is having none of that.
He grab his hands, and pushed them above the younger's head, pinning him in place, as his hips moved harder than before.
"Ah.. Jimin... wait... let me just..." he whined, and being stronger than Jimin, he freed his hands from Jimin's grip, while grabbing Jimin's hips, he held him above his cock, and started fucking him as hard as he could from underneath him.
"Oh fuck.. ahh... Jungkook... ah..."
The older started spasming around the younger's dick, as Jungkook began to shoot ribbons of cum inside the condom, the clenching of Jimin's ass milking his cock dry.
"Oh my God..." Jimin fall down, on top of Jungkook's covered in cum stomach, and only then Jimin realized that he came untouched, again.
"You did so good." Jungkook praised him, and kissed his forehead sweetly.
"And you did... wow... just wow... " Jimin said and Jungkook chuckled.
"Thank you." he said softly while caressing Jimin's hair, both of them totally unbothered by the cum lingering between their bodies, Jungkook dick still inside Jimin, softening slowly.
"I think we should shower." Jimin broke the silence, and Jungkook agreed.
They moved apart slowly, and Jimin entered the guest bathroom, going in the shower immediately, feeling all sticky and dirty.
Then he heard the door opening, and saw Jungkook coming in, bringing him new, big towel, and putting it on the washing machine near the shower, Jimin extended his hand towards the younger.
He knew that there were two bathrooms in the apartment, but just wanted to feel close to the younger again.
The second he saw Jungkook deliberating what to do, he thought that maybe he crossed the line, but the next thing he knew, Jungkook came inside, standing next to him while pouring shampoo in his hands, rubbing it all over Jimin's body nicely. His hands warm and big, feels amazing on Jimin's petite body.
"It smells so nice." Jimin said while inhaling the nice scent.
"Coconut. My favorite. You smell like coconut sometimes." Jungkook said and started rinsing the foam from Jimin's hair.
"Oh, really... I guess it's the fabric softener my grandma uses."
"It smells yummy on you." Jungkook said while Jimin was taking care of his dirty hair.
"Yummy, like I'm a cake or something?"
"Mhm, like I wanna eat you all the time." Jungkook said shamelessly so Jimin slapped his arm, but got turned on by the firm muscle he felt underneath his palm.
"Your arms are so big." he stated the obvious while squeezing the flexing muscle.
"You like that?" Jungkook asked while caressing his back, moving closer to the older.
"I mean... yeah..." Jimin gulped, leaning closer to the younger's lips, but the sound of Jungkook's phone ringing startled them both so they moved apart and looked at the direction of the sound.
"I should get that." Jungkook said, went out while grabbing the towel and wrapping it over his hips.
Jimin exhaled deeply and finished with shower himself. He dried his body and hair, and went outside. His clothes are scattered everywhere so after collecting piece after piece, he got dressed and looked around, feeling a bit weird cause Jungkook was no where to be seen.
He thought about leaving like the last time, without saying goodbye, but it just didn't feel right.
He had such a good time with the younger, that he felt like a nice, polite goodbye is a must. Also he didn't get the medicine for his grandma so that is a solid reason why he should stay and wait for the younger.
Minutes after, Jungkook came back, wearing new sweatpants and a hoodie, and Jimin hated the way he looked so good. Boyfriend material at his best.
"You're leaving?" Jungkook suddenly asked, and Jimin got confused by his question.
"Um, yeah. I have classes early in the morning..." and only then he noticed the clean shirt and a sweatpants that Jungkook brought with him, probably to give to him so he could wear something clean.
"Oh... Ok. I just thought since it's a bit late, or early, depends on how you look at it..." Jungkook said and Jimin looked at the watch.
"Oh fuck. I had no idea it's this late. Where did the time go?" Jimin said and went to the living room to grab his phone, and as soon as he tried to call a cab, Jungkook interrupted him.
"I'll drive you. I'm gonna go home too."
"Oh, you don't have to..."
"I want to."
"Ok then." Jimin smiled cutely, feeling all happy and excited to spend more time with the younger.
"Can you wait for two minutes, just to dry my hair?" Jungkook asked cause his hair was still wet and it is cold outside.
"Sure. I'll clean up the mess we made." Jimin said and moved to the living room to make the bed they just had sex on.
"You don't have to do that. The cleaning lady will come tomorrow."
"Well it's even more embarrassing to see this. She'll know what we did immidiately." Jimin said while folding the blankets and pillows.
"Yeah, cause having sex is so shameful." Jungkook teased before entering the bathroom, leaving Jimin to mumble alone in the room.
Five minutes after, they were driving in Jungkook's car, enjoying the nice music from the radio, just looking happy and comfortable around each other.
"Um... So... Your date? Um... How did that go?" Jungkook asked minutes before arriving at Jimin's place, and Jimin felt weird to talk about that with him.
"Um... Well, it was nice. I mean... We had fun, um... Just grabbed something to eat and played some pool, but I won't see him again if that's what you're asking." Jimin said while nervously playing with the hem of his shirt.
"Oh, really? Why is that?" Jungkook asked, sounding surprised.
"Um... He didn't react very well when I said that um... I can't date him, cause I have something else going on right now." Jimin said and shrugged.
Jungkook looked over to him, frown consuming his face, and then stopped on the parking lot in front of Jimin's building a bit harshly.
"What do you mean he didn't react very well? Did he hurt you? " he then asked while turning around to face the smaller completely.
"No, no. It's not like that. He just said some, well, not nice things, that's all..." Jimin explained, but Jungkook's face still looked worried.
"Did he force himself onto you?" he then asked, so Jimin shook his head.
"No, well... He did kiss me, but I pushed him away so he stopped..." he explained and Jungkook gulped.
"If he ever treats you bad again, just call me, I'm here for you just so you know." Jungkook said and Jimin's heart melt from the affection he felt through his words.
"Ok, but he won't. I know him for a while now. He's an ok guy just... It was all a misunderstanding." Jimin assured him so the younger nodded.
"Here, your medicine."
Jungkook gave Jimin two bottles of his grandma's pills, and Jimin looked at him confused.
"Two?" he simply asked.
"I'm not gonna be here for at least two weeks, probably more, like a month or something, and I had two bottles at the apartment, so after two weeks you can come and take the medicine like usually, I'll have my friend deliver it on time." Jungkook explained while extending the bottles to Jimin, who accepted it timidly.
"Oh...Ok. But the whole month?" Jimin said while sounding sad and disappointed, and scolded himself mentally for being a weak wuss.
Jungkook smiled fondly at Jimin's honest reaction, and nodded.
"We have to go to Busan and make sure the therapy that harmed that patient I told you before is well tested and we need to see the progress after the new treatment."
"Ok. Well, good luck, don't overwork yourself, give your best in finding the right treatment, but don't feel bad if some things don't work out. The most important thing is that you tried, and try to relax and have some fun." Jimin said and immediately panicked on the inside.
"Relax and have some fun??? What the fuck Jimin! You just gave him your blessing to go out and fuck his fuck buddies for fucks sake!"
"I'll try. Thank you for listening to me earlier, and for... Well... " Jungkook got shy again, scratching his nape nervously.
"Riding you good?" Jimin said and Jungkook chuckled.
"Yes. Exactly." Jungkook said and smiled at the smaller.
So there they are. Just sitting pretty close, looking at each other fondly, deliberating their next move.
Jimin thought about not seeing the younger for a whole month, which felt like an eternity right now, and just leaned closer, wanting to taste his lips before they separate.
Jungkook leaned too, and after meeting half way, they kissed softly, just pressing their lips against each other, moving them slowly and seductively.
Jimin was the first to catch Jungkook's bottom lip and sucked it in his mouth, to what Jungkook responded with adding a little tongue to their kiss, while his hands find it's way into Jimin's hair.
The older tilted his head to the side, deepening the kiss, while bringing his hands on top of Jungkook's shoulders, squeezing them firmly.
"Jimin..." Jungkook said breathlessly in between the kisses.
"Hmmm?" Jimin hummed in response.
"If we continue I'm gonna get hard again." Jungkook confessed and Jimin smiled through the kiss, pinching the younger on the side.
"I know... We should stop." Jimin agreed, but none of them did anything to stop their hot kisses, and soon both of them felt their dick twitching.
Jimin moved away first, and while panting faster observed the younger's hungry face.
"This is the right thing to do...." Jimin thought while moving a bit further away, not able to handle the younger's suggestive stare.
He went out, and came to Jungkook's window. Then he knocked on it three times so Jungkook rolled the window all the way down.
Jimin leaned down, and grabbed Jungkook's chin with his thumb and index finger, and kissed his lips once again.
"For a second I was deliberating whether to suck your dick right now, in the car, but then I figured it's too late and we both need some rest, so bye and try not to miss me too much while you're away." he said while still holding the younger's chin, and loved the way Jungkook gulped heavy.
"Thank you for the dirty talk, now excuse me, I have to go home and jerk off." Jungkook said so Jimin chuckled, and while waving his hand, went inside his building.
He felt overwhelmed by everything that had happened.
He went to the apartment with one thought on his mind, but ended up feeling closer to the younger more than ever before.
He felt good and satisfied, but also worried.
A month.
Whole month without seeing Jungkook.
"Will he fuck his other fuck buddies?"
"Will he forget about me?"
"Will he miss me?"
So many thoughts consumed his mind and he felt some weird uneasiness just by thinking about all of it.
The thing that always helps is talking to Tae, of course so after telling him all about his night with Jungkook he waited for the younger to speak his mind.
"Hm... So you cuddled, then fucked, then he brought you home, you kissed again, wanted to do more, but you went home,and now you won't see him in a month." Tae summed things up and Jimin nodded.
"I didn't expect this to be quite honest. I mean you did say you're going cause you want to break things off in person, and not through text, but this is definitely more interesting."
"So... I've been thinking about sending him a message. Just little something that can show him that I'm thinking about him or something..."
"No?" Jimin looked surprised.
"You'll look too desperate and needy. Just wait a bit longer, and if he doesn't say anything either, that means he's not thinking about you, and is probably fucking his other fuck buddy, and you're long forgotten." Tae said and shrugged.
"Where is my soulmate, and who are you?" Jimin listened to Tae's pretty heartless words, and frowned at him.
"I'm just helping you out, since you obviously have no idea how to handle this 'fuck buddies' situation."
"That's only cause it's not a 'fuck buddies' situation. As I told you before, both of us decided not to label this, as Jungkook said it himself, we are not doing things like he usually does with his fuck buddies... We cuddled Tae... He was so soft and nice..." Jimin said while looking all dazed and happy.
"Yeah and you fucked right after, just like fuck buddies do."
"Fuck buddies don't cuddle!" Jimin doesn't like the labelling at all.
"Tell yourself that and maybe you'll believe there's something more going on. I just don't want to see you hurt. That's all." Tae said and cupped Jimin's cheeks, cute pout appearing on his lips.
"I know. Thank you babe. You're the best." Jimin said and looking cutely at the younger.
"So not even a little text."
The first week passed by surprisingly fast, but the second was real pain in the ass.
Jimin went to his classes, then worked at the hospital, helping even more than he usually does. He tried to busy himself with everything and anything so helping in the pediatrics department really helped a lot. He always loved kids, and working with sick ones evoke the best in him. The will to help, make them happy and just enjoy someone's honest company.
He got to know the 26 kids that are sharing a third floor in the hospital, and loved how they would always beg him to stay a bit longer and read them books, or play some games with them, and he always gladly stayed with them.
Somehow he managed to go two times to Hobi's dance lessons, something he was craving to do more, but just couldn't find the time cause of his crazy schedule. He loved to dance ever since he was a kid, and his grandma always helped him follow his dreams, well as much as he could.
The thing is, ever since his parents died in a horrible car accident, it was always just his grandma and him. The two of them against the world. Sharing the good and bad things together, respecting each other and just trying to get the most of their life while remembering his parents.
She was the one who supported him through his high school weird teenage period, was the one who would wait patiently for him to arrive home after some parties. She was his everything and he would do anything to see her healthy and happy again.
She helped him go to contemporary dance lessons, hip hop lessons, and that's where he met Hobi. One of his best friends that he felt like was betraying now with not telling him what's going on with his love life, but he just couldn't yet. All of it was pretty shameful from the very beginning, and now, when he's starting to develop feelings for Jungkook, he felt even worse. Stupid and foolish, like some horny teenager who can't control his behavior.
Weekends were still the days Jimin hated the most. It's the time when he has to work in the club, and just act all flirty and smiley towards the customers, and sometimes all he wanted to do was scream and get some sleep.
This particular Saturday, to make his life a bit easier, Tae and Hobi came to the bar, to keep Jimin company. They knew that he was working, but still, he could use an hour break and spend it with them, and all the free drinks he gets, got send straight to their table so soon enough both, Tae and Hobi were drunk. Jimin was tipsy as well, all the times someone would cheer with him, he had to get a sip of any kind of drink he was given, and usually that would be enough for him to get at least tipsy, most of the time, drunk even.
He sat with the boys during his break and talked about work, his patients, classes, well life in general, and then Tae asked the one thing Jimin doesn't wanna talk about right now.
"So... did you send him a message?"
Hobi just looked at Jimin, then Tae, and looked confused with the sudden question.
"No. I haven't. Can we please not talk about him right now." Jimin said, a bit shyly, but it was too late. Hobi noticed something was going on, and being the nosey little sunshine he is, he wanted to know the truth.
"Who is him, and why don't i know anything about it? Jimin are you having a relationship that I don't know of?" he asked while pouting, his eyebrows frowning at the younger.
"No hyung. It's not like that. It's just a friend that I was seeing for a while, but he h-had to go for a month... That's all." Jimin tried to explain, but the words coming out of his mouth were so weird and strange to witness, so Hobi wanted to know why?
"They fucked." Tae added so Jimin's eyes widen.
"Really? Is he hot? Good in bed?" Hobi started with the questions and Jimin just shook his head.
"He's super hot and has amazing dick that he knows how to use." if they're gonna talk about this, he might as well tell the truth.
"And now Jimin's all in love, but the guy's kind of a player and only wants an open relationship so I'm afraid my Minnie is gonna get hurt." Tae said while pouting, and Jimin looked at him dead - panned.
"I'm sure he's already head over heels in love with our Jiminie, I mean look at this face." Hobi said and put his palm under Jimin's chin, pointing his pretty features.
Jimin batted his eye lashes ridiculously fast and they all laughed.
"And he fucked him already, and you know what kind of a magical ass Jimin has, so..." Hobi added and Tae agreed.
Half an hour later, the boys are having shameless talks about boys and best dickings, all three of them drank some shots and Tae had an idea.
"How about Jimin sends him a text, right now, and we could see whether he's gonna answer immediately, or after some times, or not at all, and then we'll know how the guy's feeling..." he said sounding all enthusiastically and Hobi nodded.
"Yeah, and like we can even bet on what we think, when will he answer. I'll say first, I think he'll answer immediately, just waiting for Jimin to make the first step to answer back to him, I just feel it." Hobi said and clapped his hands in anticipation.
"I think he won't answer at all. I think he'll just read the message and won't bother to answer." Tae said and Jimin looked at him, a bit sad at his presumption.
"I don't even know when this became a competition, but fine... just to make things more interesting, let's have the looser drink five shots of tequila one after another in a minute. How about that?"
"Fine." Tae said, and Hobi deliberated...
"Five is too much considering what we drank already, how about three?" he then said, concerned about the state he'll be in if he looses.
So Jimin took his phone and thought about what to send.
He looked at the boys, and hated the smug face Tae had and all he wanted was for him to lose.
"What to send so Jungkook would answer back?" he thought and thought, and just made up his mind with a simple, small text.
I miss your dick.
He pressed send and covered his face with his hands, feeling ashamed to another level, and just prayed the younger would answer anything, at anytime, cause how embarrassing would it be if he doesn't. He would literally dig a grave for himself if the younger just ignores the message.
His inner panic didn't last long, and they saw his screen glow up, indicating there was something new on it.
Jimin reached for the phone, and both Taehyung and Hobi came over to see if it was Jungkook's answer.
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