
The heat.

That's what Jimin felt right before opening his eyes, and looking around himself, only then remembering where he was.

He felt a warm grip around his hard dick, and soft pecks across his back, and a big, erected dick nuzzling his spine.

"Ah... Mmm... Jungkookah... What are you doing?.." he asked even if it was pretty obvious.

The younger is spooning him from behind, while tugging on his hard dick firmly.

"Helping you get up. Making you feel good?" Jungkook said into his ear, and Jimin moan softly.

"Feels so good... What time is it? You weren't kidding about that alarm cock..."

"It's 8 minutes till 7. Don't worry, you won't be late."

"Oh ok Mr. Confident, you got 8 minutes to get me off." Jimin said while looking at the younger over his shoulder, enjoying his eager face.

"More than I need." Jungkook cocked his eyebrows and continue with the strokes, firmly, increasing the speed.

Even though Jimin is enjoying this, being so close to the younger, feeling his hands all around him, his subconsciousness kept asking: Why?

Why would Jungkook do this?
Wasn't the deal to satisfy Jungkook?
Was the younger simply following his gut instinct and doing what felt right?

So many things crossed his overwhelmed mind, but one thing was for sure, his approaching orgasm made everything else disappear, and to focus only on one thing.


Jungkook's strokes were so good, so firm, and the heat radiating from his body just so so intoxicating.

Jimin leaned his back against Jungkook's chest, and moaned loudly as his orgasm was slowly coming to the surface.

Jungkook is kissing him all over his back, shoulders, nape, hugging the older, and holding him tightly with one arm, and jerking him off with another.

Jimin started rubbing his ass onto Jungkook's hard length, so the younger moaned and started rocking his hips forward, as if he was fucking Jimin with persistent pace, and Jimin finally let go.

He came a lot, dirtying the sheets in front of him, while mewling Jungkook's name all over again.

They were both panting, and after Jungkook milked the orgasm fully out of him, Jimin turned around only to be met with the sight of the younger licking Jimin's cum from his hand, and humming while doing so.

"Fuck my life..."

Jimin hovered above him, and started kissing him hard, tasting himself on Jungkook's tongue, enjoying the softness of the younger's lips. The alarm on his phone started ringing so he snoozed it for another 10 minutes and got back to kissing the younger.

While kissing roughly, he noticed Jungkook's still hard dick, literally poking him on the belly.

"And what should we do about your situation down there?" Jimin said while looking at the younger's long, thick dick.

"Nothing. I'll just jerk off when you leave. You don't have time, and I don't want you to be late for your classes." Jungkook said so Jimin got even more turned on.

"So he did it all just to pleasure me, not bothering about his own pleasure?" he thought, and just slid down and took Jungkook's whole cock in his mouth without warning, so the younger moaned while fisting the sheets under his hands.

"You don't have to d-do this... But please... Oh god don't stop." Jungkook cried out, enjoying Jimin's warm mouth all over his dick, licking up and down his shaft, then under his balls eagerly. The slurping sound echoing through the room.

He let his tongue do the work, and enjoying Jungkook's desperate little moans and squirms.

He know he's good. He knows he could make him come right away, but he just love to tease the younger just a little bit more.

He bobbed his head deep onto his dick, and then he lift up his head, and watch Jungkook's cock twitch in the air. He would let his hard on fade a little, then lean back down and bath him in pleasure once more.

He let him lavish in it until the younger is incapable of taking it anymore, and started begging to get him off.

"Jimin... Don't stop, please..." he whined after a couple of times Jimin interrupt his upcoming orgasm, so he finally showed Jungkook some mercy and started bobbing his head deeper and faster, making him feel good and so close to coming.

"Jimin I'm gonna come." Jungkook growled, and got up on his elbows, trying to warn the older, expecting Jimin to take him out of his mouth so he can finish somewhere out there, but Jimin did the total opposite.

He bobbed even faster and licked more eagerly, so unable to control himself, Jungkook let go, and started coming right in the older's mouth.

Jimin tried swallowing as much as he could, but his mouth is so full, and he felt it run down his chin. He felt Jungkook's dick pulsing and shooting, for what it seemed like an eternity. At one point he started to worry he might drown.

"Eh. There are worse ways to go."

He wilted against him gasping, so Jimin finally got a chance to breathe.

"Oh God, Jimin, that was..." his voice was breathless. Jimin sighed contentedly, feeling lightheaded.

Before he could clean his face properly, he felt hard arms on his shoulders, as Jungkook practically pull him up, and started kissing him hard, licking his own cum away from his chin, just to put it back inside Jimin's mouth.

He kissed back, unable to control his needy moans, and soon they were both panting again, while holding each other tightly.

"Jungkookah, I really have to go." Jimin said while the younger was leaving small pecks all over his shoulders and neck.

"I know. I just don't want you to..." Jungkook whispered so Jimin's heart skipped a beat.

"What are you doing to me?" Jimin whine, so Jungkook smile at him cutely.

"What are you doing to me?" Jungkook ask back and they both just stop with everything, and slowly entwine their fingers together.

Jimin's alarm started ringing again so they finally moved, trying to make the bed, while taking off the dirty sheets.

"I'll drive you so that you don't end up being late for your second class too." Jungkook said so Jimin looked at the phone, realizing how his first class had already started, but he had time to grab a quick shower and if Jungkook drives him, he can make it just in time for his second class.

"That would be perfect. Thank you. "

He said and went to the bathroom to clean himself, and while the water was running down his body, relaxing his sore muscles, he remembered the thing Jungkook promised last night.

He wore his clothes from last night, combed his hair nicely, and went out of the bedroom.

Jungkook was in the kitchen, taking something from the highest shelf in the kitchen cabinet, his shirt pulled up exposing his thin waist and nice, bubbly butt.

"God damn it..."

"Hey, I have these protein bars that I usually eat after gym. The're super tasty and will keep you full for some time. You must be hungry..." Jungkook said while extending his hand towards the older.

"Hungry for your dick filling me up maybe..." Jimin's thoughts went nuts as usual, and he decided to just thank him with a little smile.

"Are you ready?" Jungkook asked then, and grab his keys, but Jimin had this other thing on his mind.

"Yes. We'll leave right after you show me one of your drawings, as we agreed last night." Jimin said so Jungkook bit his lips, and scratched his nape nervously.

"Agh you didn't forget." he said with a little smile.

"Of course I didn't. And hey it's totally fine if you suck at drawing, your amazing at fucking so don't feel pressured." Jimin winked, so Jungkook laughed.

"Thank you for having faith in me." Jungkook said with fake smile, and started walking towards the hall, where the bedroom was placed and another room across it, where Jimin had never entered, thinking how that's probably some guest room or something like that.

"Always baby." Jimin joked, but his cheeks got warmer at the pet name, and he saw Jungkook stumbling in front of him, probably shocked too.

"It was a joke, it was a joke..." he thought through his inner panic, but his struggle lasted short cause when he entered the spacious room, Jungkook was keeping locked, he realized Jungkook's hobby was far more than just a hobby. The room looked like some artists atelier filled with art supplies, all kinds of colors, brushes, art pieces that were covered with white fabric.

"Wow Jungkook this looks amazing. I mean, it's like a real artist place, or however you call it. I'm dumb." Jimin said while looking around, finding all sorts of art tools.

"Yeah, I mean, I really enjoy it. Just don't have that much time to do it more unfortunately." he said while nibbling on his lower lip.

"So, pick one. We agreed on one, so choose one you want to see. You can pick any of them except for this one." he said and pointed at one that was standing on the wooden art easel, and now Jimin is curious.

"Too bad. Now I want to see that one." he said and crossed his arms over his chest.

"No. Just not that one. Pick something else." Jungkook said and moved closer to the painting, like he was protecting it with his body. Shielding it from Jimin's nosey eyes.

"But I want to see it now. Show me, show me... Please, please, please..." Jimin started whining like a little child, pouting cutely, but Jungkook just shook his head.

"It's not finished yet. I don' t want to show you a painting that's only half way done. Pick something else now or you'll be late for your second class too."

"Oh shit. My class. I forgot. Fine. That one." Jimin said and pointed at one big picture hanging on the wall, and Jungkook came closer and while taking the white fabric off, Jimin's mouth got wide open.

"Holly shit." he said and looking at the younger, then the picture, the younger again, then came closer to the picture and extend his hand to touch it.

"Can I even touch it?" he said right before putting his finger tips on the beautiful picture, and Jungkook just nod.

He traced his fingers over the rough surface, feeling the thick layer of color brushing over his fingertips, while starring at a gorgeous landscape of some pretty place in the nature.

There's an island and a lake, with lots of green trees and their reflection in the lake, and not to mention the beautiful cloudy sky.

"This is unbelievable. Jungkook, I love it. It's like, true art." Jimin said while facing the flustered younger, just standing there nervously.

"I'll give you a lap dance and I'll suck your dick every time we see each other just to let me see all of them." Jimin said so Jungkook laughed out loud, and came closer to the older.

He pulled him up by his thighs, Jimin wrapping his legs instinctively around his waist, and walked with him outside. He locked the room while holding Jimin in his arms, so Jimin pouted.

"It's that a no."

"No. It's just not a Yes yet. I'll show you one by one every Thursday, not all at once." he said and it is again.

The perfect opportunity to tell him about his new job, and how maybe their little agreement has come to an end, but he just kept quiet, not saying anything, too lost in Jungkook's eyes, his tight grip, and his luring scent.

They walked outside, side by side, talking and smiling at something neither one of them knew what exactly, and after a short drive, they were in front of Jimin's University, sitting in the car, waiting for Jimin to go out.

The same struggle invaded Jimin's mind, how to say bye to the younger, and as if Jungkook registered his struggle, he smiled at him and leaned forward a bit.

"Come here." he said so Jimin meets him half way, and they share one soft, chaste kiss before Jimin went out.

While only being a few steps away, Jimin heard Jungkook calling his name. He turned around and saw the younger outside his car, leaning onto his door, and only then he registered a bottle with medicine in the younger's hand.

"Shit, the fucking medicine..."

Jimin walked back to Jungkook, who shook his head at the older.

"How come you always forget to take the most important thing?" he asked while handing the bottle to Jimin, and he took it.

Than Jimin looked at the younger and his handsome face, and just leaned closer and gave him a soft peck on the lips, not bothering that they were outside, nor how people and his colleagues might see them.

"That's cause it's not." he said and smiled cutely at the younger, enjoying the confusion consuming his face.

"Bye Jungkookie. Same time next week?" he said while walking backwards, looking at the younger who just nodded, the smile on his face becoming wider and wider.

It's safe to say that Jimin didn't register a single word the professors were saying that day, and the worst thing was, he had some of his tests next week and should really concentrate and gave his all since there were not much left of his studies, but he just couldn't help it.

He just kept touching his lips, enjoying the warmth under his fingertips, knowing Jungkook's pretty lips were there just hours ago.

After finishing his classes, he had to hurry to the hospital, this is his last week working here, and after today's work he has a meeting at the new Medical Center where he's supposed to work, starting next week. He was excited, but a bit worried since he had no idea what kind of new schedule he'll have, and the thing that scares him the most, is the thought of not being free on Thursday night.

After an amazing day at work, kids had a little goodbye party for their favorite pediatrician, bringing cake and sodas, even sang some karaoke afterwards, and Jimin felt happy and sad at the same time.

He really enjoyed working here, loved his colleagues, loved his patients, but the salary was miserable and he thought how maybe it's time to think about his future and just accept the new job and new responsibilities that would come along.

He came home, a bit early to change into something more fitting for his meeting at the Medical Center, so he choose a black suit, pairing it with a simple white button up shirt. He style his hair nicely, revealing a bit of his forehead, and called a cab to drive him to the Center.

As soon as he saw the big light gray, modern building, he took a deep breath end step inside with a bit shaky legs.

The receptionist greets him nicely so after introducing himself she show him where to go.

He entered the elevator and look at himself once again, gaining a bit of confidence since he looks good, and kind of feel that way too.

He goes to the door on the end of the hall, and see a sign Dr. Hwa Young, so he knock on the door, and after a soft:"Come in." he walk inside the bright office with dark wooden desk, and some nice leather chairs in it.

"Good evening, I'm here for my meeting..." Jimin says as he step inside, a short, skinny, black haired lady stood up from her chair and smile at him widely.

"Dr. Park Jimin, please, come in." she said with a nice and warm voice, and Jimin felt good immediately.

He sat down across the desk where the lady in her forties is sitting, and smile at her awkwardly.

"I know my friend Minsuh told you about our new job opening, and since we already met at the party the other day, and you left a good impression on all of my colleagues, we decided to give you a chance, to proove you're capable in being a part of our team, and are willing to learn and work hard.

Jimin nods so she continued.

"We are a pretty small and new Medical Center and we need new people, but we have a lot of patients, so don't let yourself be fooled into thinking how there is not much work in here. Actually, the truth is, most of my employees work even more hours than we agreed in their contract, but of course they get paid for every second they spend more in here working instead of enjoying they free time. So I'll ask you before we continue to talk more, if you are willing to put this job as your priority and give your all into it?"

Jimin loves how straight forward his new chief is, and he knew immediately that he would love to work for her.

"I would love to work here. It would be an honor to get a chance to work for you." Jimin said and meant it, so the lady nodded and took some paper off her desk.

"Minsuh already showed me your classes schedule at University, so as I see right here, you have your classes every day in the morning, and they finish usually before 14 o'clock, so that means you will have to work in the second shift through the whole week, and on weekends I will give you free days, only until you finish with your studies, cause I know how hard it must have been doing both things at the same time, studying and working hard. If you show good qualities, will to learn, ability to join in our team work, I will extend your contract for another year, and then we will arrange a new schedule for you, and we'll negotiate your new salary since you will start working on weekends too. But not to go too far into the future, the main thing you need to know for now, is that you start working in 10 days. Our pediatrician, whose place you'll take, has 10 more days before he moves to another city, so I'd really like it if you can start in the next 10 days, and learn some simple things from him such as the cases he has, some special treatment our youngest patients need, and just to get to know everyone around here. Will that be ok with you?"

Jimin listened carefully to every word she said, and after she said that he has to work every day the second shift, he got worried.

"How would I see Jungkook then?"

"He only has Thursday free, how will we manage to see each other???"

He panicked briefly, but decided that this can't be his biggest concern, and that providing for his grandma's medicine is still his top priority.

"We'll just have to find some other day and time to see each other..."

"That's totally fine with me. I'll come on Monday to meet the doctor I'm replacing, and I'll try to get to know as much patients as I can."

"Amazing. I really have a good feeling about all of this. Well, thank you for coming, and I'll see you on Monday." Dr. Hwa Young said, so Jimin got up, not wanting to bother her anymore, and after shaking her hand, he went out.

He has mixed feelings about all of this and hated himself for it. If this happened to him, only couple of months ago, he would cry the happy tears, and immediately call all of his friends, not to mention grandma, brag about his new job and probably get drunk while celebrating his own success, but no. Now he is happy and worried at the same time, and doesn't have the will to share the news with anyone at the moment, knowing they'll all be super happy for him, so he'll have to pretend to be all happy and smiley like nothing's bothering him, and the truth is on the inside he is torn apart.

He decide to walk home, just ignoring the cold weather, actually loving the numb feeling over his fingers, all around his face, like there was something else he could focus on rather than feeling so empty and confused.

As soon as he came home, he decided to share the news with the one person he knew would appreciate it the most, his grandma.

"Granny, are you home?" he asked while entering the living room, smelling some divine food coming from the small kitchen just around the corner.

"Granny..." he called her again so the cute little lady jump a little, obviously startled seeing her grandson in the kitchen.

"I didn't hear you." she said while coming closer, caressing his cheek, and giving him a small peck on the cheek.

"What are you making?" Jimin asked while looking at the frying pan, loving the colorful dish in front of him.

"Just some fried rice with eggs and ham. You're kind of always working or at the University so I don't have time to see you that much these days and I've missed you." she said while mixing the dish.

"I know, and just so you know, I missed you too." Jimin said and smile softly at her.

"Don't just stand there, come on, grab those plates and let's finally eat together." his granny said fiercely, so Jimin giggled.

"And she's back." he teased his favorite bundle of joy and did what she told him to do.

Then they sat in the living room, said a little prayer before eating, and dived right in.

"You look nice today." the old lady said after observing Jimin's handsome appearance, still dressed in his button up shirt and fitted slacks.

"Thank you. I had a job interview." he said and she looked at him curiously.

"Really? So? How did it go?" she asked, food long forgotten.

"I got the job." he simply said and loveing her sincere reaction.

She covered her heart with her small, chubby hands and her eyes started to water. Right then and there, he knew he made the right decision.

"I'm so happy for you. Please tell me everything." she asked so he did, and while having a simple dinner, and just being together, Jimin realized how much he missed these precious time he could spend with her. He was working so much, they rarely had time to see each other except on Sundays. Right there he decides to quit his bartending job, cause he really wanted to spend more time with her, and now, since he had some savings, and will get a lot better salary, he didn't need that extra money, but was craving for some free time.

His grandma is super excited, and he loved the smile on her face that didn't disappear through the whole evening.

Next few days, Jimin decided to focus on his studies. He tried so hard to concentrate, and not think about the younger, but somehow he is always somewhere in the back of his mind.

He wondered if Jungkook is thinking about him too, and a couple of times he even wanted to send him a message, but Tae's words kept echoing in his head: "Don't do it, you'll look desperate...". The worst thing was that Tae is gone for a week, he went to visit his family in Daegu, so Jimin had no one to share his thoughts with.

On Tuesday he went to the Medical Center after his classes, just trying to bond with his patients, just like he did on Monday, and actually he loved the nice working atmosphere he felt there. His new colleagues are welcoming and nice, and the kids with whom he'll be working, are just adorable.

After 4 hours of working at the Center, he came home, and went to grab a shower quickly. When he came back, he saw a new message on his phone.


Quick question.
Is the belt necessary, or?

And Jimin looked and looked at the photo, feeling all hot and bothered, and after a second of too much staring, he answered.


There's a belt somewhere in the pic?
Can't say I noticed.


So no answer?


No belt. There I helped.

And now you help me.

Which one?


Or these?

I know they look similar, but the fabric isn't the same...


Fuck Jimin, that's so mean.


Someone's missing me I see.


I mean look at that ass.


I know, I'm squeezing it firmly as we speak.




What? You can't tease me like that and than expect nothing in return.


I know, you're the ultimate tease.


Yes I am.
Anyways, change the jeans, those look too hot on you.


Deal. And put some clothes on!
No one can see that ass except for me.


Oh really?




Alright then. I'm fully covered.


That's so unfair. I got to go now with a semi hard dick to some meeting. Fuck Jimin.


You started first.
And thank you, I actually just got out of shower, but will either way enjoy myself with that hot pic of yours, not to mention the dick pic that's engraved in my mind.


And now it's fully hard.




I hate you.


No you don't.


I know.


Have a nice meeting, got to go now. My dick and ass are craving for attention.


Now I really hate you.


No you don't.


I really don't.


I know.


Bye Jimin, have fun.


I sure will.



After a nice jerk off, Jimin calls Tae to talk to him about everything, but the younger had no time cause he is staying at his parent's house and he always have some things to do. They barely send each other a text or two before falling asleep, so Jimin called Hobi, cause he's just craving someone to talk to.

"Isn't it my favorite dancer in the world?" Hobi answered immediately so Jimin is super happy to hear a familiar voice.

"I better be. What are you doing? I was kind of hoping we could go and grab a cup of coffee or something?"

"I'm actually preparing this new choreo for one competition, but I have a free night on Thursday. How about you?"

"That's perfect actually, I'm meeting Jungkook at 6, so how about we grab lunch and some drinks at 3? There's actually an amazing fast food place I wanna show you, the food's so amazing. How about we meet in front of Cheers pub at 3 and I'll show you?"

"Sounds like a plan. See you soon then."

"Can't wait."

So Jimin feels happy again. He'll have someone to talk to before his meeting with Jungkook, and he even thought about coming clean and telling everything as it is to his friend. Maybe that way he could help him, cause he is really torn apart between his wishes and the reality. He knew he had to come to some conclusion himself, but having a friend who is always trying to be there for you, and give you some good hearted advice, could always help.

"What to wear, what to wear?" Jimin thought about his outfit, and decided to go with a fluffy sweater and tight jeans, just his usual favorite thing to wear, and after a nice bath, where he shaved nicely, and while doing so he thought about stretching himself for Jungkook, but decided not to, since he enjoyed the way the younger does it way more, so he just grab his coat, and head out, all happy and eager to see Hobi, and afterwards Jungkook.

Hobi is outside the Cheers pub on time, so they decided to grab a coffee first, and then grab those delicious burgers to eat.

Like usual, their conversation flew naturally, and they are truly enjoying their time together, so Jimin feels bad for not telling the older way before about his 'problem'.

Anyhow, they talked about dance, and the new choreography the older was preparing, and time flew by way too fast so after their growling stomachs reminded them that they're super hungry, they went to the little fast food place Jimin mentioned to the older.

They entered the small, but crowded place, and Jimin couldn't help but grin at the memory of the two of them eating and having great time here, just last week.

They went to the register, and there was the same lady like last time, taking the orders in.

"Hi, we would like to order some burgers and fries." Jimin came in front and said, so after squinting her eyes at him the nice lady said.

"You're Jungkookah's friend. I'm really good with faces, I remember the two of you being here last week." the nice lady said so Jimin nodded.

"Yes. He showed me this place actually, so I needed those burgers again." Jimin said and looked at Hobi who was just smiling at the nice lady.

They sat down, on the same table next to the window like the last time, and as soon as they sat, Hobi started with the questions.

"So... You and Jungkook? I mean the lady knows more than me. What's going on? Are the two of you together?" Hobi asked, sounding interested, so Jimin decided to tell him all, from the very first time they saw each other, till now. (he'll maybe skip some details...)

"...So now I'm worried if I tell him about my new job, he'll realize that I can provide for my grandma's medicine, and that I want to continue seeing him cause I like him, and want more from him, and that's exactly a deal breaker for him. He literally said that to me, like few days ago. So what should I do? I don't want to lie, I don't want to pretend not to like him either, cause I do, but I'm super nervous and afraid he'll leave me and find some other meaningless fuck." so Jimin finally finished with the story, and Hobi had some interesting look on his face.

Like a look of mixed surprise, confusion and doubt.

"I didn't know I'll regret this much by asking, but damn ..." Hobi said so Jimin slapped him across the chest.

"Seriously babe, all of this is so fucked up that I don't know where to start. I mean the whole thing, you seeing him cause you need something in return is just wrong. If I knew all of this before, I would never let him touch you again. Asshole. But since time had passed and instead of hating him more, you started developing some serious feelings for him, I suggest you to just be honest. You know it yourself how that's the most important thing. If he admits that he likes you too, well then you two can finally go on a date and just start dating and if he says he doesn't feel the way you feel, then you should just say goodbye to him, and try to forget him the best way you can." Hobi said while looking at Jimin's worried face.

"That's the thing hyung. I don't think I can do that... I don't think I could leave him just like that, or forget him... " Jimin said and felt his eyes watering.

"No one knows all the things we have done and the nights we spend together, not to mention our bond that is getting stronger with every time we met. I just... I can't lose him hyung... I can't imagine not being with him... I..." Jimin tried to talk calmly, but he felt the warm tears rolling down his cheek so Hobi leaned closer, and while extending both of his hands, he cupped Jimin's cheeks, and made him look at his eyes.

"Babe, you know how much I love you... I know you're scared, but you just need to know. What good could possibly come out of this, if you kept lying to him, just trying to keep him more to yourself, but sooner or later you'll have to tell him.

"I know, I'm just super scared that he'll say how he has a lot of agreements like this, and doesn't need someone to fall for him, as I obviously did." Jimin said while wiping his tears away, but missing some, so Hobi leaned down, helping to clean his tears nicely.

Jimin loved the warm feeling of the older's hand on his cheek so he nuzzled into his touch, just closing his eyes for a second, trying to find some inner peace, he was badly craving for.

"I'll do it." Jimin said with still closed eyes, and than he leaned back.

"You're right. There's no need to lie, and to think he'll brake things off immediately. We actually do have some good times together. and it's not just about sex. I mean the sex is amazing, but there's more to it I swear. I could just feel it." Jimin said with a small smile appearing on his face so Hobi smiled also.

"That's the spirit. And I want full report on how things turn out." the older said, so Jimin just nodded.

"Hey, I'm sorry for not telling you before about all of this, but I was really ashamed to even try to explain it. Now I just think I was an idiot." Jimin said with a pout so Hobi put his soft hands on top of the his, just caressing it slowly.

"It's fine. Better now than never, right?" he said playfully, and after looking at the watch, they both stood up, realizing how Jimin has only a few minutes to go to the apartment.

They walked back together, smiles and giggles were echoing through the street, and Jimin love how Hobi's fun and bubbly personality can easily spread to people around him.

Soon enough Jimin entered the warm apartment, and felt his heart already beating faster, just because the thought of meeting the younger soon.

He entered the spacious living room, and the small, soft smile on his face is replaced by a worried expression, and uneasiness.

"Hi." Jimin said after looking at the younger, sitting in the living room, scrolling on his phone, not looking back at Jimin, his face kind of frowned and flushed as if he was angry or crying.

Only when he walked inside, and came closer to the younger, he saw how Jungkook was replying to someone's text on his phone, still not looking at Jimin at all, and suddenly he felt worried and scared.

"Jungkook..." he tried to call the younger, but he just waved his hand in the air, still focusing on his phone, not giving the older even the slightest attention.

He felt hurt and confused, not knowing what could possibly happen in past week that made the younger to change his behavior so drastically.

"Jungkook if you're busy just say so, I can leave." Jimin said, now feeling a bit foolish, standing next to the younger he was just typing something on his phone, not even glancing at the older.

"There, I finished." he said and finally looked at Jimin.

And Jimin froze.


There was nothing on his face. No facial expression, just pure emptiness, cold look, and Jimin knew something's wrong.

"Are you ok?" he asked shyly, while trying to sit down next to the younger, but as soon as he sat down, Jungkook got up, and walked into the kitchen.

"I'm fine. I just don't think I have time to hang out today. I have some other thing that came up so I have to go." the younger said, so Jimin frowned.

How could it possibly be that Jungkook got so cold. What the fuck just happened?

He got up too, and decided to try one last time to talk to the younger.

He came in the kitchen, remembering all the times he laughed with the younger here, slight pain ran down his spine.

"Jungkookah, you can talk to me. Is something bothering you? Did something happen?" Jimin came closer, but Jungkook just let a little mocking smile slip from his mouth.

"Everything's just perfect." he said and his phone started ringing, Jimin looked over on the kitchen isle where his phone was positioned, only to see a well known name.


"Hello, yes, I'll be right there. Just wait for ten minutes. Yes, I'll hurry up." the younger said, so Jimin got mad.

"Is he really going on another date, and will ditch me like this?"

His thoughts is invaded by the image on Jungkook being with someone else, instead of him so his mouth move faster than his brain and he started talking.

"I won't be able to do this anymore. I got the new job and I'm always working the second shift which ends up at 10. So... Yeah"

He said it. He finally grew some balls to do so, and the broken look on Jungkook face hurt him more than he could imagine. He let another little mocking chuckle before facing the older.

"How convenient..." he whispered and Jimin frowned again, not understanding the younger's mean words or his behavior.

"What is your problem? Why won't you talk to me?" Jimn got desperate and decided to just ask, to look for some explanation for this behavior, but Jungkook just put his phone in his pocket and started walking towards the door.

"I have to go. I'm late. Just take the medicine and walk yourself out." Jungkook simply said before grabbing his jacket and leaving the apartment.

Jimin just kept standing there, in the middle of the living room, not being able to move for another minute.

"What the fuck just happened?"

Jimin felt the tears pooling in his eyes, and he'll be damned if he let Jungkook see him like this.

He wiped his face with his sweater paws, and after grabbing his phone, he went out, not bothering to take the medicine, trying to maybe catch up with Jungkook, but the younger is no where to be found.

He entered the elevator, looked at himself in the mirror, and hated how his chin is shaking, indicating how close he was to bursting into tears and let the sobs escape his mouth, but he kept it together, not wanting for Hangyeoul to see him like this.

After he waved Hangyeol goodbye he hurriedly went outside, and finally let his tears fall down, making his red cheeks wet and puffy.

He knew exactly what he needed at this moment, so he grab his phone and called Tae immediately.

"Babe, I wanted to call you..." he heard Tae speaking, and started crying even louder.

"Jimin! Babe! What's wrong? Talk to me..." Tae obviously heard his desperate sobs and started talking loudly.

"He just left Tae, he, he d-didn't even look at me..." Jimin said through tears so Tae got angry.

"I fucking knew it. I hate him. That piece of shit! Babe don't worry, I'll be there tomorrow morning, I'll come as soon as I wake up, just please go home now, and try to sleep." Tae sounded worried so Jimin nodded, as if the younger could see him while doing so.

"Tae you don't have to come so early. I'm s-sorry for ruining your trip. I'm the worst friend." Jimin said and started crying even more than before.

"You haven't ruined anything. I have something planed anyways and I'll just come earlier. Please just go home and sleep it off. We'll talk in the morning. Ok? Can you do that for me?"

"Yes. I'll at least try." Jimin said and continue walking home. He walked for what it seemed like hours, got super cold, but still, his head was full with Jungkook, the way he looked, sounded so different than usually, just distanced and strange, and he couldn't take this emptiness he felt inside him. He knew he had to drink something to just help himself not to think this much, so bottle of soju felt like perfect choice.

He went to his room, and started drinking, straight out of the bottle, just trying not to think and not to feel...

The sound of the alarm woke him up, but he couldn't get up. He couldn't move at all. He decided to call in sick, cause he felt just like that. Maybe the long walk out in the cold wasn't that smartest idea. He was happy he didn't have to work today, cause that would be a 'mission impossible'.

He slowly got up, feeling an awful hangover mixed with regret, and went out to grab some water to drink.

He was thankful that his grandma wasn't home, and soon the door bell started to ring.

"Who is it?" he asked, while moving closer to the door, and after hearing Tae's name, came closer to open the door eagerly.

"Tae!" he yelled and hugged the younger tightly, and felt his tears immediately running down his cheeks.

"Minnie... Please don't cry. Everything will be alright. Tell me what happened." he said while caressing Jimin's hair, and soon they came to the living room, sitting closely next to each other and Jimin told him everything. The whole time his eyes felt watery, and the tears kept running down, even though he didn't want to cry.

"That's so fucked up. Do you think something's going on with him? Or he is just mad cause you told him about the new job?"

"He was acting weird as soon as I came in. Like literally, he didn't even look at me. There's definitely something going on, but he just cut me off like that..." Jimin said and felt angry.

"You know what Tae, I should call him and demand an explanation. Why did he act like that? Is there something wrong with him or maybe me? I need to know!" so Jimin's phases of grief after the 'break up' started, and luckily for him, Tae was there the whole day, just saving him from making a bigger fool of himself than he already was.

"Oh no, no... You're not getting this phone back until I see that you're capable of making the rational decision, like not bother Jungkook who did the shitty thing that he did. You really need to calm down." Tae said while putting the phone inside his pocket.

"But I need to know. Taeeee... " Jimin whined, so Tae shook his head.

"No. Let's make some breakfast, I'm super hungry." Tae changed the subject so Jimin got up to make them some eggs with bacon, and after realizing how hungry he was, they both sat down together to eat.

After a while of eating, and just looking at a blank space, Tae patted Jimin's head affectionately, while asking him how he feels now.

"I don't know. All of this is just messed up, but I guess it's how it's supposed to be. All of it started on the wrong foot, and we were never good for each other. I'll just forget him in time and remember the amazing sex we had. That's all." Jimin said while putting both of his hands under his chin, and sighed deeply.

"Oh, you're in the 'depressed' stage. Ok. That's good. I'm happy your anger mode is not on anymore." Tae said so Jimin gave him a small smile that disappeared the second after.

"Hey, let's watch some movie, just the two of us, like old times. What do you say?" Tae asked while picking up the plates, soaking them with water in the sink.

"Fine. Everything except for Twilight is good." Jimin said, and felt his heart clenching again.

"Let me guess. You've watched it with Jungkook?" Tae said while making the bed, turning the TV on, so Jimin came and laid down.

"Yeah. Or at least we tried to watch it." Jimin said so Tae smiled at him.

"Well there's nothing that would distract me while drooling over my dear Emmett." Tae said with a sigh, so Jimin frowned at him.

"Really? The Cullens?" he then asked, so Tae frowned at him.

"Of course. Don't even say those stinky wolfs have the chance next to those hotties."

"Hotties? They're dead, stone cold! See, Jungkook and you would get along perfectly." Jimin said and sighed again.

"He's into my Emmett? No way. " Tae said surprised.

"No. Jasper." Jimin said and rolled his eyes.

"Ah, that makes sense." Tae said while sitting down. Cuddling next to Jimin closely.

"What does?" Jimin looked at him.

"Well you kind of look a bit like him..."

"No I don't." Jimin frowned.

"He kind of looks like he has something stuck up his ass all the time." Tae joked and started laughing.

"You brat. I don't look like that... Although, I wouldn't mind having Jungkook's dick stuck up my ass all the time..." Jimin joked, but soon the realization came over him.

"Oh my God, I may never have his dick up my ass again." Jimin said, and made some sad pouty face, so Tae bit his lips hard, trying not to laugh.

"Kim Taehyung, are you laughing at me? Are you mocking my pain?" Jimin said while looking at the younger covering his face with his palms, unable to control himself.

"I'm so sorry, but you just looked so sad. Like someone died, and you're just whining cause you won't get some dicking any time soon, I mean come on..."

"I miss his dick already. Have I shown you the pic?" Jimin asked so Tae jumped off the bed.

"What? You have his dick pic? How?"

"I'm not showing you, but yeah... I might need to delete that, brings out too much memory... I haven't told you about that actually, let's skip the movie and talk for a while. You'll love this story." Jimin said so Tae laid back down, eager to hear every single word.

They stayed like that for hours, just talking and smiling at their funny stories, loving how even though sometimes they couldn't find the time to hang out like before, but still, when they're together it's like the time has stopped and they're back to being just themselves.


After the talk, they went out to grab something to eat, and after finishing some cold bean noodles, they went to grab a cup of coffee with Hobi.

"Babe I'm so sorry for what happened last night. I was so optimistic towards all of it, but I guess you never know..." Hoseok said after Tae filled him up with details, so Jimin just shrugged.

" It is what it is. I don't have the strength to talk about it anymore to be honest. I'll just cry myself to sleep like last night hoping things will get better soon." Jimin said so Hobi nodded at him, realizing the best thing would be not to mention Jungkook again.

"So, how about you, hot stud. When's the date with your crush?" Hobi asked while looking at Tae, but Tae just frowned, and looked at Jimin.

"Oh, I forgot about your date. Is it tonight? You don't have to baby sit me babe, I'll be just fine." Jimin said so Tae smiled at him.

"It's supposed to be tonight at 9, but um... I'm kind of nervous for more reasons... See I met him just the other day, and we kind of clicked so now he want's to go on a real date, just to get to know each other a bit better..." Tae said, but had this worried expression all over his face.

"Sound's great babe, so what's bothering you? " Jimin asked, still not getting why would his friend be so worried.

"Um... It's just, um... It's cause it's Jin. You know Seokjin who we met at that party where you were with Jungkook." Tae said and gulped, obviously feeling awkward now since things with Jimin and Jungkook aren't going in the right direction.

"Oh. I see. Um... One of Jungkook's best friends..." Jimin said and looked down at the table.

"Minnie, I won't go out with him. We set this date like week ago, you and Jungkook were fine then, but if this is bothering you..." Tae immediately started speaking but Jimin cut him off.

"No Tae. It's totally fine. My unhealthy agreement with Jungkook has nothing to do with you and Jin. If you like him, you should go for it. He seemed super fun when we met actually." Jimin said while squeezing Tae's hand.

"Really? You mean it? I can cancel the date if you need company..." Tae got super soft, obviously happy with Jimin's words.

"Hey, I can baby sit for the rest of the night. You go and have fun on your date with that hottie you can't stop talking about." Hoseok said so Tae blushed.

"I really like him. He's so good looking and so fun..."

"I'm happy for you. It's kind of time for you to find someone nice and caring." Jimin said while hugging the younger.

"Jiminah, do you want me to ask Jin about Jungkook? I mean he must have known something considering he knows about you two..." Tae asked with concern, knowing that Jimin was still fragile and hurt, but still wanted to know.

"I don't know. Ask. Don't ask... I really don't know... If there's an opportunity to mention him casually then do it, or don't... I don't wanna look desperate. It's not a good look on me. Usually boys would get desperate because of me, not the other way around." Jimin said so they laughed. It's the first time he kind of joked and it was definitely a progress.

Soon they all went home, Jimin declined Hoseok's baby sitting duties, knowing how the older has too much work these days, and he really wanted to spend time with his grandma like last night.

Smell of freshly made pancakes lured him inside their small, but cozy apartment, so unfortunately, instead of feeling happy cause his grandma was making him some home made pancakes, he became sad again, remembering the ones he shared with Jungkook.




Everything around him had some deeper meaning, and he hated that he couldn't grab a quick shower without thinking about the younger, cause God damn it, there's a new shampoo in the shelve and it smells like coconut and Jungkook loves coconut...

He fall asleep remembering the way Jungkook used to spoon him, and make him warm, and thinking about his soft kisses all over his shoulders and back...

"How will I stop thinking about him..." his last thoughts before falling asleep, dreaming about big, doe eyes...

It was strange and good waking up in the Saturday morning without being stressed out cause of lack of sleep, since Jimin stopped with his bartending job, so as soon as he woke up, he came into the kitchen, where his grandma was already making them breakfast.

"Granny, you're gonna spoil me so much while I'm at home." Jimin said while stealing a piece of sausage from the kitchen table.

"As if you're not spoiled already." the fierce, old lady said so Jimin squinted his eyes at her, while opening mouth wide, acting to be surprised and hurt by her words.

"Well it's your fault." he said playfully, and helped her preparing the table.

"How could I not spoil you. You're literally taking care of both of us, while studying and working hard. You're just admirable and I'm so proud of you, you have no idea." she said so Jimin's eyes water.

"Thank you. You deserve it." he leaned and kissed her forehead before they sat down to eat.

"Were did you put my medicine? I usually find it on my nightstand or in the bathroom, but I looked for it yesterday when you were out and couldn't find it anywhere." grandma said and Jimin felt his heart beating faster.

"Shit I forgot about her medicine. Shit, shit, shit!!!"

"Oh, I put it in Tae's bag and I must have forgot it. I'll go and get it right away." he said and got up, not caring about the food he didn't eat, he suddenly lost his appetite.

"It's all Jungkook's fault!" Jimin find it easier to blame it on the younger, and soon he was outside, running towards Jeon pharmacy.

The moment he saw the big building that he hadn't seen in a while, he realized that Jungkook is working here, and that he'll probably see him, like he always did before.

"Oh shit, how do I look?" he ran to the showcase window of some store nearby, and looked at his tired, puffy face, body covered with long black coat, and he made a grimace, not liking what he's seeing at all.

"There's better looking people in caskets, I swear..." he thought, but had no time to do anything about it, and soon he came into the well known building, and entered the spacious hall.

"Good morning Mr. Park, the nice receptionist greeted him, and he just waved at her before going into the elevator.

His heart is pounding in his chest, and he looked at himself one last time before going out, and frowned at his messy hairstyle.

'Nothing I can do about it... "

He walked down the hall, and came straight into the waiting room where only four other people were to be seen.

He felt odd, since there was usually twenty, even more people in the waiting room, but thought how that's maybe cause it's Saturday and he used to come here only on Thursdays.

While waiting patiently, for all the people to go inside the office, he tried to busy himself with anything, reading old magazines, playing games, repeating some choreographies inside his head,just anything to distract his mind cause Jungkook's office is right around the corner, and just thinking about the younger being so close to him made him sick to his stomach.

After everyone finished with their appointments, he got up, and walked slowly towards dr. Chohee's office.

"Breathe... Everything is ok... You got this..." he kept encouraging himself although his hands were super shaky and his legs wobbly.

The moment he passed by Jungkook's office, he took a deep breath and glanced inside, only to see an empty office with some papers on the desk. The younger no where to be found. He continue walking forward, but his face got stuck to Jungkook's office and next thing he felt was a slam of his body with the closed door of dr. Chohee's office.

Luckily this time he didn't hurt his head, cause he was looking back, but his chest hurt a bit, cause he hit the door pretty hard.

"Oh my God, are you alright?" dr. Chohee's familiar warm voice made him snap his gaze and finally speak.

"I am. I'm so sorry for that. Um.. I just.. Didn't see the door..." he said, sounding anything but convincing.

"Um... Ok. Why are you here Mr. Park. Do you have a appointment?" the lady said while getting inside her office so he followed her.

"I don't and I'm sorry, but I really need the medicine my grandma was using, and I have the money now. I got the new job and I would be able to provide the medicine from now on, so I would like to get that appointment on Thursdays again if that's possible."

"I'm so happy to hear that. Of course we could give you your old appointment back. I can only imagine how bad she felt all this time. I'm really sorry for that, but the most important thing is, that she'll feel better now. I don't have any doubt about that."

Jimin just smiled and nodded at her words, not wanting to say anything about how she actually had been using the medicine this whole time, knowing that that information could get Jungkook in trouble.

After paying for the medicine, he stormed out, as fast as his feet could carry him, and got back home, thinking about how he should act next week, when he's supposed to get the new bottle of medicine, if he sees Jungkook.

He couldn't not to notice how he felt slightly disappointed cause he didn't see the younger, and how his heart hoped he'll be able to maybe see him next week.

Unfortunately, or luckily for him, depending on how you look at it, the next two weeks appointments went the same as that last one. With the slightest difference in Jimin's appearance.

He would grab a long shower, picked his clothes for hours, and then styled his hair the best way he could, and after putting some mild perfume, he was ready to buy his grandma's medicine. Of course his long dress up had nothing to do with the thought of seeing Jungkook.

A-a no way... he just loved to smell good, and look the best way he can, but after coming there, third week in a row, and looking at the empty office, Jimin thought how maybe Jungkook was avoiding him on purpose.

As an employee there, Jungkook obviously had the list of every appointment in the pharmacy, so maybe the younger would always go away just in time when Jimin had his appointment, not wanting to meet with the older. Just the thought of that, hurt Jimin deep down, and he decided to test his theory.

So there he was, his next weeks appointment, standing an hour before his meeting with dr. Chohee, trying to figure out if Jungkook was there at all, or he was just avoiding him all this time. He came inside, and looked around the waiting room, and then stood up, acting as if he was stretching his legs after a while of waiting, so he went slightly towards the glass hall, where the offices were positioned, and after seeing an empty office again, he felt relieved and happy, cause the younger was not there at all, so his theory of Jungkook avoiding him was not correct.

He sat down, in front of some old ladies who were talking pretty loudly, and since he had nothing to do for the next hour, he took his phone, and started playing some games, trying to busy himself.

"... I was seriously considering giving up on my medicine, cause God knows how many of us will have the same unfortunate fate as that poor girl..." he heard one of the ladies speak and leaned back, closer to them to listen some more.

"And she was just six years old. Can you imagine the pain that her parents are feeling... I don't know anymore... Maybe we should consider finding another experimental pharmacy, cause this one has too many cases like that poor girl..." and Jimin got curious about what case exactly they were talking about.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt your conversation ladies, but I heard you talking about some little girl, and my grandma is using the medicine from Jeon pharmacy so if you could tell me more..."

"We heard it from one of the nurses here, seems like one girl had died cause the medicine had some severe side effects and now the girls family is suing the whole company." one of the ladies said so Jimin thought about Jungkook's words and concern while he was talking about one particular patient, so he asked just one more question.

"Where was the girl from?"


The second the lady said Busan, he knew that was the girl that Jungkook was talking about before. The one patient that made him feel bad cause there wasn't anything he could do to help her. Than he remembered how Jungkook spent a whole month in Busan, trying to find new medicine, something that would help her, and now he felt awful knowing what kind of pressure the younger must be feeling, knowing how badly he wanted to help, but in the end couldn't.

He went outside the waiting room, and reacted on instinct.

He called Jungkook's number just to make sure he's alright, not thinking about anything other than that right now.

"Hello. Jimin?" he heard Jungkook's voice, and figured he had no idea what to say.

"Shit, I should've think this through..."

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