Getting to know you

Jungkook leaned down, and started kissing his back slowly, but with some pressure. He kissed his shoulder blades, and moved up to Jimin's shoulder, and nape. Jimin put his forehead down on the couch, and tilted his head to the left, giving Jungkook more access to play with him.

Jungkook's hands never stopped moving, and now he's kissing Jimin's neck, while his hands are squeezing all around the older's thighs, slightly moving over his thick ass too.

Jimin tried really hard not to moan too loudly, although it was hard not to.

Jungkook pulled his sweater up and started kissing his sides, giving some extra attention to Jimin's rib tattoo, that made him shiver... Jimin turned around, and while laying like that, looked at the younger, his needy and dark eyes making him squirm under his piercing gaze.

"I wanna fuck you so badly." Jungkook said while coming down, leaning over Jimin, kissing his neck slowly, then nibbling down to his collar bone. Jimin moaned and closed his eyes, knowing that's exactly what he wants too, so he just straddled the younger's lap, and whispered "Bedroom" into his ear before licking and sucking his earlobe.

Jungkook got up, holding the older tightly in his arms, Jimin instinctively wrapped his legs over Jungkook's waist, and he moved them into bedroom with ease.

The bedroom lights are dimmed and the atmosphere felt just right.

Jungkook laid him down, onto his back, and started removing his clothes. First he took the hem of Jimin's sweater, and pulled it up, over Jimin's head in one go, leaving him only in his red boxers and socks. Jungkook kept looking at him from above, and biting his lower lip, and Jimin couldn't not follow every single move the younger did with his tongue while licking his lips, and the worst thing was, he wanted those lips and tongue to feel on his own so badly.

Jungkook got up, and started removing his own clothes, and after taking off his usual attire, white buttoned up shirt and black slacks, he went to the nightstand and took a bottle of lube and one condom.

They were both in their boxer briefs, Jungkook in black, Jimin in red, and the older felt hard not to stare at Jungkook's obvious erection. He was also hard, but Jungkook's dick was literally almost popping out of the boxers, and as soon as he came back on the bed, Jimin tugged his own underwear down, leaving him naked, and horny, underneath Jungkook's gaze.

Jungkook pulled his own underwear down, his big, veiny dick sprung free, excitement written all over his face.

They were both just looking at each other, and then Jungkook climbed on top of Jimin, folded his legs back against his chest, and for a second just looked at him so open and beautiful, laying there for his eyes only.

"So pretty." Jungkook whispered as his hands moved all over Jimin's body.

He opened the lube, and poured some into his index finger, and was surprised when the finger entered Jimin with no resistance at all. He moved away slightly, and then put his second digit in, entering just as easily, so he looked at the older confused.

"Did you already stretch yourself for me?" Jungkook asked, and Jimin's cheeks blushed.

"That's part of the deal, isn't it?" Jimin said, his words shaky, cause Jungkook was thrusting in and out of his hole with two of his fingers, ready to enter the third one.

"So we have a deal?" Jungkook said with a smirk, and Jimin just rolled his eyes at him.

"Just shut up and fuck me, would you?"

"Always so bossy. " Jungkook said while thrusting three of his fingers inside, making sure Jimin was stretched enough, wanting for him only to feel pleasure.

He lubed Jimin's hole with warmed lube, and put the condom on his throbbing cock.

Then he climbed on top of Jimin again and positioned his dick only an inch away from the older's quivering hole. Jimin looked up at him as he guided his hard dick to his hole. He took a deep breath as he felt Jungkook's length entering him slowly. He opened his mouth slightly as he was allowing the younger's full length passage into his body. Jimin moaned loudly, as he took him into his tight, warm ass to its hilt, and after a while of just waiting for the older to adjust to the fullness, Jimin nodded slowly while biting his lips hard, indicating to younger that it was ok for him to move.

Jungkook began to pump deeper and deeper into the older, as he relaxed slowly.

The younger was over Jimin, head back - eyes closed, as he began to fuck the older with more persistent pace. Jimin leaned up and started licking the younger's hardening nipples, loving the short breath coming out of Jungkook's mouth.

The younger's dick slammed into him harder, as his buttocks began to produce an audible slap from their two sweaty bodies colliding on each deep stroke. The younger proceed to fuck him feverishly, and Jimin begin to feel his legs going numb from the position they were for quite some time in.

As if he felt Jimin's struggle, Jungkook began to slow his pace a little, and rolled Jimin onto his stomach. He began to fuck him from behind, allowing deep, full strokes from his big dick.

They were going at it so hard, Jimin was surprised the combination of moaning and wet slapping of flesh didn't echo through the whole building.

Jungkook's thrusts became incoherent, so he grabbed a chunk of Jimin's hair, as if to dominate him, and he fucked him for all he's worth as Jimin suppressed his screams with a pillow.

All of it felt too much, and Jimin knew he wouldn't be able to hold his orgasm any longer, nor did he want to at this point. Jungkook was fucking him so good, he could literally see stars, and with every new thrust, he was hitting his prostate dead on.

The moment Jungkook pushed him flush down onto the bed, and Jimin's neglected dick finally got some friction, now being caught between his stomach and the soft fabric of bed sheet, he felt Jungkook thrusting deeper inside him while growling low, and he could feel the younger's dick pulse and shudder, and it felt hot, so fucking hot, that next thing he knows, he was coming too, all over the bed and his stomach, with a laud moan escaping his lips.

They just stayed like that for a while, Jungkook going flaccid inside Jimin, caressing his back slowly.

Even though Jungkook was heavy on top of him, Jimin felt his weight like some kind of cover, protection over his exhausted body.

"Jimin, I'm gonna pull out now, ok?" Jungkook said into Jimin's ear, hot breath tickling the younger's ear lobe.

"Mhm." was all Jimin could manage to say, so Jungkook pulled out slowly, and kissed Jimin's nape once again before completely moving away from the younger.

"Which bathroom do you wanna use to clean up?" Jungkook asked before taking two big towels from the closet, placing them on the edge of the bed.

"I really don't care, as long as there is hot water." Jimin said, still not moving from his earlier position, laying on his stomach, back arched, ass sticking out.

"You look amazing, you know..." Jungkook said, and Jimin blushed, finally getting up into sitting position.

"Thank you." the older said, grabbed one of the towels, and moved to the main bathroom, feeling lazy to go to the guest one.

He washed himself pretty quickly, not wanting to stay here for too long, and as soon as he put his sweater on, then his underwear and socks, he realized that his jeans is still in the drying machine.

He went out, and saw Jungkook already in the kitchen, wearing black, soft robe, while getting beer from the fridge.

Jimin walked in slowly, feeling a bit ashamed, cause his sweater reached only a little under his boxers briefs, so his thick thighs were bare and as soon as Jungkook looked at him, he left the beer on the counter top in the kitchen and came closer with fast steps.

"Your thighs." he said and squatted down, looking at Jimin's red spots, from his previous tea incident.

"Oh, it's nothing, I spilled hot tea, I was clumsy... um... My pants are in the dryer..."

"I know. I saw. Didn't know it left burns, does it hurt?" Jungkook said, still squatting down, now his hands gently touching the red marks.

"No, it just burns a bit." Jimin said, feeling kind of intimate with how Jungkook was touching him delicately, and then it hits him.

"What do you mean you saw???" he said and looked at the younger with furrowed eyebrows.

"Well, there's cameras here. Only two. One in living room and one in bed room. Since too many people get inside here, cleaning lady, janitor, delivery people, and well, my fuck buddies, so I like to have cameras and easy access to what people around here are doing. " Jungkook said and got up, now facing the older and his red cheeks.

" Nice dance by the way. " he said and smirked at Jimin, before leaving to the bed room.

" Oh for fuck sake, you could've told me!" Jimin screamed after the younger, trying to remember all the times he's been here, and whether he had done something stupid as dance and spilling a hot tea all over himself.

Lost in his own thoughts, he flinched when Jungkook came back in, holding a small box in his hands.

"Coconut oil, it'll help." he squatted down again, and started applying a thin layer of the nice smelling oil, being very careful not to hurt Jimin.

"I just assumed you saw them. It's not like they're hidden." the younger then said and glanced at the corner of the room, up on the ceiling, where the small little camera was visible to both of them.

"I didn't look. I... I'm sorry for the dance and spilling tea." Jimin said, being all shy, and Jungkook smiled at him.

"You were cute." he said and Jimin pursed his lips into thin line, suppressing the stupid grin threatening to consume his whole face.

"What were you so excited about?" he heard the younger asking, while still spreading the oil all over his thighs.

"I got a 9 for the hardest Anatomy test." Jimin said proudly.

"Congratulations. Are you gonna celebrate the good note?" Jungkook asked while rising up, now meeting Jimin's eyes.

"Nope. This is it for tonight. My thighs should rest for the night." Jimin joked while looking down on the red spots, shaking his head at his clumsiness.
"Good." the younger said and left for the kitchen, where his beer was.

"Good? What's that supposed to mean?" Jimin thought, but said nothing.

"I'm gonna grab my jeans..." he said instead and went to the bathroom where the dryer was, and was pleasantly surprised to see his jeans fully dried, stain only slightly visible on the thigh area.

After getting dressed, he got out, and saw the younger sitting casually on the chair, as usual, and he came closer to grab his stuff.

"So are we ever gonna talk about our agreement? Jungkook asked while sipping his drink, and Jimin frowned.

"Why? Is there really something to talk about. You wanted a sex buddy, you got sex, I wanted the medicine, I got the medicine, the end. If I find a better job, that pays me enough money, we'll stop with this, until then, enjoy." Jimin said while grabbing his stuff, deciding it's best if he leaves now.

" Fine. I just wanted to go through some ground rules so that both of us feel good about this, but now I just think you're impossible to talk to." Jungkook said and waved his hand, like his dismissing Jimin, and the older stared at him.

"Don't you wave your hand at me. I'm not your toy that you can fuck and do whatever you want to."

"That's exactly what you look like." Jungkook said and Jimin's eyes went shockingly wide.

"Excuse me???"

"I said, that's exactly what you look like. Or at least what you're trying to be since you don't fucking want to talk to me about all of this, at all. I don't get you. You're ok with jerking me off, sucking my dick, having sex, but you don't want to set some ground rules? Why?" Jungkook said, his tone a bit louder than usually.

"Cause I don't like to obey the rules. I was made to break them. I don't want to be like your usual fuck buddies, I don't want to do anything you say, and yet I have to. So the less that I hear, the less that I have to do. Ignorance is bliss in this case." Jimin said just as loudly, and moved step away from the younger, closer to the door.

"But I just wanted for you to know some things like 'the two hours rule' , if I come late, you can leave in time that we have decided in our agreement, even if I'm not satisfied. Or how you can use the apartment earlier and after our meeting, and how you can even sleep for the night if you feel to tired to go back home..." Jungkook said while coming closer, but Jimin was also moving back, towards door.

"I don't fucking care. I'll do whatever I want to do. " Jimin said, and went straight to the door.

"God you're annoying." Jungkook hissed.

"Yes I am." Jimin said almost proudly.

"It's not a compliment."

"Depends on how you look at it." Jimin said before leaving, Jungkook as usual, moved to watch the older on the door frame, while waiting for elevator.

"Bye." Jimin waved and entered the elevator feeling all kinds of things.

He walked to the bus station, and while checking his phone, saw a message from Tae.


It's late, I guess you're stuck with Jungkook. I'm gonna go home, call me when you finish, I'm curious what happened.


I came.


You're home already...


No. I came while Jungkook was fucking me.



Oh my God

So? Was it good?


What part of I came while he was fucking me you didn't get?


So it was good.


It was more than good... I'm screwed


Well congratulations, you're officially fuck buddies.


I hate him.


What? Why? I mean beside the whole agreement thing.


That's why. He fucking wants to label this, to make me feel like I'm his, some kind of a sex toy, wants to tell me all about some kind of rules that I have to obey. God knows what kind of rules he has with his other fuck buddies. I hate him, and all of this.


Did he tell you any of it?
Are the rules too kinky?


I didn't wanna hear it.
I'm scared.
What if some of the rules are unacceptable for me and I have to stop with all of this.

If I don't know anything I can decide how far I will go and somehow I feel like I have some control over this...
It's hard to explain.


But babe, you just fucked.
Is there really something that you wouldn't do... I mean at this point not much is left...


He didn't kiss me.


Uwuuu is that why you're mad?


I'm not mad.

But seriously. Who fucks someone without kissing them?


My Minnie's angry. 🥺
Did you try to kiss him?


Of course not.


Did you wanted him to kiss you?

Minnie if you don't write back it just means you don't want to admit something.


I don't want to admit something.


Well I think you should just kiss him next time. Then he'll go crazy for you.


You said he'll go crazy for me after we have sex?!


Well depends. Were you good?


I don't know. I got all nervous and didn't actually do much. He did everything, I just lied there...

and now I think he'll never gonna call me again...


Did he fuck you doggy style?




Then you're good. No worries.




Just seeing your ass like that is enough. He'll want to tap that again. I can guarantee you.


Aren't you the best.
Thank you.
Coffee tomorrow?


Of course. I know I'm gonna regret this, but I want some details.


I'll give you a full report, you'll feel sick afterwards.


I already regret this.


I love you too.

Jimin busied himself as much as he could, but days past surprisingly slowly before the next meeting with Jungkook and the worst is, that's all he could think about.
His mind was filled with Jungkook's amazing looks, the way he smelled so nice and manly, and the way he fucked him...

He had to jerk off every night before going to sleep just cause of the tension he felt down there.

He didn't know what to do or how to act next time he sees the younger, but one thing was sure, he was looking forward to it.

Somehow he doesn't wanna think too much about this whole thing cause he knew the more he thought about everything, the deeper he'll get into all of this, and soon he'll just feel more than he should towards the younger, and that scared him more than anything. It's better not to think about anything, just try to do this for one purpose only, and not think about Jungkook at all.

Easier said than done.

So there he was again, Thursday night, 6 o'clock, sitting nervously on the big comfy couch, his legs nervously shaking up and down, just waiting for Jungkook to come. He turned the TV on, and tried to watch something he couldn't quite catch on cause his mind was full of Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook... Just the opposite of what he wanted to think about...

"My fucking brain, I swear..."

An hour passed, and there was no sign of the younger. At this point, Jimin was more waiting for his message, telling he won't be able to make it, and felt kind of disappointed and a bit worried.

"What if my behavior turned him away, and he doesn't want to see me again? Was I too annoying the last time we saw each other? Probably..." he thought and after seeing it's almost 8 o'clock, got up, and decided to leave.

Jungkook didn't show up, nor did he send a message, so some things were clear to him.

He didn't even bother to go to bedroom and check if the medicine was there, thinking how this was probably the younger's way of saying that things are off, and when he opened the door, the sight of Jungkook standing outside scared him so much that he jumped a bit and took a step back in the apartment.

"Leaving already?" Jungkook said with teasing smile, and looked at the clock while entering the apartment.

"Four minutes early, well I guess there's really not much you can do in four minutes." he said teasingly, taking his long, black coat off, and going into kitchen to grab a beer from the fridge.

"Is that a challenge or something?" Jimin said, his clear mind fully shut down, lust taking over him.

And there it is again, the switch that turned reasonable Jimin into some lustful creature that's unable to control himself. He hated that part of himself, but still couldn't find a way to control it.

Jungkook turned to face Jimin, and looked a little taken aback by their sudden proximity, cause Jimin came right behind him, and was standing literally an inch away from the younger.

" You know you don't have to do this." Jungkook said while looking at Jimin, his hands gripping onto Jimin's plain white shirt, holding him in place.

"As I said before, I do what I want to do, not what you and your stupid rules tell me to do." Jimin said, and moved even closer into younger's space. Coming so close to his lips, but turning his head just an inch away from him, and started kissing his jaw, while his hand found a way to palm Jungkook's clothed dick.

"Besides, you're already getting hard, it would be a shame to just leave you now, feeling all turned on and unsatisfied, right?" Jimin whispered into Jungkook's ear, and felt the younger's hips rock against his palm, like he was craving for more friction and release.

"Want me to suck your dick? Hmm? Want me to touch you?" he continue to talk, and felt Jungkook's breath turned incoherent, low moans escaping his lips.

"Please..." Jungkook said desperately, so Jimin put his hand inside his boxers and starts stroking his dick slowly.

"See if I was playing by your rules, I would be home already, and your dick wouldn't get wet from my mouth, right?" Jimin said while unzipping Jungkook's pants.

The younger said a quiet little 'yes' while looking at Jimin's action, dazed by his bold moves.

" Say your rules are stupid or I'll leave cause my time's up. " Jimin then said and got down on his knees, pulling the younger's pants and underwear just under his butt, letting Jungkook's dick to catch some air, but still not making any move.

"But not all of the rules are stupid, you d-don't even want to listen..." Jungkook said, his voice sounding a bit frustrated, but still like his trying to have it under control, so Jimin came closer, pointing his tongue towards Jungkook's dick, and right before licking it, he pulled away.

"Ok, then nothing. You can jerk off yourself..." he said, but still doesn't come up, and the amusement he felt while watching Jungkook's sweaty face, pursed lips, and frustrated look got even bigger, cause now he is running his fingers through his long hair, making it messy which oddly made him look even hotter, the sides of his freshly shaved undercut showing some more.

"Fine for fucks sake, the rules are stupid, we don't have any kind of agreement, you just love sucking my dick I guess." Jungkook said, and Jimin squinted his eyes at him, deliberating what to do next, cause the younger had balls, and they were right next to his face.

"You think so?" Jimin ask with a smirk, and started stroking his long dick firmly, from base to his head.

"I do. I bet you've jerked off just by thinking of my dick, don't you?" Jungkook said teasingly, and Jimin hates his smug face and the words coming out of the younger's mouth.

"I'm seconds away from biting it off if you don't shut up." Jimin said while looking at him, his lips coming closer to his dick, leaving warm little pecks all over his shaft.

"Yet you didn't deny it..." Jungkook's words got cut off cause Jimin took him deep into his mouth, and then after coating it with his saliva, let it out with loud pop.

"I mean it's nice cock, I'm not gonna lie, but the sex... not the best I had." Jimin said for one purpose only, and that's to tease and maybe even hurt the younger a little.

"Funny you'd say that cause I remember you coming without me even touching you, I'd say my dick did the magic." Jungkook said, obviously being irritated by the older's words but Jimin won't back down, he can fight harder.

"Well... It was more the sheets actually that did the magic. The friction all over my cock and that silk fabric felt good that I came. But you're dicking game is ok, I'll admit that much..." and there it was again. The word ok that kind of resembles to something mediocre and not too satisfying.

"Yeah right, keep telling yourself that and maybe you'll believe it." and then Jimin stopped his movements entirely, just looking at the younger with a little pout.

"Are you a little hurt? Can you even come now?" Jimin tease with a fake sad face, so Jungkook move closer, and grab the back of Jimin's head.

"Open your mouth and you'll see." he said while holding the base of his dick with his right hand, guiding his hard cock to Jimin's mouth.

Jimin licked his lips and there's something in the tone of the younger's voice that made him do so.

He opened his mouth and stick his tongue out without a word, welcoming the younger's long, already leaking cock inside.

Jungkook groaned while the warmth of Jimin's lips wrapped around his throbbing member, and soon he started fucking the older's mouth slowly, but deeply.

Jimin didn't wanna back down, instead he started bobbing his head, meeting the younger's thrusts as his eyes start to water.

Drops of saliva ran down Jungkook's thick, veiny shaft as Jimin plunged him deeper and deeper into his willing throat.

It seemed that Jungkook would shoot his cum too soon, but suddenly he pulled his blood engorged member from Jimin's mouth with a cocky smile, leaving the older with still several strands of thick precum, dangling like spiders web, connecting the head of Jungkook's rock hard cock to his mouth.

"You're not the only one who can break the rules you know. I really wanted to be polite and nice through our agreement, but you're so annoying and stubborn that I might just start breaking the rules myself." Jungkook said with low voice, holding his dick firmly in his hand, and rubbing the tip against Jimin's lips.

"I dare you too. Don't be a fucking pussy, loose control a little." Jimin teased while licking Jungkook's head, and soon he felt the younger's fingers gripping the back of his head firmly, while entering Jimin's mouth once again, fucking him with fast and deep thrusts.

Jimin had no time to think about how and when Jungkook is gonna come cause for once, his head was firmly held by Jungkook's hand, and there's not much he could do, and second, he loved the feeling of being dominated like this. Loved the way Jungkook finally let go of his walls and just did what he needed to do get what he wanted.

Several strokes more into Jimin's mouth were all Jungkook needed to paint the older's face white.

Jungkook's head fell back with a long guttural moan, he gave two quick strokes to his cock, causing thick blasts of molten come to explode across Jimin's tongue and lips.

As gobs of the younger's sticky come shot from the head of his cock, Jimin could taste the salty protein coating his teeth and tongue.

Jungkook moved back slightly, and look at the older's face, covered with his come.

"See I would usually never do this, at least not before asking you, but since you pushed me into breaking my own rules, that's what happened." Jungkook said, his words sounding breathy, still trying to breathe normally.

"And what makes you think I would mind?" Jimin said and started licking his own lips covered in Jungkook's come teasingly.

"Mmmm you actually taste good. Next time I want it all straight down my throat." Jimin said and moved closer to Jungkook's slowly softening cock, and started licking it clean.

Jungkook flinched, and said breathy little "Fuck." and only after getting it all clean, Jimin got up, and go to the guest bathroom to clean his face and his mouth.

As soon as he entered, he closed the door and leaned his back on it. Going through what just happened he felt surprised at his own bold moves, and love the fucked out face Jungkook had minutes ago.

He washed his face with warm water, deciding not to brush his teeth, and thought about going home straight away as he exits the bathroom.

"Your medicine? Why didn't you take it?" he saw Jungkook coming out of the bedroom, holding the bottle that he didn't take, and he certainly forget about that at the moment.

"Well I thought you won't come, and it felt wrong to just take it... I don't know..." he lied. Not wanting to tell the younger how he thought that his behavior was maybe a deal breaker for whatever this is.

"No. That's not ok. You know that every time you come to the apartment the medicine will be here, no matter what. Ok? I won't be able to be here every time, but just coming here means you made an effort and the least I could do is give you the medicine, and you should take it. Ok? Promise me that?" Jungkook came closer, and said all of this while handing the bottle to Jimin, but holding it tightly. Jimin just nod and try to take the bottle, but Jungkook just tightened his grip over the bottle.

"You didn't promise." he said while still holding the bottle tightly.

"Fine. I promise. There. Do you want a pinky promise?" Jimin said while extending his pinky finger to the younger, and he did the same, so their fingers tangled together, which made both of them laugh.

"Your fingers are so small and chubby." Jungkook said after looking at their entwined fingers, so Jimin pulled his away quickly.

"Fuck off." he said with frown, looking at his small hands.

"I meant it in a cute way annoying brat." Jungkook bite back, so Jimin blushed.

"Well thank you then." he said, and glanced at the clock, seeing how it was already 20:40, and he feel sad cause Tae is probably already gone home. His thoughts were interrupted by Jungkook's phone ringing, and after glancing at it, he saw the name: "Hayoon" written on it. Jungkook excused himself, started walking towards the bedroom, and only a few steps after, answered the call.

"No, no... I'll come. Of course I didn't forget, I just got stuck at work..."

He heard the younger say, and felt an uneasy, weird knot in his stomach, so he decided to leave without waiting for the younger to finish his call.

While walking home, he had too many questions but no answers.

"Who was that on the phone? "

"Why did Jungkook lie?"

"He was obviously not stuck at work..."

"What kind of a relationship does he have with his other fuck buddies?"

He was curious, but wouldn't ask any of these questions. He didn't wanna look nosey, nor he had the right to know those things.

He took the medicine in his hand, and looked at it briefly before putting it back in his pocket.

"I got what I came for, and that's all that should matter."

Next two days were hectic as usual, he had his Friday and Saturday night bar tending shifts, and those were the nights that he hated the most.

He had to look nice, smile at all of his costumers, although he would gladly smack half of the drunk fools that came there, but he needed that. Actually he needed that before, when he had to pay for his grandma's medicine, and now, all the money he had earned from the amazing tips he always gets, he would usually spend on buying his grandma food, cute little gifts that she loved, and he enjoyed all of it.

He even considered quitting that job now, since he obviously doesn't need it at the time, but he's still afraid that his agreement with Jungkook won't last, and that he'll regret his decision sooner or later.

Sunday morning was the only time Jimin had to get some rest, and usually he would sleep until at least 13 o'clock.

This particular Sunday morning he isn't that lucky.

After rolling over in his bed, he couldn't ignore his phone ringing for the nth time, so he grabbed the phone and looked at the screen.


"For fucks sake Tae, it's 10 in the morning, you know that I sleep..."

"Sorry babe I just need a quick answer and then you go back to sleep."

"What answer?"

"Remember that party at Jihoon's place that he invited us to, all med students with cute friends party? Remember?"


"Well I really wanna go. Jihoon said Myung is gonna be there, and maybe I could talk to him, get his number, you know how long I've liked him. Pleaseeeee can we go?"


"What do you mean no?"

"Tae, I'm too tired. I haven't slept in days, tomorrow I have classes, you know I can't. Please let me sleep..."

"But Minnieeeee, I would do anything for you, literally anything..."

"Then don't make me go to that stupid party."

"It's not stupid if Myung is gonna be there. You know how rarely I see him and I feel like this is my opportunity. Please Minnie, pretty please..."

"Oh my God, fine! Stop whining! But I'm telling you now, you have two hours tops to get his number or do whatever you want to do, and I'll busy myself with something and then we'll leave."

"It's more than I need. Thank you, thank you, thank you...tha....."

Tae couldn't finish his sentence cause Jimin was already asleep again.

After doing all kinds of things with his dear grandma, Sunday is usually their chill day (cooking, shopping, playing fun games, watching grandma's favorite dramas) he worked on some essays he had to do, and then it was time for the party.

Just because he was not that interested in going, doesn't mean he shouldn't dress to impress.

Jimin wore his tightest jeans, and paired it with some buttoned up black shirt, but he left couple of buttons unbuttoned, revealing his collar bones and a bit of his chest, a nice silver necklace pointing at his soft and smooth skin. Ankle boots and nicely styled hair, and he is ready to go.

"Well look at you my dear friend... Are you single maybe?" Tae teased as he saw Jimin looking really good, and he winked at him teasingly.

"Depends who is asking? If it's a hot guy like you, then I'm free for whatever you want." he said cheekily, and Tae gave him a big, warm hug.

"You think I look hot?"

"Of course you look good. Tae you're handsome whatever you wear don't ever forget that."

They entered a big, spacious two stories house, and saw way too many familiar faces and a couple of new ones.

"Guys you made it!" the host, Jihoon said, as soon as they entered the living room, and they give him a warm hug, showing their appreciation for inviting them in the first place.

"I had to beg him to come, I almost cried when he said no." Tae said and rolled his eyes.

"But it worked, and that's the most important thing." Jihoon said and smiled at them, his eyes lingering on Jimin for second too long.

"Yah, no one thinks about me and how tired I am. I'm practically falling apart and all you guys care is to have some fun, drink, get laid..." Jimin whined, but Tae interrupted him.

"Just like every other horny twenty something year old. Live a little, have fun."

"I'll try." Jimin said while rolling his eyes at Tae.

"Yeah and if you feel super tired and sleepy, I can give you the keys to my room upstairs so you can lie down and relax." Jihoon said, and both, Tae and Jimin looked at him a bit taken a back.

"Oh. Thank you. That's actually very sweet of you." Jimin said, still a little confused. Not knowing if Jihoon's agenda is only to be friendly or he just suggested something more intimate.

"And I've been told that I have golden hands, so if you want a massage or something just let me know."

"Maybe his just being super friendly as usually."

"Thank you, I'll keep that in mind." Jimin said with a little forced smile, and tugged Tae who was standing and starring at them with his mouth open.

"What did I just witness? Did Jihoon just flirt with you shamelessly in front of me?" Tae asked, now looking at Jimin who is blushing and trying to find the kitchen so that they could pour themselves drinks.

"I don't think so, he's just nice I guess, yeah... I'm not interested though... I really just want to drink a couple of drinks and go home, so please hurry up and get that phone number, would you?" Jimin said after finding two plastic cups filled them with beer for himself and Tae.

"Ok. Fine. Just don't get lost. Chen is here, you can maybe talk to him for a bit."

"Don't you worry about me, I'll be just fine." Jimin said and pushed Tae out, forcing him to take a few steps forward, entering the living room again.

After drinking that first beer bottoms up, he got himself another one, and thought about that offer Jihoon made him. Could he just grab those keys and go to sleep for an hour?

Would that be pathetic?

Would Jihoon think that Jimin wants him to join him in there?


He's not gonna do that.

He walked out of the kitchen, leaned himself on the big stone wall and started looking at people having fun, just enjoying their free time, talking, drinking, dancing, and suddenly his eyes caught a sight of a male, sitting casually in the big chair, laptop in his lap, and some papers in his other hand.

He squinted his eyes to double check if what he was seeing was right, and after scratching his eyes and looking at it again, there's no doubt that that is indeed, Jungkook.

He is wearing some baggy, black sweatpants and loose black shirt that revealed more of his toned chest that it should, his hair was tied up in a messy man bun, some of the strands messily fall over his forehead.

"Fuck, he's so hot."

Jimin didn't even noticed when he moved closer to the younger, just observing what he was doing. It's like they were two sides of a magnet just coming closer without even wanting to.

He leaned himself on the nearest wall, beer in his hand, just looking at the sight in front of him.

He was watching, and watching, and watching some more, until he realized how creepy he must look like, standing there all alone, starring at someone for what it looked like an hour already.

And Jungkook, he was just sitting there, all kinds of paper on his lap, on the floor, on the small coffee table beside him, and he looked tired.

From time to time some people would walk next to him, say hi, chat a little, but every time he looked more interested in what he was doing with those papers and laptop so Jimin wandered, could it be possible that he was at the party, and working at the same time?

"Who does that?"

"Is he alone here?"

"What if he's with a date?"

"Should I say hi to him?"

The questions in his head got piled up, but before answering any of those Jimin heard a loud: "JIMIN!" across the room, so instead of looking in the direction of a person who called him, his eyes just grew twice bigger, and he flinched at the sight of Jungkook snapping his head up, meeting his gaze.

"I was looking for you everywhere. Babe, I know an hour has passed, and you said one hour and we have to go, but please, please, please can we stay just a minute longer." Tae came and took both Jimin's hands in his and started begging him to stay.

"Um... Yeah... Sure... Maybe one more hour..." Jimin tore his gaze to look at Tae who had a big grin on his face, his hands still holding Jimin's tightly.

"Really?! Thank you babe so much, you're the best!" Tae said while cupping Jimin's cheeks, and squishing them couple of times, making Jimin to look like an adorable duck with pouty lips.

"Aish, go already, leave me alone." he said cutely while escaping Tae's torture, and after pinching his cheek once more, Tae is gone.

Now is the time to be mature, and confident to go and say hi to Jungkook.

Nope. Not now.

Jimin chickened out and went straight to the kitchen, not sparing a glance at the younger, and only when he was standing in front of the fridge, taking one bottle of beer out, he realized how immature he was behaving. He grabbed one more bottle and go straight to where Jungkook was sitting.

Luckily for him, the younger haven't moved an inch, and was still immersed in whatever he was doing...

"Hi." Jimin said while extending one hand with a cold drink to Jungkook.

"Hi, um... Thanks but I can't drink. I'm working on something." Jungkook said and shook his head, and Jimin looked at his papers, realizing how the younger was indeed doing some paper work for the company.

"What are you doing exactly?" Jimin asked and sat down, on the little coffee table next to Jungkook, putting his ass on top of some papers.

"Just some paper things... Checking company's mail to see if some patients want another appointment or some want other medicine, and stuff. That's usually done monthly, so I have to do it now." Jungkook said and moved some loose strands of his hair away from his forehead.

" Why is he so hot in this fit..."

"Can I help? To be honest, you look kind of desperate and sad, sitting here all alone, working at the party where you should actually, party." Jimin asked and took some of the papers in his hands, looking at the patients mails.

"Wouldn't your boyfriend mind?" Jungkook asked, not looking straight into Jimin's eyes. More like anywhere beside him.

"My boyfriend?" Jimin asked confused.

"The guy that was holding your hands minutes ago..." Jungkook said and poked his inner cheek with tongue, looking a bit angry, but still hot, so so hot...

"Oh, you mean Tae. That's my best friend. As if I could have boyfriend with all my crazy obligations, and atop of all that you and our stupid agreement." Jimin said and took a sip of the cold beer.

"Oh, so we have some agreement, that's nice to hear." Jungkook finally looked at him, and Jimin wished he could slap away that smirk on his face.

"Yeah, as I said, the stupid one..."

"Whatever you say..."

"So?" Jimin said after a second of silence.


"Will you let me help you? I'm bored anyways."

"Fine. Grab those files on your right and start reading. If you note some changes like the patient wanting new treatment or appointment let me know." Jungkook explained so Jimin started reading.

Half an hour after, they're finished with all the work, Jungkook is writing the last patients information down, and after doing so he lolled his head back, and threw his hands down, next to his body, and slid down the chair a bit, looking exhausted, but happy cause he finally finished all the work.

"Thank you. You saved me at least an hour of working on this." Jungkook said after looking at Jimin, who was trying to clean the mess all around them, putting papers neatly one on top of the other.

"You're welcome. I'm curious, why did you come to a party if you were gonna sit and work the whole time?"

"Well I didn't come voluntarily. My friends and work colleagues made me actually. I lost a bet and now this is my punishment." Jungkook shrugged after explaining.

"Wow, this is your punishment? Going to a party? Really?"

"Yeah, I rarely do this, I don't have time for this kind of fun, and I don't find parties like this to be fun anyways. I mean a bunch of people getting drunk and trying to get laid what's so fun about that?"

"Well it's fun if you're the one getting laid." Jimin said and regret saying that the moment Jungkook eyed him up and down, scanning the way he was sitting so close to him, looking like he's trying to figure out what Jimin meant by that.

Jimin felt like the younger's stare was too much so he got up, deciding it's better for him to go and find Tae, since it's already been an hour since they saw each other.
Jungkook in the other hand had other plans, so after Jimin got up, he wrapped his hand around his wrist, and tugged him firmly towards him, so after stumbling a bit, Jimin landed straight into Jungkook's lap.

He let a silent gasp the second he felt the younger's needy dick under his ass, and before he could get up or even speak, Jungkook grabbed his hips, and turned the smaller to face him completely, so Jimin instinctively straddled his lap with ease. He could just hope that the younger doesn't notice how his heart was beating like crazy in his chest. Jungkook had some crazy effect on him, and he couldn't deny it anymore.

"So?" Jungkook started this time.

"What?" Jimin said while licking his lips, their proximity feeling too much and yet too little.

"Well since you helped me with my work, is there something I could do for you maybe..." Jungkook said before grabbing Jimin's ass, squeezing it firmly with his hands, making Jimin hiss quietly, and pursing his lips, trying to suppress the needy moan that's threatening to escape.

"I... " just as he was about to say something, he looked at the silhouette of a buff man standing next to them.

"Jungkook? Is? What? You..." the man looked perplexed and shocked, and after Jungkook rolled his eyes at the tall man he looked at Jimin, then at the man again.

"It's Jimin." the younger cleared and Jimin looked at him in shock, realizing how the man probably knows who Jimin is and what kind of relationship the two of them have.

"Oh, oh... Ooooh." the man said, first two 'Ohs' sounding surprised, the last one kind of relieved.

"Does he know about, you know?" Jimin asked while covering his mouth, trying to whisper the question, feeling pretty ashamed.

"Yes." Jungkook said with a nod, and Jimin's cheeks blushed, so he put his head down, hiding in the crook of Jungkook's neck.

"God this is so embarrassing." he whispered, but the younger heard his words.

"Namjoon this is Jimin. Jimin, this is my best friend and work colleague Namjoon." Jungkook introduced them, and Jimin turned to face the man with cute dimples in his cheeks, and said shy little "nice to meet you".

"I'm gonna leave you two alone, I'm obviously intruding, I just wanted to tell you that Jin hyung and I are outside, the guys brought some good weed."

"Ok, bye." Jungkook said quickly and turned to look at Jimin again.

"Where were we?" Jungkook asked, adjusting Jimin onto his lap better, not missing a chance to grind his hips against Jimin's ass.

"We were... nowhere... um... just talking..." Jimin said, feeling all flustered, cause Jungkook is caressing his thighs now, stroking all the way up, till his ass and back to his calves.

"If we were at the apartment right now, would you let me fuck you?" Jungkook asked and Jimin squirmed in his lap, trying to close his legs together, his dick twitching at the mere thought of the younger doing him nice and hard like the last time.

"Do we really need an apartment to get laid?" Jimin suddenly said, and scolded himself mentally immediately.

"What the fuck Jimin... Run away... Abort mission.... Fuck."

Jungkook's eyes widen at the older's words, his mouth opening up to say something, but closing it right after, like he was thinking what to say.

"Jihoon, the guy who threw the party told me that I could get the keys of his room if I need to rest or something." Jimin said while trying not to sound too desperate, cause Jungkook's hands were under his shirt now, caressing Jimin's sides.

"Hm, is that so? And why did he offer you his keys?" Jungkook asked while frowning his eye brows at the older, his grip around Jimin's waist becoming tighter.

"Um.. I don't know... I said how I was tired, and since we know each other for a long time now he offered a massage and his room keys..." with every new word Jimin is saying he realized how Jihoon's intentions were far from friendly, so he frowned and shook his head at his own words.

"Did it just sink in how Jihoon probably wanted to fuck you somewhere in between the massage while you taking a rest in his room?" Jungkook asked after seeing the realization on older's face.

"Yeah... But I wouldn't..." Jimin tried to speak but his words got cut off by a familiar voice.


He just closed his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows, not turning around yet.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You said you're not interested in having fun tonight, and there you are..." Tae said after coming closer to Jimin and Jungkook who haven't move an inch.

"I was worried you left... I was looking all over for you, and you're here making out with... who ever this is."

"It's Jungkook, and we're not making out." Jimin said and looked at the younger who was already looking at him.

"The Jungkook? But how..." Tae looked shocked and gave some harsh glance to the younger.

"Yeah, um... He's a pharmacy student, I guess that's how... I don't know... Anyways, this is Taehyung, my best friend." Jimin said, and hearing those words evoke something in Tae so he grabbed Jimin by his upper arm and tugged him off of Jungkook's lap.

"Let's go. You don't need this right now. If I'm not wrong, today it's not Thursday. Am I right?" Tae said, still giving Jungkook his cold, death stare.

"Tae..." Jimin whined while gripping his arm harder, Jungkook didn't say anything.

"Let's go baby, I'm super hungry." Tae said before he started pulling Jimin out of the room.

"Jimin." Jungkook called after him, so the older turned around to face him.

"Same time on Thursday." Jungkook said with a smug grin, but all Jimin could think about was how badly he wants to see Jungkook again.

"See you." he mouthed, while getting pulled out of the room by Tae's strong tugs.

"What just happened?" Tae said as soon as they were outside.

"Um, nothing, we were just talking..." Jimin said while blushing, scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Well it seemed like you were straddling his lap and the two of you were making out."

"We weren't. You know we didn't even kiss..."

"Ah, you're right. He just fucks you, he doesn't kiss you. What were you thinking? He can't know that you like him. You're supposed to hate him, remember? You shouldn't be drooling over him, you should be smarter than that."

"I know! Don't think that all of this isn't hard for me. It's literally tearing me apart. He's an ass who's using me to have fun cause he knows I need his help, and I like him? Why do I like him Tae? What's wrong with me? I'm supposed to hate him, but I can't wait for Thursday to come. I'm so fucked up." Jimin said while looking at Tae with big puppy eyes, tears threatening to come out.

" Babe, It's ok. He showed you a good time, right?" (Jimin nodded)

" His dick is nice? " (Jimin nodded again)

" He made you come, right? " (Jimin nodded with an eye roll)

"And he gave you the medicine every time you came to the apartment even if wasn't there, which is often, right?"


"Well it's simple then. You really are a true fuck buddies who have fun together and it's only normal to have some feelings for him or to develop some in the meantime. He treats you good and you're responding to all of this. I just don't want you to fall for him hard, cause he seems like a guy who would hurt you without even blinking... I mean this whole agreement and everything could only work if you're able to separate your feelings from pleasure. I hope you can do that."

"I hate him."

"No you don't."

"He didn't fucking kiss me and I love to kiss! Does he kiss his other fuck buddies? Why not me? Why do I wanna kiss him so badly???" Jimin whined while dramatically waving his hands, and now it's Tae's turn to roll his eyes at him.

"Well if you wanted to I'm pretty sure you could've done it back then, at the party. You were in perfect position for it."

"Maybe I would if you didn't come along, you cock blocker!" Jimin yelled at Tae and after minute of silence they both broke down in laugh.

"This is so fucked up Tae... If it wasn't hilarious it would be rather sad." they continued they walk, Jimin snuggling into Tae's embrace.

"Hey, why did we have to go so early? What happened with Mingyu?" Jimin suddenly remembered they were on the mission tonight, well Tae was.

"I got the number, and then my ex showed up, holding his new toy proudly, made me sick... I just had to go." Tae said, sounding sad.

"Oh babe... You should've told me, we wouldn't even argue... I know it still hurts and I'm sorry we even came to that stupid party." Jimin said while holding him a bit harder.

"Nah... I'm ok now. Every time I see his fucking face it gets better. I feel like now I want to punch him more than to kiss him, so that's good, right?"

"Of course it's good. It's great progress. I kind of want to kiss and punch Jungkook at the same time. Weird."

"You're weird." Tae stated.

"I know." Jimin agreed.

That night, after getting home, all Jimin could think about was how to separate feelings and simple urge to get satisfied... Was it even possible?

If anything, he was determined to find out.

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