Epilogue No.2
Even after a year into their relationship, Jungkook had the same dream from time to time...
He would fall into deep sleep and dream about the prettiest pink, plump lips saying some words he couldn't quite catch on, then the body that's so petite and delicate like he never seen before, and every time he would try to talk to the man in his dreams, he would just wake up and see the same man sleeping next to him, or on top of him, sometimes under him, really, it all depends on what activities he and the said man had done the previous night.
Jungkook feels happy that his dream became reality, even though the thought of him being the one to ruin all that they had, even before they started their journey, had haunted him, still...
2 years ago
Jungkook had a busy life.
Way too busy life for someone so young and so dedicating to everything his parents set him up to. He was one to never disappoint, and he knew being a pharmacist student and doing a full time job at the same time, while helping his parents whenever he was free, wouldn't leave him much of a choice with his sexual life.
He had regular fuck buddies, partners he had some kind of an agreement, and he was happy.
He wasn't happy.
He was satisfied, actually his needs got satisfied, but he was empty.
Empty inside, and not able to feel anything more than the urge to just reach his orgasms with the person he was with. There was no deeper connection, no true feelings, no dates, no cute little things that somewhere in the back of his mind, he really missed.
One particular day, he went to the Jeon pharmacy, where he has worked for two years now, and while having a break, just sipping on his coffee with his colleague and close friend Jin, he heard the funniest little laugh, more like a squealing sound that made him smile without having any reason to smile.
Then the person of that contagious laugh made an appearance in front of them, actually the guy just walked past them, trying to get some coffee for himself and a friend he was with, so Jungkook just opened his mouth wide, a sigh came right after, and his friend Jin just stared at him, not believing what he's seeing.
"Is my friend, Jeon Jungkook, drooling over some guy he saw for the first time in his life?" Jin asked, sounding amused by the look of his young friend.
"Don't tell me you're not seeing this. Hyung, isn't this the most gorgeous man you've ever seen?" Jungkook asked, still dazed by the man now standing closer to the register, talking to his friend, wide smile appearing on his face.
"Well since I have a mirror, and I look at myself every day, that's highly doubtful, but I can see why you would think so. He's totally your type."
"He's so pretty, I wanna take a picture of his pretty face and draw him, and just stare at the picture for hours." Jungkook said, his coffee long forgotten, getting cold with every minute he wasted on staring at the pretty blonde.
"Wow, that's creepy. I'm just glad he's not close enough to hear you..." and as Jin was talking, the hot blonde, turned around, now his back on display for Jungkook to see clearly, and the moment his eyes landed on the hottie's thick ass, he hissed and frowned, biting his lower lip, trying not to make any louder sound.
The blonde's ass was fine.
Round, firm, bubbly...
Damn Jungkook might as well write a poem about it...
"Ah hyung, I just wanna bury my face between those cheeks, look at that..." Jungkook said while putting his hands under his chin, obviously having a daydream of the said action.
"I'm just gonna pretend you are talking about his squishy face, and those adorable cheeks..." Jin said while shaking his head, trying to block the images coming to his mind.
"I'm not." Jungkook just said, and nearly spilled his coffee all over himself, when his eyes met with the prettiest eyes he ever saw, only for a brief second, before the blonde's friend called him, cause it was time to take their order.
"Jimin, we're next." his friend yelled, so Jimin turned around and ever since then Jungkook couldn't get those pretty eyes, plump lips, and the sweetest smile, out of his mind.
Ass too.
Can't forget that ass.
Days after, at his usual day at work, Jungkook was doing some paper work, trying to finish as much as he could so that he could go out earlier today, since he had one of his appointments with his fuck buddy, and afterwards, the art class he signed in month ago.
"Park Jimin!" he heard his colleague Chohee yell from the office near his, so he snapped his gaze and looked up, trying to see the said man, only hoping that he will see the Jimin, he saw just a week before.
The moment his eyes landed on a hot figure, and nicely styled blond hair, he knew who's the man behind the name his colleague said.
Park Jimin.
The man looked a bit different this time around. He was pretty and handsome, but he looked a bit worried, and Jungkook immediately went into Jeon pharmacy system to find out why this man is here, and who was the lady that came with him.
He looked for today's appointments, and checked under the name of Park Jimin, and saw how he's here with his grandma, who is gonna try their knew experimental medicine for her bones condition.
He heard the whole conversation his colleague was having with the two of them, and then he heard how they need to sign some papers, so he immediately got up, not letting his colleague to go inside and bring the paper, even though that's something she usually always does, instead he grabbed the papers and went in himself.
He came inside, and saw the blonde man shaking his leg nervously, and while thinking about his will to try to help his grandma, he put his hand on his shoulder, like he was trying to tell him, everything will be alright, stay strong, think positively, relax, and when the said man looked at him for a second, his heart skipped a beat, cause the look in his eyes was pure and filled with gratefulness, and he couldn't get it out of his head for a long, long time...
After that, Jungkook knew when every one of Jimin's appointments are, and he made sure he looked on point that day. He would work out like crazy the day before, trying to look as handsome as he could, he would wear his tightest button up shirt, and unbutton some buttons only for the blonde to see, and he would style his hair, which he usually kept in a messy man bun, nicely and would just wait a whole week, just to see the man again, smile at him shyly, and in return, he would get a shy smile back.
Weeks went by, months even, and Jimin did nothing more than just looking at the younger, and Jungkook got sick of it. He wanted the now light brown haired man to make the first move, talk to him, do something, anything, but Jimin did no such thing.
So he started the mission 'seduce Jimin' or 'show Jimin how hot you are'.
He wasn't much of a talk kinda guy anyways so, he decided to just do some old tricks like unbuttoning his shirt more, rolling up his sleeves, revealing his sexy tattoos, then walking past the hot man of his dreams, slightly caressing his hand, rubbing his thighs over his thighs, well, just the usual things that made everyone around him to fall down on their knees for him, but not this guy.
Jimin did nothing.
He did smile at him, he sure did check him up and down, maybe even undress Jungkook with his eyes a couple of times, but he still didn't do anything concrete, and Jungkook became desperate.
"Hyung, what else could I do to make him approach me. I've literally done everything and still, nothing." Jungkook was moody, and decided to just come clean about his agenda with the man of his dream.
"Well how about you ask him out on a date? I don't get the whole chasing him idea when you could just ask him out next time he's here." Jin told him so Jungkook thought about his words, and decided to just try to do so. Even if he wasn't exactly the dating type, and really had no time to have a normal relationship, for this nice and sweet man, he decided that he would definitely try.
Next time Jimin was at his office, he looked nothing like a cute and shy guy that Jungkook got used to see. He had a tiny, white crop top on, and his waist and abs were on display, and every time he would turn around his ass was showing off like a round globe and Jungkook had a hard time just to sit there and try to concentrate on anything right now.
He thought about the man he thought Jimin was, and a man that was standing right now, in front of him, looking shameless, wild and sexy. Actually nothing like the Jimin he imagined him to be. He got a bit curious about this other side he saw on the older, that actually looked a lot like his usual fuck buddies... Just fierce and provocative people who had no shame when it comes to any sexual activity. and right now, Jimin looked just like that...
Could it be a coincidence that the girl he was seeing for almost three years, suddenly moved far away, and Jungkook had no fuck buddy in Seoul at the time?
Was it faith or coincidence?
After hearing the whole argument Jimin had with his colleague about the medicine getting too pricey and just unaffordable for him, Jungkook got scared that this would mean that he will never see the man of his dreams again. That he would stop coming here, and maybe their paths would never cross again.
With that in mind, and the older's painfully, sexy look from said morning, he came after him and was lucky to see Jimin standing there in front of the building, looking lost and worried.
Since he had no idea what to say to him, he had a hard time communicating with strangers, well people in general, so he just asked the older to meet him later, hopefully by then he'll figure something out.
While drinking his coffee, later on his lunch break, he got so carried away in his own thoughts he haven't even noticed his friend Jin, coming and sitting next to him.
"Wow, is it possible that I've been sitting here for 5 minutes and you haven't noticed me? What's up with you today?" Jin asked and only than Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his older friend.
"I kind of have a date with Jimin later..." he said and made even more shocked face than before, obviously not believing his own words.
"What?! Really? I'm so happy for you. I'm sick of your agreements and not being able to do the double dating thing, cause all you do is fuck those people, not go out with them and do stuff. I feel like this is gonna be totally different." Jin said and clapped his hands, being totally cheerful, but Jungkook just shook his head.
"I don't think I can do this. I'm gonna blow this up, I know it. He's having such a hard time with his grandma and everything and he probably doesn't want to date at this moment, and all of this is just gonna be a disaster." Jungkook panicked so Jin tried to calm him down.
"Hey, it's ok. Whatever happens it's fine. Just don't ask him to be one of yours fuck buddies? Please. And don't mention that you could possibly give him the medicine if he treats you good cause we have like thousands of samples in the store in your office." Jin joked and cocked his eyebrows at the younger playfully and hated the way Jungkook's face suddenly showed interest in what Jin said, and he got some dark look in his eyes, like he's considering the thing Jin just said.
"No Jungkookah. I was just messing with you, don't be so stupid and reckless to just fuck things up before they even started. Please..." Jin begged, but Jungkook had already set his mind into a plan, that in the long run, played good for him.
Thank God for Jin's idea and that crop top.
So now, years after, the same feeling gotten over him, as he was sitting across his boyfriend, just casually eating dinner, talking about their work days and through the whole conversation Jungkook got a bit distracted and nervous and ofcourse Jimin could always tell when something is bothering the younger.
"So, are you gonna tell me why you're so distracted and distanced tonight." Jimin asked while taking one more bite of the delicious chocolate cake they ordered to share, but only Jimin ate it.
"Um... It's um... I..." Jungkook stutters so Jimin interrupts him.
"Are you breaking up with me? It's that it? Are you missing your usual sex activities that you had with many of your sex buddies? Did you get bored of me? That must be it. I'm always working so hard, I don't have time for you and you got sick of it... I'm sorry for... " so Jungkook decided the best way to shut the mumbling mess of his boyfriend is to show him why he was nervous today.
He put a box on the table in front of Jimin, which makes him shut up immediately. Jimin looked him in the eyes, confused, and a bit curious, not knowing what could possibly be in the little box.
"Open it." Jungkook simply said, so the older did so.
When he saw a little key inside, Jimin got even more confused.
"What is this?"
"Well isn't it obvious. I want you to move in with me. I want us to live together and be together always..." Jungkook said and was a bit surprised when Jimin frowned and put his hand under his chin.
"What do you mean move in with you? You do realize that I spend only 2 or 3 nights monthly at my grandma's apartment, and all of my clothes are at your place. Jungkook I'm sorry to break it for you, but we're already living together." Jimin said and continue eating his food, looking unbothered.
"I know, but I don't wanna live in that apartment anymore. I want us to find a new one together, and to make it our home." Jungkook said so Jimin's heart melted at the said words.
Our home.
"Ok. But I feel a bit sad to leave that apartment. I really love living there." Jimin said while being all sad, pouting his full lips.
"I know baby. I just don't want to be reminded of all the people I've fucked there and my previous lifestyle. I want something real and new with you. A fresh start." Jungkook said, knowing very well what to say to speed up Jimin's mind about this whole thing.
"We're moving out tomorrow." Jimin said dead panned, so Jungkook kissed all over his frowned face, lingering a bit longer at his soft lips.
"I already arranged seven apartments we should look at, starting tomorrow, so be prepared. This will be so fun to do with you." Jungkook seemed super excited and Jimin thought how this could really be a fun experience for both of them.
Only that it wasn't.
If anything, Jimin finds out about this other side to his handsome boyfriend, and that's his overly picky side, the side that is so oriented towards details that it's so so fucking annoying. The side that knew every fucking wood that the floor could be covered in, and he had no idea why Jungkook only wanted oak? What's so special about oak all of a sudden. They're just gonna walk over it. And don't get him started on kitchen cabinets. Dear lord is there really so much into that that Jimin had no idea what to look for, before Jungkook pointed out some things.
"No, we don't want wooden cabinets, and the ones that have too big handles."
But why? What's the big deal? Jimin had no idea why Jungkook is so picky about every little detail, and he had enough of it.
Every apartments they have seen by now, had at least one flaw or even more, and they couldn't get on board with anything about this whole finding a place to live thing.
When Wonho, the friend who worked for the agency who was supposed to find them the perfect home, pointed out the amazing soft carpet in the first apartment, all Jimin could think of was how good that carpet would feel under his knees, while he's sucking on Jungkook's dick deliciously, but Jungkook had other concerns.
"It's too fluffy, all the little crumbs would go inside and they are unable to get out... so no..."
The second apartment was as pretty, and while looking at a spacious, luxury big bed in the bedroom, all Jimin could think about is how hard Jungkook could fuck him on that same bed, and he got excited just because of the thoughts... and Jungkook, had obviously other thing on his mind.
"No, the bed material is not organic, it's not real wood, and the leather is just fake and looks bad to be honest... so no.."
Third apartment was a sight to look for. Amazing two floor apartment with big balcony and the view was mesmerizing.
"Bet Jungkook could fuck me outside good, and then we could just fall asleep and look at the starry night..." but Jungkook had other things bothering him again.
"So there's no floor heating in there. That's not good. We would need to wear slippers all the time... so no..."
"Slippers are fucking cute, are you serious!!! Look at the view!!!" Jimin is loosing it cause every single apartment they saw, was good enough for him to live in with the younger, simply cause he wanted him inside the said apartment, and that was the most important thing, but Jungkook clearly had other things on his picky, annoying mind.
All five apartments they have seen looked pretty good and actually cozy to live in. But there was always something missing in Jungkook's opinion, so Jimin thought how he could help with making the next apartment they're gonna see, the coziest one of all.
He had prepared a little plan inside his witty head, and with the help of Wonho, he made up his mind to make the next apartment theirs.
Jimin really didn't care about where they'll live, as long as they're together, what else do they really need?
As Jimin was getting ready to leave for work this morning, right before going outside of the apartment, he rushed off to the bathroom and grabbed the thing that he was looking for - a little stainless steel butt plug with a pale pink jewel on it's base.
After finishing with his work at the private practice, he went to the bathroom, after locking the door, he walked over to the sink, happy to find that the bathroom was well cleaned.
Bracing his arms on the sink he leaned forward, arching into a position that leaves his ass naturally a bit more open and exposed. He pushed down his pants and underwear to his knees, and took the plug out of his backpack.
Ofcourse he brought a small bottle of lube with him, so he lubed up the toy with the strawberry tasting lube generously. Then he guided the plug to his asshole and begin to push, using little back and forth motions to stretch himself just a little bit further, each minute advancement sending a shay wave through him, eliciting little whimpers from the back of his throat.
In the mirror above the sink, his face already look flustered and dewy with a fine sheen of perspiration from the effort. The ring around the plug felt like it's on fire with how tightly he was stretched until finally, finally, it's past the widest point and his passage allowed the last little bit to slide in easily. Just the little pink gem was left winking out from between his cheeks.
Panting, Jimin leaned his forehead on his arms, trying to recover from the anal fucking he just gave himself while at the same time trying to adjust to the awareness radiating outward from the foreign object inside him. When he calmed down to the point where he was able to stand, he pulled his pants and briefs up, looking at the time he had left before meeting Jungkook and Wonho. He grabbed a little bit of tissue paper and wiped off his face before walking as steadily as he could over to the exit.
Since it was Friday afternoon, Jungkook got off the pharmacy a bit earlier and after meeting with Wonho they finally entered the big spacious apartment on the 19th floor of amazing building with a wonderful open space living room and kitchen, and pretty floor to ceiling windows.
"Oh my God, this is so pretty." Jimin said the moment they entered deeper inside, but as usually Jungkook is rather quiet, observing every fucking detail.
Jimin looked around and really got this warm feeling all around his stomach, like his body was telling him, this is it.
The butt plug in his ass helped him to feel good too.
"Yeah, I might need to check bedroom and bathroom, still don't like that there's only one bathroom though." Jungkook said, while looking around so Jimin rolled his eyes at his comment, feeling annoyed already.
"How about you go and check that bedroom, and I'll come as soon as I see the kitchen better." Jimin said, so Jungkook did so, and after five minutes of looking inside, he came out, looking for Jimin, to show him the bathroom which looked spectacular in his opinion, but the sight that he saw in the kitchen, made every word he was supposed to say to just vanish from his mouth...
There was Jimin, sitting naked on one of the bar stools, only thin, pink tie hanging from his neck.
"Hi you... Like what you see?" Jimin teased, and then turned around and bend his upper body over the kitchen island reaching for the champagne bottle and some strawberries he already prepared for them.
While bending, and sticking his ass up, Jungkook coughed with his eyes, something sparkling between Jimin's ass cheeks, and he cursed just from the thought of a diamond plug being deep inside his boyfriend for God knows how long.
"Fuck, Jimin... What are you doing?" the younger said, still unable to move, just observing the older and his bold moves.
"I wanna celebrate our new home properly, and since this one is the one for me, I wanted to make sure you would leave this place feeling satisfied and happy which could help you with making the decision and finally picking the place for us to move in." Jimin talked while taking one strawberry and rubbing it over his lips, then his neck, then his nipples which got hard under the cold contact, and all Jungkook could do is nod stupidly while staring at Jimin in daze.
"is there a but plug in your ass, or am I imagining things now?" somehow Jungkook gathered himself enough to ask, and the devilish smile on his boyfriend's face was the answer he was looking for.
"You mean this little beauty." Jimin said while turning around, spreading his ass cheeks wide, the sparkling butt plug now totally visible, making Jungkook's dick to twitch in excitement.
"Oh God that's so hot." Jungkook said and bit his lips, palming his obviously throbbing dick, over his pants.
"Why are you just standing there baby? Come and play with me. I had this plug in me for so long, I really need to cum soon or I'll be so desperate and whiny..." Jimin said while bending down and shaking his ass from left to right, so Jungkook came closer and started kissing his naked back eagerly.
He kisses his nape, then his shoulder where he bit just a little harsher, unable to control himself, cause God damn it, could Jimin be any hotter???
Then he got down on his knees, right behind Jimin's ass, and stare at the pretty sight in front of him. Jimin's round and firm ass cheeks hiding that beautiful diamond looking plug, so he started playing with his ass, just spreading his cheeks wide, then slapping them together, making the plug disappear and then reappear in that tight hole.
"Aren't you having a little too fun with that?" Jimin asked after looking down at Jungkook, who was licking and nibbling his cheeks, still admiring the sight.
"If I could I would keep this in you and fuck you like that. It looks so good on you baby, you have no idea." Jungkook said while caressing the plug and all around it, making Jimin shiver.
"How about you fuck me and then after you come inside my ass, you put the plug back in, so that I could stay pretty for you, and keep your cum inside me, and then when we come back to our old apartment you could take the plug out and eat me clean than fuck me again? Hm? How does that sound? " Jimin said so Jungkook's mouth got wide open.
"Shit, that sounds like a perfect plan baby. Come here I want you so badly." Jungkook said and moved fast to crash his eager lips onto Jimin's.
Kissing him roughly, biting on his lower lip while touching every little spot on his perfect body, like he can't get enough of him...
He could never get enough of him...
Jimin loved the attention his boyfriend is giving him, kissing his neck, licking his nipples, tasting him so deliciously. When Jungkook came down, he removed the plug slowly out of Jimin's hole, and the sight of Jimin's lubed, stretched hole was a sight to remember.
Jungkook buried his whole face inside and started eating him out eagerly and hard, the older moans became louder and louder.
He ate Jimin so good, changing from fucking his hole with his wet pointed tongue to biting and sucking around the hole, and soon he felt Jimin's legs shaking.
"Babe, I'm gonna come if you don't stop... Please fuck me, please..." Jimin begged so Jungkook gave him exactly what he wanted.
He pushed his stone hard dick deep inside, and leaned over Jimin's back, then grabbed the tie that was hanging around his neck, and used it to turn his head around, and give him a hard kiss filled with tongue licking and lips biting, which made Jimin a whole other level of moany mess.
"Move baby, move... Fuck me hard... Ah..." Jimin's moans got caught in his throat the moment Jungkook pulled his dick almost fully out, only to slam it back in forcefully.
"Oh shit baby... Give it to me... Yes... YES.. " Jimin was out of control. Having that plug deep inside him for hours made him horny and needy and all he could think about the whole day was exactly this. The younger drilling inside of him hard and just letting go to the feeling of being one again.
"Please deeper...oh yeah...deeper, yes...even deeper, right there, yes, oh...oh...ah..." Jimin felt the younger's cock touch his insides and pressing harder and harder against his prostate.
"God you're so big stretching my ass so good..." hearing this Jungkook started getting rougher and was drilling his hole with roaring noises.
Jimin was gasping with each trust:" Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! AH! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!..."
Soon Jungkook speeds up the pace of his thrusts, and started tugging on Jimin's cock nicely, making the older shake underneath his touch, obviously feeling close to reaching orgasm.
"Babe don't stop, don't fucking stop, it feels so fuck-ing good, ah ah ah I'm gonna come..."
Jungkook's cock was hitting on his prostate so good, he could feel every vein of his shaft rubbing on the insides of his hole, and the strokes over his hard dick felt too much so in seconds the younger sent him into powerful orgasm. He came with wave after wave as Jungkook kept on giving it to him.
He was almost quivering with the orgasm:"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!"
Jungkook leaned to kiss his open mouth and now sweaty face while Jimin was spilling his cum all over the kitchen island and Jungkook's hands. He smiled and look the younger in the eyes, and he could tell how happy Jungkook is making love to him and giving him his well deserved orgasm.
Jungkook came right after him, with a loud orgasmic cry :"Aaaahhh! Cuuummiiing!", the clenching of Jimin's ass milking every drop of cum out of him.
He came hard and felt his heart beat slowing down, so he started kissing Jimin's back slowly again.
"Baby, can I pull it out. Are you ok?" Jungkook asked, like he always asks, and always cares for Jimin and the way he feels.
"I'm more than ok. Give me a kiss." Jimin said while turning his head around, enjoying the soft kisses on top of his lips.
"There." Jimin said, while extending his hand with the pretty plug, so Jungkook smiled at him.
"You really wanna walk around with my cum inside you?" He asked while kissing Jimin's shoulder, still buried deep inside Jimin's ass.
"Yes I do. And I want you to clean that as soon as we come back to the old apartment." Jimin said and cocked his eyebrows at the younger.
"What makes you think that we'll pick this apartment anyways?" Jungkook smiled at Jimin devilishly and Jimin frowned.
"I want to live here and that's the end of the search. I mean it Jungkook. I can't spend one more day chasing some perfect apartment when I have everything I need here. And I don't mean the place Kookah. I mean you. You're my home, my safe place. You make any room, any house, any apartment into a home just by being there. So please, can we just accept this offer cause I really wanna start this whole new chapter with you, and I think the beginning we just had in here, was pretty damn good."
"Sure babe." Jungkook simply said, so Jimin frowned.
"Really? You'll give in that easily?"
"I wanted to live here actually the moment I saw the bathroom, and as I was about to tell you about it when I came back here, you were already here, waiting for me like that, so I forgot to tell you that I think this is really the place for us." Jungkook said so Jimin shook his head.
"And I prepared all of this for nothing." Jimin whined while pointing at strawberries and champagne.
"No baby. How about we stay here for the night, and enjoy that champagne and those strawberries properly while watching some movie and later we can jump in the jacuzzi and enjoy ourselves some more." Jungkook said while caressing Jimin's back.
"We have a jacuzzi!!! No way! Why didn't you say so. Oh I'm gonna ride you so good in there, I can't wait..."
And Jungkook was gone once again...
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