Six: Epic Fail
"Those who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain of its brevity."
― Jean de La Bruyère
I was grateful because I really didn't have to stage anything big like I thought in order to get Zoey's attention, or talk to her. When I got out of the car, I saw Zoey sitting in her car. She seemed to be staring into space.
I knocked on her car window on the driver's side. She turned her head and looked at me. She furrowed her eyebrows, and eyed me quizzically, probably wondering what the hell I needed.
She rolled down her window.
"Uh, hi," I said, and this time with a little more confidence. "Um, I know this might sound weird, but I was wondering if I could listen to music in your car. My radio doesn't work, and my phone doesn't actually have music on it."
She was incredulous it looked like. "What?"
I blushed, and my confidence went away--just like that.
"Uh, sorry. You Just seemed like the kind of person who likes to listen to music, and stuff. Well, bye!"
I rushed the last of my words, and turned around proceeding to walk away. But I heard her open her car door, and say, "Wait, Isaac!"
I was surprised in a way that she knew my name. But I was perhaps what you'd call popular, so why was I surprised?
She smiled halfheartedly. "Sorry. I'm not a morning person..."
I laughed, and replied with, "Aren't we all?"
"Yeah, get in."
I then opened the door to the passengers side, and got in. Her car smelt of cinnamon, and the van was pretty old and dated. But it was sort of spacious, I guess.
"Uh, I don't really listen to the radio," she said. "I listen to CDs."
Who owned CDs anymore?
I smiled. "Well, who're the artist?"
She took out a stack that were in the back seat. "Well, there's the Les Miz highlights, Justin Timberlake's Justified, Cyndi Lauper's greatest hits, Tori Kelly, Newsies Motion Picture Soundtrack, Beach Boys' Greatest Hits, and The Academy Is...'s Santi."
I didn't necessarily know who all the artists we're. So I tried playing it cool by going with The Academy Is....
"That last group seems fine," I said, a bit unsure.
She nodded. "A surprising choice."
When the music started after she had put the CD in, we didn't say anything to each other. She'd look at me a couple times, and I would do the same when she wasn't looking.
"So, how's life been?" I decided to say, finally breaking the awkward atmosphere. "You studied for Geometry?"
I know, I know, it was lame that I continued to bring up Geometry as a conversation starter, but that's the only thing that made me seem non-random towards Zoey.
She looked thoughtful for a bit before answering. "Uh, I did study for Geometry. I know there's going to be another test soon, since ya know, almost everybody failed it."
"I was one of the dumb asses who did," I said matter-of-factly. "But I really didn't study, 'cause I don't study."
She looked like she wanted to laugh at my directness, but instead she shrugged. "That's all right, I mean, I suck at gym, and you don't see me running my ass off."
I didn't know how to—at first—take Zoey after she said that. Believe me, I'd been with a couple girls before Justice, and they all were very nice, friendly, and beautiful. Hell, at one point Justice was very beautiful too.
Yet, Zoey. There was something really different about her at the moment. I didn't know if she again, did something different with her hair. But she was looking at me, actually looking at me with her best smile.
What was this?
I wanted to tell her that she was pretty, and an awesome person just to boost her confidence a bit, and to keep her from offing herself.
That didn't happen.
Instead, What happened was her boyfriend decided to come into the scene. And let me tell you, the butt wipe never came into the scene. He usually stayed with band cronies and left Zoey to fend for herself in a terrible place called high school.
I saw that Lawson had the whole rocker look going on when he approached the vehicle. He wore a black and red flannel, and black ripped jeans. When he knocked on Zoey's window ruining our moment, he peered in a little more to see who was sitting next to her in the passengers seat.
He frowned when he saw that it was me.
:: :: ::
The only thing I hadn't failed at so far was avoiding Justice and Peyton. Instead of walking to the entrance and meeting them there, I decided to come around the back of the school and I hoped a nice person would open the door for me.
A guy who I sort of hung out with every now and then whose name was Nick, let me in. He didn't question why I was entering the school this way. He just said, "Hey, Stints."
After acknowledging him, I made a detour to the right and hid behind the wall, I had almost come around the bend.
I didn't go to my locker just yet, since I was pretty sure that's where Justice and Peyton would be. And there they were. Of course they didn't look happy. They were probably going to eat my lunch.
I was most-likely going to be late to class, and that didn't matter at the moment. What I was worried about was being confronted by my girlfriend and best friend. As well as preventing Zoey Graves death.
The warning bell rang then. I didn't know what they were saying to each other, but they were talking. Justice rolled her eyes, and Peyton, well, he shrugged and looked pissed off before leaving my locker. I once again was successful in avoiding them.
But I couldn't avoid Simon Moore.
When I was getting a textbook out my locker, that's when I felt someone grab me roughly by the shoulder.
"What up Stints?"
I took my shoulder out of the person's grasp. I turned and faced Simon Moore.
"Nothin' much, Simon," I responded dryly with an eye roll that he didn't see. "You skippin'?"
Simon laughed when he heard the final bell ring. "Yeah, I am. Shelby's supposed to be meeting me in the parking lot."
"I thought you guys broke up."
"Nah, we were taking a break...Speaking of which, are you and Justice still dating?"
I shrugged. "Why do you wanna know?" Because it was none of his freaking business.
He shrugged, too. "No reason."
:: :: ::
I didn't know this was going to happen. I thought I would run into Zoey a considerably different way.
That didn't happen.
I was heading to Geometry like her, and I'd been watching her as she walked a couple inches away from me.
In my head I'd been contemplating on whether to approach her now, when I saw she was about to trip.
Right before she even managed to meet the ground, I grabbed her hand and pulled her up. Upon on our hands meeting, I felt a shock, and for some reason I knew that wasn't normal.
Anyway, I helped her get steady on her feet.
Her face was as red as a tomato.
Everyone around us were looking our way, and at that inevitable moment Peyton had to be passing by. He gave me a glare and shook his head. Zoey's hand was still in mine.
"Oops," I said at her with a smile. She wasn't looking at me. She was clearly looking at our hands.
I released her hand, and nervously scratched the back of my neck. "You nearly fell there."
She didn't say anything.
I acknowledged the stares the best way I could. I smiled at everyone, and smoothly grabbed for the door handle to Geometry. I opened the door for Zoey, who continued to look as if she just ate a lot of hot tamales.
Once we entered the classroom, I think everything returned to normal. As well as the color on Zoey's face.
Despite the fact that Peyton and Justice were most-likely angry with me, and I might have to deal with their confrontation later, I was grateful at the moment that I didn't have any friends or team mates in Geometry. This time I decided to sit a little closer to Zoey. She blushed when I sat down, and she looked ahead.
What else should I say?
"Um, so, I was wondering..." I gave her a smile, and raised my eyebrow. "Would you like to go to the music store with me? You know, to pick out some CDs, get a bite to eat?"
She frowned.
Oh, shit! I thought.
I asked this question too soon. I was coming off as extremely desperate, wasn't I? She probably thought that I've been being this creepy popular kid, who abruptly started showing interest towards her. But its not like I was using her. The only thing I might be using her for is to get out of this time loop--that was it! Besides, I kind of felt sorry for her. She was wanting to commit suicide, and that just wasn't cool.
"Yeah, sure."
I came out of my thoughts and touched Zoey on the arm. "Thanks. I thought you had good taste in music, and you were really cool earlier in the parking yeah, thanks again."
She cackled and shook her head. "I just find it weird how you've suddenly started talking to me, though. If you must know, I have a boyfriend."
She wasn't smiling anymore, and I immediately felt the heat rush to my face. I still messed up. Maybe, I should say something a little bit more convincing. "Well, you've just started talking to me too. I didn't think you liked anybody.
Zoey furrowed her eyebrows. "'I don't like anybody'? That's ridiculous. Who said that, your girlfriend?"
I took my hand away from her arm. "What's that supposed to mean? Justice has nothing do with this."
"With what?!"
At this point our voices were getting a little loud, and I think Mr Johnson had told us to quiet down too, but I was so focused on what Zoey was saying, and how she started making me annoyed, I just didn't give a shit about what Mr Johnson was saying. He was like an annoying little fly that kept buzzing around my ear sometimes, on some class days.
"Isaac Stints, you're really stupid, you know that? If you care to know, some girls who are ridiculously similar to your girlfriend, think that you dumped her for me!"
"What the fuck are you saying?" I asked, incredulousness was evident in my voice, "You think that I'm trying to start something with you? Ha, no one would. I feel sorry for whoever is dating you!"
I don't know why I said that. I didn't know why I said that. I'm a horrible person, and I swear I heard Lawrie Odin somewhere telling me, it's such a shame. It's even worse that you were the one to kill her this time. Not Lawson.
Everyone was staring at us now, and Zoey gave me the same look I had sworn I'd never forget from last time. I became my girlfriend. I became Justice.
Mr Johnson must've been watching our fight unfold, because after shooting myself in the damn foot, and Zoey ran out the classroom, I was told to go to the principal's office, but not before being given a pink detention slip and extra homework.
Why did Justice have to be my girlfriend?
:: :: ::
I was getting my shit out my locker. Instead of going to the Principal's office like I was told to do, I was instead, going to high tail it home. Fuck everyone.
Simon Moore pissed me off today, my supposedly ex-girlfriend and (most likely NOT!) best friend were seeing each other behind my back. Plus, they were both angry at me, and Zoey Graves hated me. Just terrific!
What a wonderful feeling, people.
I wonder what time Zoey would choose to get the job done. Hm, maybe four o'clock. Five being the latest.
Okay, gotta admit. That sounded sick just then. I didn't want Zoey to die, okay? I'm just confused. I have mixed emotions.
About everything.
Why was I chosen to prevent her from doing what seemed to be inevitable? Maybe she was just, simply put, too damn emotional.
I didn't want to play this gave anymore, because it made me think that I was having an emotional breakdown of some sorts. Seriously.
I hated blacking out, and my heart wasn't in it anymore. I wanted to give up.
Once I got to my car I didn't expect to find Justice there. How the hell did she know I was going to be at my car this soon? She looked pissed off, and she had her arms crossed like she expected me to show up. Even though I hadn't realized she'd given out the invitation.
¨What do you want?¨I didn't say it as mean as I wanted to, but I was too out of energy to do much. ¨I'm sorry I didn't pick you up this morning. If you want to talk, can we do it later?¨
¨Isaac, we're breaking up,¨she said angrily, ¨You're a cheater, and a liar!¨
Before she got dramatic, I spoke. "I know you and Peyton are sleeping together. So, the relationship isn't a total loss for me. Please move out of the way."
She looked shock, and was about to say even more. But I repeated my one request. "Please move out the way."
She heard the edge in my voice this time, so she moved.
I opened the car door and got inside.
I started the engine, and I was off to home.
:: :: ::
It was after 7 when I'd blacked out. So, she did it later than expected.
I had been playing Call of Duty to distract myself from the inner turmoil I'd been feeling.
I didn't want to think of Zoey Graves taking her own life either.
After I blacked out, I had another dream of Zoey. She was again, looking in the mirror. She was touching her jaw, and looking at herself. She was so focused, and I could hear her thoughts.
Lawson thinks I'm ugly!
Maybe, maybe, I need to go on a diet. I'm fat.
Isaac is right, who would want to date me?
I can't take feeling this way anymore, I feel like someone's calling me. Maybe it's best to stop feeling this way, somehow...
I'm lonely, and I feel like no one understands me. I feel like I'm sucked into a hole I can't get out of. Why can't anyone give me a chance?
I can love.
I can laugh.
But right now, I can't live.
No one has ever reached out to me genuinely as a friend. It's always been the hits and misses, and it seems like I always miss.
So, whoever seems to be calling, I'll go to them. It's better than living anyway.
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