Time Rift

Sting hummed as he started making dinner, his partner Rogue was coming home from a job today and he decided he wanted to do something nice and make him dinner for when he gets home. He wasn't exactly the "best" cook of all time, but he thought he was pretty decent.

Lector watched the blonde as he gathered the ingredients he had bought previously, just to make sure he didn't fuck up or anything. "Sting-Kun, try not to burn the house down."

"I won't, Lector." Sting chuckled, beginning to cook the meal he had set in his mind.

"You've caught water on fire before."

"Shut up it was once."


"Shut up."


"Ugh." Sting whined, slightly nervous now. He may or may not have a mini crush on Rogue, and he may or may not want to impress him.

"Sting-Kun! Pay attention to what you're cooking!"

Sting nodded focusing on the food once again, still a bit nervous. Lector watched, praying Sting didn't burn the house down. Sting was doing well, so far. He was basically tearing up the inside of his lip while trying not to fuck everything over.

"You're doing well so far."

"Hopefully it stays that way..."


Sting sighed, trying to just focus on what he was doing. But he kept thinking and getting side tracked and it wasn't really helping given the situation.

"You can do it, Sting-Kun!"

Sting smiled and went to grab a new sauce that someone had offered him while he was out getting stuff for the dinner. So he decided he'd interpret it in the meal somehow.

Sting heard the front door slam. "I'm back!" Rogue's voice echoed throughout the house just as he added the new sauce. The red-eyed mage walked into the kitchen then leaned in the doorway. "What're you cooking?"

"Di-" suddenly, a rift had formed in the middle of the kitchen area.

"What the hell is that!?"

"What the.... uh no idea..."

"What the hell!"

"Can you eat it?"


"Does it have shadows in it?"

"How should I know!?"

Sting looked at the rift, awkwardly poking his finger inside it.

Rogue quickly pulled him away. "Don't do that!"

"Why? It didn't do anything."

"You might get like sucked in or something!"

"I don't thin-"

Suddenly the twin dragons found themselves in what looked like Narnia, but then found themselves outside. It didn't feel like they were in the same time as they were before. But the blonde stood still, like he knew the area some how.

"Where the hell are we!?" Rogue looked around, slightly panicked.

"I think... I might know..." Sting mumbled, suddenly starting to walk toward an area. But kept quiet, listening to see if he could hear anything. Rogue followed, unsure of what else he even could do.

Sting's nose picked up an all too familiar scent, and he could hear quiet giggling as well. Like a child was laughing. He hid behind a tree as soon as the scent and laughter became stronger and looked at the scene.

Rogue stood next to him, in clear sight of the people Sting was hiding from, yet not noticing them. "Sting, what's wrong?"

Sting quickly pulled him out from the clear as day position he standing in.

"D-Dad! I heard my name!" A certain little blonde whimpered, looking at the area he had heard his name been said.

"What..." Rogue questioned, giving Sting a look telling him not to leave the tree no matter what happened.

"Come out! I'm aware that someone is here now! Show yourselves or so help me I'll destroy this forest!" Weisslogia's voice bellowed.

Rogue shot Sting a quick glare, making sure he would remain put, before exiting the hiding spot and standing in front of the dragon. "Hello."

"Who are you?"

"Rogue Cheney."

"No, Rogue Cheney is currently 4 years old. He is tiny. You are not."

"Well I happen to not have a birth certificate to show you, but I promise my name is Rogue Cheney. Perhaps you know of someone else with the same name as me?"

Weisslogia growled, suddenly going to attack the shadow mage.

"Hey wait don't attack me!"

"D-Dad I'm scared.." the little Sting backed away slightly, causing Weisslogia to only grow more defensive.

"Shadow Drive!" Rogue said quickly, increasing his magic power, basically preparing for battle at this point. Sting, the one behind the tree, wanted to slap him.

"Oh my god yet I'm the one who's staying behind a damn tree." Sting muttered. Rogue glanced at the tree, before facing Weisslogia again.

"What is your business here!" Weisslogia inched toward Rogue, clearly towering over him.

"I don't know. I'm not supposed to be here. My friend did something to food he was cooking then there was some rift thing and then we ended up here." Rogue said, stepping back slightly.

"I have never heard something so ridiculous in my life!" Weisslogia argued, going into attack the red eyed boy again.

Rogue entered Dragon Force, easily terrified by the large creature in front of him. "Give it a couple hundred years. It'll become normal."

"Not Rogue Cheney, huh?" Weisslogia recognized the form, "you're secrets showing."

"I never said I wasn't Rogue Cheney. In fact, I clearly said my name was Rogue Cheney."

"Don't get smart with me or I'll send you to the other side of this damn forest."


"So he good now owr...." The mini blue eyed boy scratched the side of his head, tilting it slightly and staring up at the black haired male. "Hi I'm Sting!"

Rogue smiled slightly, returned to normal. "Hello, Sting. I'm Rogue."

"You have a vewy deep voice Mr. Rogue."


The four year old giggled happily and flopped onto his side, continuing to have a giggle fit.

"Some habits never leave, I see." The shadow mage chuckled slightly.

"Wha?" The boy asked, his older self currently very confused while still behind the motherfucking tree.

"Nothing important."

The mini Sting suddenly squealed and ran, hiding behind Rogue's leg with wide eyes.

"Is something wrong?"

"I saw a bug." He said seriously, looking up at Rogue. But failing at looking serious and looked more adorable instead.

Rogue smiled slightly, ruffling the small boy's hair a bit. "I'm sure you'd be able to get rid of it if you tried."

The four year old squealed, shaking his head and giggling. "Too scawy."

Rogue sat down so he was eye level with the boy. "I bet you will one day."

"Nuh uh~"

"Just go try."

"Nuh uh-"

"tHERE IS A SPIDER AND IT WANTS TO EAT ME!" Sting shrieked, causing the mini blonde to rush over.


"Oh dear god..." Rogue muttered, watching both Stings run in terror.

"Well you can give up on trying to get him to like bugs." Weisslogia sighed, watching the two flop onto the floor after running into a tree.

"I can tell," The shadow mages sighed, shaking his head slightly.

The four year old suddenly bursted out into laughter, holding his small stomach and laughing like there was no tomorrow.

Rogue walked over to the tree the older Sting was hiding behind, and simply crushed the spider. "Honestly how are we friends."

"My hero~" Sting laughed, then looking to his four year old self. "Whatcha laughin' about?"

"Youwr cwothes awe funny~" the blonde giggled, tears started to form in his eyes from how much he was laughing.

"In time, kid. In time.." Rogue laughed, shaking his head.

"I think they're cool." Sting pouted.

"No~" mini Sting argued.

"Don't argue with yourself..." Rogue laughed.

"Dats nowt me he biggewr and I shmall."

"Oh god."

"I am Sting Eucliffe, Sting." The older blonde laughed.


Rogue smiled, obviously finding the small blonde adorable.

"Awe you fwom the futuwe?" The boy asked, plopping himself down in front of the two older males.

"Uh." Rogue wasn't sure whether he should just answer or not.

"Err you can figure that out later." Sting replied, patting his younger self on the head.

"Awww~ Owkay~"

"Now there's one issue," Rogue said, realizing something.

"Hm?" Both Sting's asked at once, looking at the red eyed boy.

"How do we get back...?"

"Oh shhhh~" Sting dragged, looking at his younger self. "-hhimmy..." Rogue chuckled slightly.

"Maybe you could visit Rogue since you're here." Weisslogia suggested.

"Uh hello right here y'know." Rogue cleared his throat.

"I meant 4 year old Rogue not mid-adult-who-already-went-through-puberty Rogue."

"What's puberty?" Young Sting questioned, looking at his parent.

"I'll explain when you're older."

"Oh dear god." The older Sting's eyes widened.

"I've never been in this area of the forest. If you could direct us to Skiadrum, that would be very helpful," Rogue said, looking up at Weisslogia.

Weisslogia gave them the directions to where Skiadrum was, he would've gone to show them himself but he couldn't risk messing stuff up in the future with his current 4 year old.

"Thank you." Rogue smiled slightly. The older blonde stood up, stretching since he had been sitting down for a while. "I'm surprised you're not super excited."

"I'd probably freak myself out."

Rogue chuckled slightly. "I suppose."

"Sh-Shupoose?" The boy tilted his head to the side, staring up at them. "I down't fink I shaid it wright."

"That's alright. We should probably get going now."


"We need to get back to where we're from." Rogue smiled softly at the boy. The smaller boy giggled and his cheeks went pink from smiling so much. Rogue loved how adorable he looked.

"Okie~ down't gewt eaten by a spidewr~"

"We won't."

Sting suddenly went over to the shadow mage and picked him up, throwing him over his shoulder. "We'll be off now."

Rogue squeaked slightly. "Hey put me down!"

"Bye Dad! Bye Me!" The older blonde grinned and waved before starting to walk off.

"Bai~" mini Sting giggled, waving frantically at them.

"Sting!" Rogue complained, squirming a bit. Sting continued to walk in the direction Weisslogia had told them to go to, still refusing to put Rogue down. "Sting! Put me down!"

"I'm good."


"Well I mean you have a nice ass." He thought, continuing to walk without an answer.

"Sting! Answer me!"

"M'good." Rogue continued to squirm, groaning slightly due to the headache he was getting from blood rushing to his head. Sting eventually made it so Rogue was just on his back, but still refused to let him down.

"Put me down."



"You don't have to walk so why're you complaining?"

"Because I want to walk."


"Maybe I actually like walking."

"You're difficult."

"Thanks." Rogue said, a bit quieter than usual. He was afraid of not being on solid ground. This was something he never told Sting. The blonde just sighed and put him down. "Thank you," Rogue mumbled, not looking at him.

"Mhm." Sting hummed, looking around as they walked. Rogue remained silent, staring at the ground as they walked, a bit more visibly upset than he thought. "Are you okay? You look kinda down."

"I-I'm fine."

"I don't believe that."


"Especially that." Rogue stayed silent. Sting sighed and wrapped his arm around the black haired mage's shoulders, bringing him a bit closer while doing so and continued to walk.

Rogue squeaked slightly. "W-What are you doing...?"

"I don't like seeing you upset."

"Since when am I not upset."

"Exactly." Rogue frowned slightly. Sting brought him closer, "I want you to be happy~ be happy~ don't be sad~ sad is sad~"

"Why do you care."

"When do I not care?"

"But why do you care?"

"Because you're my bestest friend of all my friends and I care about your mental state so I don't find my bestest friend so sad one day that he does something stupid and will affect a lot of people including me." Rogue stayed silent. Sting stopped and hugged him, pulling him to his chest. Rogue squeaked slightly, turning bright red. "Promise me you'll stay with me until the end.." Rogue nodded. "Promise me!"

"W-Why are you s-so serious about this..?"

"J-Just promise m-me..!" Sting's voice cracked, holding the boy tighter.

"I-I promise."

Sting continued to hold him tightly, shaking like he was going to burst into tears at any second.

"What's w-wrong?"

"I just don't want to lose you." Sting whispered, hugging him even tighter.

Rogue returned the hug. "Y-You won't."

"I better not." Sting held him even tighter.

"I-I still wanna know why you care so much..."

Sting pulled back from the hug, putting his hands gently on either side of Rogue's face and kissing him. Rogue almost immediately returned the kiss, ignoring his initial shock. The blonde felt a weight lifted off his chest and he continued to keep his lips pressed against Rogue's. The black haired mage smiled slightly, finally happy. Sting pulled back, smiling at his partner.

"That answer your question?" Rogue nodded slightly, also smiling. "Good."

"I love you," Rogue said quietly, turning a dark red.

"I love you too, now let's keep walking yeah?" Sting smiled, grabbing the boy's hand.

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