Chapter 7
Gabriel P.O.V
I wake up in silky mint green sheets and feather pilows. The smell of roses fills up my nose as I'm greeted by a woman, no older than 30, she was wearing a maid uniform.
"Good day Mr. Fitzgerald." She greets in a bubbly tone while setting down a tray full of food on the night table next to my bed.
"Good morning to you too-" I access the memories and find the maid's name "-Mildred." SO STEREOTYPICAL I LOVE IT.
She gives me a small smile and walks into a smaller room within the bedroom.
I glance over to the tray of food, and grab a toast. Stuffing it into my mouth when Mildred comes out from what seems to have been a closet, cause she's holding some clothes.
She gently pats the clothes she chose when she looks up and sees my cheeks stuffed with toast. She seems slightly terrified.
"Uh... well... I chose these for you because it's a fresh morning and I know you like to go out. Also your mother canceled the plans, so you won't have any visitors." She states while staring at me wide-eyed.
I nod while swallowing the now mushy toast.
And with that nod she's dismissed.
I finish my breakfast and make my way towards the bathroom.
I look and stare at my reflection on the mirror. A small smirk forming on my well defined cupid bow lips. I examine this guy's face looking for any flaws. Man he's hawt. His face is a little long and he's a little pale but besides that man he's hawt.
I quickly get in the shower, and just as the water hits my back the thought of Sam takes over my mind.
His tender rosy lips. And those hazel puppy eyes. His jawline could cut diamonds if he wanted to. And let's not forget about his muscular physique. And I can only imagine what it looks like under his shirt and oh.
I look down to find little Billy standing up. God damn it. "Down you go, mate." I whisper as I think of baseball, let's see if the myth is real.
I wake up to my phone's screen lighting up.
[email protected]
Good morning, sleeping beauty.
[email protected]
Saaaaam. Pay attention to me.
[email protected]
What are you doing today?
[email protected]
[email protected]
That didn't get your attention?
[email protected]
Samsquatch oh Samsquatch. Wherefore art thou my young Samsquatch?
[email protected]
Jokes on you. This guy has nice mansion, and I'll be alone all day ;)
[email protected]
Lol you ded?
[email protected]
[email protected]
I'll be at the diner. You know which one. Just in case you feel like joining me.
Well I guess I am doing something today.
I get to see Gabe today, and that's always a plus. I catch myself smiling at the thought of being with him? Her? That's something I should talk to Gabe about...
I push these thoughts aside and start getting ready to see my cute little dork.
...okay I need to stop.
Some time later
I stand outside the diner just waiting for someone to approach me and call me some cheesy pet name.
Maybe he's already inside and he didn't notice me. I try to peek through the window and look inside.
"They call me wolverine, because when you're with me, I'll make you forget about all your X-men."
I hear someone say behind me. His voice was husky and smooth at the same time, truly hard to explain, but honestly it was quite arousing.
"That has got to be the lamest pickup line in existence." I reply while smiling at the ground.
"Oh don't worry, Samsquatch, that's just plan A."
"So what's plan B?" I turn around to be greeted by a tall, lean figure. And I feel a slight blush creep up my neck and possibly display itself on my cheeks. But it can be easily mistaken as just the temperature effect on me.
"Take you hostage." He gives me a wolfish grin and winks.
"Yeah, okay Captain Hook. Let's just go." I roll my eyes and let out a smile.
He offers me an arm and I link our arms together. "So if I'm captain Hook, does that make you Wendy?" He asks while looking at me.
I give him a bitch face and he let's out a nervous laugh. "So where we going?" I ask shivering a little. WHY IS IT SUDDENLY SO COLD?
"We're going to my place, cause it's warm and cozy and I want you to see it."
"Fine Peter, fly me to the Neverlands! But you better not try to fuck me." I chuckle and I see his face light up, in a nice shade of pink, from the corner of my eye.
"Okay." He guides me over to a black car in which a man was already waiting for us.
"Mr. Fitzgerald, company." The man tips his hat as he salutes us.
"Wow, nice house dude." I say under my breath
"Oh stop sassing me, Samantha. Frank, can you take us back home?"
Gabe requests while throwing an arm around my shoulder. This would look hilarious if he wasn't almost as tall as me.
"Sure thing, sir." And with that Frank starts driving.
I let my hand lazily rest on my lap and Gabe copies my actions by settling his hand on my thigh
Once we arrive I notice that my fingers are intertwined with Gabe's.
I let out a small cough to get him to notice too. No results.
"Dude..." I whisper in his direction.
"Yeah?" He turns to look at me with a little smile.
"Can I have my hand back?" I gesture towards our hands.
He looks down to our hands and looks back at me while blushing furiously and let's go of my hand.
"Sorry kiddo." He stutters
"It's okay, no harm done." I chuckle at his reaction.
THEY FUCK. sorry just wanted to see if you were still here
Once we arrive at a castle like mansion he helps me out of the car.
"It's... beautiful." I look up to the house and admire it. It certainly is something amazing.
"You know what else is beautiful?" He wraps an arm around my waist.
"What could possibly be more beautiful than this?" I ask without even looking at him.
"You." And right there I can tell my cheeks turn pink because
1). He smiles like the precious little fool he is.
2). My face is burning.
"Sorry Samwich. Didn't mean to get you flustered." He grins like the jerk he is.
"Jerk." I huff
"Dick." He responds with a cheeky grin.
I show Sam around while I myself see the place for the first time. I didn't wanna get lost by myself.
"So, Gabe, boy or girl?" He says while looking anywhere but my face.
"What you mean?" I try to ask in an innocent voice.
"You know what I mean." He let's out a small chuckle and oh god how I love it when he does that. His voice is so low it just sends shivers through my body... I better stop before the dragon wakes up again.
"Boy, my young moose." I smile at him and he returns the smile.
"Okay. Sexuality?" He asks as he looks away. I think he's too shy for this.
"Very gay." I state, trying to get him out of his shell.
He just laughs. Full body laugh. That laugh that makes his whole body shake. It's amazing.
"So do you have an idea of when's your birthday?" He asks more confident this time.
"September 4" I smile.
"Weren't you inside Lucifer around that day?"
He asks bluntly. To which I nod.
"Thanks for the best present, Sam." I say quietly.
"I don't think I gave you a present." The moose looks at me confused.
"You gave me a friend. I think that's more than enough." I smile and turn to look at him. Looking for any signs of disapproval.
None shown.
I grab his hand and drag him to the one room that I did memorize.
"Where are we going?" He laughs and follows along.
"The kitchen mate." I continue to pull him along with me.
When we get there I grab some of the candy and a few other snacks.
"Do you remember how to get to the room?"
"As my brother once said 'easy there tiger.' "
"I'm not trying to get into your pants, my young novocaine."
He chuckles as he takes the lead and tries takes us back to the bedroom.
A couple wrong turns later
"FINALLY!" I let out the air I didn't know I was still holding.
"We only took those wrong turns because you thought you knew the way, even though you asked me to bring us back." Samantha looks at me with a 'I told you so' look.
"Don't sass me, Samsquatch." I laugh and prop myself up on the bed.
"Sorry I guess it's just part of my personality." He chuckles.
I get up to lock the door and close the curtains.
Sam just follows me with his eyes while he's still on the bed.
I grab one of the lollipops and unwrap it. My gaze locking with Sam's.
A smirk plays on my lips as I bring the lollipop closer to my mouth and slowly lick it.
I can tell that by the way Sam's looking at me he's eating me with his eyes.
I slowly make my way towards him with the lollipop still in my mouth. Once I'm sitting across from him, he pulls the lollipop out of my mouth and seductively licks it, just like I did a couple seconds ago.
He puts the candy in his mouth and slowly pulls it out, simulating what he could possibly do.
I lick my lips. Just waiting for a single sound to be made.
He slightly leans closer to my face and that single sound I was waiting for arrives.
"Why don't you let me do it for ya?" He purrs in my ear
He lays his arms around my neck and slowly pulls me in. When our lips first touch everything is slow. His tender lips dancing in synchrony with mine.
But then he licks my lip, and being the submissive that I am, I grant him entrance without hesitation. His tongue enters my mouth, eagerly exploring.
I can't seem to get enough and just then he pulls away. And moves on to my neck, leaving little bites and wet kisses.
He begins undoing the buttons on my shirt and leave a trail of wet kisses down my belly. He traces over my V-line and starts unbuckling my pants, and he looks up at me. Almost as if asking for permission.
He palms me through the fabric to make sure my answer is definitely yes.
"Sam. Please. I need you." I moan as I squirm beneath him.
A devilish grin displays on his face as he starts taking of my pants and licking me through the fabric of my boxers.
He takes out my dick and licks me from the shaft up to the tip and then he gently wraps his lips around me.
He starts to slowly bob his head up and down. Slightly moaning, sending shivers up my spine.
Some moans escape my mouth and--
"GABE!" Sam shakes til I jump up.
"FASTER! Wait what?" I look down and I see my pants still on me. And Sam sitting on the other side of the bed.
"You were moaning in your sleep and I thought you were in trouble but I guess you were just having a wet dream." He laughs.
"It was just a dream?!?!" NO NO NO GOD DAMN IT.
"Yeah but I must admit, it was pretty hot." He winks as me as he keeps on laughing.
"Oh lord. Please tell me I was just moaning." I look down trying to avoid his gaze.
"Hmm 'Sam. Please. I need you.' I think that's more than a moan." He laughs even more.
I look at the mirror behind Sam and notice how my face is red as hell.
"I'm so sorry." I say while hiding under the blankets.
"It's okay, although it is 11 PM and I should probably get going home before you leave the vessel."
"Alright. I'll ask Frank to take you."
"Thank you."
We awkwardly stand in the doorway, trying not to make this goodbye so uncomfortable.
I look up to him and his handsome features. His cheekbones cut through flesh and his dark curls messily fall over his dark cyan eyes. And those rosy pink lips.
Next thing I know I'm kissing Gabe, and he's kissing me back. This isn't a heated kiss, it doesn't represent lust in any form. No, this kiss is a promise.
"Well, Mr. Fitzgerald, the car is ready." Frank interrupts.
I gently stop kissing but I hold his face against mine.
"Promise you'll email me when you get home." He pleads.
"I promise. And don't forget to email me tomorrow." I whisper against his lips.
"I promise my beautiful moose." And with that he gives me a small peck and waves goodbye.
I sit in the car just thinking about today. It was truly something. And it wasn't just cause Gabe was in a hot vessel.
Some time later
I unlock my door only to find Lucifer sitting on my couch with a red rose in hand.
"What are you doing here?" I let out a small growl.
"Babe! Where have you been?" He asks me sounding like this is an everyday thing.
"Lucifer. Why are you here?" I ask. Hoping he'll get the hint that I want him out.
"Well I was thinking about what you said and... Sam I'm sorry." He says as he makes his way over to me.
He plants a gentle kiss on my lips and gives me the rose. And I don't know how to react to that because I didn't feel anything. That kiss had meant nothing to me. Not anymore.
"Well I should get going home. You came by too late. But there's always tomorrow." He kisses my cheek and leaves before I can say anything.
Wait I forgot to take away his key to my apartment. Damn it.
I aggressively rub my face. WHAT AM I GONNA DO WITH SATAN?!?
I get in the shower and get ready to sleep. Today was a nice day until Luci came over and ruined it.
I'm eating what's left of the pie from last week because Cas refuses to cook something for me or get takeout.
"Meow." Todd sits next to me, I guess he likes pie too.
"Go away Todd. This is my pie." I push the cat off the couch.
"Hiss!" He hisses at me and leaves.
"Hiss to you too!" I say in his direction.
I grab another bite when I bite onto something hard. What the hell?
I reach into my mouth and pull out the missing ring.
"CAS!" I yell trying to get his attention and clean the ring.
He comes out of the room looking unamoosed.
"What, Dean?" He asks me like if he was Regina George.
"If you're gonna give me that attitude I might as well just flush it down the toilet, angel face." I say as I show him the somewhat clean ring.
His face lights up like a Christmas tree and he starts jumping up and down.
"OMG OMG OMG OMG DEAN WHERE WAS IT?" He asks me, his voice full of excitement.
"The pie." I say with a poker face.
He stops and looks at me. "Makes sense."
He grabs the ring and puts it on again. "Thanks De!"
"No problem, Cas." God I love my angel.
HA I got you, you horny teenagers, didn't I? Well this was fun. Also this was supposed to be after halloween but it updated in the wrong place.
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