Chapter 6
I look around for the 100th time around the room. Dean is gonna kill me.
I look at Todd and he's just staring back at me.
"No, Todd. You don't understand! If Dean finds out I lost the ring he's going to explode and set the place on fire!!! Why didn't I notice the ring was missing before calling him to come back?"
"Shut up Todd! This is all your fault!! Wait what am I saying? This is my fault. I should make him a sandwich or... EUREKA!"
*calls Dean*
"Dean you can't come!"
"Why not?"
"Little Todd got his hair everywhere again hahaha sorry gotta go bye!"
"Cas you suck at l--" I hang up before he can say anything else. I don't have time to waste.
I go and look around again. Lord help me.
I hear a loud knock on my door and I get up to open it. There I see a shorter female with long dirty blonde hair, uggs, a northface jacket, a cup from Starbucks, and black tears all over her face.
"Uh... can I help you?"
*internally sighs*
"Are you okay?"
"You're on your period? Well her period?"
"Why are you still shouting?"
"I don't hate you. Just come in."
"See that wasn't so hard." I tell a very messy and hormonal Gabe as we sit on my couch.
"I still want to die, but it's whatever."
"Cool, but let me ask you this, why does your face have black streaks all over it?"
"I did my makeup and I felt pretty so I went to Starbucks, once there I bought me a pumpkin spice latte. Then I saw a cute couple and thought 'I could have something like that' but then I realized I can't so I cried my eyeliner off."
"Cool story." Then we just sit there in silence staring at my TV which is currently on the news channel
"Let's cuddle."
"I want to cuddle with you. Right here. Right now."
"Uh... I don't think that's a goo-" I'm cut off in the middle of my sentence when Gabe sits on my lap, setting a leg at either side of me, and arms laying lazily around my neck.
"We should cuddle Samantha, and see where it ends." Gabe whispers into my ear in a rather suggestive tone, sending shivers through my body.
"Don't call me Samantha, and we shouldn't..."
And right there Gabe breaks down again. I internally sigh as I pat her head.
"You're right Sam, I shouldn't be so selfish." Gabe starts grabbing her things and getting ready to leave. And suddenly I feel bad. Dammit.
"You don't have to go. We can cuddle if you want." Her eyes are suddenly gleaming and she's smiling at me.
"Thanks Samsquatch."
I gotta admit, Gabe is good with manipulation.
She sits next to me and lays her head on my lap, she grabs my hand and makes me play with her hair.
"Can we watch a movie?"
"Sure. Which one?"
"The fault in our stars?"
"Whatever floats your boat." I say in a monotone voice.
Gabe smiles and after a few minutes she starts the movie on my TV. How? I don't know.
About an hour or less later
"WHY AGUSTUS WHY!?!?" Gabe and I are giant messes, we're on the couch eating popcorn, used tissues all over the place, more black tears on Gabe's face and some tears on my face too.
We're still crying over a fictional character's death when suddenly Dean walks in. God damn it.
"OMG Sam is that your new boyfriend? I'm so sorry!" Gabe says as she lifts up her head from my lap and scoots away from me.
"Oh no! I'm his brother, Dean." Well at least Dean was polite. "Sam can I talk to you?"
"Uh yeah sure." He beckons me over to the kitchen.
"I see you found someone new, *points to Gabe* that girl on your couch, so I guess you really have moved on from Lucifer. Except she's a little nuts so I guess you have a type."
"Dean she's just a friend."
"Right. And I'm straight and Cas is an angel, we're also hunters, and God is a bisexual guy named Chuck, who by the way likes bacon. And yeah she's just your friend." Dean ends it with a smirk.
I give him a bitch face to which he just replies "Sorry, did I break something?" And walks out with a sm(a)ug smile.
I follow him out of the kitchen because I know he won't believe me if I keep on insisting that Gabe's just a friend. (FOR NOW) So really there's no use in even trying.
"Use protection you crazy kids." Dean yells as he goes back to my room. Why did I accept to sleep on the couch? Oh right, paper beats rock. He finally won a match of rock-paper-scissors.
I go back to sit next to Gabe.
"So that's why I thought he was kinda cute."
"You checked out my brother? When did you guys even meet?"
"Oh I sold him the ring he got for his boyfriend."
"That's nice."
"So who are you today?" I turn around to look at Gabe
"High school dropout, lives with mother, boyfriend dumped her yesterday, alpha slut in group, the name's Bella. Hi." Gabe says still looking at the screen even though the movie's over.
Gabe looks towards my window and back at me. "Well I should get going. This girl may be 20 but she still has a curfew."
"Why don't you stay over for dinner?" Dean calls out from within my room.
"Dean, I think she should go. Don't wanna worry her mom."
"Oh I insist! I bet she can just call her mom and tell her she'll be at a "friend's" house for a little. And if it's too awkward for you I can even call Cas over!"
"Ooh that sounds great! Who's Cas?"
"My fiancée, goldilocks."
"Oh so that's who you got the ring for?"
"Uh yeah... were you there? Cause I remember the person, that helped me and my friend choose, was a guy."
"Yeah I was there, just watching. Hehe."
"Yeah okay. So do you want in?"
"Sure I'll stay. And tell that Cas guy to come, I wanna meet our satisfied customer."
And with that Dean orders Chinese food and calls Cas over.
I'm looking on Todd's litter box when Dean calls me. I am sure I jumped 3 feet up.
"Hiya Cas, whatcha doin buddy?"
"Hello, Dean. I'm just playing with Todd."
"Well I suggest you take a shower and come over to Sammy's. He's got a new friend that he wants to introduce to us."
"Uh... alright! I'll be there in a zap."
"Cas, baby, I think you meant ASAP."
"I know what I meant. Don't contradict me, Winchester." I hang up on him trying to breathe normal again.
I get in the shower and do as I was told while thinking of a plan. Maybe I could put a bandage on my hand and say that I injured it... no Dean would want to know how and I am a terrible liar.
Perhaps I could get a replica! No that'd take too long and I don't even know where he got it from.
I think I'll just get him a pie and tell him the truth. Yeah I bet he'll understand.
30 minutes later
I'm doing my hair the way Dean likes it. I put some of Dean's favorite cologne. And I finish it off with my "iconic" trench coat. Wonder why do all my acquaintances think it's iconic.
I think I heard something crumbling down outside the room... wonder what it was.
I finally grab my keys and the pie that I got last week just in case something like this happened. It's been in the fridge for a while but I'm sure they can warm it up at Sam's.
I call a cab and get ready for perdition.
A good amount of time later
Well here goes nothing.
I knock on Sam's door and to my surprise my Winchester is the one who opens.
"Cas, baby, looking good. Although you could've come in pajamas."
"I just haven't seen you in a while and I wanted to give you a small surprise. Also I brought pie!"
He looks at me intently. "What type of pie?"
"Cherry my love. They didn't have pecan pie anymore so you'll have to settle down for cherry."
"Any pie is good pie. Well are you gonna come in?"
Without another word I give him a small peck on the lips and get into the apartment.
So far so good. He hasn't noticed the missing ring.
"OMG YOU MUST BE CAS! HI I'M THE GIRL WHO WAS THERE WHEN YOUR ENGAGEMENT RING WAS CHOSEN AND BOUGHT." Who in the name of God is this crazy female who basically just murdered me.
I turn to look at Dean and I notice he's looking at my hands. So is Sam and his new friend... I'm screwed.
Sam awkwardly coughs and we carry on but Dean is looking at me with a look that could pierce through my body. I'm very screwed.
Once the very uncomfortable dinner is over
"Well I'm gonna take Cas home. Thank you for feeding us Sam!"
"I never agreed to pay, you jerk! I thought you'd pay. It was your idea after all."
"Stop complaining. You sound like a bitch."
"GOODNIGHT GUYS! AND DONT FORGET THE LEFTOVERS!!" I hear the annoying female say in a desperate try to get rid of us, as she hands us the leftover of the pie. Guess Sam really moved on.
I walk with Dean towards the impala while holding the pie, and try to get in the backseat.
"Why don't you wanna ride shotgun?" I hear Dean say in a expressionless voice. I can't read his face or figure out what his tone means. I'm dead.
I sigh and get in the passenger seat. And he gets in after me. Everything's quiet until he starts the engine.
"Do you not like it?"
"Are you ashamed of being with me? Are you cheating on me? Did you forget it at your lover's place? Did you throw it out the window?"
"Dean what are you talking about?"
"I'm just trying to find the reason as to why you weren't wearing your ring. So what is it? Am I not enough? Do I embarrass you? Am I too much of a mess?"
"Lord. No, Dean. I love you with all I am. And I think you're perfect."
"So then why weren't you using it?"
"I lost it. I'm sorry honey."
"Couldn't you just have told me?"
"I thought you'd be mad at me..." I tell him as I look down trying to hide.
"It's okay, Cas."
We finally arrive home and just sit on our couch.
Dean puts on Star Trek and puts his feet up on my coffee table. And I come back with two small plates of pie and two spoons.
At the sight of feet on my little table I throw a spoon at him.
I sit next to him and just smile while eating my pie.
"Whatcha smiling at, angel face? "
"In less than a year you won't call me Novak." I tell him with a smile.
"Oh yeah? Then what am I gonna call you?"
"That's for you to decide. But all I know is that I'll be another Winchester."
Dean smiles like the young, beautiful, and amazing fool he is. God I love that assbutt of mine.
Once we're done eating and the movie's over I grab our plates and over to the kitchen to wash them.
I get bored shortly after so there I am just humming "Cherry pie."
Cas walks in on me humming the chorus and he just joins in instead if judging like good ol Sammy would.
"Heeee's my cherry pie. Cool drink of water such a sweet surprise. Tastes so good makes a grown man cry. Sweet Cherry Pie." I decide to sing along with him cause man we don't do this often.
" Swingin' to the drums. Swingin' to guitar. Swingin' to the bass. In the back of my car. Ain't got money. Ain't got no gas. But we'll get where. We're goin' if we swing real fast."
(Sorry to be a party pooper but Legacy if you're reading this... you better stop right here.))
But before I can sing anything else Cas is all up on me. He pushes me over to the couch and turns on our speakers.
Just then the actual song starts playing. He had this planned... didn't he.
Whoooaaa dirty, rotten, filthy, stinkin...
He stands against the opposite wall and looks over his shoulder and sends me a seductive wink. I can already tell I'm gonna love this.
She's my cherry pie
Cool drink of water such a sweet surprise
Tastes so good makes a grown man cry
Sweet Cherry Pie.
He slowly cat walks towards me while taking off his trench coat. And once he reaches me he leans over me and licks my lips and backs away again.
Swingin' on the front porch
Swingin' on the lawn
Swingin' where we want
'Cause there ain't nobody home
Swingin' to the left
And swingin' to the right
If I think about baseball
I'll swing all night yeah
He sways his hips from side to side as he unbuttons his shirt slowly but surely.
Swingin' in the living room
Swingin' in the kitchen
Most folks don't 'cause
They're too busy bitchin'
Swingin' in there 'cause
She wanted me to feed her
So I mixed up the batter
And she licked the beater
He pulls my face towards his crotch and just keeps on swaying. He grabs my hands and makes then run down his surprisingly firm abs.
I scream you scream
We all scream for her
Don't even try 'cause
You can't ignore her
He pulls my hair and forces me to look at him in the eye. And I just get lost in his eyes. That is until he turns around and grinds on me. That's when my pants get tight.
She's my cherry pie
Cool drink of water
Such a sweet surprise
Tastes so good
Make a grown man cry
Sweet cherry pie oh yea
She's my cherry pie
Put a smile on your face
Ten miles wide
Looks so good
Bring a tear to your eye
Sweet cherry pie
He walks away just as I was leaning in for what I thought was going to be a kiss.
He crawls back to me and opens my legs in one swift move. He gets in between them and it looks like he's about to take me out of my misery but he just gets close go my face and smiles as he is about to leave again.
Too bad he forgot to take off his tie so I just grab him and pull him close, forcing him to sit on my lap.
Swing it! All night long,
Swing it!
Swingin the bathroom
Swingin' on the floor
Swingin' so hard
We forgot to lock the door
In walks her daddy
Standin' six foot four
He said you ain't gonna swing
With my daughter no more
He thrusts on my lap and by the look on his face I can tell he felt my growing erection.
He gets off and kneels in front of me and undoes my belt and starts heading for my pant button. I put my hand on top of his to stop him and he looks at me straight in the eye. He stands up and tries to walk again but I rise up too and pull him by the tie to our bedroom.
Once in I lay him on our bed and I get on top of him and plant little kisses on his neck and work my way up to his lips. There we engage in a passionate and very heated kiss. He licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which is granted shortly after.
Tongues clashing against each other. It's a battle for dominance. I taste the cherry from earlier and the warmth of his tongue. We both moan in pleasure. He squirms beneath me and repositions himself under me so now my throbbing erection is touching his thigh.
He reaches with one hand and palms me through the fabric. Making me moan louder.
I decide to give in and let him take over.
LORD WHAT HAVE I DONE? FORGIVE ME FATHER FOR I HAVE SINNED. JESUS. LORD. WHY DID I GO ON? IT WAS SUPPOSED TO END ON THEM CLOSING THE DOOR AND CAS WASNT SUPPOSED TO BE A STRIPPER. If you're reading this you need to go to church and confess. I'm not Christian or anything but I feel very... unclean.
Legacy if you're reading this you're fucking grounded.
Well there ya go my amazing phandomist that is not on fire.
And even more amazing fandomists I wanna thank you if you're still reading.
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