Chapter 3


*tries to sew the fabric*
*pinches finger with the needle*
"SONVABITCH" so much for doing something nice for Cas.

"Dean? Are you alright?"

It's a surprise, he can't know what the hell I'm doing, and if I tell him the truth it'll lead to him asking a bunch of questions that will make me spill the beans. Plus, of course I can handle a needle... kind of.

"How about you mind your own business, angel face?" Real smooth, Dean.

"Don't talk to me like that Winchester."

"I'm sorry, Cas. Yes I'm okay, now do you wanna paint each others nails, do our makeup and cry over a movie that's full of chick flick moments?" I say in a somewhat sarcastic tone, maybe that way he'll leave.

"Yes I would very much enjoy that, Dean. Can I paint yours pink? I think it'll look lovely on you."

*sigh* great... sarcasm not detected.

"Sure, Cas."


I wake up the day after with the smell of mud filling my windpipe. My neck and back hurt but his arms are still wrapped around me and I can't help but feel warm and cozy and-- wait. I'm still in his arms. Could it be? I finally stayed in one body? I turn around to greet my beloved moose and-- WHAT THE F***?!?! THAT IS NOT MY MOOSE.

Well I guess it was just too good to be true. I can't help but feel a little broken inside. This is what I get for wanting some stability; this is what I get for getting attached. What the hell was I thinking?

Well I can't stay on the ground and lament my loss all day.

I look around and realize I'm inside a tent which happens to be on dirt. So I'm guessing I'm out camping with what seems to be the boyfriend. I notice a camera with a name tag on the side that says "Rose."

I guess my name is Rose unless this dude's parents hated him and named him Rose.

I lay on the floor facing him trying to act asleep that way I can-- hOlY sHiT THERES A CENTIPEDE CRAWLING ON HIS FACE.

I smack him across the face trying to kill it and I succeed except for the fact that it got stuck on my hand, so here I am chanting.


"THE HELL WAS THAT FOR, ROSE." He says while rubbing his face where I hit him. This is his fault to begin with so I wipe it off on his shirt.

"NOT TODAY SATAN." I scream as I get out of the tent as fast as possible.

Ah yes, we're camping in the forest. How lovely. I access Rose's memories and apparently today I happen to be a photographer with a deep love for nature. I guess that explains the forest and the camera... personally I hate bugs.

"Good morning to you too." He glares at me. Oh no he didn't.

"Don't look at me like that, you ungrateful little bastard. I just saved your life from a mighty beast! You should be kissing my feet."

"Whatever you say 'your majesty'."

"How about you do something productive and feed me, Josh." He rolls his eyes at me and goes back into the tent. Good call not-me side.

Once he's out of sight I look around and can't help but smile; I see why they chose this place.

The scent of pine tress and wild flowers filling my nose. I feel the cold winds of November flowing, caressing my skin and making my hair flutter behind me.

Too bad I couldn't appreciate the scenery a little longer since Josh came out and tossed me a protein bar.

"Thanks a lot dude."

"You're welcome." He says with a smirk on his face. What are you proud of? You just brought a protein bar, no big deal you ass. I brush if off and look around.

I think I might enjoy today if I just ignore Josh. I eat my sad excuse of a breakfast and go back inside to change from pajamas, and go back out ready with the camera.

"Are you ready?" I say trying to hide my excitement. It's been a while since I've been a photographer and I actually kinda missed it. Getting to immortalize a great scenery, or a memorable event. Knowing that you, out of seven billion people, managed to capture the beauty of that certain person, place or object. Whether it's just a flower, a close friend, or a beautiful panorama. That moment is yours to keep once you take that picture. And that's why I like being a photographer; if I actually owned a life of my own I think I'd be into photography.

"You good? You've been staring into space for about about five minutes now and it's getting kind of scary." Dammit Josh, you ruined my train of thought.

"Of course I'm fine, I was just thinking."

"Yeah, you do that while I go and get me some good pics." He starts walking off, and I follow closely behind. This will be fun. I look at the ground and try to hide my smile. JOSH IS NOT 'GABE'S SMILES' WORTHY.


I wake up to, a dead in five seconds, Satan yelling.


"You're dead."

"GOTTA BLAST!!!" He starts running away from me, but to his disadvantage I had a ball at my reach. Don't ask me how it got here for I do not know.

I throw the ball at his head causing him to face plant... oops I guess I threw it too hard.

"I'm so sorry, I thought it would barely hit you." I say laughing my ass off.

"What the hell is your problem, Losechester?" Oh crap he actually sounds mad.

"Don't call me Losechester... you know I don't like it, and we were just playing. It was an accident and I already apologized! You're the one acting immature."



"Not until we're even." He slams me against a wall and throws the ball at my stomach which makes takes all the air out of me.

I get up holding on to my stomach. It didn't hurt that much but it's just the fact that yesterday he was so sweet and nice to me. If he had stayed like that I would've forgiven every little mistake he made but now I just feel hurt. Sounds like your typical visit to the Samifer ship; rise hopes of the boy with shaggy hair just to slash them down the day after. I feel the tears starting to fill up with tears.

"You know, Lucifer, sometimes I think you're the best goddamn thing to ever happen to me..."

"Yes, I was sent here by God himself to share my greatness with hairless apes like you."

"SHUT Up and let me talk." I almost lost my shit right there, and I notice my vision's getting blurry from the tears that are welling up in my eyes.

"You might be funny, charming, and even attractive. But that doesn't give you any right to walk all over me. It doesn't give you the right to treat me like I'm some dumb animal. And it certainly doesn't give you the right to make me feel as if I wasn't enough. And you know what Lucifer? I sometimes wish I never laid eyes on you, I regret letting you into my life. So if you don't think you're gonna change you're savage ways then I recommend you leave me alone."

I grab my things and head outside when I hear him call after me. But I'm done with his bullshit. He has made me feel like I am nothing for long enough.

I get in my car and drive back to my place, I'm ready to collapse on my bed and eat lots of ice cream.


"What? No Sam I can't hear you. Go slower. Mhm... yeah... Oh. Sam I'm sorry to hear that. Would you like to join our awkward little slumber party, we can even braid your hair."

"But Dean, we were about to have what you call a 'quicky'."

"Shush, Cas, he's my baby brother and he needs me. Yes Sammy, I know you can hear me and no can do, you will always be my BABY brother, and my job is to protect you and keep you happy."

I hang up and look at Cas. "Well Satan really did fuck up this time."

"He might be an assbutt but he's still my brother, Dean."

"He pushed Sammy against a wall and hit him with a ball, then continued to verbally abuse him up to the point where he actually made the moose cry."

"He's adopted."

"Damn right he is, he's also dead. I'm gonna rip his lungs out!"

"Dean there's no need for drastic measures. I do not see how extracting his respiratory organs out in a very barbaric way will help the situation in any way possible."

"I don't think you understand, angel face, you simply do not mess with Sammy and get away without me beating your ass up first."


So far we've walked about two miles, I ate two protein bars besides my so called breakfast and some Redbull that was hidden in her bag. Guess Rose isn't such a big super-naturalist as I thought.

I wonder what Sammy's doing right now. I haven't really stopped thinking about him this whole time, I just don't want to make it very obvious. But at least I've been taking some good pictures, but I swear if we don't take a break soon I will kill myself.


"Alright, your majesty."

"Thank you."

Some time later

"Hurry up buddy, it's almost sundown already"

"Dammit, Josh." I say as a cute little bird flies away.

"Sorry I didn't know you were taking a picture."

"Does my complete silence with a camera on my face not give you a clue?"


Damn asshole. I get up and start walking, the guy is right. The sun is starting to come down but there's still some light.

I'm looking at my feet as I walk into a tree. "Who the fuck put-- oh my stars."
I bend down trying to hide from the mighty creature and pull Josh by the collar in the process so that it doesn't see us.

I get my camera ready and...


I can't help but chuckle a little. Kind of reminds me of my Sammy. Such a pacific, righteous, sweet young thing. Flashbacks from the day before coming back, I don't even try to stop it I just laugh.

~flashback my fellow fandomists~

"Well, Samsquach, maybe that can change for today. Or does it make you uncomfortable?"

"Why only today?"


"Okay that's enough Meghan Trainor for you."

" I want a double polar burger with bacon, a cherry cola and chocolate ice cream."

"Whatever happened to your diet..." I hear Sam say under his breath.

"Are you calling me fat?!?!"


"Is it just me or the stars are shining brighter tonight?"

"Elementary, my young Moose."

~end of flashbacks~

When I come back to reality there's a flash... Josh just took a fucking picture and forgot to turn off the flash.


"Hey I'm sorry, I didn't know it was on!"

"Of course you didn't... idiot" I say under my breath.

It's actually kind of funny until it hits me, the moose is gone.

He left just like Sam did. I know that even if I go after him I won't be able to make him stay. I know that all I have now is a picture of him, just a sweet memory. My sweetheart is gone sayonara.

Soon enough I feel the cold air caressing my face once more, and I can't seem to hold the silent tears sliding down my cheeks.

"Are you alright, Rose?"

"Josh... why can't I seem to be able to hold on to anything?"

"Well, perhaps that's just how your life is meant to be. You can't always get what you want, and you shouldn't be complaining! There are people who have it worse than you."

"Josh. Let me tell you something; saying that I can't be sad because someone else might have it worse than me is like saying I can't be happy because someone might be in better conditions."

"I mean you get over it after a while, I guess. And if you don't like the way you're living then I recommend you do something to change it."

"Wow such a poet." I try to joke, maybe if I tell myself that I'm okay eventually I'll believe it.

"A wise man once said: good things happen to those who wait; but better things happen to those who get off if their ass and do anything to make it happen."

... for once he said something smart...

"JOSH YOU ARE GREAT! I'LL COME BACK LATER, LOVE YA. YOU'RE THE BEST." I say all in one breath as I kiss his cheek and run back to camp as fast as my skinny legs will allow me.

I get in the Jeep and drive off back to the town where I was yesterday. Nothing will stop me from being happy, not even my own sad existence.

\about an hour later/

Okay, now that I'm in town where could I find the Samoose?

I look for him at his job.
No Sam.

His place?
No Sam.

I poke my head and look through the window in his boyfriend's house.
No Sam.

I look for him in a dating website.
Not the right Sam.

~an hour later 8:00 PM~

After a while I give up and go to the same diner from yesterday.

I see Sam sitting in the booth that's in front of mine. He's eating a very sad looking salad and there are traces of tears on his face.

I get up and walk towards him. I can feel my heart beating faster and faster as I get closer.

"Can I help you? Listen if Lucifer sent you I don't wanna hear it."

"Uh..." What the hell was I thinking? It's not like I can just tell him 'yo I was in your boyfriend's body yesterday and I kind of fell in love with you. Love me back?' ... wait would it work?

I shake the thought out of my mind and realize my mouth is hanging open.

That's it. I'm done for. I can't just come here and ask the guy to love me, he doesn't even know me. I guess I really don't stand a chance. There went my opportunity to be happy...

I can't stop the tears from falling. So here I am just awkwardly standing in front of the love of my life. Cheeks damped, broken sobs. He's gonna think I'm weird but I'm done! He left my life about 20 hours ago.


Oh god... I just made her cry.

"No I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry. It's just that today I had some problems with... an acquaintance of mine, and he usually gets people to do his dirty work. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

I notice she stops crying and looks at me wide eyed, I'm guessing she expected a different reaction.

"Come here, I'm sorry." I say as I pull her into a hug. Everyone needs a hug every once in a while.

Just as I wrap my arms around her tiny body I feel her melt immediately into the hug.


Oh... I thought he'd look at me weird and leave but no.

I melt into his embrace like I did before and everything seems to be perfect for about 30 seconds before he let's me go.

"Do you wanna sit with me? It's not like I'm the most pleasant guy in the whole town but I could use some company." He gives me a warm smile as I wipe my tears and sit across from him.

"You seem to have a sad, my young novocaine."

"Just what I told you about earlier."

"Trouble in paradise?"

"Kind of yeah. But nothing I can't handle. What about you?"

Well I might as well just tell him the partial truth.

"Well you see, I was born with a condition. And I can't seem to hold on to anyone because of my condition, everyone left. Except for this one guy... he was the only one I was willing to jump off of a building for, if he asked me to. And he wouldn't have to ask twice for me to do it. Little did he know about my condition, or the way I felt about him."

"I see. Please go on."

"Not too long ago I figured: this is my chance to be happy. I'm gonna take it while I still can."

"Well, always keep on fighting!"

"Thank you? What's your name again?"

"Sam. Sam Winchester, but you can call me Samsquach." He gives me a warm smile and I can't help but laugh. He liked his nickname after all.

"Will do Samsquach. You know I should get going I left something back at home. Thank you so much."

"No problem? What's your name again?" He says with a smirk on his face. "I just did an impression of you."
"Did you?" I chuckle a little. "The name's Gabe, my young novocaine."
He gives me a strange look, but he's still smiling. Maybe it's the nut stuck on my front teeth from the protein bar.

"Well if you ever need something..." He stops mid sentence to write something on a napkin.

'[email protected]'

"My brother made it for me when I was 11, and I kind of got used to it so I didn't get a new one."

"Cool brother you got there, thank you. I'll text you as soon as I get home."

We hug one last time before I'm able to ever see him again.

"So long my young novocaine."


*looks for Dean with pie in hand*
"I baked you a pie!"

*Dean comes out of his hiding spot with neon pink nails, an Elsa wig, and hooker makeup*

"I'm a painted whore Cas..."

"I think you look quite lovely. "

"You really think so?"

"Absolutely. Now do you want some pie, De?"

"What type of pie?" *suspiciously looks at Cas*

"Pecan pie."


"Better not do something bad, or else I'll slap your rear."

"I wouldn't mind being the babysitter tonight." *wink*

"I thought you always were the babysitter..."

"You know what? Blow me, Cas."

"Perhaps after the pie."


I get back and Josh is back at the camp holding the protein bars.

"Where were you?"

"Sorry I simply needed to do something."

"Well just because you did that I'm eating all the protein bars."

"Suit yourself. I'm not even hungry and I'm going to sleep."

"Whatever. Just don't slap me in the morning again."

"Don't worry, I won't." I tell him as I get inside the tent and change to pajamas again.

I lay on the sleeping bag, outside of the tent,as I repeat in my head Sam's email over and over again.

This time I'm anxious to fall asleep. I can't wait for another day. Hopefully the next person will have a computer or something with internet.

I look up to the sky and see the stars and the moon and I know that somewhere not too far from me my young Moose is watching the same moon.

The moon sees him, the moon sees me. Together, apart. Wherever we may be.

I finally close my eyes and drift off to sle--

I tried doing something fancy but failed. Anyways... see y'all next Wednesday, my fellow fandomists... and phandomist. Also suggestions, and comments are all appreciated.

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