Chapter 2
Huh. That's new. Lucifer is never ready by the time I call him and he usually convinces me to wait for him an eternity. But I'm glad I won't have to wait a billion years this time.
When I hear his front door open I get out of the car and open the passenger door. Then I turn around and...
"Is that my flannel?"
"Uh... what? Oh I just thought it would be nice to surprise you."
"By wearing my own clothes I left at your place last week?"
"Well why'd ya leave them here to begin with?" I can feel the heat crawl up my neck. Does he not remember we had the sex last week?
"You know why I left them, Satan"
"Oh is that so?"
I think he remembers cause he just gave me the most suggestive wink. I can feel the blood rushing to my face as I blush; he's not usually like this... wonder what got into him.
Oh lord. Did I do something wrong? He looks red and confused, like a confused tomato... I must have done something wrong.
What's his name? Maybe if I act more like Lucifer he'll just brush it off.
I access Satan's memories and ah-ha.
Sam Winchester. Hmm considering his contact for Sam is "baby" I guess he must be cheesy so I try to access his memory one last time to find his nickname for Sam aaaannd... can't find it, the not-me part of the body doesn't always give me everything I need. I think I'll just have to make wild guesses.
"What's wrong, Samantha? Did the cat eat your tongue?" Noooo that was a bad call. He just gave me a bitch face that could kill in seconds if it was an actual weapon.
"Just shut up." He slightly chuckles and drives off.
\*\*\ 20 minutes l8r/*/*/
It was a long awkward and silent drive. When he finally pulls up he turns to look at me
"What's gotten into you?"
Shit. How do I respond?
"I just felt like trying something new, that's all." I shrug and try to read his face, it's gotten kinda easy to read emotions by now but I can't read his face... what is he thinking?
He was acting different. I liked it but, what was the reason behind it? Lucifer wasn't one to change over night.
I try to ignore these new details about him but it's hard to. I just wanna know what's going in that mind of his.
Ah yes. I finally found the beehive. Time to show it to Dean.
*walks towards Dean with the beehive*
"Dean, look what I found!"
"hOlY sHiT CAS!"
"Lucifer. Why are you acting like that?"
"Like what?"
"I don't know... you never give me nicknames. You care less about our dates, up to the point of making me wait like 2 hours for you to get ready. You've told me several times that I should dress differently and now here you are wearing my clothes."
"Well, Samsquatch, maybe that can change for today. Or does it make you uncomfortable?"
"Why only today?"
"Okay that's enough Meghan Trainor for you." I laugh at his cheesy reference, wasn't he full of surprises today.
Only if he knew I wasn't kidding.
We walk for a while until we get to the restaurant that they usually eat at. It's actually really nice, it's vintage themed. With a jukebox on each booth, 25 cents to play a song.
After a while the waitress comes and we order. Sam gets a salad and I get a double polar burger with bacon, a cherry cola and chocolate ice cream.
"Whatever happened to your diet..." I hear Sam say under his breath.
"Are you calling me fat?!?!" I tell him as serious as possible but really I just wanted to joke a little.
I can't help but laugh and after a while he just calls me a jerk and laughs along with me.
Once we're done eating and already payed the check we leave. I can't help but notice a candy store on the corner of the street. I grab Sam's hand and start running towards it and I can hear Sam laughing.
Once we're there I find a bag and fill it with lots and lots of candy and Sam is just looking at me in awe
"What, my little moose?"
"Not even gonna question it." He simply and genuinely laughs. Not the kind of laugh that lasts 10 seconds but the laugh that makes you throw your head back and shake your whole body cause whatever just happened was actually funny and/or unexpected. And once he's done laughing he's just smiling at me.
Sam has one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life. It understood you just so far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself. I can't stop the urge to kiss him. And I kiss him desperately until we both run out of air and we hear a couple kids all go "EW. THEY WERE KISSING!" And he and I just laugh until our eyes lock
"Let me take you somewhere nice." I say without thinking about it twice, I'm just in a trance. I can't help but feel like I need to give this boy the world.
I see hesitation on his face before he nods. I take the keys from him and make the moose run once again towards the car. I have to adjust the driver's seat due to his legs being longer than Lucifer's but I finally get it right before I start the engine.
I drive for about 2 hours while singing 'heat of the moment.' For some reason Sammy hates it, but he says it's better than stairway to heaven... wonder what does he have against those songs, such an uncultured swine.
By the time we're starting to arrive to at a forest it's already 5 PM and the sun is setting down. I've always enjoyed this view. How do I know about this place? Easy, I was in a date here three months ago, and this is where I come if the person who's life I'm borrowing doesn't have anything important to do. I pull up in the middle of the forest where there's a giant wall of pine trees leaving a circle empty, which gives us some privacy, and that's where I park.
"Okay, Satan, I've seen this one too many times and there's no way in hell I'm gonna get murdered in a forest by my boyfriend. So your ass better not try anything."
"No worries, Samsquach. I'd never do anything like that to you." I pull out a lollipop from the bag and put it in my mouth before getting out and sitting on the hood of Sammy's car. And he follows my steps. Soon enough we're both just laying on the hood of his car while admiring the stars. Even if it's silent there's no awkwardness, it's peaceful and perfect until Sam breaks the silence.
"Is it just me or the stars are shining brighter tonight?"
"Elementary, my young Moose." I laugh then turn my face so I'm facing him and... oH MY STARS IS THAT A HINT OF LUST IN HIS EYES?!?
He looks beautiful under the moonlight tonight. I can't help but go for a kiss. At first I can tell he's surprised but then starts kissing back. But that's not enough, I crave for more. So I deepen the kiss and soon enough our hands are traveling down each other's body. Once we pull away we're panting. Not sure if it's for the lack of breath or the sexual frustration. There's only one way to find out... I see a lustful grin playing on his lips and I can't help but bite my lip.
He starts kissing my neck and we're starting to slowly unsubconsciously take off our clothes as Lucifer kisses my jaw and my neck, trying hard not to break apart from me as much as possible. Then he begins unbuckling my pants and brings his mouth over to
"Because My Little Pony is on."
*Cas shoots Dean a death glare*
"You know what? Imma go get the popcorn, baby, I'll be back."
"That's more like it." *Cas keeps on watching My Little Pony*
"Damned if you do, damned if you don't."
I look at Sam. We were in the middle of something but then it started to rain so we had to get back in the car so we don't catch a cold.
After just staring at each other I can't stop myself from laughing. The fact that we had almost done the nasty and then it starts raining out of nowhere. May the odds be forever against me. He laughs along with me.
After a while we hit the road again. He falls asleep while I drive. But that's okay, I'll just avoid the holes so he sleeps fine.
Two hours later I'm in front of Lucifer's home. I wake Sammy up to say goodbye because I'll probably never get the chance to feel this close to someone ever again. Just as I'm about to close the door he grabs my hand.
"Can I sleep with you tonigh?"
"Whatever floats your boat, Moose."
He turns off the engine and locks the car before walking inside Lucifer's house with me. And once we're in the room I can't help but eat another lollipop. Sam just shakes his head but he's still smiling.
We took off our clothes and shoes. So now we're just lying in bed, skin to skin. Every inch of the body I'm borrowing is tingling at even the slightest touch of the boy laying next me. I cuddle into his chest, inhaling his scent. It's intoxicating and I just can't get enough of it. It's relaxing, I don't want to go to sleep because I know that when I wake up I won't be with this boy. The one who I dare to say that I've fallen for.
I refuse to close my ey-
Well this is more fun than expected. Did any of you get the references?
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