Chapter 16

Gabriel P.O.V

I am abruptly awoken by a loud screeching noise. It was the alarm this... asshole set up. I open one single eye and attempt to reach the phone and turn off the alarm. It finally stops and I go back to my peaceful slumber.

Not even five minutes passed and there it is again, louder than before. I let out a loud groan, and turn it off again.

Barely ten minutes passed and a tornado siren starts going off. I lurched up and I was ready to bolt outta here then I notice the phone's screen... IT WAS ANOTHER GOD FORSAKEN ALARM.

I let out a loud grunt and finally turn it off. I check the phone for any more surprise alarms and there I see a reminder, 'audition today!'

"Well should've said that earlier.." I say under my breath and I hear another voice come across from the room, "who are you talking to?"

My heart skips a beat at the sudden jumpscare. I turn around and see a dollop of sheets and pillows just laying on the futon across from mine.

I let out a loud sigh and hold a hand on my chest, just feeling my heartbeat slow down back to normal, "just myself." I respond after a few seconds.

"Okay." I hear the grumpy girl voice again.

I make my way through the boxes of pizza, the containers of Chinese food and the dirty clothes just to get to the bathroom. It's so small I suddenly feel claustrophobic. I take a shower and shave the beard because, audition. I need to look presentable. Audition for what, is the question.

I come out smelling like spring flowers because this dude apparently can't buy his own bathroom products.

I walk back through the overstuffed path that has been made and stop in front of the mini wardrobe next to my futon. I thoroughly look for something appropriate to wear but there's only ripped shirts and shorts with food stains. I let out a grunt, then I hear sheets rustling. I turn around and see the roommate struggling to get up.

When she finally manages to liberate herself from the sheets, she stretches and rolls her eyes, "You're such a baby, Eugene." She gets up and walks over to a smaller room only to come with a pair of syrup brown pants folded over one arm and in the other hand she's holding a pastel baby blue dress shirt on a hanger. She hands them over to me with an intense stare. "Did you leave your bag ready?" She questioned.

I wasn't sure if Eugene did or didn't, so I just looked around unsure. She let out a sigh, "do I have to do everything for you?" She went around the room and picked up a folder and stuffed it into one of those messenger bags... I have a man purse!

She turned around and looked at me, "well what are you doing standing there? Go get changed!" She gestured towards the door with an annoyed expression. So bossy...

I make my way back to the bathroom through the crowded path, noticing a few different items now. Some random boxes from amazon, movies, little plastic soldiers over some books, a rusty spoon, but what stood up the most was one of those ships in a bottle sitting by the wall outside the bathroom.

I finally get in and close the door behind me, noticing the four feet tall mirror that was on the door. I take a second to look at the vessel, "do you even lift bro?" I talk to the reflection and wait for a response until I realize that I'm talking to myself.

I put on the shirt first then I grab the pants and stare at them, if they're pleated I will screech at this boy's lack of fashion sense. Once I get them on and tuck the shirt in, I see that they're plain front pants and relax a bit. You can't go to an audition looking like a clown.

I come out of the bathroom and spot the girl searching for something within the messy floor.

"Have you seen your new pair of socks?" She asks without looking up. I access the memories and gather anything that could be helpful for today.

"Yes, I think they're in my drawer." I respond because that's the last place Eugene saw them. I also know now that the girl's name is Christine.

She nods and stands back up, "well put them on, I'll got get your shoes." She returns to the small room, that I assume is a walk-in closet, and I go over to my drawer to get the socks. I neatly put them on as she returns with a pair of tan Oxford shoes. I reach for them and once I've finally put those on I think my outfit is ready.

I stand up and pat my shirt to make sure it doesn't have wrinkles. Christine grabs my man purse and hands it to me, "the script is in there,  your resume, and the headshots as well. I put your wallet in there too, and some mints. Ooh and a water bottle." She checks to make sure and passes me my phone that was still charging next to my futon.

"Okay I think that's all I need. Thank you." I give her a small smile.

She pulls me down into a hug which is interesting because she can't be taller than 5'4 and Eugene is 6'2. "Good luck." She whispers softly before breaking the hug but still holds my face. She kisses my forehead and puts a fedora on me.

Well she surely cares. I nod and smile again, "thanks."

"Go before you're late." She smiles back and pushes me out, then closes the door behind me.

I take a deep breath and access the memories to find the directions to wherever the fuck I'm going. After a few seconds I start walking to the metro station.  

Dean P.O.V

Here I sit. Reading the news paper while some jazz plays in the background. In walks my dearly beloved husband, Castiel. Who is holding a fucking cat even though he knows I'm fucking allergic.

"Good day my love." He greets me warmly, with a voice as pure as sugar.

"Good morning handsome." I smile at him and take the newspapers off my lap and pull him closer and set him there instead. "You look gorgeous this fine morning-" I compliment him, "radiant even."

He smiles sweetly at me and kisses my temple, "why yes, my handsome husband, for I am in a very good mood. I come to ask you for something, my heart's truest wish." He flutters his beautiful blue eyes.

"Anything you want, angel face. Your wish is my command." I cup his cheek.

"I want a baby!" He smiles from ear to ear and that's when I'm pulled back into reality.

"What did you just say?" I shake my head, trying to wake up from this nightmare.

"I said I want a baby!" He repeats himself.

Well son of a b-

Gabriel P.O.V

I'm sitting in one of the most empty cars and it's kind of scary because on the other side there's this hobo and behind me is a lady painting her toenails. Sister, that shade of pink is ugly.

I take out the phone and log onto my email.

[email protected]
Sammi-qui! Love me!
[email protected]
Don't call me that. So what's new?
[email protected]
Nothing much. I'm just on my way to make history! That and there's this hobo who happens to be staring at me.
[email protected]
...sounds great. Also, yesterday.
[email protected]
Ahahaha... nice meal. Thanks
[email protected]
You were flirting with me but as my brother and that wasn't okay. Do you know how strange that felt?
[email protected]
That was the point my young novocaine.
[email protected]
You suck.
T[email protected]
No. I blow. *sexy brow wiggle*
S[email protected]
I'm done with you and your "sexy brow wiggle" anyways. I should probably get back to work

[email protected]
Ah yes. Those traumatic experiences won't make themselves, am I right? You go scare some children, I'll be here... being watched by a hob- oh never mind he just got off.
[email protected]
Remind me how did we become friends again?
[email protected]
I don't know but I have this theory that you were high when I explained my life to you because you took it rather well. Didn't even ask extra questions!
[email protected]
Perhaps I inhaled some of those funny gases ya know haha
[email protected]
Yeah okay. Whatever you say Sammi-qui.
[email protected]
Don't call me that. Okay for real this time, I have to go. Bye babe.
[email protected]
Oh let me guess. It was a typo right?
[email protected]
[email protected]

I finally give up and put the phone away and notice that I have a fair 40 minutes before I reach my stop so taking the script out would be smart.

"Blah blah blah dark fufufu trapped. Searching yada yada yada." And that's how the next 30 minutes go by.  

Castiel P.O.V

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Gabriel P.O.V

I finally get off the metro and start walking downtown where there should be a theatre.

"Fans..." I mutter some of the lines to myself. "...regret." and that's when I finally reach the small building. Scary... it looks as if it is abandoned because of the sign that happens to be in a bad state, and the paint is peeling off. 

I take out the water bottle and take a big sip. I was probably an alcoholic in my past life... hehehe ahem. I think I just heard something crumble down.

I walk in and look around. The place looks dark and lonely. Though I suppose the AC doesn't work because it's hot as hell. That or I'm just nervous.

Either way, it was still a somber room. There were at least another 5 people in the room. I quietly sat down and played with a small thread that was loose from my man purse.

Just a few seconds pass by and this girl comes out, pale and sweaty. "That certainly looks promising." I whisper under my breath. Behind the girl comes out this woman holding a clipboard.

She looks over at me and fixes her glasses, "did you just come in?"

"Yes ma'am." I do my best to keep my voice from quivering. She was just very intimidating.

"Do you have your resume and headshots? Or are you another slackin' childish actor wannabe?"

I gulped the knot that was forming in my throat. Fuck she was scary. "I have it ma'am." I quickly open my man purse and look through the papers, handing over the required documents.

She looks at them and looks back up at me with a pleased expression. She grabbed one of the audition sheets from her clipboard and handed it to me along with a pen.

I quickly take the items and with that she walks over to one of the other five and walks them down to another room I suppose.

I look down at the sheet I just got.

Name: Eugene Calloway.
Email: [email protected]
Hair color: -uh... I don't know.

I look up and pull a strand of hair and try to look at it when a lady sitting across from me speaks up, "male in his twenties. Appears to be in good health, aside from a couple mental issues. Normal complexion. Mix of ectomorph and mesomorph body type. Smooth jawline. Remarkable eyes, though he has a case of heterochromia, beautiful colors by the way. Easily elicited and not adapted to his surroundings judging by the wide eyes. Or perhaps you're just surprised. Either way, hi! I'm Isabelle Montgomery." She extends a hand, and I'm forced to shake it.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Eugene." I say with a small smile. "How did you do that?"

She looks at me with a smile and winks at me, which was hard to see since I can barely see her eyes through the huge sunglasses that cover most of her face.

She crosses her legs, though it looks annoying and uncomfortable, her skirt seems to be cutting her legs mid thigh, and let's out a fake ass laugh. "Oh sweetie," she playfully smacks my arm with the hand that was holding her feather boa, "thirty years of acting can teach you how to read certain characters."

I nod and look back down at the sheet. Hair color.. I look up at the strand that was still just lazily hanging on my forehead. I look back at the paper and write down 'jet black.'

Eye color, fucking hell I didn't pay enough attention to the vessel this morning.

I take out his phone and go on the camera. After a fair minute or so I finally write down 'two different colors. Crystal green and dark brown.'

Alright, progress. Height: 6'2... I'm assuming.
Gender: Male
Age: 21

Role you're auditioning for: Toni Sponer.

God this is so long.. 

Some stress later

After a few minutes I'm finally done. I'm the last person to go. They asked Isabelle to leave because she was too old for any of the roles so I'm lonely.

I feel as if I'm forgetting something... I have no time to wonder as the scary lady comes in and looks down at me, "it's your turn." She stands by the door.

"Alright." I take a sip of the water and spit out a piece of gum I had been chewing since Isabelle left.

Through the doors we go. What I didn't expect was the door to lead a long ass corridor.

What I didn't expect was for the long ass corridor to lead to the stage.

Once I'm in, the spotlights have blinded me. I stand on the center, facing the directors, and introduce myself.

"I'll be auditioning for the role of Toni." I say with all the confidence that God granted me.

"Alright. Sarah, get the dummy." A man in the middle gestures at the scary woman.

Sarah puts her clipboard down and drags a dummy out from behind the stage and leaves it in front of me, then returns to her spot.

"Alright. Whenever you're ready, son." A woman calls out from the table of scary people. Since the light is in my eyes, all I can see is very intimidating shadows.

And then everything goes quiet.

I take a deep breath and stare at the dummy. Every day I pretend to be someone I'm not. This isn't any different.

I slowly start walking towards the edge of the stage, looking down so the fedora casts a shadow over my face. "The world is dark, and I have definitely left my mark." I begin reciting my lines.

"I'm trapped in my own mind
There's something I'm searching to find, but its not there." I look up at the silhouette of whoever is in the middle.

"None of it is fair. I'm too weak to say no. So perhaps I'll just go.."

"There's blood on my hands." I look over to the body laying in the middle of the stage and then back at the silhouettes, "and even fans-of what I did. I regret it, that is so."

"But there is no way to know if it will be alright, because I'm alone in the night. Trapped in my own mind. Fear surrounding me. No one to help me get over what happened..."

I slowly start walking back to the lifeless body and look down at it, "Consequences are only fair. And I am in great despair. I didnt mean to do it.." I sink to my knees and slump next to the body, "It wasn't my fault. Please don't blame me. It wasn't me, but it was... and I don't know how to explain it but I promise you, I'm innocent."

I take off the fedora and grip it tightly, and allow a single tear to roll down my cheek, "No one will ever understand.. this life is not grand."

Once I look up I notice the lights around me had been dimmed and there was a single spotlight on me.

"We'll give you a call. Thank you for your time mister Calloway." The shadow in the middle calls out as they straighten up some papers.

Sarah grabs my arm and shows me the way out, "think I did good?" I ask softly.

"You did great. I'll see you in a few weeks." She smiled at me and let go of my arm once we were back in the waiting room. I grabbed a piece of gum and furiously chewed it. I felt anxious. And I wasn't completely sure why.

I took a deep breath and finally got out. I tried to fix my wrinkled fedora and put that sucker back on. I made my way back to the apartment where Christine was waiting on her futon with a lost expression. She seemed to be deep in thought.

Just as I closed the door she snapped back into reality, "well?" She looked at me with big eyes.

"They said they'd call me." I smiled sheepishly at her.

She let out a loud squeal and started jumping, "Eugene that's great; I'm so proud of you!" She skipped over to me and hugged me tight.

"Thank you! I'm glad they liked my performance." I giggled softly. She really cares.

"Glad?!? Genie, you should be ecstatic!!" She looked at me surprised.

"I am. But I'm also mildly shocked!" I chuckled and looked down at her.

"Well that's alright." She smiled up at me and let out a gasp, "we need to celebrate."

"Chrissy, they just said I'd get a call  back. We don't know for sure if I got the role..." I look down. I don't know why but I felt... insecure.

"Pfft. Nonsense, we'll go to your favorite pizza place and order their best pizza!!" She smiled wide and bright. And that made me smile.


"Great." She went to get ready. We'll today was certainly a roller-coaster of emotions.

I'M ASHAMED OF HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TO WRITE THIS. JESUS. Shout out to Jupiter, who helped me with all of this. Til next year my fellow fandomists. *jokes about how long this all takes me* right I almost forgot. A special thanks to me son who created the monologue for Gabe without even knowing it
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