Chapter 13. Time for a wedding.
Part 1
Took a lot of begging but at the end I finally got Gabe to be my plus one at the wedding. And all it took was a small promise of 5 pounds of candy. Guess we're going to Costco later.
As I'm watching a few girl friends of Dean put some makeup on him, and him just murmuring how he's a painted whore in his hotel room, because apparently it's still tradition that they must not see each other until the wedding, even if they're both guys, I take out my phone and text Gabe.
[email protected]
What's shakin bacon?
[email protected]
Please don't ever attempt to be cool again.
[email protected]
Fine it was worth the try. Be sure to be there at around 4 if you want a good seat.
[email protected]
Will do, my young novocaine.
I put my phone back in my pocket just in time to catch Dean pulling a sour face like if he just bit into a lemon.
"So uh are you two sure this isn't too much makeup?" Dean whines for what seems to be the millionth time.
"Yes, Dean. This isn't too much, plus you only get to get married once, you must look perfect." The blonde girl responds with a sigh and a resting bitch face that I applaud. Her brunette friend just nods her head in agreement.
"Yeah, Dean, you look fine stop being a jerk." I join into the conversation shortly after.
"Shut up you bitch." He responds with with a smile forming on his face.
I roll my eyes and laugh while taking out my phone again.
[email protected]
Dean can be so meticulous.
[email protected]
Well then I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree *cough you're the same cough* :)
[email protected]
-_- Gabe you should see a doctor about that cold before I rip out your lungs in a failed attempt to help you. Plus when have I payed so much attention to how I look and stuff?
[email protected]
The week after we made up. You were literally checking your reflection on every glass window on our way to the café.
[email protected]
In my defense I was trying to impress you.
[email protected]
Whatever you say Samoose haha
"Sam who ya texting? Is it that girl that stayed over for dinner a couple months ago?" Dean calls from where he's sitting.
I blush slightly and shake my head.
"Come on Sam you know you can tell me who it is. Is it your plus one?" Dean continues poking the subject.
"Yes Dean, it is my plus one. So what?" I chuckle in an attempt to play it cool .
Dean throws his arms up in a defeated manner "I was just trying to get involved."
"Well just calm down, you'll meet them today." I laugh half heartedly.
"Fine. So how do I look?" He says as he checks his reflection on the mirror.
"You look great, Dean. I'm glad you gave this whole love thing a chance. Now look at you-" I throw my arms in his direction "-all suited up and ready to rock and roll!" I offer him a genuine smile.
"C'mere you giant girl." He walks towards me, with a big smile plastered on his face, and pulls me down to a hug.
We end it with a pat on the back and a small laugh shared.
"Well we should get going or else Cas is going to get mad at me for being late to my own wedding. I bet the limo is already waiting outside."
Dean's brunette friend comes in through the door with her hands on her waist with a look that screams "100% done"
"Bingo, Winchester. Now let's go!" She exclaims and pushes us out the room and all the way to the limo.
"This ain't no time to get cold feet, Dean." She continues to push even when Dean loses his balance and nearly face plants.
"Now get in there!" She shouts at us and we quickly do as we're told.
Some time later
When we get to the chapel, everything looks like a winter wonderland. There's snow everywhere and inside the chapel it looks very warm and cozy due to the light coming in through the windows.
"Great day to get married, huh?" I throw a smile in Dean's direction.
"I know right?!" He replies without taking his eyes off of the view.
As we get closer I get a clearer view, although it looks like an open-air structure, the chapel is glass-enclosed, the large skylight makes a natural ornamentation lighting effect throughout the chapel.
"Sam! Sammy! Samantha! Glad you could make it!" Lucifer begins annoying me from the door of the chapel. So much for wonderland.
"I'll leave you two alone." Dean quickly scurried away. Traitor.
"Of course I'm here, Lucifer, I'm the best man why in the world would I miss this?" I roll my eyes and stand next to him to greet the guests that are just arriving.
"Oh true! I forgot to do it!" He taps his head with his hand.
I let out a sigh, cause I know he wants me to ask what. Might as well get it out of the way already. "What did you forget?" I look at him with a bitch face.
"Forgot to cut the cables in your car!" He says it like he forgot to feed the cat, with such ease and carelessness.
"Dude you're a friggin psychopath." I actually shift away from him, now he really scares me.
"It's not like you didn't know. Aw come on Samantha, have some sense of humor. Joke a little!" He punches my arm playfully and I just fake a laugh.
"Well hello hot stuff." A guy not shorter than 5'11 comes up to greet. Possibly Gabe.
His bold blue eyes are the first thing that call my attention, they gleam with the soft light that's coming from inside the chapel.
"Uh hello. Welcome to another boring ceremony." Satan breaks the small silence that I wasn't even aware of.
"Yes thank you.-" he pulls a disgusted expression but it's gone just as fast as it came once he turns back to me. "-Well I guess I'll see you around, my young novocaine." And I was correct, it was Gabe, as he walks away I can't help but stare.
His vessel has the physique of an athlete and his tux helps accentuate his figure very well.
"Staring is bad, Sam." Satan brings me back to reality.
"Mind your own business, Lucifer." I say with an exasperated tone.
"Fine fine." He finally shuts up.
"Am I interrupting something?" I hear a familiar voice come from behind us.
We turn around and to our delight, it is Gabriel Novak. "Not at all brother dear." Lucifer gives him a quick hug and a pat on the back.
"I didn't know you'd be coming." I speak as I shake his soft, and tender hand.
"Well if I didn't then who would walk Cassie down?" With a smirk and a wink he let's go of my hand. Which of course infuriates Satan.
"Well you should get going then. Don't wanna make Cassie late to his own wedding." Lucifer pushes him towards the door.
He holds on to the door frame and quickly turns to me, "will I see you later, Sam?"
"Of course." With a smile and a wave he finally goes inside and we're all ready to go.
Some time later
Dean is waiting at the altar with a steel blue suit and satin gray bowtie. You can tell he looks anxious by the way his hands fidget and he keeps lightly brushing his hand over his hair.
When the orchestra begins playing I take Gabriel's arm and take a deep breath, for the biggest moment of my life is about to happen.
"I don't understand why you chose an ashy blue suit... it doesn't compliment your eyes nearly as much as a royal blue would have." Gabe begins judging at the worst time.
"First of all, it's blue-gray not ashy blue. Second of all this is the worst moment possible for you to start judging."
"Alright Cassie don't get mad, just saying." He raises his free hand in surrender and looks back at me with a shit eating grin.
"Well stop "just sayin' " and walk me to my man!" I hiss at him.
"Okay okay... damn so bossy all the time. You control freak." He finally shuts up.
When the doors open my heart is pounding and I feel funny tickles inside me.
We start walking towards the altar, and as we get closer I can start to make out Dean's beautiful features, his apple green eyes shining ever so bright, the wrinkles that form on his eyes when he smiles big and proud, his flashing smile that still makes me swoon, and his smooth features. This is the man that I fell in love with ten years ago; and this is the man I am marrying today.
Just as Gabriel begins handing me over Dean starts crying and I can't help but smile at his girly mannerisms.
We finally step on the behalf of a friend who got the certificate just to be able to marry us.
"We gather here to unite these two people in marriage.-" he commences. "-Their decision
to marry has not been entered into lightly and today they publicly
declare their private devotion to each other. The essence of this
commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lover,
companion, and friend. A good and balanced relationship is one in
which neither person is overpowered nor absorbed by the other, one
in which neither person is possessive of the other, one in which
both give their love freely and without jealousy.
Marriage, ideally, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and dreams.
It takes a special effort to grow together, survive hard times, and be
loving and unselfish." Lord this is taking long.
"Do you both pledge to share your lives openly with one another, and
to speak the truth in love? Do you promise to honor and tenderly
care for one another, cherish and encourage each other, stand
together, through sorrows and joys, hardships and triumphs for all
the days of your lives?" The officiant asks.
"We do." Dean and I say I'm unison
"Do you pledge to share your love and the joys of your marriage with
all those around you, so that they may learn from your love and be
encouraged to grow in their own lives?" He asks once again.
"We do." This is getting repetitive...
"May these rings be blessed as a symbol of your union. As often as
either of you look upon these rings, may you not only be reminded of
this moment, but also of the vows you have made and the strength of
your commitment to each other." Oh Lord the vows.
"Well I just wanna start off by saying that I will attempt to make this as manly as possible because we all know that I hate chick flick.-"
"DEAN YOU LOVE CHICK FLICK!" I hear Sammy shout from within the crowd.
"SHUT UP SAMMY DON'T YOU SEE I'M TRYING TO HAVE A HEART FELT MOMENT?!? Okay no he's right I do love chick flick." I chuckle at how much he knows me.
"Alright. So I want to start off by reminding you that if you wouldn't have taken a chance on that one troubled guy back in our sophomore year we wouldn't be here today. To say the least I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for you, I'd probably be in jail or something. So I wanna thank you for showing compassion and loving me through my bullcrap. I also wanna thank you for allowing me to spend the rest of my life no longer as an individual but rather being a part of you and you a part of me. And I promise I will suck my pride up and always do you right." Lord I myself am a chick flick.
"So with this ring, Castiel Novak, I promise to be loyal to you, always bring humor, love, and happiness to our home and just be there even when things seem to be crumbling down." I said as I flawlessly slid the ring onto his finger. And I swear I heard Charlie squeal in the background.
It was Cas' turn to speak and I had a feeling he had no idea what to say.
"In February 14th of our junior year-" He started. "-I asked you to be my Valentine. And you looked very puzzled and asked me why. That day you told me you had nothing to offer me, but in fact you did. You brought humor and happiness to my life," We both smiled at the memory and I heard Charlie squeal again.
"In our senior year, you took me to the fair. I've always known that you were afraid of heights and yet you took me to the ferris wheel. At the very top you looked at me and told me that you didn't have luxuries, or a very bright future to offer me and that all you could possibly give me was your heart. This broke me, because you are by far the most perfect man I've ever known and yet you could never see your own worth, Dean Winchester. That day I told you to shut up and kiss me. Because I couldn't picture this day with anyone else, i made a vow to love you, protect you, and ultimately marry you.-" I might as well start crying again you know.
"-So now I make a vow to you. With this hand-" he lifts up his right hand "-I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty for I will be your wine. With the flashlight in my phone, I will light your way into darkness. With this ring-" he grabs the other ring, "-I ask you to be mine."
As soon as I figured he had gotten the last part from a Tim Burton movie, the ring was already shining proudly on my hand.
"I declare you uh... husband and husband. You may now kiss the man." Said the officiant. And here we were, just holding each other tightly, refusing to let go. I'm afraid that if I let him go he'll vanish and I will wake up from a sweet dream into a sour reality.
But here we were. Cas was real, this was real, my dreams were real now.
Everyone clapped and cheered and whistled. Yes I was now a married man.
"Well Castiel Winchester, how do you do?" I stared lovingly at my husband.
"Well I feel like I have the world on a string, sitting on a rainbow, my love." He smiled and kissed me sweetly with his tender lips.
Let's just hope I don't get too drunk tonight.
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